Today is January 15. The Guide had recommended that all items that contain
malt,  for which the dating code is not known, may be purchased assuming
that the malt is Yoshon up to the purchase date of Jan.  15. Starting
today,  one should seek confirmation that the malt is Yoshon. (Note,  as
mentioned in the Guide, that malt in baking flour,  is not a problem
according to some poskim.)

Liebers pretzels may contain Chodosh malt.  We expect more details about
this within the next few days.

B'Gan/Eden breaded cauliflower is Yoshon.

Kineret brownies are Yoshon.

Pride of the Farm cookies and Cream ice cream is Yoshon.

Items produced under the hashgocho of Chug Chasam Sofer of Bnei Brak are
Yoshon,  even if produced outside  of Israel,  for example,  Turkey.
(Note,  this applies only to this hashgocho from Bnei Brak)

The Guide incorrectly stated that items from wheat or oats produced in
Canada are Yoshon at least up to Sept 22. This is not correct.

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