Yoseph Herman, 6 Feb 17


About 3 weeks ago we were informed by a mashgiach that matzos under his
hashgocho are made from a combination of winter and spring wheat,
contradicting our assumptions generated from the inception of the Guide to
Chodosh that matzos are always exclusively from winter wheat making it
Yoshon. This surprise led to a flurry of preliminary research. The research
showed that indeed the winter wheat over the last several years has been
declining in protein level. Therefore, even some items that used to be made
exclusively from winter wheat now need to have some added spring wheat to
make the product satisfactory. That revelation seemed to overturn one of
the basic assumptions that have always been used by the Guide. That
assumption was that, with some known exceptions, items such as cakes,
cookies, matzos, crackers, pretzels and other such “crunchy” and easy to
break products use only winter wheat and are Yoshon. At that point, we had
no idea how far reaching are the consequences of this change and whether
mashgichim who have been giving Yoshon hashgochos have been aware of this
change. Therefore, we felt that our responsibility to the Yoshon-observant
public that is relying on us, mandates that we issue a warning of possible
unexplored Chodosh problems with items such as matzos, flour, pretzels,
some cakes and cookies. These are all items that used to use only winter

Hard work by kashrus organizations and other sources, and our further
research has now led us to conclusion that we can now cautiously  cancel
that warning. It is indeed true that many matzos, both machine and hand
matzos, are made from spring wheat as well as the usual winter wheat.
However, all the matzo bakeries we had contacted that do add spring wheat
are making sure that the spring wheat is Yoshon (either by storing from the
past year, or by using spring wheat from those few areas where the planting
takes place before pesach.) Regarding other foods, for those with a Yoshon
hashgocho, it would seem that the mashgichim had probably taken this
potential winter wheat problem into account.

Therefore, at this point we are cancelling our alert. BE”H we believe that
the listings in the Guide to Chodosh have are basically correct (with the
exception of minor ongoing corrections and updates that need to be issued
each year.) Naturally we plan to continue to monitor the Chodosh-Yoshon
scene as we have done in the past. Now we have also been made aware that we
must pay attention to the winter wheat situation as well. If need we will
issue any necessary alerts in this area in the future, as we have done in
the past for other problem areas. We apologize for any inconvenience anyone
experienced over the past several weeks. However, our responsibility to the
public demanded that we issue that alert until we had a chance to clarify
the situation.


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