*From the Guide to Chodosh-Y. Herman*

*Chodosh telephone Hot Line 718-305-5133, email yher...@yahoo.com <mailto:yher...@yahoo.com>*

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It appears that some spam purveyors have stolen my email address and have been sending out questionable mailings as if they were being sent by yher...@earthlink.net <mailto:yher...@earthlink.net>. I apologize if any of you have received such spam. Be assured that they did not come from me. As a result, in a short while I will cancel my Earthlink address. From today on, please address all email intended for Yoseph Herman to my new incoming email address:

yher...@yahoo.com <mailto:yher...@yahoo.com>

You will be receiving email from me from one of two addresses:

yher...@onlymyemail.com <mailto:yher...@onlymyemail.com> or yher...@yahoo.com



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*Wakefern*. The chometz is sold by Rabbi Shmuel Dovid Beck. In addition, Rabbi Beck sells the Chometz at the Shoprite Supermarket at McDonald and Ave I Brooklyn.



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Each year we publish a report “A Survey of the US Grocery Scene With Relevance to Purchase of Chometz After Pesach”. The most recent version of this is ready for you to download free of charge by sending a blank email to ONE of the following:

chom...@moruda.com <mailto:chom...@moruda.com> or

chom...@sefer.org <mailto:chom...@sefer.org>

A printed hard copy of this booklet is available free of charge to be mailed by US surface mail to Rabbonim and mashgichim. To all others, the cost is $1. Please call in you request for the free booklet to the Chodosh Hot Line 718-305-5133, or send the request by email to yher...@earthlink.net <mailto:yher...@earthlink.net>, or mail it to Chometz Report, c/o Y. Herman, 20 Sylvan Road, Monsey, NY 10952. The $1 for those who are not Rabbonim or mashgichim should be sent to the same address.

Please note that this report is not directed at the general public. It is meant to be background reference for rabbonim only. In no case, should this report be used as a final halachic ruling, all halachic questions should be directed to qualified rabbonim and poskim.



The third and final issue for the season of the Guide to Chodosh has been mailed out to paid subscribers. As usual, free copies of this Guide are available by email by sending a blank email message to ONE of the following:


chod...@moruda.com <mailto:chod...@moruda.com>

The following is an addition to the new Guide:

*Kemach* graham cracker pie crust is Yoshon only with a Yoshon label (in Hebrew) on the package. The latest batch is without such label and is Chodosh. Kemach egg noodles without a Yoshon label may be Chodosh

*Grain for Your Brain* rolled oats from Monroe is Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rabbi Gruber.

*Mechel’s* frozen dough products are Yoshon under the Star-K of Baltimore.

*Dependable Foods* is a distributor that provides a broad range of Yoshon products to establishments and institutions. The items listed in the Guide to Chodosh as being Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rabbi Taub, refer to only to the listed items and only under the Dependable label. In addition, Dependable distributes Yoshon bakery flour and other Yoshon items, where the hashgocho for Yoshon is clearly stated on the package. However, caution is advised since Dependable is selling other items as Yoshon without any specific hashgocho for Yoshon, without the verification of the Yoshon status by an independent mashgiach. For the last several years the Guide has been recommending that only items with an hashgocho for Yoshon be used as Yoshon, regardless of how “dependable” the supplier is.




In past years we used the packing date of Dec 15 as the starting date for Chodosh malt. This year, we moved that date up by 2 months to Oct 15. This earlier date is reflected throughout this season’s Guides. Therefore we advised that all items containing malt may be Chodosh if packed on or after Oct 15, or if purchased after Jan 15. Here we explain the rationale of why this year we have been using the earlier date and on what basis are we suggesting to move this date to the old guidelines, to a point 2 months later on the calendar.

_Manufacturers in the USA_ have always claimed and are still claiming that they do not start producing Chodosh malt until Dec 15 or later. However, Canada has experienced unusual problems with their barley crop that has forced some malt manufacturing companies to switch to Chodosh barley for malt produced as early as Oct. 15. It has been verified that at least 2 USA companies have been importing and are using this Canadian company’s malt. These are the cereal company Kellogs and Samuel Adams beer. Since we had no way of accurately determining which other USA manufacturers are also using this malt with the early Chodosh starting date, we have been advising this year that one assume that malt in general starts in USA manufactured foods as of Oct 15.

Since so far we have only verified that two USA companies are using this Canadian malt, we are now suggesting that you consult your Rav or posek and ask if (for products other than Kellogs cereals and Samuel Adams beer) you could apply the usual later dates based upon the following “double doubt” argument (/sfek sfeika of the Rema)/. Many, maybe most, companies located in the USA probably use malt manufactured in the USA. This malt first starts becoming Chodosh after Dec 15. Even if the company in question uses Canadian malt which started becoming Chodosh around Oct 15, maybe the package you have still used old malt left over from before.

If your psak is that you can return to the old Dec 15-Mar 15 rule, then all off the malt dates and dating codes in the Guide may be extended from Oct 15 to Dec 15 (except for Kellogs and Samuel Adams beer) for those products where the dating code is known. For cases where the dating code is not known, you would be able to purchase items that contain malt up to March 15 and assume that it is still Yoshon. These later dates then would apply to malt-containing items such as cookies, crackers, pretzels, cereals and beer.



The Mashgiach’s Guide to Chodosh and Yoshon has been updated and is now available by email or US surface mail. The regular Guide to Chodosh is aimed at consumers. It contains names of foods and establishments and tries to provide guidance about which are Yoshon and which are not. Conversely, the Mashgiach’s Guide contains almost no specific brand name information. Rather, it provides detailed technical information to help the mashgiach provide hashgochos for Yoshon. You are welcome to download a copy of the Mashgiach’s Guide by sending a blank email to ONE of the following addresses:


mashgi...@moruda.com <mailto:mashgi...@moruda.com>

Printed copies of this Guide are available. Rabbonim and mashgichim can request that a copy be mailed to them free of charge via US surface mail by providing their full mailing address by either (1) sending an email request, or (2) recording a message on the Chodosh Hot Line 718-305-5133, or (3) sending a written request to Y. Herman 20 Sylvan Road, Monsey, NY 10952 (make sure that you include a note with your full address and the request for the Mashgiach’s Guide.)

Those who are not rabbonim or mashgichim may order a copy of this Guide by sending $1 plus their full name and address to Y. Herman, 20 Sylvan Road, Monsey, NY 10952


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I encourage you to download the complete PDF version of the new Guide by sending a blank email message to ONE of the following:


chod...@moruda.com <mailto:chod...@moruda.com>

To receive the introductory part of the Guide, the part that has not changed from the first issue, send a blank email to chodosh-in...@sefer.org

The Guide is also available, as usual, from our BBS.


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Those who have access to email can have important corrections and updates sent to their email address automatically. To subscribe to this free service send a blank email message to:

chodosh-subscr...@jif.org.il <mailto:chodosh-subscr...@jif.org.il>

Those who have subscribed last year to the email distribution list do not need to renew this email subscription.


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Project Chodosh is an independent activity, not affiliated with any movement or organization. We thank the Jewish Internet Fund (JIF) for allowing us to use their E mail distribution services. The JIF provides free email and web hosting to Jewish education and outreach organizations. We also thank the sites moruda.com and sefer.org for allowing the public to use E mail to request copies from their facitlites of the Guides to Chodosh and the Mashgichim.

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