On Fri, Sep 12, 2008 at 1:13 PM, Ben Goodger (Google) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> Over the past few weeks, I have been working to improve our browser
> window frames. This includes fixing a number of bugs that we've had
> for a while, consolidating code, and putting us in a better position
> to do certain things like respond to theme changes, etc.
> I've been doing this work under a command line flag, --magic_browzR
> (yes that's an underscore). If you're running dailies as your primary
> browser, please consider adjusting your shortcut to pass in this flag,

Just to clarify, we don't yet produce "nightlies" (or "dailies").  There are
continuous-build snapshots, and you can run your own builds, but there's
nothing that's guaranteed even to launch, much less pass the automated
tests.  It's almost guaranteed that some of them will have horrible
problems.  You can live on the edge, but please be aware that that's what
you're doing. :)

- Pam

> and test and report issues that don't appear when you don't pass the
> flag. When you file an issue, please add the MagicBrowzr label.
> The frames will work on both XP and Vista.
> -Ben
> >

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