Hi all,

Someone from Mozilla is talking about their proposed new security
spec, CSP, today at Stanford.

I'm planning to go; was anyone else from MTV aware of this and hoping
to go? I can send out a summary of the talk afterwards if there's


I have not heard of any discussion of this spec or if we plan to
implement it. Anyone have any thoughts?

-- Dirk

> Title: Shutting Down XSS with Content Security Policy
> Speaker: Sid Stamm, Mozilla
> Abstract:
> The last 3 years have seen a dramatic increase in both awareness and
> exploitation of Web Application Vulnerabilities. 2008 saw dozens of
> high-profile attacks against websites using Cross Site Scripting (XSS)
> and Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) for the purposes of information
> stealing, website defacement, malware planting, etc. While an ideal
> solution may be to develop web applications free from any exploitable
> vulnerabilities, real world security is usually provided in layers.
> We present Content Security Policy (CSP), which intends to be one
> such layer. CSP is a content restrictions policy language and
> enforcement system that allows site designers or server administrators
> specify how content interacts on their web sites. We also discuss the
> long road traveled to a useful policy definition and lessons learned
> along the way to an implementation in Firefox.
> 13 Oct (Tuesday) at 1630 hrs
> Gates 4B (opposite 490)

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