LeaNder wrote:
--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, "Jim Rarey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Barbara,
> I did not post the article you blamed on me and in fact have not
even seen
> or read it.
> Who is your role model, Dan Rather?
> JR


I know I should know Dan Rather since I seem to remember he was
discussed here, but he slipped into deeper layers of my mind by now.

What is my role model?  Can't think of any.

But: Sorry I did not even know who started the topic. Let alone go
back and study the whole affair. Admittedly my response was triggered
by a comment. So it is a rather derivational affair.

sorry no harm meant.


Dan Rather stood next to JFK's car when President
Kennedy had his brains blown all over Dan Rather.
Rather insisted publicly that he saw nothing. The
FBI did not interview Rather. His career at CBS led
quickly to the top because of that.

Jim Rarey posted the plague mice article on 9/15.

New York Daily News -
Mice infected with deadly plague are missing in N.J.
Thursday, September 15th, 2005

NEWARK, N.J. - Authorities are searching for three mice infected with bubonic plague that disappeared from a research laboratory about two weeks ago.

While health experts say the risk to the public is slim to none, the incident highlights ongoing security failures at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey.

The mice went missing from the lab of the Public Health Research Institute, which is located on the UMDNJ campus and conducts bioterrorism research for the federal government

The government will also be conducting bioterrorism
research at George Mason U west of DC. There is no
telling how many universities are similarly infected
already. That should be the point.


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