Characterizing the 400 year Irish genocide and African slave trade and
extermination of American Indians as "bucolic", Niall Ferguson goes on
to blame the fall of every empire in history on Lee Harvey Oswald, and
Osama bin Laden, and the ilk.

In the process, Ferguson gives evidence for a somewhat different
conclusion, that no empire has ever exited the dumpster after going in
there with American exceptionalism, American creative financing(Carroll
Quigley, Bill Clinton's history prof at Georgetown U, who wrote Tragedy
and Hope), or transcendentalist voodoo trickledown T-Rex yellow rain
economics, versus a skeptical zero sum perspective of imminently
historical Robber Barons and Venetian banker clones.

We hope that turns out well this time. Ferguson mentioned Malthus but
not democracy. If cannibal shaman yellowrain makers let their fellow
cannibals down, we might inquire at the oracle of Malthus for instructions.
Malthus could work for innocent, buicolic true believer cannibals, don't you
think? If still bucolic, not alchoholic, then cannibals perceive themselves as
innocent with regard to 3/5 rule for anybody else. That's dangerous for the
rest of the world, considering that the American Empire's dominance was
founded on climbing into that dumpster from which no other empire has
ever emerged. I guess you can say we are the first prototype that converts
weakness into strength, if you like empire, versus democracy.

Evidently climbing into the dumpster is not the problem. Ferguson might
want to take a look at those Cole paintings again. Do they enfranchise the
Irish, indians, and blacks at all stages, or have we been missing the 3/5
Invisible Man in the picture?

Maybe there is an implication that first one needs empire, probably for security
reasons like when President Obama went to Ghana and proffered loans to buy
genmod terminator cash crop monoculture genocide, and AFRICOM school of
the coups as foreign security guards for foreign money and a securitized bread
basket. Or would that be colonialism, can anybody tell? First security, then
Malthus(physiognomy and phrenology), and perhaps a word about democracy
one day, not sure.


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