MYSTERY FINALLY SOLVED: HOW Bushco Will Get Away With It All.
Watch this explanation on the Obama "Ignore It All" Philosophy.

Well, for me  this is the last straw.

The Congress has shown itself to truly be the two headed rat....Bushco
committed the crimes, Pelosi protected them while in office, Congress gave him even MORE power then the law bit him back, and Obama (who I had faith in until this moment) has just announced through his advisor that he will NOT
do anything to bring Justice ot bear on Bush.

Bush pardons his staff and 'advisors', and it was the PERFECT crime of our

I am all in favor of two things.....

1) even if it means helping McInsane to get elected....which I do not
believe will happen as the winner has already been selected...I will vote
for Ron Paul.

2) I will from now on consider myself a "Jeffersonian" is time to tear
it all down and begin again.

Watch this explanation on the Obama "Ignore It All" Philosophy.

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