
Cliff Kincaid has his lips firmly pursed on the administration's 
asshole. I am surprised you actually bothered to post this. I really 
cannot understand your position. You might as well get the daily 
talking points along with O'reilly, Hannity and Limbaugh and put 
them out there like you've uncovered a nugget of truth.

--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, "Jim Rarey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Was the Wilson Affair a CIA Plot? 
> By Cliff Kincaid  |  October 21, 2005 
> The media version of the CIA leak case is that the White House 
illegally revealed a CIA employee's identity because her husband, 
Joseph Wilson, was an administration critic. But former prosecutor 
Joseph E. diGenova says the real story is that the CIA "launched a 
covert operation" against the President when it sent Wilson on the 
mission to Africa to investigate the Iraq-uranium link. DiGenova, a 
former Independent Counsel who prosecuted several high-profile cases 
and has extensive experience on Capitol Hill, including as counsel 
to several Senate committees, is optimistic that Special Prosecutor 
Patrick Fitzgerald will figure it all out.
> DiGenova tells this columnist, "It seems to me somewhat strange, 
in terms of CIA tradecraft, that if you were really attempting to 
protect the identity of a covert officer, why would you send her 
husband overseas on a mission, without a confidentiality agreement, 
and then allow him when he came back to the United States to write 
an op-ed piece in the New York Times about it."
> That mission, he explained, leads naturally to the questions: Who 
is this guy? And how did he get this assignment? "That's not the way 
you protect the identity of a covert officer," he said. "If it is, 
then [CIA director] Porter Goss is doing the right thing in cleaning 
house" at the agency.
> If the CIA is the real villain in the case, then almost everything 
we have been told about the scandal by the media is wrong. What's 
more, it means that the CIA, perhaps the most powerful intelligence 
agency in the U.S. Government, was deliberately trying to undermine 
the Bush Administration's Iraq War policy. The liberals who are 
anxious for indictments of Bush Administration officials in this 
case should start paying attention to this aspect of the scandal. 
They may be opposed to the Iraq War, but since when is the CIA 
allowed to run covert operations against an elected president of the 
> DiGenova first made his astounding comments about the Wilson 
affair being a covert operation against the President on the Imus in 
the Morning Show, carried nationally on radio and MSNBC-TV. I 
wondered whether these serious charges would be refuted or probed by 
the media. Imus, a shock jock who has spent several days grieving 
and joking about the death of his cat, didn't grasp their 
significance. But the mainstream press didn't seem interested, 
> DiGenova told me he believes there has been a "war between the 
White House and the CIA over intelligence" and that the agency, in 
the Wilson affair, "was using the sort of tactics it uses in covert 
actions overseas." One has to consider the implications of this 
statement. It means that the CIA was using Wilson for the purpose of 
undermining the Bush Administration's Iraq policy.
> If this is the case, then one has to conclude that the CIA's 
covert operation against the President was successful to a point. It 
generated an investigation of the White House after officials began 
trying to set the record straight to the press about the Wilson 
mission. At this point, it's still not clear what if anything 
Fitzgerald has on these officials. If they're indicted for making 
inconsistent statements about their discussions with one another or 
the press, that would seem to be a pathetically weak case. And it 
would not get to the heart of the issue-the CIA's war against Bush. 
> One of those apparently threatened with indictment, as Times 
reporter Judith Miller's account of her grand jury testimony 
revealed, is an agency critic named Lewis Libby, chief of staff to 
Vice President Dick Cheney. Miller said that Libby was frustrated 
and angry about "selective leaking" by the CIA and other agencies 
to "distance themselves from what he recalled as their unequivocal 
prewar intelligence assessments." Miller said Libby believed 
the "selective leaks" from the CIA were an attempt to "shift blame 
to the White House" and were part of a "perverted war" over the war 
in Iraq.
> Wilson was clearly part of that war. He came back from Niger in 
Africa and wrote the New York Times column insisting there was no 
Iraqi deal to purchase uranium for a nuclear weapons program. In 
fact, however, Wlson had misrepresented his own findings, and the 
Senate Intelligence Committee found there was additional evidence of 
Iraqi attempts to buy uranium.
> DiGenova raises serious questions about the CIA role not only in 
the Wilson mission but in the referral to the Justice Department 
that culminated in the appointment of a special prosecutor. At this 
point in the media feeding frenzy over the story, the issue of how 
the investigation started has almost been completely lost. The 
answer is that it came from the CIA. Acting independently and with 
great secrecy, the CIA contacted the Justice Department 
with "concern" about articles in the press that included 
the "disclosure" of "the identity of an employee operating under 
cover." The CIA informed the Justice Department that the disclosure 
was "a possible violation of criminal law." This started the chain 
of events that is the subject of speculative news articles almost 
every day.
> The CIA's version of its contacts with the Justice Department was 
contained in a 4-paragraph letter to Rep. John Conyers, ranking 
Democratic Member of the House Judiciary Committee. Conyers and 
other liberal Democrats had been clamoring for the probe.
> DiGenova doubts that the CIA had a case to begin with. He says he 
would like to see what sworn information was provided to the Justice 
Department about the status of Wilson's CIA wife, Valerie Plame, and 
what "active measures" the CIA was taking to protect her identity. 
The implication is that her status was not classified or protected 
and that the agency simply used the stories about her identity to 
create the scandal that seems to occupy so much attention these days.
> But if the purpose was not only to undermine the Iraq War policy 
but to stop the administration from reforming the agency, it hasn't 
completely worked. Indeed, the Washington Post ran a long story by 
Dafna Linzer on October 19 about the "turmoil" in the agency as 
personnel either quit or are forced out by CIA Director Goss. Like 
so many stories about the CIA leak case, this story reflected the 
views of CIA bureaucrats who despise what Goss is doing and resist 
supervision or reform of their operations. Members of the press do 
not want to be seen as too close to the Bush Administration, but 
acting as scribblers for the CIA bureaucracy, which failed America 
on 9/11, is perfectly acceptable.
> DiGenova's comments might be dismissed as just the view of an 
administration defender. But his comments reflect the facts about 
the case that emerged when the Senate Intelligence Committee 
conducted an independent investigation. Wilson, who became an 
adviser to the Kerry for President campaign, had claimed his CIA 
wife had no role in recommending him for the trip, but the committee 
determined that was not true. Why would Wilson misrepresent the 
truth about her if the purpose were not to conceal the curious 
nature of the CIA role and its hidden agenda in his controversial 
mission? And who in the CIA besides his wife was behind it? 
> In this regard, Miller's account of her testimony to the grand 
jury disclosed that Fitzgerald had asked whether Libby had 
complained about nepotism behind the Wilson trip, a reference to the 
role played by Plame. This is the line of inquiry that could lead, 
if Fitzgerald pursues it, to unraveling the CIA "covert operation" 
behind the Wilson affair. There may be rogue elements at the agency 
who are conducting their own foreign policy, in contravention of the 
official foreign policy of the U.S. Government elected by the 
American people. Like it or not, Bush is the President and he is 
supposed to run the CIA, not the other way around. 
> Fitzgerald has the opportunity to break this case wide open. Or 
else he can take the politically correct approach, which is popular 
with the press, and go after administration officials.
> One irony of the case is that Miller is under strong attack by the 
left as an administration lackey when she didn't even write an 
article at the time noting Libby's criticisms of the CIA and the 
Wilson trip. Did her "other sources," perhaps in the CIA, persuade 
her to drop the story? We may never know because she claims that she 
got Fitzgerald to agree not to question her about them. But what she 
did eventually report, after spending 85 days in jail, amounts to an 
exoneration of the Bush Administration. Libby, Karl Rove and others 
obviously believed they could not take on the CIA directly but had 
to get their story out indirectly through the press. They got burned 
by Miller and other journalists.
> Goss's CIA house-cleaning, of course, has come too late to save 
the administration from being victimized in the Wilson/Plame affair. 
Some officials could get indicted because of faulty or inconsistent 
memories. It is also obvious that liberal journalists are so excited 
over possible indictments of Bush officials that they are willing to 
overlook the agency's manipulation of public policy and the press. 
But if the CIA has been out-of-control, subverting the democratic 
process and undermining the president, the American people have a 
right to know. If Fitzgerald doesn't blow the whistle on this, the 
Congress should hold public hearings and do so.

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