May 13, 2008
Graphic for Geopolitical Intelligence Report
By George Friedman

Edgar Millan Gomez was shot dead in his own home in Mexico City on May
8. Millan Gomez was the highest-ranking law enforcement officer in
Mexico, responsible for overseeing most of Mexico's counternarcotics
efforts. He orchestrated the January arrest of one of the leaders of
the Sinaloa cartel, Alfredo Beltran Leyva. (Several Sinaloa members
have been arrested in Mexico City since the beginning of the year.)
The week before, Roberto Velasco Bravo died when he was shot in the
head at close range by two armed men near his home in Mexico City. He
was the director of organized criminal investigations in a tactical
analysis unit of the federal police. The Mexican government believes
the Sinaloa drug cartel ordered the assassinations of Velasco Bravo
and Millan Gomez. Combined with the assassination of other federal
police officials in Mexico City, we now see a pattern of intensifying
warfare in Mexico City.
The fighting also extended to the killing of the son of the Sinaloa
cartel leader, Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman Loera , who was killed
outside a shopping center in Culiacan, the capital of Sinaloa state.
Also killed was the son of reputed top Sinaloa money launderer Blanca
Margarita Cazares Salazar in an attack carried out by 40 gunmen.
According to sources, Los Zetas, the enforcement arm of the rival Gulf
cartel, carried out the attack. Reports also indicate a split between
Sinaloa and a resurgent Juarez cartel , which also could have been
behind the Millan Gomez killing.
Spiraling Violence
Violence along the U.S.-Mexican border has been intensifying for
several years, and there have been attacks in Mexico City. But last
week was noteworthy not so much for the body count, but for the type
of people being killed. Very senior government police officials in
Mexico City were killed along with senior Sinaloa cartel operatives in
Sinaloa state. In other words, the killings are extending from
low-level operatives to higher-ranking ones, and the attacks are
reaching into enemy territory, so to speak. Mexican government
officials are being killed in Mexico City, Sinaloan operatives in
Sinaloa. The conflict is becoming more intense and placing senior
officials at risk.
The killings pose a strategic problem for the Mexican government. The
bulk of its effective troops are deployed along the U.S. border,
attempting to suppress violence and smuggling among the grunts along
the border, as well as the well-known smuggling routes elsewhere in
the country. The attacks in Mexico raise the question of whether
forces should be shifted from these assignments to Mexico City to
protect officials and break up the infrastructure of the Sinaloa and
other cartels there. The government also faces the secondary task of
suppressing violence between cartels. The Sinaloa cartel struck in
Mexico City not only to kill troublesome officials and intimidate
others, but also to pose a problem for the Mexican government by
increasing areas requiring forces, thereby requiring the government to
consider splitting its forces — thus reducing the government presence
along the border. It was a strategically smart move by Sinaloa, but no
one has accused the cartels of being stupid.
Mexico now faces a classic problem. Multiple, well-armed organized
groups have emerged . They are fighting among themselves while
simultaneously fighting the government. The groups are fueled by vast
amounts of money earned via drug smuggling to the United States. The
amount of money involved — estimated at some $40 billion a year — is
sufficient to increase tension between these criminal groups and give
them the resources to conduct wars against each other. It also
provides them with resources to bribe and intimidate government
officials. The resources they deploy in some ways are superior to the
resources the government employs.
Given the amount of money they have, the organized criminal groups can
be very effective in bribing government officials at all levels, from
squad leaders patrolling the border to high-ranking state and federal
officials. Given the resources they have, they can reach out and kill
government officials at all levels as well. Government officials are
human; and faced with the carrot of bribes and the stick of death,
even the most incorruptible is going to be cautious in executing
operations against the cartels.
Toward a Failed State?
There comes a moment when the imbalance in resources reverses the
relationship between government and cartels. Government officials,
seeing the futility of resistance, effectively become tools of the
cartels. Since there are multiple cartels, the area of competition
ceases to be solely the border towns, shifting to the corridors of
power in Mexico City. Government officials begin giving their primary
loyalty not to the government but to one of the cartels. The
government thus becomes both an arena for competition among the
cartels and an instrument used by one cartel against another. That is
the prescription for what is called a "failed state" — a state that no
longer can function as a state. Lebanon in the 1980s is one such example.
There are examples in American history as well. Chicago in the 1920s
was overwhelmed by a similar process. Smuggling alcohol created huge
pools of money on the U.S. side of the border, controlled by criminals
both by definition (bootlegging was illegal) and by inclination
(people who engage in one sort of illegality are prepared to be
criminals, more broadly understood). The smuggling laws gave these
criminals huge amounts of power, which they used to intimidate and
effectively absorb the city government. Facing a choice between being
killed or being enriched, city officials chose the latter. City
government shifted from controlling the criminals to being an arm of
criminal power. In the meantime, various criminal gangs competed with
each other for power.
Chicago had a failed city government. The resources available to the
Chicago gangs were limited, however, and it was not possible for them
to carry out the same function in Washington. Ultimately, Washington
deployed resources in Chicago and destroyed one of the main gangs. But
if Al Capone had been able to carry out the same operation in
Washington as he did in Chicago, the United States could have become a
failed state.
It is important to point out that we are not speaking here of
corruption, which exists in all governments everywhere. Instead, we
are talking about a systematic breakdown of the state, in which
government is not simply influenced by criminals, but becomes an
instrument of criminals — either simply an arena for battling among
groups or under the control of a particular group. The state no longer
can carry out its primary function of imposing peace, and it becomes
helpless, or itself a direct perpetrator of crime. Corruption has been
seen in Washington — some triggered by organized crime, but never
state failure.
The Mexican state has not yet failed. If the activities of the last
week have become a pattern, however, we must begin thinking about the
potential for state failure. The killing of Millan Gomez transmitted a
critical message: No one is safe, no matter how high his rank or how
well protected, if he works against cartel interests. The killing of
El Chapo's son transmitted the message that no one in the leading
cartel is safe from competing gangs, no matter how high his rank or
how well protected.
The killing of senior state police officials causes other officials to
recalculate their attitudes. The state is no longer seen as a
competent protector, and being a state official is seen as a liability
— potentially a fatal liability — unless protection is sought from a
cartel, a protection that can be very lucrative indeed for the
protector. The killing of senior cartel members intensifies conflict
among cartels, making it even more difficult for the government to
control the situation and intensifying the movement toward failure.
It is important to remember that Mexico has a tradition of failed
governments, particularly in the 19th and early 20th century. In those
periods, Mexico City became an arena for struggle among army officers
and regional groups straddling the line between criminal and
political. The Mexican army became an instrument in this struggle and
its control a prize. The one thing missing was the vast amounts of
money at stake . So there is a tradition of state failure in Mexico,
and there are higher stakes today than before.
The Drug Trade's High Stakes
To benchmark the amount at stake, assume that the total amount of drug
trafficking is $40 billion, a frequently used figure, but hardly an
exact one by any means. In 2007, Mexico exported about $210 billion
worth of goods to the United States and imported about $136 billion
from the United States. If the drug trade is $40 billion dollars, it
represents about 25 percent of all exports to the United States. That
in itself is huge, but what makes it more important is that while the
$210 billion is divided among many businesses and individuals, the $40
billion is concentrated in the hands of a few, fairly tightly
controlled cartels . Sinaloa and Gulf, currently the strongest, have
vast resources at their disposal; a substantial part of the economy
can be controlled through this money. This creates tremendous
instability as other cartels vie for the top spot, with the state
lacking the resources to control the situation and having its
officials seduced and intimidated by the cartels.
We have seen failed states elsewhere. Colombia in the 1980s failed
over the same issue — drug money. Lebanon failed in the 1970s and
1980s. The Democratic Republic of the Congo was a failed state.
Mexico's potential failure is important for three reasons. First,
Mexico is a huge country, with a population of more than 100 million.
Second, it has a large economy — the 14th-largest in the world. And
third, it shares an extended border with the world's only global
power, one that has assumed for most of the 20th century that its
domination of North America and control of its borders is a foregone
conclusion. If Mexico fails, there are serious geopolitical
repercussions. This is not simply a criminal matter.
The amount of money accumulated in Mexico derives from smuggling
operations in the United States . Drugs go one way, money another. But
all the money doesn't have to return to Mexico or to third-party
countries. If Mexico fails, the leading cartels will compete in the
United States, and that competition will extend to the source of the
money as well. We have already seen cartel violence in the border
areas of the United States , but this risk is not limited to that. The
same process that we see under way in Mexico could extend to the
United States; logic dictates that it would.
The current issue is control of the source of drugs and of the supply
chain that delivers drugs to retail customers in the United States.
The struggle for control of the source and the supply chain also will
involve a struggle for control of markets. The process of intimidation
of government and police officials, as well as bribing them, can take
place in market towns such as Los Angeles or Chicago, as well as
production centers or transshipment points.
Cartel Incentives for U.S. Expansion
That means there are economic incentives for the cartels to extend
their operations into the United States. With those incentives comes
intercartel competition, and with that competition comes pressure on
U.S. local, state and, ultimately, federal government and police
functions. Were that to happen, the global implications obviously
would be stunning. Imagine an extreme case in which the Mexican
scenario is acted out in the United States. The effect on the global
system economically and politically would be astounding, since U.S.
failure would see the world reshaping itself in startling ways.
Failure for the United States is much harder than for Mexico, however.
The United States has a gross domestic product of about $14 trillion,
while Mexico's economy is about $900 billion. The impact of the
cartels' money is vastly greater in Mexico than in the United States,
where it would be dwarfed by other pools of money with a powerful
interest in maintaining U.S. stability. The idea of a failed American
state is therefore far-fetched.
Less far-fetched is the extension of a Mexican failure into the
borderlands of the United States. Street-level violence already has
crossed the border. But a deeper, more-systemic corruption —
particularly on the local level — could easily extend into the United
States, along with paramilitary operations between cartels and between
the Mexican government and cartels.
U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates recently visited Mexico, and
there are potential plans for U.S. aid in support of Mexican
government operations. But if the Mexican government became paralyzed
and couldn't carry out these operations, the U.S. government would
face a stark and unpleasant choice. It could attempt to protect the
United States from the violence defensively by sealing off Mexico or
controlling the area north of the border more effectively. Or, as it
did in the early 20th century, the United States could adopt a forward
defense by sending U.S. troops south of the border to fight the battle
in Mexico.
There have been suggestions that the border be sealed. But Mexico is
the United States' third-largest customer, and the United States is
Mexico's largest customer. This was the case well before NAFTA, and
has nothing to do with treaties and everything to do with economics
and geography. Cutting that trade would have catastrophic effects on
both sides of the border, and would guarantee the failure of the
Mexican state. It isn't going to happen.
The Impossibility of Sealing the Border
So long as vast quantities of goods flow across the border, the border
cannot be sealed. Immigration might be limited by a wall, but the
goods that cross the border do so at roads and bridges, and the sheer
amount of goods crossing the border makes careful inspection
impossible. The drugs will come across the border embedded in this
trade as well as by other routes. So will gunmen from the cartel and
anything else needed to take control of Los Angeles' drug market.
A purely passive defense won't work unless the economic cost of
blockade is absorbed. The choices are a defensive posture to deal with
the battle on American soil if it spills over, or an offensive posture
to suppress the battle on the other side of the border. Bearing in
mind that Mexico is not a small country and that counterinsurgency is
not the United States' strong suit, the latter is a dangerous game.
But the first option isn't likely to work either.
One way to deal with the problem would be ending the artificial price
of drugs by legalizing them. This would rapidly lower the price of
drugs and vastly reduce the money to be made in smuggling them.
Nothing hurt the American cartels more than the repeal of Prohibition,
and nothing helped them more than Prohibition itself. Nevertheless,
from an objective point of view, drug legalization isn't going to
happen. There is no visible political coalition of substantial size
advocating this solution. Therefore, U.S. drug policy will continue to
raise the price of drugs artificially, effective interdiction will be
impossible, and the Mexican cartels will prosper and make war on each
other and on the Mexican state.
We are not yet at the worst-case scenario, and we may never get there.
Mexican President Felipe Calderon, perhaps with assistance from the
United States, may devise a strategy to immunize his government from
intimidation and corruption and take the war home to the cartels. This
is a serious possibility that should not be ruled out. Nevertheless,
the events of last week raise the serious possibility of a failed
state in Mexico . That should not be taken lightly, as it could change
far more than Mexico.

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