[cia-drugs] FBI Turned Loose: Privacy rights may disappear if a new Senate Intelligence Committee bill passes

2005-06-25 Thread norgesen

  Turned LoosePrivacy rights may 
  disappear if a new Senate Intelligence Committee bill passes
by Nat 
  HentoffJune 23rd, 2005 6:16 

[Since 9-11] the Constitution has gone from an 
objective to be satisfied to an obstacle to national defense. . . . As these 
changes mount, at what point do we become other than a free and democratic 
nation? George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley, 
Los Angeles Times, January 2, 2003 

Civil liberties had their origin and must find their ultimate guarantee in 
the faith of the people. If that faith should be lost, five or nine [votes on 
the Supreme Court] could not long supply its want. Supreme Court Justice 
Robert Jackson, Douglas v. City of Jeannette (1943) 

On June 6, in a closed-door session, the Senate Intelligence Committee 
approved a bill that, if Congress and the president agree (and he will), would 
dramatically expand the FBI's powers under the Patriot Act to issue secret 
administrative subpoenas for an unprecedented range of personal 
records—without having to go to a judge. 
The FBI will write its own subpoenas—just as British customs officials in the 
colonies did before the American Revolution—using general search warrants (writs 
of assistance) to go into homes and offices at will to look for contraband. 
These raids so inflamed 18th-century Americans that the "general search warrant" 
was one of the precipitating causes of our revolution. 
The ACLU's superb Washington staff bluntly explains the impact of the 
proposal: "This power would let agents seize personal records [it deems relevant 
to an intelligence investigation] from medical facilities, libraries, hotels, 
gun dealers, banks and any other businesses, without having to appear before a 
judge, and without any evidence that the people whose records are collected 
are involved in any criminal activity." (Emphasis added.) 
If the FBI is targeting you in its dragnet operations for some amorphous 
connection to terrorism (do you go to a mosque or organize against the war?) you 
will not know that your personal records have been seized—and put into any 
number of data banks. 
Since these are secret administrative subpoenas, the third-party record 
holders who get them can't tell you what they've given up to the FBI. 
While this unleashing of the FBI was being debated at a May 24 open hearing 
of the Senate Intelligence Committee, several Democrats asked a highly pertinent 
question of a witness, Valerie Caproni, general counsel for the FBI: Is there 
any evidence that the delay—caused by having to get a judge's approval for a 
subpoena—has ever harmed national security? 
This was her answer: "Can we show you, because of delays, that a bomb went 
off? No, but it could happen tomorrow. It could." 
The administration's shadow Constitution, made up as Bush goes along, trashes 
the rule of law on the basis of what might happen. 
That's how so many thousands of Japanese Americans were herded into 
internment camps during the Second World War as the army gave false prospective 
information to President Franklin Roosevelt and the Supreme Court. If anything 
like 9-11 happens here again, startled speculation, fueled by fear, could bring 
back those internment camps—with a multicultural range of inmates. 
Listening to the FBI general counsel's testimony before the Senate 
Intelligence Committee was Democratic senator Dianne Feinstein of California, 
who, until that moment, had been a stalwart defender of the Patriot Act, much to 
the administration's delight. Hearing Valerie Caproni justify awarding the FBI 
such overwhelming authority that this administration had previously failed to 
get through, Senator Feinstein was somewhat shaken. 
"This is a very broad power," she said, "with no check on that power. It's 
carte blanche for a fishing expedition." She got it! 
Because that vote was taken at a closed session of the Intelligence 
Committee, the yeas and nays have not been officially revealed. (And George W. 
Bush calls this "a transparent democracy"!) But I have learned that four 
Democrats voted against the bill as a whole, including the FBI's expanded 
administrative subpoenas. They were Dianne Feinstein, Jon Corzine of New Jersey, 
Carl Levin of Michigan, and Ron Wyden of Oregon. 
Republican Pat Roberts of Kansas, the aggressive chairman of the Senate 
Intelligence Committee, moved this bill fast to steal a march on the Senate 
Judiciary Committee, which also has oversight authority over the Justice 
Department and its FBI. 
Among the Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee, ranking minority 
member Patrick Leahy of Vermont, Richard Durbin of Illinois, and Russell 
Feingold of Wisconsin—the latter being the only senator to vote against the 
Patriot Act in 2001—should mount strong opposition to the administrative 
subpoenas and other parts of the bill. 
For example, empowering the FBI to get from postal inspectors, The 

[cia-drugs] Is Condoleezza Rice a patsy?

2005-06-25 Thread norgesen


Part two: Who “Created” Condi 
By Linda Minor
Excerpt:In an earlier piece we posed the question: 
Is Condoleezza Rice a patsy? In the world of psychological operations 
("psyops"), a "patsy" refers to a decoy deliberately inserted into a psyop to 
deflect attention away from a team performing a special activity (such as an 
assassination or coup d'état), thus allowing the team time to escape unnoticed 
while the patsy takes the blame. "Psyop" is a word used in intelligence circles 
to describe the entire operation, including a cover-up by media, designed to 
manipulate psychologically the belief mechanisms of the nation for political 
reasons.It appears that Condi was groomed most of her life to be used in 
this way. She is not an actual decision maker, but a mere shield, as is her 
boss, George W. Bush. They have served their purpose by getting America involved 
in the war in Iraq. They are now disposable.

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[cia-drugs] Mental Health, Education and Social Control, Part 13

2005-06-26 Thread norgesen

Values clarification has also 
been used outside of schools. For example, in the late 1970s, under a contract 
with the U.S. Army, humanist Sidney Simon implemented a values clarification 
program which the contract said "is an experimental program to change attitudes 
and behavior of 12,000 soldiers"

CONTROL Part 14 

By Dennis L. Cuddy, Ph.D.June 20, 2005
In Part 13 of this 
series, I briefly mentioned the new book, ONE NATION UNDER THERAPY: HOW THE 
HELPING CULTURE IS ERODING SELF-RELIANCE (2005), by Christina Hoff Sommers and 
Sally Satel, M.D. The authors claim that "children, more than any group, are 
targeted for therapeutic improvementThe propensity of experts to pathologize 
and medicalize healthy children en masse has gotten way out of hand. The past 
decade has seen a cascade of books and articles promoting the idea that 
seemingly content and well-adjusted Americans---adults as well as children---are 
emotionally damaged." 
President George W. Bush's New Freedom Commission on Mental Health (NFCMH) has 
proposed screening all of America's youth. Used to support this initiative will 
be the recent findings of the National Comorbidity Survey Replication (NCSR), 
the results of which are published in the June edition of the ARCHIVES OF 
GENERAL PSYCHIATRY. It found that half of those who will ever be diagnosed with 
a mental disorder show signs of the disease by age 14. In Rick Weiss' "Study: 
U.S. Leads In Mental Illness, Lags in Treatment" (THE WASHINGTON POST, June 7, 
2005), one also learns that the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) 
funded the $20 million NCSR study, which found that one-quarter of all Americans 
met the criteria for having a mental illness within the past year. The study 
also found that almost half of Americans meet the criteria for such an illness 
at some point in their lives, and that less than half of those in need get 
treated. Thomas Insel, chief of the NIMH, expressed his disappointment to learn 
from the survey that about a third of people in need rely solely on 
nonprofessional sources such as internet support groups and spiritual advisers. 
You might ask yourself at this point what kind of broad definition they are 
using to determine that half of the American population will be mentally ill at 
some point, and you might also ask what is wrong with relying upon spiritual 
advocates of mental health screening, Dr. Karen Effrem in an October 31, 2004 
letter to THE WASHINGTON TIMES titled "Go Slow on Mental Health Screening" 
cautioned: "Given the very real problems of already existing coercion, 
subjective criteria, dangerous and ineffective medication, and the failure of 
screening to prevent suicide, none of which are covered in the NFC report, 
Congress would be wise to withhold the $44 million requested for state grants to 
implement the NFC recommendations. Whatever good may come from the other 
recommendations is completely overshadowed by the loss of freedom and damage 
that would come from labeling and drugging potentially millions of children 
based on these unsupportable screening and treatment programs. If we don't act 
now, every child in America will be screened for mental illness: thousands, 
perhaps millions, will be deemed 'at risk' of developing mental health problems 
for which they will be prescribed powerful psychotropic drugs. The screening 
plan has been called Orwellian and diabolical---the treatment 'model' the report 
recommends is a drug-industry sponsored guideline---the Texas Medication 
Algorithm Project (TMAP)." The first TMAP model was adopted in 1995 in Texas 
when President Bush was Governor of that state. 
One of the 
major forces behind TMAP was the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) mentioned 
in earlier Parts of this series. About the time TMAP began in 1995, the RWJF 
gave a sizeable grant for TMAP to Dr. Ken Altshuler in the Psychiatry Department 
at the University of Texas and Dr. John Rush in pharmacology at the same 
university. Chairman of the RWJF's National Advisory Council for its Mental 
Health Services Program for Youth (MHSPY) was former North Carolina Governor 
James B. Hunt, Jr., also mentioned in earlier Parts of this series. After the 
foundation's MHSPY National Program Office in 1990 awarded implementation grants 
to 8 states, it then awarded replication grants to 11 states, including Texas, 
between July 1994 and October 1996. In Texas and other states, the Child and 
Adolescent Strengths Assessment (CASA) was used, looking at whether a child had 
a particular vocational skill, an ability to trust others, and experienced 
religious/spiritual beliefs among other things. The states used outcomes-based 
planning and implemented outcomes-based systems of care. 
The TMAP, of 
course, was not the first government program regarding children's mental health. 
On September 29, 1970, a Special Studies Subcommittee 

[cia-drugs] The Globalists' Best Friend: Americans' Ignorance

2005-06-26 Thread norgesen

The Europeans are ahead of us on the world 
government track. But with the huge push to approve CAFTA at the top of the 
globalist agenda here, we are rapidly catching up.


Steven YatesJune 21, 2005 
Note: this is a slightly different version of an article published in the Times 
Examiner, based in Greenville, S.C., on June 15, 2005. 
France and the Netherlands dealt the European wing of the globalist 
Establishment a slap in the face. They used the polls to turn thumbs down on the 
European Union Constitution. They can’t rest on their laurels, of course. The 
idea of an EU Constitution is not dead, just on hold. The same is true of the 
longstanding elitist plan to impose a European megastate on the once separate 
nations of the region. 
This whole 
affair testifies to the disparity in thought between the elites and the voting 
populations, and how little the former understand the latter. Copies of the EU 
Constitution were distributed to every household in France—all 300 or so pages 
of it. A lot of the French likely read it. Perhaps they read the second 
paragraph of the Preface which states, “The convention was asked to draw up 
proposals on three subjects: how to bring citizens closer to the European design 
and European institutions, how to organize politics and the European political 
area in an enlarged Union, and how to develop the Union as a stabilizing factor 
and a model in the new world order.” 
There’s that 
phrase again. I continue to marvel at those who believe we “conspiracy-theory” 
types just imagine all this stuff. 
Perhaps the 
citizens of France and the Netherlands read an agenda that differs little from 
the UN agenda. Perhaps they read that the EU “shall contribute to peace, 
security, the sustainable development of the earth, solidarity and mutual 
respect among peoples, free and fair trade, eradication of poverty and 
protection of human rights and in particular children’s rights, as well as to 
strict observance and development of international law, including respect for 
the principles of the United Nations Charter.” 
What an 
intellectually confused recipe for a sprawling, ever-expanding Leviathan of 
unelected globocrats, micromanaging everyone and everything in sight! 
Or, finally, 
perhaps the French and Dutch read that under Article 10 in this new world order, 
“The Constitution, and law adopted by the Union’s Institutions in exercising 
competences conferred upon it, shall have primacy over the laws of the Member 
States” and that “Member States shall take all appropriate measures, general or 
particular, to ensure fulfillment of the obligations flowing from the 
Constitution or resulting from Union Institutions’ acts.” 
There you have 
it: the sovereignty-destroying element of the EU Constitution. The French and 
Dutch read it. And they responded appropriately, at the polls. 
It is not as 
if their nations don’t have immense problems. The French have a huge 
unemployment rate, and the Dutch have embraced euthanasia. The dominant economic 
systems in Europe are essentially socialist (they would prefer the term “social 
democrat,” of course). European culture is dying rapidly if it isn’t already 
dead. But the French and Dutch value their sovereignty, and voted to preserve it 
from the globalists. I suppose one must start somewhere. 
I wonder if 
Americans would do the same, if confronted with a Western hemispheric 
“constitution” in the world envisioned by our wing of the globalist 
Establishment. The Europeans are ahead of us on the world government track. But 
with the huge push to approve CAFTA at the top of the globalist agenda here, we 
are rapidly catching up. And in America, we have a handicap the Europeans don’t 
Back in 
January I was conversing with a man in the singles group of the church I’d begun 
attending here in Greenville. I was explaining some of my writing and what I 
thought the primary threats to this nation are. As I enumerated, he asked me, 
“What’s Sustainable Development?” 
Just last 
weekend, the same person asked me, “What is the Real ID bill?” 
That’s the 
problem, my friends, in a nutshell. 
Europeans, relatively few Americans read except for entertainment. Their primary 
interests are money and sports. Most do not follow current events that are not 
affecting them directly and immediately; the few who do, are unaware of what is 
not covered by the mainstream media. So they can’t tell you what Sustainable 
Development is. They’ve never heard of Agenda 21. 
(“CAFTA?” I can almost hear someone saying. “’Zat got somethin’ ta do with 
Few Americans 
today can tell you there even is an EU Constitution. A sizeable fraction of 
school-to-work educated college and university students cannot find Europe on a 
Suppose a 
printed copy of the final version of CAFTA was sent to every household in 
America. Would Americans read it? My guess 

[cia-drugs] Fair Justice [Chamish]

2005-06-27 Thread norgesen

ChamishJerusalem District CourtFile No. 108/98Eskin 
vs.State of IsraelThe defendant Avigdor Eskin - "I have worked for the 
Shabak." After a week's delay 
releasing the verdict of Eskin's suit against me, my attorney Dov Eben-Or 
intervened and the verdict, as well as the court protocols, were sent to him. He 
phoned me. "No wonder you lost. How could you 
say you deliberately published an accusation against 
him?" "I didn't. I testified that after seven 
years, I had no idea if the 'offending paragraph' was writtenfor the site or 
whether the editor picked it off the 
internet." "It says in the protocols that you 
did know and that you deliberately chose to offend 
him." Allow me to quote from the previous 
article:On May 
25, one Avigdor Eskin took me to court demanding compensation for my writing 
that he was a "known Shabak provocateur." I viewed the trial as nothing but a 
nuisance because Eskin's claims were so stupid. Quoting a nearly seven year old 
paragraph which appeared in an obscure American web site with no Israeli 
readers, this liar claimed that he was damaged. And it only took him seven years 
to feel the pain. My attorney, Dov Eben-Or wrote my 
defence argument and quoted Israeli law which puts the onusof responsibility 
on the publisher in such cases, not the writer. So 
what did Judge Chaim Lakhovitzky do? He changed the law. In an incredibly 
long-winded ruling, he declared that because the Internet is based on forwarded 
messages, web site owners cannot be responsible for damages the way a newspaper 
is by law. From now on in Israel, writers who post on the Internet are liable 
for any message they write. 
 I raced to Dov's 
office to see the protocols. They made incredible reading. They were not merely 
wrong, they recorded the exact opposite of what I actually testified to. Not 
only did I testify that I could not know if I sent the 'offending paragraph' to 
the obscure web site, I took special pains to stress that I owned no web site, 
thus I did not publish on the internet, I merely write on it. The protocols 
changed my testimony drastically, having me admit to publishing on the 
internet. No wonder 
it took a week to release the verdict. The time was needed to rewrite the court 
records to make the ruling fit the 
law. But I had an 
advantage. A friend sat with me at the trial and was a witness to the forged 
protocols. Dov spoke to her and she agreed to sign a declaration that the court 
protocols had nothing to do with my testimony. 
 Time was tight. The Hebrew 
Book Fair had just begun, and I would be manning a booth for the next nine 
working days. Dov wrote a request to the court to cancel the verdict based on 
the false records of the trial. I had two days to notarize my witness' statement 
and submit it to the Jerusalem court. Until I did, he would fax the court his 
appeal draft to prove it was in 
process. Two days 
later, I rushed my witness to a lawyer's office, then to the court to submit her 
declaration. When we got there, guess what? Based on Dov's fax, Judge 
Lakhovitzky had already ruled on his appeal. He declared that the court recorder 
had made the errors and he was not responsible for her misrecording of the 
proceedings. Thus, the appeal was 
rejected. Everyone 
complains about the slow pace of Israeli justice. Horror stories abound of 
people waiting ten years or more for a ruling on their case. Not me. I get a 
ruling overnight, BEFORE the declaration of the witness is submitted to the 
court.  Dov was 
flabbergasted. Not only does the ruling precede the submission of the appeal, 
but, "This judge admits the protocols are wrong. In that case, he has to rule 
for mistrial. But worse, he's lying. He dictates the ruling to the recorder and 
watches the transcript on a screen. I've never seen such an illegal 
I leave the courthouse with my witness, in utter despair. I am a victim of trial 
fixing and I don't want to pursue an appeal. It would just be more money lost 
trying to fight a thoroughly rigged legal system.The Book 
This year the Jerusalem Hebrew Book Fair is special. I have two new products to 
push hard. My new English language DVD called, The Deadly War Against The 
Settlers, has just been released, but even more important, the Hebrew edition of 
my newest book, Shabtai Tzvi, Labor Zionism And The Holocaust is also released 
on the opening day of the fair. This is a vital test. Within is a scathing 
indictment of the politicians plotting against the Jews of Gush Katif and Yesha. 
There is not much time to get that message heard 
But the Mersel family helps me out. They gave me a thousand shekels to give the 
book to soldiers as gifts, hoping they will reconsider any actions against 
fellow Jews they may be ordered to undertake. Dozens of soldiers of every rank 
and unit accept the books with gusto and promise to share them with their 
compatriots in the 
Just as good...The book's first 

[cia-drugs] Eminent Domain Again

2005-06-27 Thread norgesen

Eminent Domain Again 

Neal Boortz, the Atlanta-based talk show host, on 
the topic. The only problem is that he accepts eminent domain because it comes 
out of the English Common Law tradition. If our next edition of Constitutionally 
limited government simply writes eminent domain out of the picture in order to 
make the property rights of law-abiding citizens inviolable, we will have made 
the next significant advance!Boortz, from today's Neal's Nooze (or 
whatever he calls it): Friday -- June 24, 2005THE END OF PRIVATE PROPERTY 
RIGHTSI cannot remember being more dismayed at a court ruling, 
and this includes the occasional ruling against me when I was practicing law. 
What ruling? Just in case you don't already know, the United States Supreme 
Court yesterday issued a ruling that goes a long way toward destroying private 
property rights in this country. [full text of ruling]Background. The Fifth 
Amendment to our Constitution restricts the government's right of 
eminent domain. It does not, as I heard so many commentators say yesterday, 
grant a right of eminent domain, it restricts it. The right of eminent domain 
was assumed as a basic part of English Common Law. The Fifth Amendment merely 
said that government could not exercise this right for a public use without 
paying for it. The exact working is "nor shall private property be taken for 
public use without just compensation."For hundreds of years the term 
"public use" was interpreted to mean use for something like a school, library, 
police or fire station, power transmission lines, roads, bridges or some other 
facility owned and operated by government for the benefit of the general 
population. As politicians became more and more impressed with their own power 
they started to expand this definition of public use. The new theory is 
that increasing the property taxes paid on a parcel of property is a public use. 
Increasing the number of people who can be employed by a business located on a 
particular piece of property can also be a public use. This would mean that 
government would be free to seize private property if it can be handed to a 
developer who will redevelop the property so as to increase the property taxes 
paid or the number of people employed. This is the theory that was validated by 
the Supreme Court yesterday in its ruling approving just such a private property 
seizure in New London, Connecticut. As Justice Sandra Day O'Connor said in her 
dissent, this decision renders virtually all private property vulnerable to 
government confiscation. Bottom line: If you own property, and the 
government wants that property --- you're screwed. You now own your private 
property only at the pleasure of government; and that means that you own your 
property, be it your home, your business or a piece of investment real estate 
only at the pleasure of the local controlling politicians.Let me give 
you a few real-life examples of just how politicians can now use this Supreme 
Court decision. In considering these examples, please remember one of the first 
rules of politics: There is absolutely no limit whatsoever to a politician's 
desire for more tax money to spend. First let's consider our lovely 
Southern Belle producer Belinda. Belinda and her husband recently purchased a 
tract of land behind her new home. That tract of land contains one rather small 
and old house plus some empty acreage. Belinda will rent the home for just 
enough to cover her debt service and property taxes on the new purchase .. 
maybe. Now, here comes a developer. He wants Belinda's land because he can build 
at least three, maybe four new homes on that property. Belinda says no. She 
likes not having houses abutting her back yard and appreciates the investment 
value of the land she has purchased. So .. the developer wanders off to the 
Capitol to talk to some politicians. He tells them that he can increase the 
property being paid on that tract of land tenfold if he could just get in there 
and build some houses, but the owners just won't sell the property to him. Under 
this Supreme court ruling the city can just seize the property from Belinda and 
hand it over to the developer to build those homes. Belinda has no way to stop 
this action. The city will have to pay Belinda "just compensation," but that 
compensation will never match what Belinda might have earned by selling the 
property herself. Besides ... she didn't want to sell in the first place. It was 
her property, and she wanted to keep it. Now it can be taken ... just like 
that.Another example. This time we'll use me. About two years ago I 
brought a building lot in the Northeast Georgia mountains. It's a lot in a 
mountain resort community. Before I bought the lot I made sure that there were 
no covenants or regulations that would require me to build a home on that lot 
before I was ready to do so. At present it is not my intention to build a home. 
I bought the lot as an investment. 

[cia-drugs] Fw: SB and Elihu

2005-06-29 Thread norgesen

- Original Message - 
To: RoadsEnd
Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2004 1:12 PM
Subject: SB and Elihu

Isuggest researching the Elihu Club. Bone ties have been suspected 
since its founding in 1903. It is said that Bones founded Elihu 
andactually holdsmany of its meetings inside the walls 
ofElihu. The open door policy is simply a front for what occurs below 
ground.Some of the same families are known to havefounded and 
belonged toboth societies. Notice the Taft family connection. Alfonso Taft 
founded SB and his grandson (Walbridge Smith Taft)and great grandson 
(Seth Chase Taft)both belonged to Elihu. More significantly, however, is 
the presence of Henry Waters Taft on the membership rolls of both SB and 
Elihu. As you may know, HenryWaters Taft was the son of SBfounder, 
Alfonso Taft. Here are some of the more well know families obtained from the 
official Elihu Club roster:

Taft (seven members, including Henry Waters Taft, Walbridge Smith Taft, 
Seth C. Taft.)
Thomas Anthony Thacher 1908
James F. Thacher 1945
Elihu Club Incorporated
(203) 776-5485 
175 Elm StNew Haven, CT 06511

Cross Street:Between High St and College St


Elihu Yale - The Great Welsh 


  Elihu Yale's life spanned a time of great changes in 
  British History and also great achievements in the spheres of the Arts and 
  Sciences, development in the form of government, the foundation of the 
  British Empire and the expansion of trade and 
  Yale's father was taken to 
  America (seventeen years after the first settlers sailed in the 
  'Mayflower') by his stepfather to avoid discrimination against the 
  Puritans during the reign of Charles I.
  Elihu was born in the same 
  year that Charles I was executed and Oliver Cromwell came to power. Rule 
  by an absolute monarch was succeeded by rule by a dictator both apparently 
  equally intolerant of those subscribing to any religion other than their 
  own. The family returned to England during the Commonwealth and must have 
  witnessed the collapse of the Commonwealth after the death of Cromwell and 
  the triumphant return of the Stuarts in the person of Charles 
  These were exciting and 
  dangerous times. Elihu must have been in his father's counting house in 
  London during the Great Plague and the Great Fire and during the wars with 
  the Dutch when the Dutch fleet sailed up the Thames, setting fire to 
  British warships and temporarily cutting off London from the sea. This was 
  also the period when Charles II founded the Royal Society to encourage the 
  Arts and Sciences. The age of Isaac Newton, Christopher Wren, the poets 
  John Milton and Dryden and many others.
  While Yale was in India he 
  will have heard of events at home; the accession of James II, the failure 
  of the Monmouth rebellion and the bloody revenge meted out to the rebels 
  by the notorious Judge Jeffreys, the flight of James II and the Glorious 
  Revolution, when William of Orange and Mary were welcomed to the throne of 
  England and James' final defeat at the Battle of the Boyne which 
  consolidated William's hold over Ireland.
  During this period the 
  foundations of the British Empire were laid. The colonies in the New World 
  were strengthened by emigration from Britain. Trading posts were 
  established on the coast of India which would eventually lead to the 
  inclusion of the whole of the subcontinent as a British 
  After Yale returned from India 
  Queen Anne came to the throne and the Duke of Marlborough won his famous 
  victories against the French. Then in 1714 the Georgian era started with 
  the accession of George I. This was the time when government by Parliament 
  and Cabinet as we know it today first started with Robert Walpole the 
  first Prime Minister in all but name. Walpole was appointed in 1721, the 
  year of Elihu's death.
  This was also a time when 
  trade and commerce greatly expanded and prospered. When Elihu went to 
  India as a humble 'writer' the East India company was notorious for the 
  small salaries it paid to their servants. Even the Governor was only paid 
  £100 per year. They were no doubt expected to make money by trading with 
  the natives 

[cia-drugs] Italians Detail Lavish CIA Operation

2005-06-29 Thread norgesen

"During January 2003, they were regular patrons at the Hotel Principe di 
Savoia in Milan, which bills itself as "one of the world's most luxuriously 
appointed hotels" and features a marble-lined spa and minibar Cokes that cost 
about $10. Seven of the Americans stayed at the 80-year-old hotel for periods 
ranging from three days to three weeks at nightly rates of about $450, racking 
up total expenses of more than $42,000 there."

Italians Detail Lavish CIA 
Operation13 Charged in '03 Abduction Allegedly 
Stayed in Finest HotelsBy Craig Whitlock, Washington Post 
Foreign ServiceSunday, June 26, 2005

MILAN, June 25 -- For 19 American intelligence operatives assigned to 
apprehend a radical Islamic preacher in Milan two years ago, the mission was 
equal parts James Bond and taxpayer-financed Italian holiday, according to an 
Italian investigation of the man's disappearance.

The Americans stayed at some of the finest hotels in Milan, sometimes for 
as long as six weeks, ringing up tabs of as much as $500 a day on Diners Club 
accounts created to match their recently forged identities, according to Italian 
court documents and other records. Then, after abducting their target and flying 
him to Cairo under the noses of Italian police, some of them rounded out their 
European trip with long weekends in Venice and Florence before leaving the 
country, the records show.

Milan prosecutors and police spent the last two years documenting 
Americans' role in the Feb. 17, 2003 disappearance of Hussan Mustafa Omar Nasr, 
42, an Egyptian cleric. On Thursday, a Milan judge ruled that there was enough 
evidence to warrant the arrest of 13 suspected CIA operatives on kidnapping 

The Americans' whereabouts are unknown, and Italian authorities 
acknowledged that the odds were slim that they would ever be taken into custody. 
The CIA has declined to comment.

While most of the operatives apparently used false identities, they left a 
long trail of paper and electronic records that enabled Italian investigators to 
retrace their movements in detail. Posing as tourists and business travelers, 
the Americans often stayed in the same five-star hotels, rarely paid in cash, 
gave their frequent traveler account numbers to desk clerks and made dozens of 
calls from unsecure phones in their rooms.

During January 2003, they were regular patrons at the Hotel Principe di 
Savoia in Milan, which bills itself as "one of the world's most luxuriously 
appointed hotels" and features a marble-lined spa and minibar Cokes that cost 
about $10. Seven of the Americans stayed at the 80-year-old hotel for periods 
ranging from three days to three weeks at nightly rates of about $450, racking 
up total expenses of more than $42,000 there.

The first operative came to Milan on Dec. 7, 2002 and stayed for 11 days at 
the Milan Westin Palace, according to the court documents. The others started 
arriving in early January and by Feb. 1 almost all of them were in place. They 
eschewed safe houses and private homes, bunking instead at places such as the 
Milan Hilton ($340 a night) and the Star Hotel Rosa ($325 a night).

In early February, most of the operatives gathered for a rendezvous in La 
Spezia, an Italian seaside resort town on the Ligurian coast, almost a 
three-hour drive from Milan. Hotel records show that they checked into two 
hotels in La Spezia but stayed for only a few hours before departing. Some of 
them then drove to Florence for an overnight trip, but the rest returned to 

According to Milan investigators, there were two distinct groups. One crew 
of six was in charge of planning and surveillance, checking out possible escape 
routes and procuring cell phones. Each of those people left the country about a 
week before Nasr was reported missing.

The other group -- which included almost all of those whose arrests are now 
being sought -- was in charge of the kidnapping operation itself, according to 
court documents.

On Feb. 17, shortly after noon, Nasr walked down the Via Guerzoni toward a 
mosque to attend daily prayers. He was being watched by a crew of eight 
operatives, who accosted him on the sidewalk, sprayed chemicals in his face and 
shoved him into the back of a white van, according to an eyewitness statement 
given to investigators.

The Americans, who between them were carrying 17 cell phones, immediately 
started dialing numbers in Italy and the United States, according to 
investigators, who reported that by piecing together records of those phones' 
electronic signals they were able to trace the route of the van as it headed 
toward Aviano Air Base, a joint U.S.-Italian military installation.

The van entered the base without being stopped at the regular security 
checkpoints, Milan investigators found. Court documents show that a U.S. colonel 
at the air base in charge of security received three phone calls from the 
operatives as they drove toward Aviano.

Milan prosecutors said they 

[cia-drugs] Left, Right, What Difference Does it Make?

2005-06-29 Thread norgesen

Left, Right, What Difference Does it 
Make?by Mike (in Tokyo) 
RogersJune 27, 2005

I think there's a good reason why so-called Liberals are easy targets for 
derision. I believe it has a lot to do with a serious problem in the analytical 
thought process department. I mean, it seems they have a problem in thinking 
seemingly simple things through logically. The Neo-cons, on the other hand, are 
just out-and-out crooks and masters of deceit. Being skilled in dishonesty – and 
getting away with it – requires years of practice as well as a very gullible 
audience. Here's where American Joe-Average – who is always readily taken 
advantage of – steps in along with his very dim Liberal friends. The combination 
of the two makes for, literally, an entire carnival of little kids to steal 
candy from.

In a 
recent article, Liberal writer Joe Conason counter-attacked Karl Rove 
because of Rove's attempts to divert American public attention away from the Downing Street memo, George 
Bush's lies, and the disastrous Iraq War. Up to his tried and true trickery, 
Karl Rove started pointing fingers at events of 9/11 and using them as 
justification for questioning the patriotism of Liberals in America. Mr. Conason 

"In attacking liberals' reaction to Sept. 11, Bush's senior advisor once 
again resorts to McCarthy-style tactics. Karl Rove is a liar and a scoundrel. He 
is not a patriot but a pure partisan, as his own record proved long before 

Well, I don’t have too many problems with this so far. Of course 
Rove is a liar and a scoundrel. He's involved with American politics isn't he? 
Of course he's not a patriot but a pure partisan – did you Liberals just figure 
that one out? If so, no wonder we're in the mess we're in. What planet have you 
guys been living on?

Here's where the problem for you, dear reader, and yours truly comes in; we 
have the liars and scoundrels on the one side; and the liars, scoundrels, and 
simpletons on the other. Take your pick.

Then Mr. Conason really drops my jaw when he writes:

"The truth is that liberal New York – and the vast majority of American 
liberals and progressives – stood with the president in his decision to invade 
Afghanistan and overthrow the Taliban. On the day of the attacks, I wrote a 
column that endorsed "hunting down and punishing" those responsible because the 
dead deserved justice – and noted that when the culpability of Osama bin Laden 
and the Taliban was established, the United States 'is fully capable of dealing 
with them.' "

You can't be serious here. On the day of the attacks?! You, Mr. 
Liberal, supposedly the guys who are to be sticking up for the little guys – you 
actually wrote a column condoning the bombing of innocent people in Afghanistan 
on the day of the attacks – before any proof was presented?! And you are 
boasting about it? You are bragging about being suckered? Astounding! 
Maybe I missed something here, but I seem to remember that Colin Powell promised 
proof that Osama bin Laden was responsible for Sept. 11, within 72 hours after 
the event. I don't ever remember when any proof was given yet to this day. Do 

No wonder the so-called Liberals in America are so gutless and worthless. I 
can't believe that Liberals cannot see the crass hypocrisy and brainlessness of 
all this. How was bombing and murdering 20,000 innocent Afghani old men, women, 
and children to make up for – or compensate – 3,000 people who were murdered in 
a crime? That's right a crime – not an "act of war," Mr. Conason? 
I do not believe that there could be a single logically thinking person in the 
entire world who could come up with a suitable answer to that question.

Then he goes on to write:

"Six weeks after 9/11 and two weeks after the United States started bombing 
the terrorist camps in Afghanistan, I appeared on CBS's 'Early Show' to support 
the Bush administration's actions. Correspondent Lisa Birnbach made the point 
that liberals and Democrats who had once opposed the war in Vietnam were 
standing shoulder to shoulder with a president they didn't much like (and, 
although she didn't mention it, whose legitimacy they continued to doubt).

"Noting the ubiquitous presence of American flags as we walked around the 
very liberal neighborhood where I live, Birnbach said, 'This old lefty [Conason] 
is suddenly siding with the White House.' "

Pathetic. Simply pathetic. I do not wish to seem rude, but what is written 
here seems the apex of hypocrisy. What was it, Mr. Conason and the rest of you 
Liberals, that made you so blind to what was obviously going on? Was it a group 
"victim" complex? Or was it a savage primordial urge for revenge – an urge to 
show someone your powers of domination? No wonder right-wing drug addicts can go 
on the radio and make you guys look like flip-flopping idiots. We, the people, 
have the liars, cheaters, thieves, and war-criminals on the one side; and we 
have their flip-flopping enablers on the 

[cia-drugs] US, Canada, Mexico to Tighten Security

2005-06-29 Thread norgesen

"Deep integration uses security as a Trojan 
Horse for the complete surrender of our sovereignty to North American big 

U.S., Canada, Mexico to Tighten 
By BETH DUFF-BROWN, Associated Press WriterJune 28, 2005, 7:13 AM 

TORONTO -- The United States, Canada and Mexico pledged Monday to shore up 
security by integrating their terrorist watchlists and beefing up joint 
protection of borders and bridges.

At the same time, they promised to expand what is already the world's 
largest trading partnership by developing a single program to facilitate the 
free flow of people and goods across their shared borders.

"We are three countries, three friends living in the same neighborhood, so 
we have a common interest in our mutual security and our mutual prosperity," 
Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff told a news conference in Ottawa 
after he and his Canadian and Mexican counterparts unveiled their list of 
targets and initiatives.

"We want to confront external threats; we want to prevent and respond to 
threats to North America and we want to facilitate the flow of traffic across 
our borders," Chertoff said. "The more secure our region is, the more our 
prosperity will flourish."

Canadian Deputy Prime Minister Anne McLellan said 300 proposals were under 
review to ensure security and the free flow of North American trade and 
harmonize the screening of dangerous people or cargo.

"The proposals today will go a long way toward protecting North America, 
while maintaining each country's sovereignty," she said.

Monday's session follows the March 23 formation of a Security and 
Prosperity Partnership initiative announced by President Bush, Canadian Prime 
Minister Paul Martin and Mexican President Vicente Fox after their meeting in 
Waco, Texas.

The three leaders, who have sought to improve coordination since the terror 
attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, asked their top security and trade ministers to 
report back within 90 days on initiatives to enhance security and promote the 
economic well-being of their citizens.

Some other proposals include:

* Coordinating programs to ensure governments are prepared for large-scale 
emergencies or terrorist attacks;

* Joint protection of critical cross-border infrastructure, such as the 
Ambassador Bridge that spans the Detroit River and facilitates one-fourth of the 
daily $1.4 billion in trade between Canada and the United States;

* Strengthening approaches to maritime and aviation security;

* Establishing a second site for a Canada-U.S. pilot project that would 
check cargo and passengers before they cross the border;

* And creating a single, integrated program to allow "trusted travelers" 
who frequent the borders to travel quickly by air, land and sea.

The partnership initiative has its detractors, who are concerned that 
further integration of North American security and trade will be skewed toward 
big business and a threat to Canada's sovereignty.

"Deep integration uses security as a Trojan Horse for the complete 
surrender of our sovereignty to North American big business," Peter Julian, a 
New Democratic Party member of Parliament, told the House of Commons earlier 
this month as he pledged to fight the plan.

On the economic front, U.S. Secretary of Commerce Carlos Gutierrez and his 
Canadian and Mexican counterparts, David Emerson and Carlos Abascal, said they 
would develop a coordinated strategy to combat counterfeiting and piracy by the 
end of next year; create more regulatory consistency and further integrate their 
automobile and steel industries; and relax rules that will allow for an 
additional $25 billion worth of duty free goods.

Gutierrez said the United States, Canada and Mexico have a trading 
relationship worth more than $700 billion a year; an increase of 88 percent 
between 1993 and 2003.

"So we have a lot of jobs and a lot of prosperity tied to this very 
important trading relationship," Gutierrez said, but added: "No market economy 
can thrive without safety and security for its people. The threats we face 
require seamless cooperation that extends beyond our borders."

Emerson said the three nations must stand as one powerful trading block 
against other growing economies. North America accounts for one-third of the 
world's gross domestic product and he said investors would continue to look 
toward North America only if it is competitive.

"The rest of the world has not been standing still -- far from it," Emerson 
said. "A booming China is changing the competitive landscape and causing the 
reconfiguration of global supply chains. India is not far behind; the European 
Union, despite recent setbacks, will continue to get bigger and stronger."

The White House praised the efforts of the ministers, who said they would 
report back to their leaders in the fall.

"Their report represents an important first step in achieving the goals of 
the SPP," read a statement from the White House.

* On the 

[cia-drugs] Pete Seeger's 86th birthday

2005-06-30 Thread norgesen

Pete Seeger Is 86
[from the May 16, 2005 issue]
A nationwide festival of tributes to the balladeer and songleader of us all, 
Pete Seeger, will be held on and around his 86th birthday, on May 3 (for 
information see www.seegerfest.com). We 
asked Studs Terkel, who turns 93 on May 16 (hey, Happy Birthday, Studs!), to 
reminisce about his young friend. As Pete and The Weavers used to sing: "Tzena, Tzena, join the celebration./There'll be 
people there from every nation./Dawn will find us dancing in the 
sunlight,/Dancing in the village square."
Some years ago, DownBeat, the jazz journal, referred to Pete Seeger as 
"America's tuning fork." Along with Woody Guthrie, Leadbelly and Alan Lomax, he 
was the balladeer who stirred up the American folk-song revival in the late 
1940s and early 1950s. His influence among the young was so pervasive that it 
brought forth this thought: When you see a kid with Adam's apple wildly bobbing 
and banjo held chest-high, you know that Pete Seeger, like Kilroy, was there. 

Pete and his wife, Toshi, live in a house he built in Beacon, New York, an 
upstate town along the Hudson River. His later years have been devoted to the 
Clearwater, as a schooner and an idea--cleaning up the Hudson River, which had 
through the years become polluted, "dangerous to all living things." He was 82* 
when he started the river project. 
*CORRECTION (5/30): A typo made it appear as if Pete started his 
project to clean up the Hudson four years ago. He started it in 1969. Also, we 
landlubbers called the Clearwater a schooner; it is a sloop. 
It is hard to think of Pete Seeger as an elderly gaffer, because the boy in 
him, the light, remains undimmed. It was sixty-five years ago I first ran into 
him. He and three of his colleagues, calling themselves the Almanac Singers, 
were on a cross-country jalopy tour singing and creating songs for the 
industrial unions aborning. The CIO had begun, and how could there be labor 
rallies without songs? It was in the true American tradition, like the 
Hutchinsons, a family of singing abolitionists during the Civil War. Some of the 
most heartbreaking music of that fratricidal conflict was theirs. 
That night when I first encountered the four wandering minstrels was a cold 
Chicago beauty. At 2 in the morning, my wife heard the doorbell ring. I was away 
rehearsing the first play in which I had ever appeared. It was Waiting for 
Lefty, of course. There, at the door, were the four of them. The first was a 
bantam--freckled, red-haired and elfin. He handed my wife a note saying: "These 
are good fellas. Put them up for the night." Putting them up was a rough 
assignment, even for a Depression-era social worker, what with the only spare 
bunk being a Murphy bed that sprang from the wall. Freckles announced himself as 
Woody Guthrie. The second was an Ozark mountain man named Lee Hayes. The third 
was a writer, Millard Lampell. The fourth, somewhat diffident, more in the 
background, was a slim-jim of 20 or so, fretting around with his banjo. He was 
Pete Seeger. 
Since then, Woody has died. So has Lee Hayes. So has Millard Lampell. Only 
Pete breathes and sings, mesmerizing audiences, whether they be Democrats, 
lefties, vegans or even a sprinkling of Republicans. For sixty-five years, he 
has held forth continuously through periods known more for their bleakness than 
for their hope: the cold war, the witchhunt, the civil rights and civil 
liberties battles. Pete has been in all of them. Wherever he was asked, when the 
need was the greatest, he, like Kilroy, was there. And still is. Though his 
voice is somewhat shot, he holds forth on that stage. Whether it be a concert 
hall, a gathering in the park, a street demonstration, any area is a 
battleground for human rights. That is why describing him as an 86-year-old 
gaffer is not quite true. The calendar often deceives. This is a sparkling case 
in point. 
Of course, he's been blacklisted so many times he probably holds the dubious 
record, with the possible exception of Paul Robeson, who was often his partner 
in crime. 
Before we hoist one for Pete, let's also remember that he's one of the best 
choirmasters in the country. He may not have the technique of Robert Shaw, but 
the result is just as explosive. Imagine an audience of thousands as Pete sings, 
say, "Wimoweh." As Pete waves his arms gently, the audience reacts as a 
professional choir might. I've seen a wizened little man, who obviously is 
somebody's bookkeeper, at the command of Pete become a basso profundo, reaching 
two octaves lower than Chaliapin. This is the nature of Pete Seeger, who reaches 
out toward the further shores more effectively and more exhilaratedly than 
anyone I've ever run into. 
Hail Pete, at 86, still the boy with that touch of hope in the midst of 
bleakness. There ain't no one like him. 


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[cia-drugs] MKULTRA Mind Program in Washington Post

2005-06-30 Thread norgesen

John K. Vance; Uncovered LSD Project at 

By Joe HolleyWashington Post Staff WriterThursday, June 16, 2005; Page B08 

John K. Vance, 89, a member of the Central Intelligence Agency 
inspector general's staff in the early 1960s who discovered that the agency was 
running a research project that included administering LSD and other drugs to 
unwitting human subjects, died May 27 of respiratory arrest.
He died at the Wilson Health Care Center of Asbury Methodist Village in 


  John Vance met people in the intelligence 
  world while working as a military interpreter at the Nuremberg 


Code-named MKULTRA (and pronounced m-k-ultra), the project Mr. 
Vance uncovered was the brainchild of CIA Director Allen Dulles, who was 
intrigued by reports of mind-control techniques allegedly conducted by Soviet, 
Chinese and North Korean agents on U.S. prisoners of war during the Korean War. 
The CIA wanted to use similar techniques on its own POWs and perhaps use LSD or 
other mind-bending substances on foreign leaders, including Cuba's Fidel Castro 
a few years after the project got underway in 1953.
Heading MKULTRA was a CIA chemist named Sidney Gottlieb. In 
congressional testimony, Gottlieb, who died in 1999, acknowledged that the 
agency had administered LSD to as many as 40 unwitting subjects, including 
prison inmates and patrons of brothels set up and run by the agency. At least 
one participant died when he jumped out of a 10th-floor window in a hotel; 
others claimed to have suffered serious psychological 
Mr. Vance learned about MKULTRA in the spring of 1963 during a 
wide-ranging inspector general survey of the agency's technical services 
division. The inspector general's report said: "The concepts involved in 
manipulating human behavior are found by many people both within and outside the 
agency to be distasteful and unethical."
As a result of Mr. Vance's discovery and the inspector general's 
report, the CIA halted the testing and began scaling back the project. It was 
terminated in the late 1960s.
MKULTRA came to public light in 1977 as a result of hearings conducted 
by a Senate committee on intelligence chaired by Sen. Frank Church (D-Idaho). 
Mr. Vance gave several long phone interviews to committee staff members but 
never had to testify.
Mr. Vance was born in Seward, Neb., and graduated magna cum 
laude from Doane College in Crete, Neb., in 1936. He received a master's 
degree in economics from Columbia University in 1937 and a bachelor's degree in 
library science from Columbia in 1939.
He began working on his doctorate at Harvard University during World 
War II but soon was serving in the Army. He was sent to language school to learn 
German and worked as a military interpreter at the postwar Nuremberg trials. In 
Nuremberg, he met people in the intelligence world.
His CIA career began in 1947. He was on the inspector's general's staff 
from 1960 to 1963, and then became the director of central reference until his 
retirement in 1971.
A member of the Maryland Ornithological Society and the Maryland Nature 
Conservancy, Mr. Vance helped in bird banding and also enjoyed gardening, 
biking, tennis and travel. He was a member of the Cedar Lane Unitarian Church in 
Survivors include his wife of 64 years, Elizabeth E. Vance of 
Gaithersburg; three daughters, Sally Roman of Kensington, Julia Stewart of 
Columbus, Ohio, and Margie Kay of Timonium, Md.; eight grandchildren; and five 

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[cia-drugs] Personal Stories of a Bilderberg Hunter

2005-06-30 Thread norgesen

Danny Estulin 
is writing three accounts from recent Bilderberg conferences which will be 
appearing on Online Journal www.onlinejournal.com and on www.bilderberg.org over the next few weeks. This is the first 
of those accounts from the 2004 Bilderberg conference in Italy.Danny has 
also completed a book on his experiences following Bilderberg around and is 
seeking publishers and publishing contacts.TonyLunatic Fringe: 
Personal Stories of a Bilderberg 
HunterAn encounter with Italian police on the way to 
Bilderberg 2004By Daniel Estulinhttp://www.onlinejournal.com/Special_Reports/062505Estulin/062505estulin.htmlOnline Journal Contributing Writer 
Editor's Note: Daniel Estulin and his family were expelled from the 
Soviet Union on March 23, 1980, for anti-Soviet activity. His father, a 
prominent scientist and a dissident, spent 3½ years in prison for seeking 
freedom of speech for his fellow citizens. Fearing for his life for his daring 
exposes of corruption, manipulation and power grabbing, Estulin has voluntarily 
exiled himself to Spain. His dramatic personal stories are a rare look behind 
the scenes at how the most powerful secret society in the world has tried to 
stop one of the most determined men in the world from discovering its 
secretsJune 25, 2005-For the longest time, the Club and I have been 
seeking each other's company, for the mutual disbenefit of our detractors. 
Although I conduct my investigation in the strictest of privacy, once per year, 
I come out of my shell to confront Bilderbergers on their terrain-a five star 
luxury hotel, the site of the annual secret gathering. In the summer 2004, I was 
off to Stresa, Italy.To get to this sleepy resort town that lives at the 
expense of globs of sun burned elderly German tourists who cohabitate with 
linguistically impaired Britons, Scots and Irishmen, one must fly to Milan's 
Malpensa International Airport.I am fond of Milan; I imagine in the 
hollow of the vowel that splits the M and the L, a miniature replica of the 
famed Cathedral, the dampness of its spring sunsets, and the echoes of the feet 
marking a staccato-like rhythm on its cobbled squares.So I was happy to be 
there again, to trudge in the opposite direction of the departing tourists, 
unaware of the city's elegance and hidden splendours.As I made my way 
through the airport terminal, my mind dreamily wondered to something I had read 
in the usually soiled and leafed through in-flight magazine-a peripheral article 
on the Novodevichy, or "New Maidens Convent" in English, the most revered 
cemetery in Moscow. The article shared the page space with a scantily dressed 
woman in a red dress, and a helpful list of addresses to not-to-be-missed sights 
from the Russian tourist board to such holy shrines as Lenin's mausoleum, the 
KGB headquarters at Lublianka, and GUM "the world's biggest shopping 
centre!"Novodevichy! Some of Russia's most venerated writers and poets 
are buried there. Chekhov was one of the first to be buried in the cemetery in 
1904 and Googol's remains were re-interred here from Danilov Monastery not long 
after. The 20th century writers Mayakovsky and Bulgakov are buried here, as are 
the much-celebrated theatrical directors and founders of the Moscow Art Theatre, 
Nemirovich-Danchenko and Stanislavsky.I thought of the utter 
unpredictability of the future and the past as not a rigid succession but a 
storehouse of remembered images and concealed patterns that contain the key to 
the mysterious designs of our lives.In my imagination, I hovered over 
Googol's tomb that is symbolically linked with that of another famous writer, 
Bulgakov, author of "The Master and Margarita." When moved to Novodevichy, 
Googol's tomb was changed. A part of the original tomb was used in the new tomb. 
The remaining original stone was stored for years until Bulgakov's wife saw it 
and chose to incorporate it into her husband's tomb, only later discovering that 
it was part of Googol's first tomb.Beauty and lightness on the one hand; 
philosophical meditation on the other . . ."Buonasera. Would you please come 
with us, sir?" A sharp, piercing voice quickly dispersed those meretricious 
musings that had meandered so aimlessly, yet blissfully within the confines of 
my imagination.I looked up.He was coming towards me, garbed in a 
raincoat, which struck me as rather odd considering the sky was Mediterranean 
blue, a shiny automatic weapon slung across his shoulders.Like a host of 
a freak show who surrounds himself with hunchbacks, dwarfs and singing 2m tall 
albinos, this insignificant man, who might well have fitted terrifically into a 
masquerade ball, came into my personal space, clicked his heels, put his index 
and middle fingers to his temple and presented himself."I am Detective 
so and o," he announced in a perfect iambic tetrameter. "Would you please come 
with us?"The feeling of prearranged tragedy, or more precisely, the 
shadow, tragically imposed in my contra 

[cia-drugs] The UN Reform Bandwagon

2005-07-02 Thread norgesen

The UN "Reform" 
Bandwagonby William F. JasperJuly 11, 
"If and when these reforms are 
enacted, Mr. Speaker, the world will be safer and stronger, the American people 
will be assured their money is being well-spent, and the United Nations charter 
to prevent wars, protect human rights, and advance the cause of human freedom 
will be reaffirmed." So declared House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Texas) on 
June 17 in his concluding remarks in support of H.R. 2745, the United Nations 
Reform Act of 2005.
It must be tempting indeed for a 
great many folks to believe that merely passing a piece of legislation could 
transform the United Nations from a corrupt sinkhole of tyrants, thugs, and 
thieves, and a bastion of world government schemers, into a paragon of global 
virtue and righteous governance. UN reform, it seems, has become a near 
universal obsession, with Democrats and Republicans, liberals and conservatives 
all in agreement that the UN must be reformed — and soon. It appears they only 
disagree on how to do it.
But in the current debate on the 
subject, some of the most important questions aren't even being asked. For 
instance, is the UN even worth reforming? Was it ever worth reforming? 
Even more important, can it be reformed? Is it a good idea gone bad, or 
was it a bad idea from the beginning? And, if the UN was bad from the start, if 
it is an inherently dangerous, fatally flawed institution, do we really want to 
"enhance" it and "strengthen" it, as UN reformers are proposing?
The current reform drive is being 
fueled by a series of UN scandals that have been keeping the UN's professional 
spinmeisters and their allies in Congress and the media operating in nonstop 
damage control mode. Last December 60 members of Congress called on United 
Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan to resign from his UN post. Among the 
legislators urging him to step down were eight members of the House 
International Relations Committee and nine members of the House Appropriations 
Committee, which provides the UN with 22 percent of its operating budget each 
year. The issue that galvanized many of these Senate and House members to demand 
Annan's departure was his ongoing arrogant and high-handed effort to thwart 
congressional probes into the multi-billion dollar Iraq oil-for-food 
Annan repeatedly refused to turn 
over documents to congressional committees and ordered UN employees not to 
cooperate with U.S. investigations into the scandal, which has become infamous 
as the biggest swindle in the history of humanitarian aid. For cover, he claimed 
that the congressional probes would interfere with the UN's own investigation, 
which was being led by his pal Paul Volcker, former chairman of the Federal 
Reserve. The Volcker-run "Independent Inquiry Committee" dragged its feet and, 
as its critics predicted, finally issued a report that turned out to be a 
Annan claimed total exoneration. 
Then on June 14 a memo surfaced showing Annan's direct personal connection to 
the scandal, reigniting calls for Annan's scalp — just as he was preparing to 
host the world's heads of state at the Millennium Goals Summit in New York City 
in September.
Surfeit of 
Without a doubt, the United Nations 
is suffering one of the worst public relations nightmares of its inglorious 
60-year existence. At every turn, it seems, the organization's seamy underbelly 
is being exposed, belying the claims of UN defenders that it is a noble 
institution in pursuit of global peace and compassionate aid for the destitute 
and downtrodden of the world. These are but a few of the outrages, in addition 
to the Iraq oil-for-food scandal, that are feeding America's growing anti-UN 
• Blue-helmeted UN "peacekeepers" 
and other UN personnel are under fire for sexually exploiting and raping young 
girls in the Congo and the Central African Republic over the past several 
• Human rights workers are now 
charging that UN troops knowingly and intentionally gunned down unarmed 
civilians in a crowded market in Congo's Ituri province in March.
• Ruud Lubbers, the UN High 
Commissioner for Refugees who was accused of sexual harassment, was let off the 
hook by his pal Kofi Annan, even though an internal investigation pointed to 
Lubbers' guilt. Lubbers resigned in February after news reporters revealed what 
Annan had covered up.
• In April, Canadian billionaire 
Maurice Strong resigned as Kofi Annan's Special Envoy to North Korea, amid 
charges of ties to the oil-for-food scandal through Korean businessman Tongsun 
Park, whom U.S. prosecutors are accusing of acting as an "unregistered agent" of 
Saddam Hussein. Strong, who served as secretary-general of the UN's 1992 Earth 
Summit in Rio de Janeiro, is a longtime personal friend of and senior adviser to 
• The UN claims to be the world's 
premier defender of human rights, but its infamous Human Rights Commission is an 
outrageous assortment 

[cia-drugs] The Real Origins Of The 9/11 Truth Movement

2005-07-03 Thread norgesen

At least three years ago Alex 
Jones warned people that the establishment would allow the truth about 9/11 to 
get out simply because it was too big a monster to hide.
Alex pointed out 
however that the establishment would spin the issue to make people believe that 
the evil right-wing American imperialists were behind the terrorism and so the 
only solution would be a left-wing world government to counter them. So you 
would be forced to accept a false choice between a right-wing world government 
and a left-wing world government.
Many prominent 9/11 researchers, either unwittingly or 
deliberately, have promulgated this dangerous notion, stating for example that 
we need a 'global democracy' to defeat the evil right-wing 
The Real Origins 
Of The 9/11 Truth Movement
Paul Joseph 
Watson | May 3 2005 
Four years ago in May 2001, I watched a British 
Channel 4 documentary about Alex Jones' infiltration into Bohemian Grove. At 
first glance the show seemed to be a hit piece aimed at discrediting Alex and 
his work. But I wanted to make sure so I visited Alex's website and started 
listening to his radio show.
Alex was gripped with anguish and apprehension. 
He was talking about how the government were about to carry out an act of 
terrorism to bolster the construction of a police state and a new world 
Alex dubbed his campaign 'Expose the Government 
Terrorists' and urged his listeners to call the White House and tell them to 
call off the operation.
He gave out White House switchboard numbers on 
his radio and television show on a daily basis.
On his television show Alex elaborated on the 
fact that the Globalists were about to use their asset Osama bin Laden to attack 
New York. Alex is not psychic. He did not have a crystal ball. He was able to 
make the call because he could see the conditioning in the media. Bin laden is a 
threat, bin Laden will attack. When bin Laden attacks, give up your rights.
This was the incessantly replayed mantra from 
the controlled media. 
here for a clip from Alex's TV show, taped on July 25th 2001.
I watched all this develop before I even spoke 
to Alex Jones or started my own website.
Alex predicted the 9/11 attack BEFORE it 
On the day of the attack Alex called in to the 
Derry Brownfield show which was being broadcast on GCN before Alex's own show 
came on air.
Alex was adamant that the government were behind 
the attack. They had been conditioning the public before the attack and they had 
the most to gain from carrying out the attack.
While others were squabbling over issues of 
prior knowledge, Alex was firm in pointing the finger directly at the criminals 
inside the Military-Industrial Complex for being intimately involved in 
The evidence is now overwhelming and clear that 
this is exactly what happened.
In the days and weeks following 9/11, Alex was 
the first to draw attention to the crucial testimony of people like David Shippers 
and Greg Palast, respectable figures blowing the whistle on 
government connections and protection of the terrorists.
Greg Palast thanked 
Alex for being the only radio host to pay attention to W199I, a 
leaked document concerning FBI protected of groups linked to Al-Qaeda.
In mid to late 2004 several prominent 
self-proclaimed 9/11 ringleaders started talking about the fact that wargames 
were used as a cover for the operational execution of the 9/11 attack. Alex was 
talking about this two years beforehand in his film, Masters of Terror and again 
in an April 2004 television show, a clip of which can be viewed here. 

I point out these examples not to lionize Alex 
Jones as some kind of messiah but in response to the claims of many researchers 
that they are the 'grandfather' of the 9/11 truth movement or words to that 
It is disturbing to note that in many instances 
these same researchers have been seen to push obvious frauds like the peak oil 
At least three years ago Alex Jones warned 
people that the establishment would allow the truth about 9/11 to get out simply 
because it was too big a monster to hide.
Alex pointed out 
however that the establishment would spin the issue to make people believe that 
the evil right-wing American imperialists were behind the terrorism and so the 
only solution would be a left-wing world government to counter them. So you 
would be forced to accept a false choice between a right-wing world government 
and a left-wing world government.
Many prominent 9/11 
researchers, either unwittingly or deliberately, have promulgated this dangerous 
notion, stating for example that we need a 'global democracy' to defeat the evil 
right-wing Neo-Cons. 
The fact that these individuals have been 
labelled the 'godfathers of the 9/11 movement' is therefore a worrying 
development. This has given them the credibility required to create a '9/11 
orthodoxy' and marginalize anyone who discusses 9/11 issues that THEY feel 
shouldn't be circulated.

[cia-drugs] Former DEA Agent: Mexican Commandos Killing In South West US To Protect Bush Drug Cartel

2005-07-03 Thread norgesen

Former DEA 
Agent: Mexican Commandos Killing In South West US To Protect Bush Drug 
Prison Planet | June 
9 2005
Retired DEA Agent Celerino "Cele" Castillo III 
served for 12 years in the Drug Enforcement Administration where he built cases 
against organized drug rings in Manhattan, raided jungle cocaine labs in the 
amazon, conducted aerial eradication operations in Guatemala, and assembled and 
trained anti-narcotics units in several countries. 
Cele appeared on the Alex Jones show and dropped 
the bombshell that los Zetas, Mexican drug commandos trained in the U.S. at the 
School of the Americas at Fort Benning, Georgia to be the elite "special forces" 
of the Mexican military are now murdering police and conducting hits all over 
the South West US. 
This partially came out in the national media 
last week but the spin was that it was just a case of blowback and that these US 
trained commandos had come back to haunt their former handlers. The truth is 
that they are still working for the US government in protecting drug routes to 
keep the wheels of Wall Street oiled.
These commandos are working directly for the 
Bush drug cartel in carrying out hits on rival drug smugglers who aren't paying 
their cut. Witnesses and innocent police, DEA and FBI agents are also being 
Here is the partial transcript from the show. Click 
here to listen.
Cele Castillo: "That same blueprint they used in 
Guatamala and in Vietnam they have now brought it to Iraq and the same Colonel 
who ran the death squads down in El Salvador Colonel James Steele is now running 
those commando unit death squads in Iraq. So basically we have the same 
individuals, same cell grups that were in Vietnam that came to central America 
and Miami and so forth and are now in Iraq and some of them are being trained 
here in south Texas. There's warehouses down here we're they're training more 
Zetas individuals that work for the cartels.
Alex Jones: "Now for those that missed that, you 
have evidence as a former veteran, peace officer and then head DEA agent in 
Latin America and you live in south Texas, that down there they are training 
these los Zetas groups and again they're now targeting rival cowboys that are 
not paying their cut, do you agree with that statement?"
Cele Castillo: "Absolutely but not only that 
just recently last month we had a female US customs agent driving down the 
highway and a couple of individuals drove up to her and just shot the hell out 
of the car and she got hit on the ankle and they're not gonna take any more 
prisoners. They're now gonna target FBI agents, DEA agents and people that were 
able to get away from"
Alex Jones: "And Bush has ordered the border 
patrol to stand down there in the Tuscon sector because, this was official, 
because it was cutting in on their drug profits."
Cele Castillo: "Well exactly and now they're 
planning to come to south Texas and they're gonna do the same thing here in 
south Texas and there was a story just today in the paper which says border 
patrol agents say you know what we can't stop these people from coming across 
the border and the reason that we can't stop them is because our government is 
not letting us do it."
Alex Jones: "Well I read in the Brownsville 
paper, the Dallas Moring News you name it that they're conducting murders all 
over Texas and killing police officers but it's a national secret Cele, it's in 
regional papers
Cele Castillo: "Well one of the most major 
things that people don't realize that's going on is a lot of these people 
getting murdered are informants for the DEA and FBI and basically people don't 
wanna admit the fact or let the public know that these people are informants 
working for the government."
Alex Jones: "Cop killers that work for 
Mexican Drug Commandos
Mexican commandos seek control of 

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[cia-drugs] Federal spy probe begins into California National Guard unit

2005-07-07 Thread norgesen

Federal spy probe begins 
into California National Guard unit 

By Don Thompson

4:52 p.m. July 6, 2005 

SACRAMENTO – U.S. military 
authorities on Wednesday began investigating whether a California National Guard 
unit was established to spy on U.S. citizens, as about 30 demonstrators outside 
guard headquarters confronted officials backed by armed soldiers. 
The federal probe of the nation's largest National Guard force involves the 
U.S. Army's inspector general, the federal National Guard Bureau's inspector 
general and the National Guard Bureau's legal division. 

The unit has raised concern among peace 
activists that the Guard is resorting to the same type of civilian monitoring 
that characterized Vietnam War-era protests. 
"These are your mothers, grandmothers and neighbors," said George Main, 
president of Veterans for Peace and an organizer of Wednesday's protest outside 
guard headquarters. "They are not potential terrorist threats. The excuse that 
these groups might be infiltrated is an insult to the intelligence of every 
Under scrutiny is a California National Guard unit with a tongue-twisting 
name – the Information Synchronization, Knowledge Management and Intelligence 
Fusion program. It was created last year and came to public light after a recent 
story in the San Jose Mercury News. 
Investigators also are looking into the Guard's monitoring of a Mother's Day 
anti-war demonstration at the state Capitol that was organized by several peace 
groups. The activities were documented in an e-mail chain originating in Gov. 
Arnold Schwarzenegger's press office and made public by the newspaper. 
That monitoring was by a second unit, the Guard's Domestic Watch Center. Both 
units were under the command of Col. Jeff Davis, who has since retired and left 
the state. 
Guard spokesman Col. Doug Hart said monitoring activities merely meant 
tracking media coverage of the protest, which included the Gold Star Families 
for Peace, Raging Grannies and CodePink. 
"Even with a seemingly innocent act as watching TV, they're breaking the 
law," said Natalie Wormeli, a member of Code Pink, a women's peace group. She 
sat in a wheelchair at Wednesday's protest wearing a T-shirt reading "One Nation 
Under Surveillance." 
The protesters spoke outside the Guard's headquarters in a suburban 
Sacramento office park, and at one point engaged in a verbal confrontation with 
Guard officials as soldiers carrying M-16 rifles stood in the background. One 
soldier blocked the locked headquarters door as the protesters tried to enter. 
California National Guard officials defended the unit. 
"We do not spy on people," Hart said. "Never have, never will." 
The Guard has described the unit as consisting of two members who monitor the 
military's classified e-mail system and seven others who help gauge terrorist 
threats to bridges, buildings and other structures. 
Officials in the guard and the governor's office said they will cooperate in 
the federal inquiry. Hart said the federal units were declining comment on their 
probe. Army spokeswoman Lt. Col. Pamela Hart declined to even acknowledge that 
an investigation was under way. 
Meanwhile, a state senator has begun his own investigation into the guard 
Sen. Joe Dunn, D-Garden Grove, said he is concerned that Davis, who oversaw 
the unit, not only has retired but that the hard drive on his computer was 
Doug Hart said Davis' retirement and the cleansing of the computer were 
routine and happened before Dunn began investigating the unit last week. 
Dunn runs a subcommittee that oversees the Guard's funding and is seeking 
Senate subpoenas for Davis and the computer. In a news conference Wednesday, 
Dunn said he suspects the federal probe is designed to keep evidence away from 
state investigators and the public hearings he plans. 
The acting adjutant general for the California National Guard, Brigadier 
General John R. Alexander, said he would provide no details to Dunn while the 
federal investigation is ongoing. 
Dunn questioned federal jurisdiction in the case and suggested that 
Schwarzenegger, as the state's commander in chief, should order the Guard to 
cooperate. He also said the governor should consider involving the California 
Highway Patrol to ensure that no evidence is destroyed or removed from the 
State Guard officials said they expect to be able to convince Dunn that they 
have done nothing wrong. 
Schwarzenegger originally sought a federal review of possible accounting 
irregularities under the Guard's former commander, Major Gen. Thomas Eres. Eres 
resigned abruptly in June amid questions about whether he falsified passing a 
required marksmanship test and tried to arrange a flight on a military aircraft 
for members of a Republican group. 
The governor's office expanded the request after questions arose about the 
special unit arose. 

Associated Press Writer Brian Melley contributed to 

[cia-drugs] Pushing the edge of art and legality

2005-07-07 Thread norgesen

"I'd like to see 
humans with the necks of giraffes; I'd like to see a thousand-legged dog - a 
dog crossed with a millipede," he said. "I'm all for things getting really, 
really weird."

Pushing the edge of art and legalityBy 
Randy Kennedy 
The New York TimesMONDAY, JULY 4, 2005NEW YORK In a certain part of the 
art world, the story is recounted like a nightmare: On the afternoon of May 
11 last year, Steven Kurtz, a respected artist and professor at the State 
University of New York at Buffalo, called an emergency number to report that 
his wife, Hope, 45, was not breathing.The police arrived to 
find Hope Kurtz dead, and in a hallway they found something else - a 
biological lab, with an incubator, centrifuge and bacterial cultures growing 
in petri dishes. Windows nearby were covered with foil, and on the shelves 
were books like "The Biology of Doom" and "Spores, Plagues and History: The 
Story of Anthrax."The FBI was called in. Agents in white 
biohazard suits scoured the house. Subpoenas - citing sections of the 
Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act - were issued to Kurtz and other 
members of an art group he and his wife helped found, the Critical Art 
Ensemble. And in the summer of 2004 Kurtz was indicted by a federal grand 
jury on charges of mail and wire fraud, accused of illegally obtaining two 
of the bacteria samples in his lab, crimes that could send him to prison 
for up to 20 years.Information that emerged later changed the 
picture considerably. Medical examiners found that Hope Kurtz's death was 
not suspicious; she died of heart failure. As artists, she and her husband 
had long worked openly with biological and chemical agents, which they used 
at exhibitions around the world, including a 2002 show involving 
genetically altered plants at the Corcoran Gallery of Art in Washington. 
Most significant, the bacteria cultures in the Kurtz lab were determined to 
be essentially harmless.But federal prosecutors have continued to 
pursue the case, which could come to trial later this year. In the process, 
they have transformed Kurtz into an unlikely art world martyr-hero and shone 
a spotlight on an emerging art movement that blurs the lines between art 
and science - especially the science of genetics and biotechnology - and 
also the lines between art and activism.Called "bioart" or 
"wetware" by some of its practitioners, the field is growing rapidly in the 
United States and Europe, and it is producing bizarre and sometimes 
disturbing work.In many ways bioart represents a logical next step 
in contemporary art, which has eagerly embraced new approaches and 
nontraditional materials: video and computers beginning in the 1960s and 
'70s, digital technology and the Internet in the '90s. But bioart can 
credibly claim to have made a more revolutionary break with tradition. 
The artists use life itself - bacteria, cell lines, plants, insects and 
animals - as the medium to ask the questions that art has always asked. The 
work can feel genuinely subversive, even dangerous.Some 
bioartists credit the photographer Edward Steichen as the founder of genetic 
art; in the 1930s at the Museum of Modern Art he showed a collection of 
giant delphiniums he had mutated using selective breeding and chemicals. 
Biological elements have also played a part in some well-known contemporary 
work, like the lifecycle-behind-glass gross-out of Damien Hirst, in which 
maggots hatch, become flies, feed on a rotting cow's head, then die on a bug 
zapper.During the last decade the field has grown largely 
because of the very advances in biotechnology - genetically altered plants 
and animals, cloning, mapping of the human genome - that the artwork 
often addresses. In many cases the artists work alongside scientists in 
their labs. Joe Davis, for example, considered a father of American bioart, 
has worked for years as an unpaid research associate at the Massachusetts 
Institute of Technology.Occasionally the work is playful, verging 
on silly - serenading a strain of E. coli bacteria with Engelbert 
Humperdinck's greatest hits to see if that causes increased antibiotic 
production. (It appeared to.) Other artists are simply trying to find new 
ways to do old things - creating portraits on leaves or in swaths of growing 
grass by using photosynthesis. But much of the work is provocative and, 
depending on your Brave New World tolerance, disturbing: creating 
"victimless" meat by growing tiny steaks from biopsied frog cells; using 
bone cells from pigs to grow wing-shaped objects, a play on the "when pigs 
fly" trope; coaxing cactuses into sprouting humanlike hair; growing tissue 
in a petri dish that could theoretically be marketed as a hymen 
replacement.The five-member Critical Art Ensemble has for many 
years pushed the art deep into the realm of activism, questioning the 
activities of the biotechnology industry."The fuzzy saboteur 
has to stand on that ambiguous line between the legal and the illegal 

[cia-drugs] Plans to test anthrax shot on children questioned

2005-07-07 Thread norgesen

Plans to test anthrax shot on children 
questionedBY DAVID GOLDSTEINKnight Ridder 
NewspapersWASHINGTON - (KRT) - The government's effort to develop a new 
vaccine against anthrax has raised red flags among critics over plans to 
eventually test an experimental version on children.Robert Bock, a 
spokesman for the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, 
said the new anthrax vaccine would not be tested on 100 first- and 
second-graders until it is first tested safely on adults. That is under way 
now, he said."If that study is successful, there will probably be a protocol 
to test the anthrax vaccine in children," Bock said.While federal rules 
govern how children can be used in medical research, Barbara Loe Fisher, 
president of the National Vaccine Information Center, said the threat of 
anthrax exposure was too remote to subject children to a possibly dangerous 
substance."There is almost no risk to these children of being exposed to a 
form of ... anthrax that has been weaponized" so it can be inhaled, said 
Fisher, whose nonprofit group has been pushing for vaccine safety since 
the 1980s. "The benefits are zero and risk is quite high."Several 
pediatricians involved in bioterrorism issues, however, said that given the 
potential threat, it would be irresponsible not to include children in the 
test."Considering that in a worst-case scenario, this vaccine would have 
to be used in an emergency over a very short period of time, we would be 
in a bad position medically and ethically if it were not tested beforehand," 
said Stanley Plotkin, emeritus professor of pediatrics at the University of 
Pennsylvania.Plotkin was a consultant on a 2002 study that declared the 
current anthrax vaccine to be "effective" and "acceptably safe."But 
government researchers at the National Institutes of Health now are trying 
to find a better vaccine. There are concerns the current vaccine, which has 
been in use for several decades, causes too many side effects.They range 
from simple headaches and muscle pains to more serious and complex ailments, 
such as heart problems, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, hypertension, 
diabetes and blood clots.For decades, the current vaccine was largely given 
only to people who worked in the livestock industry, where most exposures 
occur. But in 1991, it was issued to some troops during the first Gulf War 
because of fears Saddam Hussein had biological weapons.By 1997, the 
military was concerned enough about the spread of such weapons that it made 
anthrax inoculations mandatory for all troops. Developing a national vaccine 
program to protect the public became a priority after the Sept. 11, 2001, 
terrorist attacks when five persons died from anthrax-tainted letters and 13 
others were infected. The sender has never been identified.The current 
vaccine is given in a series of six doses over 18 months, with annual 
boosters. More than 1.3 million military and civilian personnel have taken 
it.Made by the BioPort Corp. of Lansing, Mich., the vaccine has been 
approved only for anthrax exposure through the skin, not through 
inhalation, the way it would be disseminated on a battlefield or in a 
public place.But numerous soldiers who have taken it under military 
orders have reported severe side effects.In response to a lawsuit by six 
anonymous service members challenging the mandatory vaccinations, a federal 
judge stopped the program last fall because he said federal regulators had 
not properly followed rules to declare it safe.Defense Secretary Donald 
Rumsfeld called the vaccine "safe and effective" following the ruling. The 
program has been reauthorized, however, on a voluntary basis, under 
provisions of the Project Bioshield Act, which permits emergency use of 
unapproved vaccines.In the new vaccine tests, 350 adults are randomly being 
given either the experimental vaccine or the BioPort vaccine to compare 
their effects."No children have been given a licensed or experimental 
vaccine in the trial," according to a statement from the National Institute 
of Child Health and Human Development, the division of NIH that is 
conducting the trial. "Studies in children will not begin until the 
safety of the new vaccine has been demonstrated in adults."Meryl Nass, a 
Maine internist who has treated numerous soldiers who've experienced medical 
problems after taking the BioPort vaccine, said one of the primary 
ingredients in the experimental vaccine - the protective antigen - is a 
known toxin."There is no good reason to expect that (the experimental) 
vaccine will be any safer than the older one," she said.BioPort 
spokeswoman Kim Brennen Root said the company was unaware that its vaccine 
was being used in a new NIH trial and could not comment.Steve Robinson, 
executive director of the National Gulf War Resource Center, which helps 
former soldiers with service-related health problems, said, "Anybody who 
gets involved is taking a huge gamble that maybe their 

[cia-drugs] UTMB Huckster Backs Anthrax Snake Oil

2005-07-07 Thread norgesen

[COMMENT: Ah, the greed... The 
endorser of this snake oil is a Professor of Microbiology and Immunology at 
UTMB in Galveston ... and has co-published with UTMB's resident anthrax 
expert. Bio-Germ online: http://www.bio-germ.com/Wonder if the 
UTMB folks are going to rely on squirting Bio-Germ in the air when they run 
virulent anthrax aerosol challenges in their (perhaps leaky) Madison 
chamber...But wait, there's more... the all too frequent occurence of 
bioweapons kooks gaining access to high levels of government (..."he 
helped Bio-Germ get a meeting with top U.S. Health and Human Services 
officials by calling another friend - Tommy Thompson...") - EH 
EDITIONNEWS; Pg. 1A2443 wordsSelling shaky science? 
Exclusive: Experts question Dallas businessman's anti-anthrax product; 
supporters back offMICHAEL GRABELL, Staff WriterA Dallas 
businessman says he has the answer for an anthrax attack - a 16-ounce, $179 
bottle of skin lotion made from grapefruit seeds and the oil of an 
Australian tree.He's won scientific backing from a microbiologist at a 
University of Texas branch known for bioterrorism research. A respected 
police chief and a veteran North Texas congressman have supported him. Some 
public safety agencies have talked about using federal homeland-security 
grants to buy the lotion and related products, which are sold as the 
Bio-Germ Protection kit."This certainly appears to be a breakthrough and 
the answer to the anthrax problem," U.S. Rep. Ralph Hall says on a Bio-Germ 
promotional video.But the company appears to be built on little more 
than shaky science and the long-standing friendships of the businessman's 
father, The Dallas Morning News has found. The U.S. Food and Drug 
Administration says Bio-Germ lacks federal approval and could face scrutiny 
for assertions made on its Web site.The businessman, scientist, 
congressman and police chief said they had no intentions of misleading the 
public. They said they only wanted to help the country be prepared for a 
terrorist attack.After The News began making inquiries, UT officials 
investigated the microbiologist, John Heggers, and ruled last week that he 
had overstated his research to support a commercial product."Dr. 
Heggers has committed significant scientific misconduct by making excessive 
and false claims based on his research," the officials wrote. "His 
misconduct is all the more egregious because his false claims involve 
nationally important public policy."A burn specialist at the UT Medical 
Branch in Galveston, Dr. Heggers published the only scientific article on 
Bio-Germ in an obscure online journal run by two of his former medical 
residents. The journal retracted the study after two scientists listed as 
co-authors disputed the article's findings and said they had never read or 
approved it.About a dozen anthrax experts who reviewed the article 
for The News said Dr. Heggers' work had little value because he failed to 
test spores - the highly infectious form of anthrax that was made into a 
powder and mailed in the 2001 attacks. Instead, the experts said, Dr. 
Heggers tested a weak form of the bacteria that is easily killed with 
rubbing alcohol.Yet Dr. Heggers wrote that Bio-Germ would protect 
the public from an anthrax attack, and he later said it probably would 
counter other bioterrorist threats, such as smallpox and the plague. It met 
government safety standards, he said, and he urged police and fire 
departments to buy it.He now says he exaggerated."Scientists 
must stay close to the facts they discover and not let hopes and 
expectations get ahead of them," Dr. Heggers wrote The News in an e-mail. "I 
failed in that regard, and for that I apologize; but I assure you my 
intentions were honorable and not mercenary."He also acknowledged that 
he has overstated findings about an alternative therapy for cancer and 
AIDS.Based on a study of a single patient - himself - he concluded in a 
2002 presentation that aloe vera "can be used effectively as an 
anti-cancer alternative."Bio-Germ founder Allan Lord would not 
comment on The News' findings. He referred questions to the products' 
developer, Robert Heiman, who said he was unaware that Bio-Germ was being 
sold. Mr. Heiman said that the products are still in testing and that he 
believes they will prove effective.Mr. Hall said he was merely doing 
a favor for a longtime friend and did not feel that he was endorsing the 
product by appearing on the video in his Rockwall congressional 
office."I'm pretty innocent in this thing," said Mr. Hall, the No. 2 
Republican on the House Science Committee. "I was trying to help a 
friend and the American people. I didn't mean to mislead anyone."He 
said he helped Bio-Germ get a meeting with top U.S. Health and Human 
Services officials by calling another friend - Tommy Thompson, who was 
secretary of the department, which oversees the FDA and the Centers for 

[cia-drugs] Watchdog says Drug makers' intense lobbying effort pays off

2005-07-07 Thread norgesen

Drug makers' intense lobbying effort pays off, watchdog 
saysIndustry dismisses 'clearly biased' report, cites 
benefit to patients
07:40 PM CDT on Wednesday, July 6, 2005Associated 
PressWASHINGTON - The pharmaceutical industry's run of success on 
Capitol Hill has benefited from the more than $800 million spent since 1998 
on lobbyists and political campaigns, a political watchdog group said 
Wednesday.The trade group representing drug makers said the money helped 
patients.In the last year, the industry hired nearly 1,300 lobbyists, 
including dozens of former lawmakers and hundreds of people who worked 
for congressional committees or regulatory agencies."It is astonishing to 
learn that no other interest has spent more money to sway public policy in 
this time period," said Roberta Baskin, the executive director of the Center 
for Public Integrity. The nonpartisan research group investigated the 
pharmaceutical industry's spending.Ms. Baskin described the industry's 
motives for its spending as profit-driven.Ken Johnson, senior vice president 
for the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America, said the 
report was "clearly biased and one-sided."He said it failed to 
acknowledge that "medicines researched and developed by America's 
biopharmaceutical research companies save lives and improve the quality of 
life for tens of millions of patients from around the world."The center 
noted that the industry spent about $116 million on lobbying and political 
campaigns in 2003, which was the year Congress approved a new prescription 
drug benefit under Medicare.In the same legislation, drug makers fought back 
attempts by Democrats that would have allowed the government to negotiate 
drug prices on behalf of beneficiaries.Last year, according to the 
center, the industry spent $128 million on such efforts, including seeking 
tax breaks as part of a massive corporate tax-relief bill.Drug companies 
lobbied for $5.6 billion in spending for biodefense and for a bill that 
allows easier access to patents for inventions researched jointly by public 
institutions and private entrepreneurs.Much of the data for the center's 
report comes from lobbying disclosure forms filed with the Senate. More than 
3,000 people over the last seven years have done lobbying work for a 
pharmaceutical company.The list includes former Sens. Bob Dole and Lloyd 
Bentsen and former Reps. Robert Livingston and Tom Foley, the center 
said.Overall, 75 former lawmakers are listed as serving as lobbyists for a 
drug company since 1998.The industry's trade group hired former Rep. 
Billy Tauzin, R-La., as its president in December.The industry is not 
happy with legislation that Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn., said 
he will introduce that calls for a two-year ban on consumer advertising for 
new drugs.Nor are drug companies pleased by a proposal from the Bush 
administration and governors that would reduce how much Medicaid pays 
for prescription drugs.

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[cia-drugs] Open Secrets of Biosecurity

2005-07-07 Thread norgesen

Open Secrets of 
Preventing the life sciences from becoming the death 

Ronald Bailey 

Security experts and scientists get along much like cats and dogs. Security 
types reflexively treat information as power and share it sparingly with 
outsiders. Scientists are nearly exact opposites; they get credit for their 
discoveries by letting the whole world know what they've done and provide others 
with enough information to replicate their experiments. But what if the 
information enables some terrorist to replicate, say, the smallpox virus or 
manufacture a new designer plague? 
The new National Scientific Advisory Board for Biosecurity (NSABB) is filled with 24 
representatives selected from both worlds, along with ex officio members from a 
huge range of federal agencies. The two sides faced off last week at the first 
session of a NSABB meeting in Bethesda, MD. 
"There is no doubt that our progress in fundamental science for the benefit 
of mankind has also created tools that have incredible capacities for mischief," 
declared Elias Zerhouni, the director of the National Institutes of Health. "It 
is an unfortunate fact of life that there could be individuals out there who 
would use these very technologies and discoveries to terrorize nations and 
threaten the public's health." 
The NSABB is tasked with devising policies aimed at preventing the misuse of 
"dual use" biotechnologies and information. "We want to help prevent the life 
sciences from becoming the death sciences," declared biologist Ronald Atlas who 
is also Co-director of the Center for the Deterrence of Biowarfare and 
Bioterrorism at the University of Louisville in Kentucky. 
What kind of bio-threats are out there? Dale Klein, assistant to the 
Secretary of Defense for Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological Defense Programs, 
told me that he had intelligence that both state and non-state actors are 
working to insert toxin genes into easily transmissible pathogens like the flu 
virus. Klein also told me that a state actor has now developed a dry version of 
the virus that causes Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). Klein added that 
he has seen reports that some hostile researchers are trying to create pathogens 
that will kill only people of European descent. Sadly, creating ethnically 
targeted bioweapons is not a novel idea. The apartheid regime in South Africa 
tried to devise a "black bomb," a 
biological weapon that would kill only indigenous Africans. Klein noted that 
while the racist regime in South Africa evidently didn't succeed in devising 
such an ethnic bioweapon, "we can do things a lot more easily now." 
How easily? The NSABB held a session to discuss developments in synthetic 
genomics in which researchers are striving to build genomes of viruses and 
bacteria using DNA sequences produced in laboratories. Craig Venter, the 
biologist whose privately funded research raced the government project to 
sequence the human genome to a tie in 2000, testified before the biosecurity 
panel that any already sequenced viral genome including those of restricted 
pathogens can be made today. He further predicted that complete bacterial 
genomes will be synthesizable in 2 years. Back in 2002, Eckard Wimmer from the 
University of New York at Stony Brook synthesized polio 
virus using mail-order chemicals. So even if polio is completely eradicated in nature, a future 
bioterrorist could simply cook up some more which he could release into a human 
population that no longer is being vaccinated against the disease. In 2003, Mark 
Buller at the Saint Louis University in Missouri engineered a form of mousepox 
virus that was 100 percent 
fatal. A similar technique might be used to create an especially deadly form 
of smallpox. 
The NSABB is considering various ways to thwart future bioterrorist attacks. 
First, the Board is looking at devising codes of conduct so that they can 
inculcate a "culture of responsibility" in life science researchers. Board 
member Michael Osterholm, a professor of public health at the University of 
Minnesota and the associate director of the Department of Homeland Security's 
National Center for Food Protection and Defense, noted that while the vast 
majority of scientists already follow such codes of conduct, there have always 
been nations, groups and individuals willing to ignore any ethical norms. He 
pointed to the extensive Soviet biological warfare 
research program that was run in contravention to the 1972 Biological and Toxin 
Weapons Convention. 
In 2003, the National Academy of Sciences issued Biotechnology 
Research in an Age of Terrorism: Confronting the "Dual Use" Dilemma 
which recommended seven different types of "experiments 
of concern" receive extra review before being funded or published. These 
included experiments that would render vaccines ineffective; confer resistance 
to useful antibiotics or antivirals; enhance virulence of microorganisms; 

[cia-drugs] Bilderberg 2003: The mysterious emissaries and a veiled warning

2005-07-07 Thread norgesen

Lunatic Fringe: Personal Stories of a Bilderberg 
hunterBilderberg 2003: The mysterious emissaries and a veiled 
Daniel EstulinOnline Journal Contributing Writer
Download a .pdf file for printing.
Editor's Note: Daniel Estulin and his family were expelled from the 
Soviet Union on March 23, 1980, for anti-Soviet activity. His father, a 
prominent scientist and a dissident, spent 3½ years in prison for seeking 
freedom of speech for his fellow citizens. Fearing for his life for his daring 
exposes of corruption, manipulation and power grabbing, Estulin has voluntarily 
exiled himself to Spain. His dramatic personal stories are a rare look behind 
the scenes at how the most powerful secret society in the world has tried to 
stop one of the most determined men in the world from discovering its 

July 6, 2005—"I would like to speak to you." I instinctively turned to 
my right, except that there was no one there. The gentleman who was seeking the 
pleasure of my company stood slightly behind me, as if using my right shoulder 
as a temporary refuge. "Stay seated, please," hissed his shadow, noisily letting 
his breath out.
"You would please pardon me, dear sirs, but I am not accustomed to being 
told what to do, especially since your company has not been sought," I brazenly 
"Mr. Estulin, we are sorry to intrude into your space but we would very 
much like to speak to you," said the first gentleman, extending a flaccid hand 
in the hope I might chose to shake it. "Needless to say, we ask your maximum 
could tell from his linguistic pirouettes that he learned his English in one of 
those posh British institutions or from a private tutor, one of these fake 
literati who could not extricate himself from clumsy errors of 
"How do you know my name? I don't remember offering it to 
"We know quite a bit about you, Mr. Estulin."
could tell that the mysterious gentleman was beginning to feel more relaxed in 
my company.
"Please have a seat," I said, noting privately that I, too, was 
beginning to loosen up.
lowered his gaze, automatically fishing out his cigarette case out of the breast 
pocket of his well-cut jacket, and began to examine it.
sat on my bar stool waiting for one of them to break the silence.
"For example, we know you are here to cover the Bilderberg conference. 
That you have been following us around for many years. That somehow, you seem to 
know the exact location of every meeting, even though most of the attendees do 
not find out the where it will be held until a week prior to the conference. 
That as much as we have tried to cover our tracks and to take all the necessary 
precautions, you seem to know what we discuss and most of our future 
"Our choice of some of the attendees has even been influenced by your 
meddling, Mr Estulin. At one point we had thought that we had you found out. 
That a certain member not invited to the conference was your inside contact. And 
that were you to be wrong in your post-conference predictions, the unsuspecting 
member could have suffered great, personal consequences. Fortunately for him, 
you were spot on."
"Kent accent," I thought.
"How do you know all this stuff?" asked the not too intelligent second 
"It is a professional secret," was my turn to reply 
looked the man over. The second fiddle was broad-shouldered, had yellow hair, 
cropped moustache, huge arching eyebrows, a diminutive mouth that folded itself 
into a geometrically acceptable smile and a high-strung temperament. His coarse 
moustache and fat nose, would twitch tensely every time it was my turn to 
Behind us, forming part of an incomprehensible mass of a barely audible 
group of Welch tourists sat a hunchbacked, bearded man, wearing leather gloves 
and a travelling cap, known to be a lover of music (that's what the fat lady 
with an oversized mole on her chin was telling everyone in a hushed 
"You are quite an enigma, sir." My mysterious no name speaker 
repositioned his spindly legs, inserted his right hand into trouser pocket 
letting the divergent coat flaps reveal the watch chain across the waistcoat and 
said with a businesslike tone, "Now, then," and, with a glance at the restless 
fingers of his companion, began to speak in a quiet, yet firm tone.
"Why do you follow us around? You don't work for any newspaper of 
renown. You write articles that make our members uncomfortable. Several 
congressmen in America and members of Parliament in Canada were forced to cancel 
their presence at our annual meeting when you named them as invited 
"You can't win," hissed the second fiddle.
"Bilderberg Group, Mr. Estulin, is a private forum where off-the-record 
friendly discussion takes place amongst influential members of the business 
community. Politicians are invited to share their personal and professional 
experiences with the group. All this is done with the hope that 

[cia-drugs] UK, US modified weather to cause Zimbabwe droughts -report

2005-07-11 Thread norgesen

UK, US modified weather to cause Zimbabwe droughts 

The Herald, a state-run 
newspaper in Zimbabwe has suggested the UK and US are to blame for droughts in 
southern Africa. The Herald said climate change has been artificially induced 
"in a bid to arm-twist the region to capitulate to the whims of the world's 
It said weather was being manipulated for political gain using unspecified 
"unconventional" chemical weapons. 
The Herald iswidely seen as a mouthpiece for President Robert Mugabe's 
government, correspondents say. 
It said recent droughts, which defied predictions by the Zimbabwean 
government and the Southern African Development Community's Drought Monitoring 
Centre, pointed to the possibility of the weather beingmodified for 
political purposes. 
"The overt and covert machinations by Zimbabwe's former colonial ruler 
Britain, which has declared its intentions to effect illegal regime change in 
Harare, have given credence to the conspiracy theory," the paper said. 
It said that the US Famine Early Warning System had predicted famine in 
Zimbabwe six months before it occurred. 
"The prediction, which was the exact opposite of other forecasts, seems to 
confirm that the conspiracy to remove the Zimbabwean government has gone 
The Herald further states that 
"On June 14 last year, British Prime Minister, Tony Blair 
openly admitted that his Labour government and its western allies are; "working 
closely with the MDC (Movement for Democratic Change) on measures to put 
pressure for change on the (President) Mugabe regime, because there is no 
salvation for the people of Zimbabwe until that regime is changed".
The MDC leader Mr Morgan Tsvangirai is said to have 
mentionedon severaloccasions thatthe people of Zimbabwe 
would starve because they allowed the Zimbabwe Government to implement its land 
reform programme.
"Mati mune nzara? Murikushaya chikafu? Muchashayisisa 
chaizvo chaizvo! (You say you are starving, you do not have food, you are really 
going to be without food)
Mugabe akakupromisayi bumper harvest asi acha-harvester 
drought. (President) Mugabe is promising a bumper harvest but you will only 
harvest drought)."
This predication is said to be a confirmationthat the 
conspiracy to remove the Zimbabwean Government has gone chemical
Zimbabwe is currently facing a food crisis and the country 
urgently needs to import 1.2 million tonnes of food to avoid famine.
Correspondents say the crisis is complex with erratic rains, disastrous 
economic policies, land reform and the spread of HIV/Aids all playing a part
 Source: BBC News , Harare 


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[cia-drugs] Did Mitterrand OK attack on Greenpeace ship?

2005-07-11 Thread norgesen

Did Mitterrand OK attack on 
Greenpeace ship?

July 09 2005 at 03:31PM

Paris - The man who was in charge of France's DGSE intelligence service 
when agents blew up a Greenpeace ship in New Zealand, killing a crew member, 
says that then president Francois Mitterrand gave the go-ahead for the attack, 
the Le Monde newspaper said on Saturday.Twenty years after the bombing 
of the Rainbow Warrior, which sank in Auckland harbour as it was due to 
investigate French nuclear weapons tests in the South Pacific, Le Monde 
published extracts of a 23-page document written by DGSE chief Admiral Pierre 
Lacoste the following year.The document by Lacoste, who was sacked over 
the affair, represents the first official confirmation of Mitterrand's 
involvement in what the then New Zealand prime minister David Lange described "a 
sordid act of international state-backed terrorism".

The Rainbow Warrior was in Auckland to head a 
flotilla of protest boats to Mururoa Atoll in French Polynesia in an attempt to 
disrupt French nuclear testing, a source of discord between France on one hand 
and New Zealand, Australia and other Pacific nations on the 

'Greenpeace want to make war with us, we are at 
In the document published by Le Monde, Lacoste describes a meeting with 
Mitterrand at 6pm on May 15, 1985, just under two months before the 
attack."I asked the president if he would authorise me to conduct the 
project of neutralisation that I had studied at the request of (defence minister 
Charles) Hernu. He gave me his consent while emphasising the importance he 
placed on the nuclear tests," wrote Lacoste, then head of the General 
Directorate for External Security (DGSE)."I then went into great detail 
on the project, the authorisation was sufficiently explicit".Earlier on 
May 6, 1985, Lacoste had met with defence minister Hernu to outline the plan to 
sabotage the Greenpeace ship."Far from being shocked by the idea of 
sabotage in the dock at Auckland", wrote the admiral "he made light of my 
reservations and encouraged me in that direction, repeating that it was an issue 
essential to defence policy"."They (Greenpeace) want to make war with 
us, we are at war, we mustn't have scruples on such vital subjects, I take full 
responsibility", the admiral quoted Hernu as saying.Greenpeace 
photographer Fernando Pereira drowned after going to his cabin between the two 
explosions which ripped open the hull of the Rainbow Warrior at the quayside in 
central Auckland.Two members of the 13-strong French secret service team 
which carried out the bombing, Dominique Prieur and Alain Mafart, were arrested 
by New Zealand police two days later as they returned their campervan to the 
rental company.By September that year France had been forced to admit 
its responsibility, defence minister Charles Hernu had resigned and Lacoste had 
been sacked.In November 1985, Mafart and Prieur pleaded guilty to 
manslaughter charges and were sentenced to 10 years in jail.French 
pressure to have the pair returned saw trade pressure applied to New Zealand, 
which relies heavily on agricultural exports to the European 
Union.Export shipments to France and its South Pacific territory of New 
Caledonia were held up or rejected.After UN mediation, a July 1986 
agreement saw the agents released from jail in New Zealand for what was supposed 
to be three years exile on Hao atoll in French Polynesia.By the middle 
of 1988 both had been returned to France, a move which intensified New Zealand's 
bitterness towards the French government. 


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[cia-drugs] Nietzsche: A Precursor to Hitler?

2005-07-13 Thread norgesen

Nietzsche: A Precursor to Hitler? 
- by Phillip D. Collins ©, July 12th, 2005 
I recently took a college course in the history of 
philosophy. The instructor, who happens to be an extremely intelligent woman, 
was going to examine Foucault. I was eager to study Foucault and seized the 
opportunity. His Marxist proclivities aside, Foucault's views concerning the 
carceral system were certainly of merit and valuable to my research. Yet, there 
was another philosopher on the menu. In the halls of orthodox academia, his 
reputation precedes him. His name is Friedrich Nietzsche. I prepared myself for 
what was guaranteed to be yet another exercise in anti-Christian rhetoric. 
Enraptured by his vitriolic hatred for Christianity and enshrinement of moral 
anarchism, academia has consistently defended Friedrich Nietzsche as one of 
history's "misunderstood" philosophers. Cribbing from the standard litany of 
apologetics, many argue that Hitler somehow "misrepresented" or "distorted" 
Nietzsche's ideas. Is this genuinely the case? Of course, during their migration 
from abstraction to tangible enactment, ideas can become contaminated by any 
number of factors. To be sure, internal contention amongst adherents, the 
personal idiosyncrasies of individual analysts, and the manifestly unpredictable 
nature of reality itself makes an idea's journey towards tangible enactment very 
Yet, was Nietzscheism's journey toward tangible enactment so bastardized by 
Hitler that it was virtually unrecognizable? Was Nazism nothing like what 
Nietzsche had in the mind? Again, only an examination of the delicate segues 
between abstraction and tangible enactment can answer this question. In The 
Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, William Shirer recounts Hitler's frequent 
sojourns to the Nietzsche museum in Weimar (100). Commenting on Hitler's 
veneration for Nietzsche, Shirer writes: 

  There was some ground for this appropriation of Nietzsche as one of the 
  originators of the Nazi Weltanschauung. Had not the philosopher 
  thundered against democracy and parliaments, preached the will to power, 
  praised war and proclaimed the coming of the master race and the superman--and 
  in the most telling aphorisms? (100) 
Indeed, the commonalities are numerous. Perhaps the most damning of these was 
Nietzsche's adoration for "the magnificent blonde brute, avidly rampant for 
spoil and victory" (Shirer 100). While Nietzsche also referred to the "masters" 
(i.e., noble men, rulers, etc.) as "blond beasts," this "blond brute" was 
something different. He was Nietzsche's superman, the Übermensch 
(Shirer 100). 
Of course, many apologists for Nietzsche argue that the criterion for 
defining the Übermensch was neither racial nor hereditary. However, 
Nietzsche frequently espoused eugenical concepts, suggesting that he did invest 
significant value in race and hereditary. For instance, consider the following 
social mandate set forth by Nietzsche: 

  "Society as the trustee of life is responsible to life for every botched 
  life that comes into existence; and as it has to atone for such lives, it 
  ought consequently to make it impossible for them ever to see the light of 
  day: it should in many cases actually prevent the act of procreation, and may, 
  without any regard for rank, descent, or intellect, hold in readiness the most 
  rigorous forms of compulsion and restriction, and, under certain 
  circumstances, have recourse to castration ... 'Thou shalt do no murder,' is a 
  piece of ingenuous puerility compared with 'Thou shalt not beget!!!' .. The 
  [unhealthy] must at all costs be eliminated, lest the whole fall to 
  pieces." (Quoted in Haller 53) 
Automatically, the astute reader will recognize the traditional themes of 
eugenics: Malthusian demands for the prohibition of procreation amongst certain 
populations and mandates for compulsory sterilization. Nietzsche's tirade is 
also replete with contradictions. He asserts that eugenical regimentation should 
be implemented with no regard for "rank, descent, or intellect." Simultaneously, 
he insists that there is an "unhealthy" population that "must at all costs be 
eliminated." Why must this population be eugenically expunged? Does Nietzsche 
fear that such "dysgenics" would interbreed with those of healthier stock? 
Remember, Nietzsche's remarks are made in conjunction with procreation, 
inferring that he believes in some connection between hereditary and the 
Moreover, Nietzsche's bestowal of primacy upon the social "whole" betrays his 
collectivist proclivities. Hitler shared such propensities, as is evidenced by 
his virtual deification of the collective in Mein Kampf: "The 
sacrifice of personal existence is necessary to secure the preservation of the 
species" (no pagination). Sans the racialist emphasis of this statement, these 
words sound distinctly reminiscent of Marx's characteristic collectivism. This 
is no coincidence. In 1933, 

[cia-drugs] The Smack Brigades - How Opium Lost the Afghan War

2005-07-13 Thread norgesen

The Smack BrigadesHow Opium Lost the Afghan 
Warby Misha PozhininskySobaka ColumnistJune 8, 

Every few days the merchants come to our base with 
their big cart of junk. There had been feelings before that we shouldn't deal 
with them because over in Herat, one of our boys had been killed by an ambush 
when he was examining something in the cart and noticed a system of wire from 
the engine, painted the same color (or just covered in dust) as the rest of the 
vehicle. He backed away but it was too late, they saw him, and the whole thing 
was packed with dynamite and other explosives and they blew it up. 
It went up in flames, but the bullets in the cart kept the guys jumping 
around. That was a favorite tactic, cunning, of the dushmani, the Afghan 
There were also ideological problems with this "free market" buying from 
merchants. We in the "Limited Contingent of Soviet Forces" as someone got it in 
his head to call us, were there to bring the people to power and then kill the 
ones in the way of Afghanistan's 
Socialism. But no one reported this behavior, because the officers were big 
players in the "free market," with the merchants at the bases and some others. 
Most of the soldiers also had to do something with the free market if we 
wanted to survive. When I arrived in Afghanistan, I took care of my equipment as 
I was trained to do at the academy. It was after my first week that I noticed 
these pieces of string that were hanging from my boots. I repaired them as I was 
able to with strong thread from a torn uniform collar. The other soldiers from 
40th Army Air who had been at Bagram longer laughed and pointed at their feet. 
Russia's boots defeated the Nazis 40 years before. Soviet troops were now 
wearing "sneakers." They held up better on the rocks and you could run in them 
without carrying the weight of iron on your legs. I got a pair of these myself. 
They were made by the Chinese and after some problems the merchants got a 
connection that would supply them. I remember once that some journalists from 
Poland were in Bagram, but one of the commanders told them to only aim their 
cameras from our waists to our faces, because they did not want others to know 
that the soldiers of the USSR were in shoes that joggers would wear. 

That was the start of the merchants. Now we would be bothered and annoyed by 
them all the time. The Hospital for Infectious Diseases was at Bagram also, and 
they were able to obtain some medicines from the merchants. It was sometimes 
easier to get them from nomads in the black market than to wait for supplies to 
come from home. The things that they would buy from the Afghans were ours anyway 
but the civilian needs - gifts of the "fraternal" Foreign Ministry - were met 
sooner than our needs were. 
Later there would be many things we would need. You would hope that new 
trousers were in the cargo coming in, but it was only the vodka or expensive 
food for the commissary system of the officers. 
We didn't make much money. And also, those merchants could be heartless. They 
could not understand that we could have the helicopters of the wing refueled for 
daily reconnaissance or attacks on dushman bases, but still lack for 
anything. So when they had something we would need, they wanted to be paid on 
the spot. 
Soldiers who need something don't look far for something else of value that 
they can trade. This was how the mujahedin got their weapons and 
ammunition, I think, at least a lot of it. In Afghanistan there were no weapons 
factories. Every bullet of the millions that we shot at each other was brought 
into that country from outside. We had our own ammunition, of course, but they 
could not live from booty raids on us or the limited supply of the weaponry the 
US supplied to them (this was bought by the United States from 
Egypt. Our spies traced captured weapons to prove this.) Like in Chechnya 
from 1994-96 and also today, many of the bullets which killed our soldiers were 
given to the Afghans by ourselves. 
In Chechnya the big sales of weapons and supplies and counter-sales of drugs 
are committed by the officers. I didn't see these big sales in Afghanistan. It 
was hard to conceal "wealth" in those days because you could not purchase a 
vehicle or land with money, or at all, because they were allocated through the 
party. There was a great corruption system, so maybe that did happen. The later 
years, when things became very bad, were when the drug trade routes were 
created. They say that the Russians intervening in the Tajik civil 
war in 1993 was to keep those trade routes intact. 
The Afghan dushmani and the Chechens taunt us with these facts, that 
their weapons come from their enemies and are usually not captured but purchased 
or traded. It is good propaganda because it kills a fighting instinct when you 
know your men are against you and helping your enemy through his own weaknesses, 

[cia-drugs] Behind the Presidency

2005-07-13 Thread norgesen

Behind the 
Presidencyby Thomas R. EddlemJuly 25, 

Admire him or despise him, George W. Bush is 
essentially a figurehead for the tightly knit Establishment oligarchy that 
actually runs the Executive Branch of our government. 

When a tiny, single-engine Cessna 
150 aircraft wafted into restricted Washington, D.C., airspace on May 11, the 
federal government went to a terrorism threat advisory level of red alert, and 
the nation's capitol was evacuated. As it happened, the airplane had simply been 
off course during a trip from Pennsylvania to an air show in North Carolina. But 
the fallout from the incident revealed volumes about how the executive branch of 
the federal government is run during a crisis.
Perhaps most revealing of all was 
the exchange between the White House Press Corps and White House Press Spokesman 
Scott McClellan the next day. "Scott, yesterday the White House was on red 
alert, was evacuated," noted a reporter. "The First Lady and Nancy Reagan were 
taken to a secure location. The vice president was evacuated from the grounds. 
The Capitol building was evacuated. The continuity of government plan was 
initiated. And yet, the president wasn't told of yesterday's events until after 
he finished his bike ride, about 36 minutes after the all-clear had been sent. 
Is he satisfied with the fact that he wasn't notified about this?" "Yes … the 
protocols that we put in place after September 11th were being followed," 
replied McClellan. "They did not require presidential authority for this 
If George Bush is not even informed 
of a national red alert terrorism emergency when the Capitol is evacuated and 
his own wife is moved to a bomb shelter, then he is clearly not in charge at 
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
This is not the first time that Mr. 
Bush has proven himself to be peripheral in a crisis situation. As captured on 
videotape at the time, Mr. Bush's initial reaction to being informed of the 9/11 
attacks was to sit immobilized for as much as nine minutes while the children's 
book My Pet Goat was read to a classroom of second graders. 
Granted, one predictable human response to such a crisis would be a momentarily 
paralyzing sense of shock. Yet none of the president's staffers saw fit to jog 
his elbow or otherwise snap him out of his lengthy reverie, which would be the 
expected course of action if "presidential authority" were really required to 
deal with an unfolding terrorist attack.
All of this raises a serious 
question: if George W. Bush is not running the federal government during times 
of crisis, who is?
Cheney in 
According to White House spokesman 
Scott McClellan, one of the key administration leaders in charge at the Oval 
Office during the May 11 red alert was Vice President Dick Cheney. According to 
the 9/11 Commission Report, while a stunned and distracted President Bush 
was contemplating a pet goat during the 9/11 crisis, Cheney issued a shoot-down 
order for airplanes in Washington, D.C., airspace and appeared to be in charge. 
The vice president is clearly the dominant personality in the Bush-Cheney team 
and is plainly the most important member of an informal committee that runs the 
executive branch of the U.S. government.
"The inner circles of the U.S. 
national security community — members of the National Security Council (NSC), a 
select number of their deputies, and a few close advisors to the president — 
represent what is probably the most powerful committee in the history of the 
world, one with more resources, more power, more license to act, and more 
ability to project force further and swifter than any other convened by king, 
emperor, or president," wrote David J. Rothkopf of the Carnegie Endowment for 
International Peace in the March/April issue of Foreign Policy magazine. 
That committee, as described by Rothkopf, is headed by a triumvirate composed of 
Vice President Cheney, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld (who had been Cheney's 
superior 30 years prior during the Ford administration), and Secretary of State 
Condoleezza Rice. The triumvirs, like many of their associates and subordinates, 
are or have been members of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).
It is Cheney whom Rothkopf 
identifies as "the power behind the throne." "Cheney has the largest national 
security staff of any vice president in U.S. history — one larger than President 
John F. Kennedy's entire NSC staff at one time," he observes. "He also has a 
network of close associates that extends throughout the government and who 
report to him or to Lewis 'Scooter' Libby, his chief of staff." Most of the 
details of Cheney's realm — including the precise number of staffers who report 
to him — are unknown, since the vice president's office is exempt from the 
Freedom of Information Act.
Richard Haass, president of the 
Council on Foreign Relations and a veteran of both Bush administrations, 
explains that Cheney has "three bites at the apple. He 

[cia-drugs] British Financial Warfare: How the City of London Created the Great Depression

2005-07-13 Thread norgesen

by Webster G. TarpleyDecember, 1996

The thesis of this paper is that the great economic and financial cataclysm 
of the first half of the twentieth century, which we have come to know as the 
Great Depression, was caused by the Bank of England, the British government, and 
the City of London. The potential for the Great Depression derived from the 
economic and human destruction wrought by World War I, which was itself a 
product of British geopolitics and especially of the British policy, exemplified 
by King Edward VII, of creating an encircling anti-German alliance in order to 
wage war. The economic destruction of Europe was continued after 1918 by the 
Peace of Paris (Versailles, St. Germain, Trianon, Neuilly, Sevres) imposed by 
the Allies on the defeated Central Powers. Especially important here were the 55 
billion gold dollars in reparations inflicted on defeated Germany, along with 
the war debt burden of the supposedly victorious powers themselves. Never during 
the 1920's did world trade surpass the levels of 1913. Reparations and war debt 
were a recipe for economic stagnation. 
Excerpted fromAGAINST OLIGARCHYEssays  
speeches1970-1996byWebster G. Tarpley

George Bush:The Unauthorized 
9/11 Synthetic Terror
done it and how - the 9/11 subterfuge exposed by Webster Tarpley in his 
9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in 
USA. An expert on covert operations and intrigues, Tarpley has 
the background as an historian and analyst to nail down the monster 9/11 plot 
(already in 1978 he had exposed the "Red Brigades" as stooges of the 
secret right-wing P2 lodge.) He has wowed audiences at the 9/11 inquiry 
conferences and on talk radio with his model of a network of 
moles, patsies, paramilitary pros and corrupt corporate media. Tarpley 
answers the "unanswered questions of 9/11" and the non (sen)sequiturs of 
the government's conspiracy theory, showing how this kind of inside job actually 
works. He puts 9/11 in its real context of great power conflict and the ruling 
oligarchy. Brilliant writing on 480 packed pages

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[cia-drugs] Fatalities in Sichuan Linked to H5N1 Bird Flu Migration? / Death Toll From Mysterious Illness Jumps to 31 In Sichuan China

2005-07-25 Thread norgesen

Fatalities in 
Sichuan Linked to H5N1 Bird Flu Migration?Recombinomics 
CommentaryJuly 24, 2005The Chinese news Web site Sina.com reported Saturday 
the people infected had symptoms like fever, lack of energy, vomiting, bleeding 
from blood vessels beneath the skin, and shock.Animal viruses are also being scrutinized because of 
bird flu fears.The above comments are from an AP story on the 
mysterious deaths of farmers in several villages near Ziyang in Sichuan province 
southeast of Chengdu. The wire report describes 20 
patients with symptoms. Nine have died and 6 more are in critical 
condition. Only one patient ahs been discharged. The patients had been 
admitted between June 24 and July 21, so the delay in a diagnosis is cause for 
concern. Earlier reports also describe patients as being dizzy which lead 
to coma in some cases. These descriptions sound similar to a t least one 
death in Thailand after slaughtering a wild boar in May. There was no diagnosis in 
that cluster of cases either.The proximity of both sets of cases to H5N1 
outbreaks is cause for heightened concern. The 1918 pandemic had many 
mis-diagnosed cases, including those with neurological 
complications. H5N1 has been shown to be neurotropic in the lab, and 
variants with the PB2 polymorphism E627K have been isolated from mouse brains 
from isolates in Hong Kong as well as duck meat imported to Japan from 
Shandiong.The E627K polymorphism is found in all human influenza A isolates, but is rarely 
detected in avian influenza. However, all H5N1 isolates from Qinghai Lake had E627K, 
signally possible neurological complications in humans infected with H5N1 with 
this polymorphisms. The polymorphism has been found in H5N1 isolates 
infected in 1997 in Hong Kong as well as 2004 in Vietnam and Thailand. 
Most of the isolates from tigers at the Sri Racha tiger zoo also had the change 
and the tigers had neurological symptoms before they died. Many H5N1 
isolates from swine also have the E627K polymorphism.Ziyang is just 
southeast of Chengdu which is about 400 miles southeast of Qinghai Lake. 
Some boxun reports have indicated bird flu is widespread in Qinghai province which is adjacent 
to Sichuan Province. Hong Kong radio reports indicate villagers in Sichuan say 
the deaths are being under-reprted. Boxun reports have also indicated China has 
isolated 10 distinct H5N1 variants and most can infect humans.The sequence of H5N1 from Qingahi 
has been released and analysis indicates that several of the H5N1 polymorphisms 
that had previously been found only in isolates from Vietnam and Thailand are 
also in the isolates from Qinghai. Qinghai isolates have also acquired 
other polymorphisms normally found in mammalian isolates, such as the E627K 
polymorphism described above. The Qingahi isolates also has polymorhisms 
commonly found in migratory birds including polymorphisms linked to European 
isolates. Similar European polymorphisms have been found in 
isolates form Primorie and Chany Lake reserves in Russia, where over 500 
bird have died recently.As birds at Qingahi Lake and nature reserves in 
Russia begin to migrate to the south, west, and east, there is concern that such 
a migration might lead to a catastrophic spread of H5N1. Human 
deaths in the adjacent province of Sichuan may indicate that such spread has 
already begun. 



Death Toll From Mysterious Illness Jumps to 31 In Sichuan 
ChinaRecombinomics CommentaryJuly 25, 20051st, 
arises 58 examples, died 17 examples  
In fact isolates 219 people, inspects 113 people, arises 67 people, 
#30097;#20284; 23 people, confirmed 12 people, died 31 people, 17 
examples die of the hospital, 14 examples died strangely of the locality, the 
local data turned the on-line data. (Abundant news 
boxun.com)The machine translation of a recent boxun report 
indicates the human death toll in Sichuan province associated with Ebola-like 
symptoms is 31. Other reports from China indicate several pigs are dying daily, as are other livestock. The 
area has been quarantined and reporters are told of a swine bacterial 
infection. However, the high case fatality rate in humans has not been 
previously described for the swine bacterial infection.Boxun reports indicate that the etiological agent is a 
strain of Ebola identified in Shenzen province in 
April. It has been designated EB-SZ77. Ebola that can infect 
poultry, pigs, and humans is cause for concern because of circulation H5N1 bird 
flu which can infect all three species. The Ebola env gene has a short 
region of homology with H5 in H5N1, raising concerns of additional 



pestilence and Pollard



Metablogging the 

[cia-drugs] Tales of Teele: Sleaze Stories

2005-07-30 Thread norgesen

Tales of Teele: Sleaze 
StoriesMale prostitutes and 
multiple mistresses, drug money in Gucci shopping bags, bribery and extortion 
conspiracies. And you thought you'd heard it all about Art 

Art Teele is a man of very big appetites, and because of them he is now in 
very big trouble. As the investigative report below indicates, the once-powerful 
politician is possessed of a seemingly insatiable craving for all things illicit 
-- adulterous sex, illegal drugs, bribery and extortion. 




Former Miami city commissioner Arthur Teele, Jr., the 
subject of this week's Miami New Times feature "Tales of Teele: Sleaze Stories," 
killed himself in the lobby of the Miami Herald this past Wednesday. Teele, a 
fixture for years in city and county politics recently indicted on corruption 
charges, was revealed through police surveillance reports to lead a bizarre 
secret life. The following are stories the New Times has published about Teele 
over the past decade.

Who?After an exhaustive search that lasted roughly five minutes, Miami's 
city fathers found just the man to replace Art TeeleBy Rebecca 
Teele ConspiracyIs the Miami commissioner the target of a wicked plot? 
Or is he spinning a yarn so complex everyone's now dizzy?By Francisco 
Alvarado | Kirk Nielsen | Rebecca Wakefield
Crime and 
Water BalloonsHave Miami city commissioners lost their (illegal) 
marbles?By Tristram Korten
When You 
Strike at a King You Must Kill HimMiami Commissioner Art Teele survived 
an attempted coup d'etat. Now it's payback time.By Rebecca 
(Or)DealA nightmarish chapter in the annals of Miami government ends. Or 
does it?By Kirk Nielsen
DealMiami Commissioner Art Teele needed a house fast. What he got was a 
controversy.Robert Andrew Powell
Toil, and TroubleBy Jim DeFede
Teele DealBy Jim DeFede
and SunshineOne thing is clear: Some county commissioners broke the law 
last December. Another thing isn't so clear: Will they ever be 
punished?By Jim DeFede
From The 
Back of the Bus to the Driver's SeatMiami's black community finally gets 
an honest shot at the county commission, and the scramble among candidates is 
onBy Kirk Semple

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[cia-drugs] FBI Confiscates Personal Property Of Former U.S. Army Corporal Who Blew Whistle On 1976 Government funded Perfect Terrorist Plan To Topple Twin Towers

2005-07-31 Thread norgesen

FBI Confiscates Personal 
Property Of Former U.S. Army Corporal Who Blew Whistle On 1976 Government funded 
"Perfect Terrorist Plan" To Topple Twin Towers

Timothy McNiven says he has been harassed by the 
FBI and now had DOD card taken without a warrant ever since trying to alert the 
American people about the government's prior knowledge of 9/11.
July 31, 2005 

By Greg Szymanski

A former U.S. Army corporal who blew the whistle on a 
1976 government funded study to topple the Twin Towers using jetliners, Arab terrorists 
and box cutters on July 6 had four FBI agents threaten to "tear his apartment 
apart" if he didn't turn over his legally obtained Department of Defense ID 

Timothy McNiven, who said he was threatened and harassed 
by agents in the hallway outside his Bellingham, WA., apartment, claims to be a 
part of a military unit stationed in Strasbourg, Germany, during the 1970s, 
assigned the task to brainstorm "the perfect terrorist plan" and what turned out 
to be the exact same scenario that took place at the WTC on 

McNiven said his military unit's 9/11-like assignment, 
lasting over six months and funded by Congress under the guise of airline safety 
preparedness, proves the government had "plenty of foreknowledge" about possible 
airline attacks at the WTC. 

He even suggested what seemed like a harmless military 
airline safety study may have been used later to perfect a way to bring down the 
WTC in order to create another Pearl Harbor like event to facilitate a world 
wide climate of war. 

And since 9/11, McNiven has tried in every way possible 
to alert the American people about his unit's mock military assignment, creating 
even more suspicion of the government's hand in 9/11, by first creating a web 
site and then telling his story in March to The American Free Press and The 
Arctic Beacon news web cast.

McNiven's accusations about the hidden purpose behind the 
Congressional study are also included in a signed affidavit as part of a 9/11 
related federal conspiracy (RICO) lawsuit filed against President Bush and 
others in 2004 by Philadelphia attorney Phil 

The publicized version of the study, commissioned by 
Congress, was to identify security lapses and submit corrective measures to 
lawmakers," said McNiven. "However, the real purpose of the study was to 
brainstorm how to pull off a terrorist attack using the exact same 9/11 

To back up his story, he passed a credible lie detector 
test, the same type of credible test taken by Daniel Ellsberg and other famous 
whistle blowers as well as providing many names of the men his unit who also 
participated in the mock WTC assignment.

McNiven claims, however, since going public and being a 
part of the law suit, his efforts have been met with government indifference, 
outright harassment and constant FBI monitoring, the July 6 FBI visit to his 
Bellingham home another example.

"Our commanding officer back in 1976, Lt. Michael Teague, 
gave our unit of about 100 a direct order and assignment to brainstorm how to 
bring down the Twin Towers using jetliners and even box cutters," said McNiven 
this week from his apartment in Bellingham about the study commissioned to 
C-Battery 2/81st Field Artillery, U.S. Army, stationed in Strasbourg, 

"I remember Lt. Teague changed the scenario from a 100 
story building to the Twin Tower, acting on specific orders from 
unknown superiors. He then said it was very strange to be asked to devise a plan 
to blow up your own home town as he was from New York. 

"But as I watched the Twin Towers really collapse on the morning of 
September 11th, I realized I was watching the very same thing we devised in the 

McNiven recalls at first Lt. Teague demanded strict 
silence regarding the assignment, but later took him aside, giving him a direct 
order to "never stop alerting the American people" about the government's 
obvious hand in working on a plan to bring down the Twin if it ever really 

"I still feel I am under this direct order and have no 
intention of disobeying it," said McNiven, adding he still feels his active 
military duty has not ended due to 9/11. 

Regarding the FBI visit to McNiven's home on July 6, a 
spokesperson from the Bellingham, WA., office confirmed agent Lance 
Boyer and three others confiscated McNiven's DOD card outside his apartment on 
the date mentioned, but refused to comment further about the nature, legality or 
purpose for taking his personal property.

The FBI spokesperson added that his property was taken without a proper 
warrant, McNiven claiming he only gave it up after being "threatened and 
harassed" by the four agents in the hallway outside his apartment. 

"Agents did 
go to Mr. McNiven's home and did take his ID card, but that's all we can say 
right now," said the Bellingham FBI spokesman several hours after the incident 

Although the FBI refused to elaborate, McNiven said he 

[cia-drugs] 1948 Nation Report Explodes Palestine Liberation Myth

2005-07-31 Thread norgesen

Palestinian Arab leaders derive legitimacy from the accepted 
view that in 1948 their predecessors fought a National Liberation war against 
British-backed Jewish colonists. A 1948 Nation magazine study proves the 
opposite happened.* The British Record on Partition *Reprinted from 
The Nation magazine, May 8, 1948Comments by Jared Israel, Emperor's 
Clothes[Posted 26 July 
Memorandum1948 Report to the UN Explodes the PLO's Myth of National 
Liberationby Jared IsraelEmperor's Clothes here makes available, for 
the first time on the internet, the Nation's 1948 UN Memorandum on British 
instigation of anti-Jewish terror. The memorandum is posted in full, in text 
form, following Jared Israel's comments below, and also as a PDF file, scanned 
from the original, at http://emperor.vwh.net/history/pdf.htmTaught 
to use the language of National Liberation politics at Soviet bloc schools in 
the 1960s, '70s and '80s, today's Palestinian Arab leaders employ the rhetoric 
of Third World anti-colonial struggle. This has given us the spectacle of Cuba, 
which was the passion of leftist intellectuals in the 1960s and '70s, teaching 
Arabs to blow up Israeli Kibbutzim, which were the passion of leftist 
intellectuals in the 1950s.The 1948 Arab-Israeli war plays a key part in 
the Arab National Liberation tale. The Israeli victory in that war is presented 
as the defining event, the nakba or catastrophe. In order to claim that the PLO 
and Fatah are fighting for National Liberation in 2005, their promoters argue 
that British imperialism, using Jewish proxies, crushed Palestinian Liberation 
in 1948. The corollary: if the Jews will just grant Arabs the National 
Liberation they were denied in '48, Arab leaders will deliver on peace with 
Israel.Of course, if this story is false, if in 1948 the Arab armies 
fought for genocide, not National Liberation, and if it was not the Jews but 
Arab leaders who were agents of imperial Britain, then it certainly suggests 
that their proteges are not fighting for National Liberation today.Below 
is our text transcription of The Nation magazine's 1948 memorandum on Britain's 
role in the Arab attempt to kill Israel in the cradle. Based on British 
intelligence documents and written for the United Nations, the memorandum is 
significant today because it contradicts widely held views about the origins of 
the Arab-Israeli conflict, including those put forward in today's Nation 
magazine.Just for starters, the memorandum proves the falsity of the 
common perception that the creation of Israel was a project of Western 
colonialism. The Nation shows that during the half year prior to the all-out 
Arab invasion on 15 May, Britain incited, micro-managed and did public relations 
work for a campaign of Arab troop infiltration and terror. And this at a time 
when Britain was responsible for security in its Palestine Mandate 
territory.The intelligence documents cited below show that before the 15 
May invasion, British intelligence knew that the Arabs terrorizing the future 
Israel were being led in part by Nazi advisers. These included Bosnian Muslims 
from the infamous Handzar Division of the Waffen SS. According to a French 
intelligence document published by The Nation seven months later, the British 
sent thousands of Nazi prisoners of war, including top war criminals, to assist 
the Arab attack. This was after the Arab invasion. [1]Consistent with 
British tolerance for and apparent employment of Nazi war criminals against 
new-born Israel, the Nation memorandum shows that the British adopted a 
propaganda line reminiscent of the Nazis' "Jewish-Bolshevik plot" motif. The 
British accused Jewish Holocaust survivors trying to get to Palestine of being 
Soviet Communist infiltrators. A 1948 article in the London Times shows that 
Arab leaders were saying the same thing:[Text of London Times article 
starts here . To view scanned image of article, go to http://emperor.vwh.net/history/ltmay748.htm 
]"Zionist Danger to Lebanon"From our 
CorrespondentBeirut, May 7M. Chamoun, Minister for Home Affairs 
and Health, addressing a Press conference to-day, emphasized the Zionist danger 
to Lebanon if the Jews succeeded in forming a Jewish Stated intended, he said, 
to include Lebanon, Syria, and Transjorand at a later date.He revealed 
that the Foreign Ministers of the Arab League decided on April 26 to invade 
Palestine, but he blamed the Arab States for their military unpreparedness and 
the Palestinians for the lack of organization. The Arabns he added, were 
now defending the world against Communism, which was being introduced to the 
Middle East under the cover of Zionism.London Times, 8 May 
1948[Text of London Times article ends here.]An Emperor's 
Clothes researcher found the Nation memorandum, "The British Record on 
Partition," in a bound volume of The Nation for 1948, while researching the 
Israeli War of 

[cia-drugs] The Bank for International Settlements Calls for Global Currency [Veon]

2005-08-03 Thread norgesen


The BIS is at the apex of the global financial system. It was 
birthed in 1944 when the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank were set 

Joan VeonAugust 3, 2005 
Switzerland -- The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) released their 
75th Annual Report on June 27 to commemorate its founding in 1930. Most 
countries today have a central bank which is a private corporation that handles 
its monetary system. Bi-monthly, central bank ministers from 40 countries meet 
at the BIS to review ways “to promote the co-operation of central banks and to 
provide additional facilities for international financial operations.” Once a 
year the world’s central bankers meet in Basel to take a closer look at the 
status of the world’s central banking system. Besides the annual review, this 
year’s Report considered the need for “new mechanisms” to keep the financial 
system more in balance. 
The BIS report 
highlighted the uneven global expansion that they see. While world output 
expanded by 5% in 2004, the highest rate in nearly thirty years, they said its 
growth showed a new uneven economic expansion. Although the United States is an 
engine of growth, they noted the key Asian economies as being at the second pole 
of global dynamism, while slower growth can be seen in other larger advanced 
economies. The U.S. and China accounted for nearly 50% of the world’s increase 
in global output with the global economy growing at 4% in 2005, in spite of oil 
prices which are projected to remain high for a prolonged period of time. 

The BIS is at 
the apex of the global financial system. It was birthed in 1944 when the 
International Monetary Fund and the World Bank were set up. Should we dare to 
mention that its founders were Harry Dexter White who worked in the Treasury 
Department and who was a communist spy along with John Maynard Keynes, a Fabian 
socialist? Keynesian economics is at the heart of the reason for all levels of 
government being broke. 
In 1971, 
President Richard M. Nixon took the dollar off the gold standard, which forced 
all the other countries of the world to follow suit, thus changing the global 
monetary system from one of fixed currencies to one of floating currencies. When 
a currency is no longer backed by gold it is then possible to play all kinds of 
games with its value. By buying or selling a large quantity of one particular 
currency, an economically powerful individual or bank can literally move the 
market in their favor by buying low and selling high. 
The new 
patterns of booms and busts which the BIS refer to are not only man-made, as a 
result of the floating currency, but the highs and lows have been exacerbated by 
the fact that the barriers between the nation-states are gone. The ability to 
buy and sell currency on a global basis was seen in the Asian Crisis. For the 
country’s that refused to open their markets to the World Trade Financial 
Services Agreement, their currencies were crashed. 
the highs and lows of a country’s stock market is a result of the respective 
central bank buying and selling that country’s treasury bills. For example, when 
the Federal Reserve adds money to our banking system, interest rates drop and 
the stock market rises. Since the NASDAQ crash, interest rates in the U.S. have 
fallen to 45 year lows, stimulating both the prices of real estate to historic 
highs and the stock market. 
The BIS Annual 
Report cited three such cycles of highs and lows. The first began in the 1970’s 
when the dollar was taken off the gold standard. Mr. White said that the change 
in the gold standard with very important in world affairs. The second cycle 
began in the mid-1980s, ending in a property bust; and the current cycle began 
in the mid-1990s. All Americans should be concerned about this report for the 
world’s bankers are signaling the end of the third cycle which can only end with 
higher interest rates as money is taken out of the market. Will we have another 
property bust as seen in the mid-1980s or will we have a repeat of the Nasdaq? 

enough, the BIS cites household debt being at historic highs. In a way they 
created it. Of course buyers would seize the opportunity to trade up their home 
for a bigger one since they can afford more because of lower interest rates. As 
a result, Spain, the U.K., France, the U.S. and the Nordic countries have had 
huge increases in property values with household debt-to-income ratios at 
unprecedented highs. 
household saving is not evident in the U.S. to the same extent that it is in the 
Asian countries. World national savings rose to 25% of Gross Domestic Product or 
about 1% point more than the annual average for the current decade. This was due 
to higher savings habits in the developed world and in particular, China, where 
savings rose to 48%. High debt-to-income ratios and low 

[cia-drugs] Without Africa's Poverty, Global Taxation is Not Possible [Veon]

2005-08-03 Thread norgesen


At every turn, it is public-private partnership, the selling 
off of government owned resources, or privatizing through partnering with 

Joan VeonJuly 30, 2005 
The focus for 
the last seven years, since the last G8 in England, has been aid for Africa. In 
1998, the churches organized the Jubilee Debt Relief Campaign. The terminology 
used was to remind world leaders of the Biblical Year of Jubilee recorded in the 
Old Testament where the debts of debtors were forgiven. I remember going to one 
of the non-governmental organizations-NGO’s workshop on global tax. There I 
interviewed a key leader who told me that with the huge flows possible that it 
would be more than enough for the UN and Africa! 
Then in 2000, 
the United Nations held the Millennium Summit in which they set forth their 
goals for the 3rd Millennium. These goals will cost the world $50B a year which 
will escalate to $126B by 2015 when the UN is suppose to have reduced poverty, 
hunger and HIV/AIDS by 50%, and provide basic education and clean drinking water 
to the whole world. Seven years later, both debt forgiveness and the concept of 
global taxation have come full circle. This is it. This is where the rubber 
meets the road. 
Over the last 
ten years, the idea of global taxation has gone through a number of revisions. 
Last year, French President Jacques Chirac put the idea of global tax on the 
leader’s agenda. At that time he proposed a “tax for the poor” and said he would 
make concrete proposals after a major study was completed. This year he has 
called his international tax scheme an “International Solidarity Levy.” The levy 
would be a tax on airline tickets. Countries in favor include Brazil, China, and 
Germany. This would be easy to set up as there are no international treaties 
which prohibit the creation of a flat tax on airline tickets since a number of 
airlines already have various types of taxes on airline tickets for airport 
renovation and the like. The rate would be personalized according to the level 
of a country’s willingness with airlines collecting the revenues and passing 
them on to the respective government to supplement their foreign aid funds. 

So why has 
Africa perpetually poor? There are a number of reasons, but we can go back to 
World Bank loans that were forced on a number of African countries during the 
1970s. Under World Bank President Robert McNamara, who served as president from 
1969 to 1981, World Bank economists forced their way into African countries in 
order to come up with a financial plan for their development. Their plans were 
so secret that not even the president of that country was privy to what the plan 
called for. He was pressured into taking huge World Bank loans to carry out 
these grandiose projects which were suppose to bring the country enough income 
to repay the loans. Unfortunately most of these projects became “White Elephant” 
projects, leaving these countries with huge indebtness. These are the Highly 
Indebted Poor Countries which you and I are being asked to bail out with 
increased foreign aid, debt forgiveness, and/or international taxation. 
So how much 
does Africa owe the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund? According to 
John Hilary from War on Want, about $532B is owed by the 60 Highly Indebted Poor 
Countries. Currently only 18 countries have qualified for debt forgiveness as a 
result of meeting World Bank conditions. The amount of debt forgiveness is $40B 
but the debt servicing of the remaining $492B owed is $45B a year. Hence the 
reason for global tax. 
The World Bank 
requires countries to take specific steps in order to qualify for debt 
forgiveness which include: changing their structure of government to be “more 
accountable”, make all financial figures public, privatize their energy sector, 
water, electricity, etc. and set up regional government structures. 
At every turn, 
it is public-private partnership, the selling off of government owned resources, 
or privatizing through partnering with business. This is seen in President 
Clinton’s New Partnership for African Development-NEPAD. President Bush has set 
up his own initiative, the Millennium Challenge Corporation-MCC, a U.S. 
government corporation, to administer funds. An informational brochure handed 
out at the G8 described it as “an innovative new foreign assistance program 
designed to eliminate extreme poverty and promote sustainable economic growth.” 
The purpose of which is to set up public-private partnerships where governments 
end up transferring assets into this new partnership to be run by the 
corporations. As expected, there are steps that countries need to take in order 
to be eligible, just like the World Bank qualifications. For example, the MCC 
Board approved a Compact with Cape Verde for approximately $110M. The Compact 
will support their efforts in achieving its overall 

[cia-drugs] Tarpley Index

2005-08-03 Thread norgesen

V1. The Venetian 
Address delivered to the ICLC Conference near Wiesbaden, Germany, Easter 
Sunday, 1981; (appeared in Campaigner, September, 1981) 
V2. The Role of 
the Venetian Oligarchy in Reformation, Counter-reformation, Enlightenment, and 
the Thirty Years' War 
ICLC Conference, 6 September 1992; (appeared in New Federalist, April, 
V4. How the Dead 
Souls of Venice Corrupted Science 
ICLC Conference, September, 1994 
V5. Venice's War 
Against Western Civilization 
Appeared in Fidelio, Summer 1995 
V6. The War of 
the League of Cambrai, Paolo Sarpi and John Locke 
From ICLC Conference panel titled: "The Axioms of the American System," 
Feb. 18, 1996; (appeared in New Federalist, March 18, 1996) 

B1. How the 
Venetian System Was Transplanted Into England 
New Federalist, June 3, 1996 
B3. The British 
Empire Bid for Undisputed World Domination, 1850-1870 
Schiller Institute Food For Peace Conference, Chicago, February 22-23, 
B4. Lord 
Palmerston's Multicultural Human Zoo 
ICLC Conference, February 20, 1994 
B5. King Edward 
VII of Great Britain: Evil Demiurge of the Triple Entente and World War 
ICLC Conference, February, 1995 

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Page or to Webster G. Tarpley Home 

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[cia-drugs] A credible plan to take down the Internet - Ciscogate

2005-08-08 Thread norgesen

A credible plan to take down the 
By Robert 
VamosiSenior editor, CNET 
ReviewsAugust 5, 2005
Forget the Fantastic Four. As I write, the forces of Good (the White 
Hats) and Evil (the Black Hats) are fighting for control of the Internet as we 
know it. At stake is the exploitation of flaws affecting the once-invincible 
Cisco router hardware, which currently carries most of the Internet's traffic on 
a daily basis. Once a working exploit for the Cisco IOS Shellcode is available 
on the Internet, it'll be only a matter of days before someone finds a way to 
craft it into a network worm. And then it's going to be a rough ride for 
everyone who uses the Internet. Unless, of course, the forces of Good prevail. 

Hyperbole? Perhaps, but a credible threat to the infrastructure of the 
Internet does exist. All indications suggest that the clock is ticking toward 
some kind of showdown between criminal hackers and the good guys. Unfortunately, 
the bad guys have a head start. 


 At stake is the exploitation of flaws affecting the 
  once-invincible Cisco router hardware, which currently carries most of the 
  Internet's traffic on a daily basis. 

The threatPrior to this year's Black 
Hat security conference, security researchers and network administrators assumed 
that Cisco routers were invincible, a reputation that surely helped lead to the 
widespread adoption of Cisco routers across the Internet. The Cisco operating 
system is proprietary, and much of the specific internal hardware in the Cisco 
router is undocumented. Until recently, the idea of penetrating the Cisco 
Shellcode via remote access was fanciful. That was before security researcher Michael Lynn stepped up the lectern at this year's 
Black Hat conference, and after first stumbling through a deliberately faux 
presentation on VoIP security, proceeded to describe some (but not all) of his 
research to a skeptical audience. During his presentation, Lynn offered a quick 
demo of how he could access the root of a Cisco router remotely. Like the first 
runner breaking the four-minute-mile mark, Lynn emboldened other researchers to 
go out and see for themselves. 
Lynn said in his press conference one day later that his Black Hat 
presentation was perhaps only 5 percent of what someone would need to know to 
wreak havoc on the Internet, but he confirmed that his exploit, which he is 
legally barred from sharing, has the potential to harm hardware: "It's a 
software flaw that damages hardware." What he means is that by remotely 
attacking the Cisco IOS Shellcode, you could destroy the instruction set on the 
hardware that tells the router to turn on again. Talk about disrupting the 
regular flow of traffic on the Internet! Following Black Hat, Cisco issued an advisory detailing how flaws in the way older Cisco IOS 
system process IP6v packets could allow a remote user control of the router. 

But it's not really a secret, is 
it?But the point here isn't whether Lynn should have presented at Black 
Hat; it's whether Cisco was going to elaborate on information that many security 
researchers already suspected was in the hands of the bad guys. Lynn started his 
research in late January at the behest of his former employer, Internet Security 
Systems (ISS), and by February, he found a hole. In an interview with Cisco really is under 
attackLast summer, someone stole the Cisco IOS source code, chunks of 
which are rumored to be on sale even today via the Internet. Lynn said he worked 
with reverse-engineered binary code--1s and 0s--which is much harder to piece 
together, but he did it. If the bad guys already have access to the source code, 
their task would be that much easier, especially now that Lynn's entire 
 Researchers I spoke to at the Black Hat conference 
  said they weren't expecting a network worm to surface anytime soon, but 
  all admitted that the possibility exists. 

And it gets worse. Cisco has confirmed that its customer password system has been compromised. Details 
are unclear, but the compromise might detail the hardware that individual 
customers are running. This is exactly the kind of preliminary research that a 
criminal hacker would do before crafting an attack, either a one-time attack on 
a specific company or a government, or a widespread network worm. So now someone 
may own a copy of the Cisco IOS source code, may be working on an exploit of a 
known flaw, and may even have a list of Cisco customers and the hardware they 
own--sounds to me like a credible, nefarious plan to take down the Internet. 

What this means to you and meMany 
security researchers I spoke to at the Black Hat conference said they weren't 
expecting a network worm to surface anytime soon, but all admitted that the 
possibility exists. If anything, the flurry of news reports about the flaw has 
prompted large companies to patch their Cisco routers ASAP. That's good. 

[cia-drugs] Fwd: SJ-R.COM - Fees to Kjellander probed

2005-08-12 Thread norgesen




Fees to Kjellander probed In investigation of pension fund for teachers 

Published Wednesday, August 10, 2005 

CHICAGO - Federal prosecutors investigating corruption at a 
state pension fund have subpoenaed records concerning $4.5 million in fees a 
Washington-based investment firm is paying the new treasurer of the Republican 
National Committee, government sources confirmed Tuesday. 


The subpoena calls for documents related to the fund, the Carlyle Group and 
Robert Kjellander, said sources familiar with the investigation who spoke only 
on condition of anonymity, saying prosecutors want details of the probe kept 
Kjellander, a Springfield-based lobbyist who headed President Bush's 
re-election campaign in three states, was named the RNC's treasurer over the 
Officials of the Illinois Teachers Retirement System expressed concern about 
the amount of finders fees Carlyle offered Kjellander for helping to land 
business with the pension fund - $3.1 million paid and $1.4 million due. 
"I believe that we were all taken aback when we learned of the size of his 
compensation for services to the Carlyle Group," said Jon Bauman, executive 
director of the pension fund. 
He said the amount would not be unusual if paid to a major firm that places 
such business, such as Merrill Lynch or Goldman Sachs, but is extraordinary for 
payment to a small operation. 
Neither the Carlyle Group nor Kjellander and his Springfield Consulting Group 
have been accused of any wrongdoing in connection with the investigation. 
Kjellander did not immediately return calls to his Springfield office Tuesday. 
Carlyle officials have been summoned to a pension board meeting in Chicago on 
Thursday to answer questions about the investment firm's relationship with 
Kjellander and the finders fees it is paying him. 
The subpoena was part of an ongoing federal investigation of corruption 
involving the fund, which pays the pensions of retired downstate and suburban 
teachers. A former fund trustee and two Chicago attorneys already are under 
indictment. One of the two lawyers, Joseph Cari Jr., is a former finance 
chairman of the Democratic National Committee. 
Carlyle spokesman Christopher Ullman said Kjellander's fees are in line with 
what such private equity firms usually pay to placement agents and that the 
pension fund’s investment in Carlyle is simply smart business. 
“The average return on these funds is 45 percent per year,” he said. “You’re 
not going to get that out of an SP fund. The pensioners and board are doing 
very well investing in Carlyle.” 
He said Kjellander represents Carlyle before eight other public bodies in 
Illinois but declined to name them or say whether they have committed to 
investing with the firm. 
Cari was indicted one week ago along with Chicago attorney Steven Loren and 
millionaire political contributor Stuart P. Levine on charges of shaking down 
firms that sought to provide investments to the $30 billion teachers pension 
fund. Levine was a trustee for the fund. 
All three are to be arraigned today and are expected to plead not guilty, 
although Loren’s attorney has said he is cooperating with the investigation. 
Bauman said teachers pension fund workers have found a January 2002 memo from 
Levine to a fund staff member, saying, “Call me about this.” 
Attached was a letter to Levine from a Carlyle official that said: “At the 
request of Bob Kjellander, I enclose for your consideration four items 
concerning the Carlyle Group and more specifically Carlyle Venture Partners II.” 

Kjellander was quoted in Tuesday’s editions of the Chicago Tribune as saying 
he might have sent the board “a background thing about Carlyle” that indicated 
he would appreciate consideration of the investment firm. 
“That’s part of my job,” he said. “My job was to say, ‘Give these guys an 
opportunity to present their case.’” 
Kjellander - pronounced shuh-LAN-dur - is a member of the RNC and friend of 
presidential adviser Karl Rove. He was patronage chief under Gov. James 
RNC spokesman Danny Diaz said the Republican group was aware of news reports 
concerning Kjellander and considers him an effective leader who can help advance 
the agenda of President Bush. 
“The RNC is privileged to have such an accomplished and experienced 
individual in the treasurer’s position,” Diaz said. 
The latest scrutiny of Kjellander’s business dealings provided ammunition for 
state Sen. Steve Rauschenberger of Elgin, a Republican candidate for governor 
who has feuded with Kjellander and other party leaders. 
“It may be legal but it’s not good public policy,” Rauschenberger said during 
an unrelated news conference in Chicago. “We shouldn’t have a system where 
somebody gets a finder’s fee of several million 

[cia-drugs] Trouble with Brussels Sprouts: Is the EU Food and Supplements Directive the real target?

2005-08-12 Thread norgesen

Trouble with Brussels 
SproutsIs the EU Food and Supplements Directive the 
real target?by Phillip Day
The word was quickly passed. 
A million alternative health networks shuddered involuntarily 
like cobwebs vibrating in the evening breeze as the shocking news spread: the 
European Union was going to seize the vitamins and the herbals. The drug 
industry was having its long-awaited spasm and clamping down on 'unregulated' 
nutritional treatments to shore up the millions in drug revenues it was losing 
to the vitamin 'quacks'. Something sinister called Codex Alimentarius was 
casting its Big Brother shadow across the Eurozone. Americans and other world 
populations looked on with apprehension. 
The Campaign for Truth in 
Medicine, which I represent, received its initial briefing on the Euro 
move to regulate the alternative health industry's supplements quite a while 
ago. As we snuffled around, we discovered that getting information on the 
proposed legislation was like trying to pull a string of sausages out of the 
jaws of an elkhound. No-one in the EU seemed to be talking or willing to show 
their hand. Real information was sketchy. The rumour mill chuntered away on 
As different muddy angles on the European vitamin affair 
began to materialise, our excavations soon began moving away from the draconian 
European Directive on Vitamin Supplements and settled on an altogether more 
culpable target - the real zero - the European Union itself.
On 12th March 2002, while Samantha and I were preparing for 
our seminar in Norwich, England, the breeze suddenly stiffened and a piece of 
legislation silently passed hundreds of miles to the south-east. With barely a 
ripple in the ether, the EU had voted and passed the directive which would limit 
the upper intakes of hundreds of nutrients to ridiculously low levels - in 
certain cases, 1/50th or even less of what many nutritional doctors recommend as 
therapeutic doses. 
Like Germany and France, many were now facing the prospect of 
not just severe censure in the amounts of nutrients they could take, but what 
they could buy at all. For, hidden within the Trojan Horse 'harmonisation' 
proposals used to justify entering the launch codes against the nutritional 
supplements industry, was the realisation that anything not on the EU list of 
'accepted' supplements was now in for an outright ban. Manufacturers who wished 
to field anything atrociously 'new' would be required to spend millions proving 
benefit through exhaustive 'drug testing' - a state of affairs guaranteed to 
bankrupt even the most stalwart of the green corporations. 
For 13 years, European pharmaceutical conglomerates have been 
contemplating a standardised market for vitamin and mineral supplements in order 
to bring these threatening red-headed stepchildren into check. Various attempts 
to harmonise the industry met with sustained opposition, not least from the UK 
government and its vitamin consumers. In January 2000, the Brussels Commission, 
during one of those rare, brief periods in which it was not being found guilty 
of fraud and accounting corruption, tabled a White Paper on Food Safety. A later 
document, 500PC0222 (what sort of monster invents that kind of archiving 
system?) concluded that a wide disparity existed on alternative medicine 
dosages, and proposed legislation to correct the imbalance. In France and 
Germany, for instance, no products containing more than one times the 
Recommended Daily Allowance may be sold without a drug licence. 
And this is a problem. Vitamin C's RDA is 40-60mg. Yet 
the therapeutic dosage of C begins at 500mg and goes up beyond 10,000mg. So if 
you wish to treat yourself with megadoses of Vitamin C for your cancer, best 
visit Homebase now and buy up a wheelbarrow in readiness to haul all those 
expensive, tiny vitamin pills back to base-camp. 
Most UK Members of the Euro Parliament (MEPs) voted against 
the vitamin initiative, which nevertheless passed. In spite of some 400 million 
pieces of mail, e-mails, faxes and skywritings thrown at Brussels vociferously 
protesting this attack on human rights - naturally along with the predictable 
media black-out - the motion was approved, with 383 MEPs in favour and 139 
against. Considerable resources had been expended by the pharmaceutical industry 
to lobby members for their vote. The public's outrage was ignored.
So where are we now? There is an intervening period currently 
occurring which is designed to allow member states to pass laws aligning 
themselves with the new directive. Products that do not comply with the 
directive will be banned after 1st June 2005. Upper safe limits have been 
arbitrarily allocated to such a conservative list of nutrients, over which 
supplement dosage will be regulated, that the vast majority of other, more 
specialised nutrients not included on the list will be 

[cia-drugs] Baigent, Freemasonry, Lord Northampton, Sion

2005-08-12 Thread norgesen

Michael Baigent is a contributor to this 
Freemasonic publication:http://wwwfreemasonrytoday.com/public/editorials.phpAnd 
he is a trustee of the Canonbury Masonic Research Centre (CMRC):http://www.canonbury.ac.uk/?pasteventshttp://www.canonbury.ac.uk/?library/lectures/pierreLord 
Northampton is the Founder, Past Chairman and Grand Master of The 
Cornerstone Society, with Michael Baigent being a member:http://www.cornerstonesociety.com/Information/credits.htmlAnd 
there is this link between Lord Northampton and Sion:Temple Mount Fanatics 
Foment a New Thirty Years' Warhttp://www.larouchepub.com/other/2000/temple_mount_2743.htmlLord 
Northampton:Rebuilding The Templehttp://freemasonry.bcy.ca/anti-masonry/rebuild_temple.htmlLord 
Northampton, who has been atop the Temple Mount conducting "Temple studies," 
candidly has admitted in interviews, that he is an adherent of British 
Israelism Lord Northampton is, by his own admission, a practitioner of 
the satanic rituals of Aleister Crowley. Indeed, as he explained to an 
interviewer, Lord Northampton installed one of the world's leading 
"scholars" of the Golden Dawn cult, R.A. Gilbert, as the editor-in-chief of 
Ars Quatuor Coronarum, the theoretical journal of the lodge. Crowley had 
written an account of his "spiritual progress" in magic and Satanism 
under the title The Temple of Solomon the King. Masons and the 
Quest to Rebuild the Temple- Two weeks after the 1967 Six-Day War which saw 
Jerusalem and the Temple Mount brought under Israeli control, there occurred 
the greatest freemasonic meeting in history in London, celebrating 250 
years since the founding of UGLE, at which the Duke of Kent was 
installed as the new Grand Master.- Shortly after, the QC Lodge 
dispatched a member, the Jewish physicist Dr. Asher Kaufman, to begin 
studies on the exact location of where the Temple originally stood.- The 
Temple Mount Faithful was also established at this time by Stanley Goldfoot, 
which is presently led by Gershon Solomon.- In December of 1995, a month 
after Rabin was assassinated, the Jerusalem Lodge was established adjacent 
to the Temple Mount in the underground Grotto of King Solomon.- This 
lodge was founded by Giuliano Di Bernardo, and at the opening ceremony he 
declared, "The rebuilding of the Temple is at the center of our 
studies."Paul Smith

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[cia-drugs] Orwellian Doublethink In London

2005-08-16 Thread norgesen

Orwellian Doublethink In London

If liberty means anything at 
all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear. - George 
Related: Prisonplanet.tv Reading Room: 1984 By George 
It was quite simple. All that 
was needed was an unending series of victories over your own memory. "Reality 
control," they called it: in Newspeak, "doublethink." - George Orwell (Nineteen 
Eighty Four)
During Alex Jones' flying visit 
to London we experienced again and again instances of what George Orwell penned 
as "Doublethink". As experts on Orwell's novel we were shocked to see how far 
down the line our society has gone towards actually becoming Nineteen Eighty 
Five years ago I concentrated on 
Orwell's novel for my University dissertation, I had concluded that Orwell's 
novel was one of extreme importance and artistic quality due to the fact that it 
continued to provide us with a warning of what we could become and how we must 
resist such an eventuality. Now, I am sorry to say, we are in that eventuality. 
We can still get out though, it is not too late, there are still more 
"oldthinkers" than there are "newthinkers", or those who engage in 
The first instance of doublethink 
we happened upon in London concerned the masses of surveillance cameras that 
have gone up everywhere. Upon noticing a pole with at least four or five black 
cameras on it, we interviewed an employee of the Hard Rock Cafe establishment in 
the vicinity. He stated that "there are a lot of things going on in London that 
need to be kept track of." He then went on to reveal he had been working in he 
cafe for over a year and had never noticed the cameras. Furthermore he told us 
"I choose to ignore them, for me they do not exist". Shocked and horrified we 
asked for clarification, praying we had misheard what he had said. "Those 
cameras do not exist" he reiterated.
This is classic doublethink. The 
man knows that the cameras do exist but chooses to believe they do not 
His mind slid away into the 
labyrinthine world of doublethink. To know and not to know, to be conscious of 
complete truthfulness while telling carefully constructed lies, to hold 
simultaneously two opinions which canceled out, knowing them to be contradictory 
and believing in both of them, to use logic against logic, to repudiate morality 
while laying claim to it, to believe that democracy was impossible and that the 
Party was the guardian of democracy, to forget, whatever it was necessary to 
forget, then to draw it back into memory again at the moment when it was needed, 
and then promptly to forget it again, and above all, to apply the same process 
to the process itself -- that was the ultimate subtlety: consciously to induce 
unconsciousness, and then, once again, to become unconscious of the act of 
hypnosis you had just performed. Even to understand the word "doublethink" 
involved the use of doublethink. - George Orwell (Nineteen Eighty 
We traveled on and discovered a 
second site at London Bridge, where a massive pole was still being fitted deep 
into the ground. All along the pole were not just cameras but motion detectors 
and some other form of scanning technology. In total there must have been 15-20 
pieces of surveillance technology on one large black pole. Ironically, as I was 
shooting video, two policemen walked by, pointing at the pole and seemingly 
questioning what on earth it was all for. 
However, when we kept rolling and 
Alex started commentating on the Orwellian aspects of the fixture, patrons in 
the cafe behind us began laughing and pointing at us. Alex then noticed one man 
was physically shaking with anger and commenting that he should assault us. All 
this because we were daring to film the cameras and question why they were 
there. Alex then asked them if they would comment on the cameras and they 
refused to. They seemed to be unaware even of who George Orwell was or what 
Nineteen Eighty Four is. It is true that now more people know Big Brother 
as a tv show, than know it as the Primary controlling overlord of Orwell's 
Alex joked that the national 
symbol of Britain, the Union Jack (we were then berated and told it is a bulldog 
- which is not true, we don't put a picture of a bulldog behind Tony Blair when 
he conducts speeches) had been replaced by the surveillance camera. The people 
around us failed to grasp that this was a joke, an analogy for the fact that 
there are more of these cameras in plain view than there are Union Jacks. They 
again became aggressive.
This is akin to another form of 
Orwellian doublethink - Crimestop: "The faculty of stopping short, as though 
by instinct, at the threshold of any dangerous thought. It includes the power of 
not grasping analogies, of failing to perceive logical errors, of 
misunderstanding the simplest arguments if they are inimical to Ingsoc, and of 
being bored or repelled by any train of thought which is 

[cia-drugs] Terror Expert Admits Government Sponsored Terror

2005-08-16 Thread norgesen

Media Darling 
Terror Expert Admits Government Sponsored Terror
Loftus Says Rogue Elements of 
intelligence Agencies Protecting Terrorists
Steve Watson/Infowars | August 5 
We have continually documented how those at the top of 
British and US intelligence services have again and again recruited, funded and 
employed useful terrorists. In 1993, the bomb used in the first WTC attack was cooked by 
the FBI and the driver was under their instruction. It was the same 
story in 1995 with the destruction of the Alfred P Murrah Building in 
Oklahoma, again the Feds were implicated, the stooges were under their control. 
And we know for a fact that Bin Laden was a protected 
CIA asset, he even had the codename Tim 
We have previously revealed how former MI5 officer David 
Shayler has alleged, and French intel sources have corroborated, that the 
MI6 paid a Libyan al-Qa'ida cell £100,000 in 1995 to assassinate colonel 
Qaddafi. The use of the group that has come to be known as "Al Qaeda" as assets 
by Intelligence services the world over is well documented.
So It came as little surprise that the so called 
mastermind of the 7/7 London Bombings was in the employ of British Intelligence. 

The July 29 edition of FOX News Channel's Day Side programme 
revealed that Haroon Rashid Aswat, had been working for MI6. Former Justice 
Dept. prosecutor and Terror expert John Loftus revealed that the 
Al-Muhajiroun group, based in London had formed during the Kosovo crisis, 
during which Fundamentalist Muslim Leaders were recruited by MI6 to fight in 
Mr Loftus Appeared on The Alex Jones Show earlier this 
week and revealed even more detail concerning the case of Aswat and the "War on 
terror". Although it seemed that Loftus was reluctant to accept that time and 
time again the "failures" of the Intelligence agencies are more than just 
coincidence, he had no choice but to verify the stone cold facts that Alex 
presented him with during the 20 minute interview.

Loftus firstly pointed out that the Israeli services have 
long known that British Intelligence have allowed Muslim extremists to train and 
recruit in Britain with the promise of safe haven so long as British interests 
are kept off the hit list.
Loftus went on to spell out that British Intelligence and 
the US dept of Justice had protected Haroon Rashid Aswat before in 1999 when he 
traveled to America. The Justice Department failed to indict Aswat as he 
attempted to set 
up a terrorist training school in Oregon:
"His superiors, his subordinates were indicted, not 
him. The New York office claims The British told them he was dead, he wasn't 
dead he was hiding in South Africa." Loftus highlighted.
Aswat was then allowed back into Britain just weeks before 
the bombings even though he was on a watch list and was a known terrorist and a 
wanted man. Mr Loftus made this clear in explicit detail:
"The only explanation is that the Arab Newspapers were 
right and this guy was working for the British Secret service."
When questioned over the drills 
that were being operated on 7/7 at the exact same times and locations as the 
bombings, Loftus asserted that it "was a coincidence, a lot of those are run, 
there is no conspiracy there". Yet as we have reported, the chances of this 
happening are literally millions to one.
Furthermore Loftus suggested that Tony Blair and the 
British Government had no knowledge of Aswat and that opportunist bureaucrats in 
MI6 were to blame. Alex pointed out that even if this was the case there are 
compartmentalized crime groups within the intelligence services that are funding 
Al Qaeda leaders to attack Western citizens. This equates to Government 
Sponsored terror. Loftus could only agree:
"Boy you have put your finger right on it there. There 
are compartmentalized groups who engage in crimes. Are these authorized by the 
Government or is it wink and a nod stuff? We haven't got to the bottom of this 
yet and a lot of us are very very concerned."
Mr Loftus then reasserted what Alex has been addressing 
for a long time now, that the whole Al Qaeda Phenomenon began in the mid forties 
as the CIA was recruiting Nazi Arabs. In the mid eighties Loftus himself 
testified before Congress on the illegal use of Nazi war criminals by US 
"The Muslim Brotherhood was an Arab Nazi Movement. The 
CIA shredded all its files on the Muslim Brotherhood, but you can find out 
what's in them by doing a google search on two words - Banna and the second word 
is Nazi. Search those two words and you're gonna find about 20-30 very 
interesting articles on how this whole Al qaeda stuff began. It began in 1945 
when the British recruited this Nazi Arab Movement, The Muslim Brotherhood, CIA 
took them over in the Early 50s, we hid them in Saudi Arabia."
Loftus pointed out that Saddam Hussian was a member of the 
Brotherhood by proxy through his family who were directly recruited by the CIA 
in the 50s. And all 

[cia-drugs] CRISP-ER: Search Tool to Track Biodefense Research

2005-08-19 Thread norgesen

CRISPERComputer Retrieval of Information on Scientific 
Projects - Extended Results
New Search (beta testing): TOTAL 

CRISPER is a new way to 
search and organize National Institutes of Health (NIH) grant data. CRISPER pulls information from NIH's CRISP database and pairs it with NIH financial data, providing 
cleanly-formatted results with additional features (see left) that aren't 
available anywhere else. No other public search tool puts as much information at 
your fingertips about government-sponsored biological research. 
While CRISPER is optimized for 
searches related to research on biological weapons agents, its features are also 
useful for anyone interested in NIH biomedical programs. CRISPER is developed by the Sunshine Project, a non-profit organization. CRISPER is available for non-commerical use 
by any member of the public, free of charge. If you find CRISPER helpful, please 
support its development by clicking "Donate Now" (at left).

CRISPER is a multifaceted 
research tool for the public and public interest organizations working on 
safety, security, health and biomedical research issues. CRISPER is relevant to peace 
and security, biosafety, public health, biodiversity, biotechnology, and other 
fields. The financial information and search summaries available in CRISPER have never before 
been available in a publicly-accessible search tool. 
Foremost, CRISPER promotes open 
government: At a time when access to government information is declining, 
CRISPER stands for 
transparency and public accountability in federally-sponsored scientific 
research, particularly research involving biological weapons agents. All of the 
information available through CRISPER 
is public record, however, the government does not make it 
available in the same place or in compatible formats. For example, pairing a 
CRISP abstract with its associated financial data involves searching over 500 
NIH files that use nine distinct data formats. Institutional Biosafety Committee 
(IBC) information (in development) has previously been available only 
through the Freedom of Information Act.
By intelligently bringing 
together public records, CRISPER 
provides unprecedented access to NIH research programs. 
Transparency and accountability of these programs will encourage safety, 
security and sound judgment in biomedical research. 

The Future of CRISPER
1 was developed in two weeks by three people working 
part-time with a budget of zero dollars. Providing the capabilities of 
CRISPER to the 
public is thus well within the reach of a government agency as large and capable 
as NIH. By demonstrating a path to greater research transparency, CRISPER's goal is to put itself out of business by 
prompting NIH to incorporate CRISPER's 
capabilities into NIH's CRISP website. 
NIH Director Zerhouni recently told the 
Washington Post that "We can't lose the public trust. Not just at 
NIH, but into research in general... I believe in candor as an instrument of 
leadership." NIAID Director Anthony Fauci, in Science and on 
National Public Radio, has recently called on people to look more 
carefully at NIH spending. CRISPER 
allows people to do precisely that, and 
aims to show NIH a way to make good on its eloquence about openness in research. 

Having said that, few are unaware that government 
can move at the speed of frozen molasses. While encouraging NIH to build 
CRISPER into its 
website, the Sunshine Project will enhance CRISPER with new functions and data as rapidly as 
To preserve the system's integrity while it is under development, the CRISPER programming and website are copyrighted. 
Once CRISPER has 
reached an appropriate level of maturity we will move to a Creative Commons or 
similar license. Data returned by CRISPER is, of course, 
unrestricted public record.
If you wish to support development of CRISPER, 
please make a donation. If you have ideas about new functions or if you are 
interested in volunteering your technical skills, please send us an e-mail (tsp 
[at] sunshine-project.org).
Thank you for your interest and 
happy searching!

CRISPER Capabilities 

  Graphics from CRISPER data
  CRISPER Features All NIH CRISP functions, 

  Latest financial 
  info on grants, '96 - '05 
  cleanly-formatted results 
  (.csv) results 
  Summary of every 
  Live data retrieval from NIH CRISP 
  Simple and Advanced search pages 
  Optimized for research on biodefense 
  Drill down to IBC 
  data (in development) 
  inflation adjustment (planned)


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[cia-drugs] The National Biodefense Analysis and Countermeasures Center

2005-08-19 Thread norgesen

The National Biodefense Analysis and 
Countermeasures Center (NBACC)A selection of 
documents about NBACC research and construction 

  Leading Edge of Biodefense: The National Biodefense Analysis and 
  Countermeasures CenterDepartment of Homeland Security / 
  USAMRIIDSource: Internet (www.afpmb.org, since removed), 2004PDF, 34 
  powerpoint slides, 8.5 mb
  NBACC was established in 2002 and publicly unveiled in detail in a 28 April 
  2004 press conference with HHS Secretary Thompson, DHS Secretary Ridge, and 
  DOD Deputy Secretary Wolfowitz. This description of the NBACC and its 
  controversial proposed activities was briefly placed on the website of the US 
  Armed Forces Pest Management Board, following a presentation about NBACC to a 
  military entomology conference in February2004. The file was removed from the 
  military website on or about 23 April 2004, when it came to the attention of 
  arms control organizations. Notes in the original Powerpoint file indicate 
  that this version of the presentation, made by Lt. Col George Korch, was 
  originally prepared for Major General Lawlor, Commander, Joint Task Force 
  Civil Support, U.S. Joint Forces Command. The notes, which are not reproduced 
  in the PDF file, read:

Briefing to 
MG Lawlor Sir, thanking for giving us the opportunity to brief our proposal, 
or working concept to you this new research initiative, counteringbiological 
terrorism research program. Purpose: The purpose of 
the brief is to present to you our working concept for developing a new 
applied research initiative and to seek your buy-in and approval for the 
proposed concept.
  Planning and Feasibility StudyCUH2A, Smith Carter, 
  Hemisphere (contractors), for DHSSource: Department of Homeland Security, 
  2004 PDF, 160 pages, 6.9 mb 
  This study, dated 
  April 2004, provides a detailed physical description of the planned NBACC, 
  including its BSL-2, 3, "3E", and 4 space, aerosol, and animal facilities. The 
  document also (briefly) discusses relationships between the labs planned for 
  Ft. Detrick, Mayland and other element of the NBACC program, including those 
  at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and Plum Island, NY. The study makes 
  reference to an NBACC Phase II. According to other DHS documents, the status 
  of Phase II plans is presently unclear. 
  Record of Pre-Submittal Conference / Site Visit Department of 
  Homeland SecuritySource: Department of Homeland 
  Security, 2004 PDF, 19 pages, 
  1 mb
  The attendance 
  record of the 1 December 2004 conference and site visit for potential bidders 
  on the design services contract for the NBACC at Fort Detrick. 
  Conference  Site Visit: MinutesDepartment of 
  Homeland SecuritySource: Department of Homeland 
  Security, 2004 PDF, 3 pages, 
  28 kb
  Minutes of the 
  pre-submittal conference on 1 December 2004.
  NBACC Design 
  Services Contract: Questions and Answers Department of 
  Homeland SecuritySource: Department of Homeland 
  Security, 2004 PDF, 7 pages, 
  28 kb 
  A document 
  providing DHS answers to design questions from potential bidders. No date 
  indicated; but probably early December 2004. 

Investigation Into Anthrax Contamination at USAMRIIDUS 
ArmySource: FOIA, 2002PDF, 15 pages, 1.3mb 
This 15 page document 
contains a memorandum and associated paperwork of a May, 2002 US Army 
investigation into anthrax contamination at ths US Army Medical Research 
Institute for Infectious Disease (USARMIID) in Frederick, MD. The investigation 
found multiple instances of accidental release of virulent anthrax at the Army's 
premiere biodefense facility. Two major newspaper stories have focused on this 
report, Anthrax Slip-Ups Raise Fears About Planned Biolabs (USA Today, 
14 October 2004) and Anthrax Leaks Blamed on Lax Safety Habits (Los 
Angeles Times, 20 August 2004).
University of Texas National Biocontainment Laboratory Application 
(Extract) University of Texas Medical Branch at 
Galveston, February 2003(proposal to the NIAID biodefense 
program)Source: Texas Public Information Act, Texas Attorney General's 
Ruling OR2003-3219PDF, 46 pages, 1.9 megabytes, 
This document 
contains the introductory pages and the research section of UTMB's application 
for a National Biocontainment Laboratory, plus additional pages of interest. In 
the research section, information deemed to be intellectual property has been 
redacted. Areas where redactions have been made appear as blank (white) spaces 
in the document.
Proposal for the Region VI Center for 
Biodefense and Emerging Infections (Extracts) University of Texas 
Medical Branch at Galveston, January 2003(proposal to the NIAID biodefense 
program)Source: Texas Public Information Act, Texas Attorney General's 
Ruling OR2003-6103 

  Introductory Materials (PDF, 17 
  pages, 600kb)This extract provides the 
  list of 

[cia-drugs] U.S. seeks massive stock of smallpox vaccine

2005-08-19 Thread norgesen

Jim Rarey + Acambis + 
Baxter = http://www.google.com/search?hl=enlr=q=Jim+Rarey+%2B+Acambis+%2B+BaxterbtnG=Search


U.S. seeks 
massive stock of smallpox vaccineAug 16, 5:48 AM 


By Pete Harrison
LONDON (Reuters) - The United States has issued a tender for up to 80 million 
doses of a smallpox vaccine to guard against terrorist attack, worth 
over $1 billion, vaccine-makers said on Tuesday.
The United States has been building vaccine stocks ever since the discovery 
of anthrax spores in its mail system in 2001 sparked fears of a major 
bioterrorist assault.
"The U.S. government plans to procure a stockpile of MVA as part of its 
defense against the threat of smallpox virus being used as a bioterrorist 
weapon," Britain's Acambis said of its weakened MVA vaccine.
The weakened version is designed for the elderly and patients with immune 
disorders and skin conditions such as eczema.
Acambis said the U.S. tender was for 20 million doses of the weakened MVA 
vaccine in the first two years, with the option of a further 60 million doses 
later on. Analysts said the full 80 million doses could be worth over $1.2 
The United States has already stockpiled more than 180 million doses of 
full-strength vaccine against smallpox, seen as the deadliest biological agent 
that terrorists could unleash.
The highly contagious virus killed untold millions until officially 
eradicated in 1979. Small stocks of the virus have been kept in laboratories, 
and the United States fears that some have been sold onto the black market.
Thirty percent of victims die and the rest are scarred for life by skin 
ulcers and pustules.
Acambis, once a biotech minnow, has been battling with Danish rival Bavarian 
Nordic for the United States' lucrative vaccine orders. Bavarian also confirmed 
the tender.
Analysts said the long-anticipated MVA order, to be awarded in February 2006, 
would probably be split between the two companies. But some thought Acambis, 
which manufactures its vaccine in Massachusetts, might have the edge for reasons 
of supply security.
"We expect the initial doses to be priced at $10 per dose and believe that 
the award could well be evenly split," said analyst Martin Wales at UBS 
Investment Research.
Acambis is co-developing the MVA vaccine with U.S. firm Baxter 


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[cia-drugs] FCC Issues Rule Allowing FBI to Dictate Wiretap-Friendly Design for Internet Services-Tech Mandates Force Companies to Build Backdoors into Broadband, VoIP

2005-08-20 Thread norgesen

FCC Issues Rule Allowing FBI to Dictate Wiretap-Friendly Design 
for Internet Services
Tech Mandates Force Companies to Build 
Backdoors into Broadband, VoIP
Washington, DC - Today the Federal Communications 
Commission (FCC) issued a release announcing its new rule 
expanding the reach of the Communications Assistance to Law Enforcement Act 
(CALEA). The ruling is a reinterpretation of the 
scope of CALEA and will force Internet broadband providers and certain 
Voice-over-IP (VoIP) providers to build backdoors into their networks that make 
it easier for law enforcement to wiretap them. The Electronic Frontier 
Foundation (EFF) has argued against this expansion of CALEA in several rounds of 
comments to the FCC on its proposed rule.
CALEA, a law passed in the early 1990s, mandated that all 
telephone providers build tappability into their networks, but expressly ruled 
out information services like broadband. Under the new ruling from the FCC, this 
tappability now extends to Internet broadband providers as well.
Practically, what this means is that the government will 
be asking broadband providers - as well as companies that manufacture devices 
used for broadband communications – to build insecure backdoors into their 
networks, imperiling the privacy and security of citizens on the Internet. It 
also hobbles technical innovation by forcing companies involved in broadband to 
redesign their products to meet government requirements.
"Expanding CALEA to the Internet is contrary to the 
statute and is a fundamentally flawed public policy," said Kurt Opsahl, EFF 
staff attorney. "This misguided tech mandate endangers the privacy of innocent 
people, stifles innovation, and risks the functionality of the Internet as a 
forum for free and open _expression_."
At the same time, the Department of Justice (DOJ) is 
asking airlines to build similar backdoors into the phone and data networks on 
airplanes. EFF and the Center for Democracy and Technology (CDT) submitted 
joint comments to the FCC arguing 
against the DOJ's unprecedented and sweeping new technology design mandates and 
anticipatory wiretapping system.
The FCC's new proposal to expand CALEA to airline 
broadband illustrates the fallacy of law enforcement's rationale for its CALEA 
request. The DOJ takes the position that broadband has "substantially replaced" 
the local telephone exchange, but this claim is reduced to the point of 
absurdity aboard an airplane and opens the door for CALEA to cover just about 
For this release:http://www.eff.org/news/archives/2005_08.php#003876More about CALEA:http://www.eff.org/Privacy/Surveillance/CALEA/Washington Post: "Groups Slam FCC on 
Internet Phone Tap Rule":http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/08/10/AR2005081001626.htmlWired: "Critics Slam Net Wiretapping 
Rule":http://www.wired.com/news/privacy/0,1848,68483,00.htmlGovExec.Com: "Justice Department Effort to 
Eavesdrop on Airline Passengers Challenged":http://www.govexec.com/dailyfed/0805/080405c1.htm
Make Online Anonymity Easy
Announcing the Tor Graphical User Interface 
San Francisco - Now information designers can make it easier for people to 
protect themselves online. The developers of Tor, a software tool for 
communicating anonymously online, today announced the Tor graphical user interface (GUI) 
competition. Entrants will create a usable and aesthetically pleasing GUI 
for the Tor program, which will allow people to install and configure Tor easily 
and monitor the software's performance while it's running.
"Security depends on knowing what's working correctly and what isn't," said 
Roger Dingledine, Tor project leader. "A good interface tells users what's going 
on so they can make smart decisions."
Tor, which is currently being developed with support from the Electronic 
Frontier Foundation, helps anonymize web browsing and publishing, instant 
messaging, IRC, SSH, and other applications that use the TCP protocol. Tor also 
provides a platform on which software developers can build new applications with 
built-in anonymity, safety, and privacy features.
The competition has two phases. First, there will be a design competition 
where entrants can submit mock-up sketches of good interfaces. Second, there 
will be a competition to create working implementations of good interfaces. 
People are encouraged to submit to either phase or both phases. Winning entries 
will be open source, exhibit strong graphic design, and include an intuitive and 
simple interface. Students, freelancers, and professionals at all levels are 
encouraged to enter. Everyone who enters will get a free Tor t-shirt, and the 
best sketches and working implementations will be published on the Tor 
The competition winners will be announced at the 2006 SOUPS conference.

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[cia-drugs] Al Quada and Londonistan

2005-08-20 Thread norgesen

QUOTING FROM ""911 Synthetic Terror: Made in the USA." WEBSTER 
GRIFFIN TARPLEY: (page 24) "It is now proverbial in Washington to remark 
that there is no proof linking Saddam Hussein to 911, and this is certainly 
true. But by the very same token, there is also no proof in the public domain 
anywhere that adds up to a case against Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda... Bin 
Laden was a creation of the CIA, and his Al Qaeda followers, to the extent that 
they exist at all, are doubtless characterized by a surfeit of criminal intent. 
But we must not join the anonymousCIA agent [Michael Scheuer,] author of 
the recent book "Imperial Hubris" in portraying the ineptunstable Bin 
Ladenas an evil genius. Taken by themselves, Bin Ladenand his band 
represent supermarket caliber terrorists, capable of bombing a shopping center, 
or of destroying a bus. Any capabilities above and beyond this can only be 
explained through assistence provided byintelligence agencies, primarily 
but not limited to the American ones. 

"911 Synthetic Terror: Made in the USA, PAGE 156-157 

"In an appearance on the popular Al-Jazeera program "The Opposite 
Direction" Qaddafi condemned the 911 attacks, and refered to Bin Laden's Arab 
Afghans as "stray dogs" and terrorists. But then Qaddafi began to talk about the 
support network for al Qaeda: QADAFFI: (Qatar, Tripoli, October 25, 
2001) "I am actually puzzled. I mean, if America were serious about 
eliminating terrorism, the first capital it should rock with cruise missiles is 
London. It is the center of terrorism. It gives safehousing to the 
terrorists. I mean, as long as America does not bomb London, I think the US is 
not serious... London is far more dangerous than Kabul. How could it rock Kabul 
with missiles and leave London untouched? TARPLEY: "The 
interviewer, a former BBC employee, quickly changed the subject before the 
mercurial dictator could say more. At this time, al Jazeera was closely 
monitored by all the international wire services, since it had the best 
reporting from inside Afghanistan. But none of them reported these...remarks 
from Qadaffi..." 



The London Bombs, The 
Rogue Network And IranBy Webster G. 

WASHINGTON, DC -- Last week's London explosions carry 
the characteristic features of a state-sponsored, false flag, synthetic terror 
provocation by networks within the British intelligence services MI-5, MI-6, the 
Home Office, and the Metropolitan Police Special Branch who are favorable to a 
wider Anglo-American aggressive war in the Middle East, featuring especially an 
early pre-emptive attack on Iran, with a separate option on North Korea also 
included. With the London attacks, the Anglo-American invisible government adds 
another horrendous crime to its own dossier. But this time, their operations 
appear imperfect, especially in regard to the lack (so far) of a credible patsy 
group which, by virtue of its ethnicity, could direct popular anger against one 
of the invisible government's targets. So far, the entire attribution of the 
London crimes depends on what amounts to an anonymous posting in an obscure, 
hitherto unknown, secular Arabic-language chatrooms in the state of Maryland, 
USA. But, based on this wretched shred of pseudo-evidence, British Prime 
Minister Tony Blair who has surely heard of a group called the Irish Republican 
Army, which bombed London for more than a decade has not hesitated to ascribe 
the murders to "Islam," and seems to be flirting with total martial law under 
the Civil Contingencies Act. We are reminded once again of how he earned his 
nickname of Tony Bliar. 
That the British Government knew in advance that blasts would 
occur is not open to rational doubt. Within hours of the explosions, Israeli 
Army Radio was reporting that "Scotland Yard [London police headquarters] had 
intelligence warnings of the attacks a short time before they occurred." This 
report, repeated by IsraelNN.com, added that "the Israeli Embassy in London was 
notified in advance, resulting in Foreign Minister Binyamin Netanyahu remaining 
in his hotel room rather than make his way to the hotel adjacent to the site of 
the first explosion, a Liverpool Street train station, where he was to address 
an economic summit." This report is attributed to "unconfirmed reliable 
sources." At around the same time, the Associated Press issued a wire asserting 
that "British police told the Israeli Embassy in London minutes before 
Thursday's explosions that they had received warnings of possible terror attacks 
in the 

[cia-drugs] Democracy is an Illusion

2005-08-21 Thread norgesen

Democracy is an Illusion 

By Henry Makow Ph.D. August 20, 2005 

A "Far Side" cartoon describes our innocence about democracy.
A slave rowing a Viking ship puts up his hand and calls to the whip master: 
"Yoo-hoo! Oh, yoo-hoo... I think I'm getting a blister."Like this man, 
most people cling to the belief that our leaders represent our interests. 
"Yoo, hoo, Mr. Bush, you lied about Iraq having weapons of mass 
At an elite gathering, Bush peered under his lectern and quipped: "Where 
are those weapons of mass destruction?" 
A tiny cabal of international bankers chooses our "leaders". This clique, 
which subtly controls every significant facet of our society is gradually 
establishing an Orwellian global police state. Much of the ruling class has been 
duped to think they are building a better world. 
Prove it, you say? 
"The Naked Capitalist" by W.C. Skousen (available at www.abe.com  
www.bookfinder.com) is yet another smoking gun. It is based on the revelations 
contained in Professor Carroll Quiqley's "Tragedy and Hope: A History of the 
World in Our Time." (1966)
Quiqley, a Professor of History at the Foreign Service School at Georgetown 
University was a trusted insider who had access to their private archives. He 
felt the plot, which he supported, was too important to be kept hidden. However, 
shortly after publication, his book was taken off the market. 
Cleon Skoussen was an FBI agent for 16 years and the Police Chief of Salt 
Lake City for four years. His "The Naked Capitalist" distills the most 
shocking evidence from Quigley's daunting 1300-page book. 
At just 122 pages, "The Naked Capitalist" (1970) is a concise, lucid 
and absolutely convincing account of the international banker conspiracy. 
Historians who have largely ignored this material have betrayed the public 
Quigley confirms that a network of banking dynasties has, in Skousen's 
words, "acquired a choke-hold on the affairs of practically the entire human 
race." According to Quigley, they include "Baring, Lazard, Erlanger, Warburg, 
Schroder, Selingman, the Speyers, Mirabaud, Malet, and above all Rothschild and 
Morgan." (Citations are from Tragedy and Hope, 51-52) 
Quigley confirms that, starting with the Bank of England in 1694, these 
dynasties organized themselves in a system of central banks that charge their 
respective nations billions of dollars in interest for the privilege of using 
currency backed by the nations' own credit. In other words, they have carried 
off a swindle of monstrous proportions.
Quigley quotes William Gladstone who as Chancellor of the Exchequer said in 
1852: "The government itself was not to be a substantive power in matters of 
Finance, but was to leave the Money Power supreme and unquestioned." (325)
Put another way, a private credit monopoly controls the governments' purse 
Able to create money out of nothing, they naturally grabbed as much of the 
world's real wealth as they could. Quigley writes about the formation of their 
American cartels: "The period 1884-1933 was the period of financial capitalism 
in which investment bankers moving into commercial banking and insurance on the 
one side, and into railroading and heavy industry on the other were able to 
mobilize enormous wealth and wield enormous economic, political and social 
power." (71)
Indeed their representatives, the "Eastern Establishment" i.e. the Morgans 
and now the Rockefellers run the United States. (72) The principle mechanism is 
the Council on Foreign Relations. 
According to Quigley, the ultimate goal is "nothing less than to create a 
world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the 
political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This 
system was to be controlled ...by the central banks...acting in concert." 
Quigley confirms that the bankers have usurped mankind's collective instincts 
by financing the Socialist and Communist movements. Bankers love big government 
because the ultimate monopoly is the State. Through it, they take over their 
competition and control debt, resources, market demand and labor.
Speaking of the Communist takeover of the US government in the 1930's and 
1940's, Quigley writes, "it must be understood that the power that these 
energetic left-wingers exercised was never their own power of Communist power 
but was ultimately the power of the international financial coterie." (954) 
In other words, millions of idealists committed to human brotherhood and 
equality were (and are) duped into advancing a totalitarian scheme to 
concentrate the world's wealth and power into the hands of the superrich. More 
savvy Leftists, Communists, Feminists and Globalists continue to prosper while 
unctuously pretending to serve humanity.
The Money Power controls the debate and encourages gridlock by backing all 
shades of the political spectrum and marginalizing anyone who shines the 
spotlight on them. 

[cia-drugs] Cheney's Paraguay Caper Is Intended To Produce 'A Splendid Little War'

2005-08-22 Thread norgesen

Cheney's Paraguay Caper Is IntendedTo Produce `A Splendid 
Little War'
Dennis Small
Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld arrived in Paraguay on Aug. 16, with the 
principal mission of putting the final touches on Vice President Dick Cheney's 
scheme of establishing a U.S. military base in that country, in the heart of 
South America. The proper response to that development, advised U.S. statesman 
Lyndon LaRouche, is to issue the following urgent security advisory across South 
Redouble the 
guards at the cemeteries and the morgues, and put a special watch on all 
university anatomy classes. Those psychopathic policy twins, Cheney and 
Rumsfeld, the "Burke and Hare" of Washington, D.C., are on the loose in South 
William Burke 
and William Hare—made famous in such locations as Robert Louis Stevenson's tale, 
The Body-Snatcher—were 1820s Scottish entrepreneurs of sorts, who set 
themselves up as procurers of fresh corpses to satisfy the lively demand of 
Edinburgh's medical schools' anatomy classes. When demand outstripped the supply 
available from digging up the graves of the recently departed in the dead of 
night, the two free marketeers turned to supply-side economics, and started 
murdering people directly. They weren't caught until they had produced 16 
In the 
21st-Century Cheney-Rumsfeld re-run of Burke and Hare's antics, most of the 
corpses are intended to be Brazilian.
What is the 
actual intent behind Cheney's Paraguay caper? Locate the regional South American 
developments in the context of the documented short-term drive for pre-emptive 
war against Iran, including nuclear strikes, which has been launched by Dick 
Cheney and his allied gang of "spoon-bender" Utopian lunatics within U.S. 
military and intelligence circles. And locate them, as well, in the framework of 
a rapidly disintegrating global financial system, which Cheney et al. have been 
deployed to salvage, at all costs.
Here are the 
principal South American elements leading into the dangerous Paraguay 
On Feb. 24, 
2005, the Argentine government of Nestor Kirchner successfully negotiated a 60% 
writedown of $82 billion of public debt, over the violent opposition of the 
International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the world's financial 
On March 29, 
2005, the heads of government of Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela, and Spain gathered 
in the Venezuelan city of Ciudad Guayana, to discuss the details of regional 
great infrastructure projects to pull their economies out of poverty, and to lay 
the foundations of lasting, regional peace. This surprise development was a 
significant setback for the international financial interests that Cheney and 
Rumsfeld speak for, whose regional objective is both to ensure their control 
over strategic raw materials, and to sink the entire region into chaos such that 
no unified opposition to the dying IMF system can be mustered.
In April 
2005, a further political blow was dealt to Cheney and the neo-cons, with 
Washington's inability to impose their preferred candidate as the next Secretary 
General of the Organization of American States. Cheney and his Wall Street 
friends were not amused.
So, on May 5, 
2005, the United States induced the Paraguayan government to sign an agreement 
authorizing joint military training activities over the 18-month period running 
from July 1, 2005 to Dec. 31, 2006, which accord can be extended indefinitely. 
The base for the maneuvers is to be the Mariscal Estigarribia military base and 
airfield—which was built by the U.S. to be able to handle large military 
transport planes, and house up to 16,000 troops—located in the middle of the 
largely uninhabited Chaco region of northwestern Paraguay. This is the very 
region which was the scene of the bloody Gran Chaco War of 1932-35 between 
Paraguay and Bolivia (see map).
On May 26, 
2005, the Paraguayan Congress granted the participating U.S. troops legal 
immunity from prosecution for crimes committed while in Paraguay, an exception 
that the Bush-Cheney government had previously also demanded of Brazil, 
Argentina, and other South American countries, and had been firmly 
And then came 
the most revealing development:
On June 10, 
2005, Paraguayan Vice President Luis Castiglioni travelled to Washington, D.C., 
where he held private meetings with Cheney, Rumsfeld, and neo-con hatchetman 
Roger Noriega, then Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs. 
The totally disproportionate attention paid to Castiglioni—in particular the 
private meeting with Cheney—indicated that the scheme had gone live, and that 
Cheney was hands-on.
On July 1, 
2005, the first 500 American troops began to arrive in Paraguay. On July 7, the 
U.S. Embassy in Paraguay issued a public disclaimer stating that they had no 
intention of establishing a permanent military base in the country. But in late 
July, an unconvinced Brazilian Army launched military maneuvers 

[cia-drugs] Lucifer and the Cult of Freedom

2005-08-22 Thread norgesen

Lucifer and the Cult of Freedom
by David Livingstone
"Religion does not forbid pleasure. Rather, it merely requires that it be 
tempered by a sense of greater responsibility towards one's fellow human beings. 
The broader reality, however, is that Western citizens are accomplices in the 
exploitation of the rest of humanity. They have been duped by the propaganda 
that, because nature is evolving, the rest of the world is merely behind a stage 
of evolution. This, of course, is to disguise the fact that the World Bank and 
the IMF, following the dictates of the financial and banking elite, are 
deliberately impoverishing the rest of the world, to secure both cheap labor and 
natural resources." 

"In all corners of the earth the words Liberty, Equality, Fraternity brought 
to our ranks, thanks to our blind agents, whole legions who bore our banners 
with enthusiasm. And all the time these words were canker-worms at work boring 
into the well-being of the goyim, putting an end everywhere to peace, quiet, 
solidarity and destroying all the foundations of the goy States. 
"As you will see later this helped us to our triumph; it gave us the 
possibility, among other things, of getting into our hands the master card - the 
destruction of the privileges, or in other words of the very existence of the 
Aristocracy of the goyim, that class which was the only defense peoples and 
countries had against us. On the ruins of the natural and genealogical 
Aristocracy of the goyim we have set up the Aristocracy of our educated class 
headed by the Aristocracy of money." Protocols of Zion on Liberty 
"Freedom" and "Liberty", both terms originally devised by the Illuminati, are 
sham slogans, that have been used time and again to rally the masses of the 
Western world against some contrived foe. "Freedom" is a relative term. By 
itself it does not have any meaning. Human relationships, whether they be 
between one individual and another, or between the state and the individual, are 
defined by limitations. Man may be entitled to certain freedoms, but these must 
have defined limits, so that he can be prevented from encroaching on others, and 
others against he. Therefore, man cannot be "free". 
Ultimately, the principles of "freedom" and "liberty" are rooted in the 
occult. "Liberty", along with "equality", and "fraternity", were concepts 
originally promulgated by the Freemasons. In turn, the dogma of the Freemasons 
is derived from the Gnostic tradition. Gnosticism is a heresy of Christianity 
that belonged to the first centuries AD. It derived its influence from the 
Jewish Kabbalah, and reversed the interpretation of the Bible. 
Therefore, God became the evil one, while the devil was he who sought to 
"liberate" man by teaching him the forbidden knowledge, or magic. According to 
Gnostics then, all the laws proclaimed by the creator God of the Bible were to 
suppress man. Instead, he believed, man would only become free by indulging in 
as many vices as he could. Therefore, proponents of "liberty" offer an 
alternative principle to counter what they regard as the repression meted out by 
religion. They claim that we ought to be allowed to do as we please, as long as 
we do not harm anybody else. This is the same principle as that touted by 
modern-day witches, or Wiccans, as stated by the godfather of modern Satanism, 
Aleister Crowley: "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law". 
Therefore, the delusion Satanists are offering is that the laws of the 
monotheistic faiths are somehow repressive. And so, Satanism reverses that which 
is taught by them, and suggests that we ought to be allowed to indulge in what 
we please, as long as we do not harm anybody else. What they fail to recognize, 
however, is that the commandments of the monotheistic faiths are not to restrict 
indulgence, but also to prevent the harming of others, and therefore, forbid 
adultery, murder, theft, deception, exploitation and so on. And yet, indecency 
and vulgarity is praised as courage against prudishness. The female body is 
exploited everywhere to market products. Though, religion did not teach us to be 
"ashamed" of our bodies, but to "have shame" . Nevertheless, through the 
influence of Satanism, Hollywood is promoting exhibitionism as "body 
To the Freemasons of the Enlightenment, who had been indoctrinated by the 
Illuminati, the use of "reason" supposedly helped man recognize that ultimately 
there is no God, that the Bible was a book of superstitions, and therefore, that 
he ought to seek "liberty" from the Catholic Church, which he came to regard to 
as "despotism". Using the "philosophes" of the period as their mouthpiece, the 
Illuminati deceived the masses into believing that man no longer needed 
religion, but could discover laws by himself, through the use of "reason". In 
this way, the first attempts to devise such laws were known as "inalienable 
rights", first conceived and discussed in the 

[cia-drugs] Globalists and the Creation of the Wahhabi Terrorism

2005-08-22 Thread norgesen

Globalists and the Creation of the Wahhabi 
by David Livingstone
(Thursday August 26 2004) 

"The result has been that, in order to nonetheless appear to be espousing 
Islam, the Saudi regime and its puppet scholars have evolved a version of Islam 
that emphasizes ceremonial details of the religion, at the expense of helping to 
understand broader political realities. Their manner has encouraged a literal 
interpretation of Islamic law, permitting the likes of bin Laden to exploit the 
Koran to justify the killing of innocents." 
Following the dictates of Hegelian dialectic, the 
Globalists have created two antagonizing forces, the "Liberal-Democratic" West, 
against Terrorism, or "political Islam", to force us into the acceptance of 
their final alternative, a New World Order. 
The West and Islam have had a long era of compatibility, 
but this history has been denied to foster the myth of a "Clash of 
Civilizations". In order to inflame the sentiments of the West against Islam, 
our attention has been focused on the specter of fanatical Wahhabism, and more 
specifically, its most notorious exponent, Ossama bin Laden. 
However, as outlined in an excellent article by Peter 
Goodgame, The 
Globalists and the Islamists, the Globalists have had a hand in shaping 
and financing all the terrorist organizations of the twentieth century, 
including the Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt, the Hamas of Palestine, and the 
Afghan Mujahideen. But the history of their duplicity dates farther back still, 
to the eighteenth century, when British Freemasons created the Wahhabi sect of 
Saudi Arabia itself, to further their imperialistic objectives. 
That a British spy by the name of Hempher was responsible 
for shaping of the extreme tenets of Wahhabism was mentioned in a Turkish work, 
al-Haramain , by Ayyub Sabri Pasha between 1933-1938. British policy in 
its colonies often involved the creation of deviant sects, in order to Divide 
and Conquer, as was the case with the Ahmadiyya sect of Islam in India in the 
nineteenth century. 
The details of this conspiracy are outlined in a little 
known document by the name of The Memoirs of Mr. 
Hempher published in series (episodes) in the German paper Spiegel, and 
later on in a prominent French paper. A Lebanese doctor translated the document 
to the Arabic language and from there on it was translated to English and other 
The document is a first-hand account by Hempher of his 
mission for his government, who sent him to the Middle East to discover ways to 
undermine the Ottoman Empire. Among the vices the British were to promote were 
racism and nationalism, alcohol, gambling, fornication, and tempting Muslim 
women to uncover themselves. 
But most important was the strategy to "insert heresies 
into Muslims' creedal tenets and then criticize Islam for being a religion of 
terror." To this purpose, Hempher located a particularly corrupt individual by 
the name of Mohammed Ibn Adbul Wahhab. 
To understand the brand of fanaticism that Wahhabism 
inculcated, it is first necessary to recognize that Islam called upon all 
Muslims, regardless of their race or nationality, to see themselves as brothers 
in faith. The killing of another Muslim was strictly forbidden. 
However, as part of their strategy of Divide and Conquer, 
the British hoped to pit the Arab Muslims against their Turkish brothers. The 
only way to do so was to find a loophole in Islamic law whereby the Arabs could 
declare the Turks as apostates. 
Abdul Wahhab was the instrument by which the British were 
able to insinuate this vile idea into the Muslims of the Arabian Peninsula. 
Basically, Wahhab contrived the idea that, simply by the trivial act of offering 
prayers to saints, that their Turkish brethren had forfeited their faith, and 
therefore, that it was permitted to kill all who refused to adhere to his 
reforms, and enslave their women and children. But, that included the entire 
Muslim world, expect for his small misguided band of followers. 
But, the Wahabbi movement was insignificant without the 
allegiance of the Saudi family, who, despite claims otherwise, were descended 
from a Jewish 
merchant from Iraq . Orthodox jurists of the time branded the Wahhabis as 
heretics, and condemned their fanaticism and intolerance. Nevertheless, the 
Wahhabis then demonstrated their contempt for their pretended faith by 
indiscriminately slaughtering Muslims and non-Muslims alike. The Wahhabis then 
set about destroying all the holy tombs and burial grounds. They stole the 
Prophet's treasure, which included holy books, works of art and innumerable 
priceless gifts sent to the city during the previous thousand years. The leather 
and gilt bindings of the Islamic holy books they had destroyed were used to make 
sandals for the Wahhabi criminals. 
The Ottoman Sultan brought an end to the first Wahhabi 
rebellion in 1818, but the sect revived under the leadership of the Saudi Faysal 

[cia-drugs] Pat Robertson says let's assassinate Chavez

2005-08-23 Thread norgesen

- Then there's the story of Dr. Myrna Cunningham in the Miskitu Indian 
border area between Honduras and Nicaragua. In December 1981, she was captured 
by Contra forces - elements of the same Contra forces supported by Pat 
Robertson, Tim LaHaye and Larry Lea - and was beaten and repeatedly 
raped. Dr. Cunning-ham described the bizarre rape scene during which the 
Miskitus were singing hymns and praying. The Contras who had been involved in 
the rape later reported that they had been told by their pastors that killing 
and even torture (when necessary to obtain vital information) were permissible 
in a "just war" against an anti-Christ system[3] - and, if in the heat of the 
moment excesses like rape should occur, well, that certainly wasn't good, but 
that if they later confessed their sins, God would forgive and understand; after 
all, the purpose for which they were fighting was just.[4] [5 ]
- This is the kind of "expertise" the Argentineans passed on to Death 
Squad leaders operating in Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, and so forth - 
leaders like D'Aubuisson, the Calero brothers, etc.; the same people Pat 
Robertson, Phil Derstine, Larry Lea, Cubie Ward, etc. were fond of 
"running around with" in their trips down to the Contra camps in Honduras and 
Guatemala; the kind of people evangelical politicos like Barbara Alby of 
Sacramento, California paraded around before Christian audiences as "Christian 
soldiers" in a "Holy War" against the forces of "godless communism." God 
preserve us all from such soldiers, and the Christian leaders who promote them! 

- Let's take just one example of the Religious Right's in-volvement: 
Pat Robertson. In the Spring of 1984 Pat Robertson and CBN 
reporter Norm Mintle traveled to El Salvador where they met with the late 
Roberto D'Aubuisson and other anonymous individuals connected with the political 
right in that war-torn and impoverished country. Following the trip, the "700 
Club" aired four 20-30 minute segments on El Salvador, the major theme being 
that D'Aubuisson and the others were "very nice fellows" who were being maligned 
by the "biased liberalism" of Newsweek, Time and U.S. News and World 
- Once again, we've used CBN's Pat Robertson as an 
example here - primarily because he is perhaps the leading proponent of 
Christian activity directed at taking "America back for Christ and the church;" 
but what has been said of Robertson could just as easily have been said of any 
number of other so-called Christian leaders who callously insist on maintaining 
a relationship with people who have been clearly identified with Death Squad 
activity, for example Phil Derstine's[34] relationship with Enrique Bermudez of 
Nicaragua,[35] a former top-ranking Somocista with the Nicaraguan National Guard 
who - together with Roberto D'Aubuisson - was also implicated in the 
assassination of Archbishop Oscar Romero; or Derstine's relationship with Adolfo 
Calero, a top Contra leader who - like D'Aubuisson - is closely associated with 
the Death Squads; or Beverly LaHaye of Concerned Women of America (CWA) who 
never seems to tire of recounting how several prominent businessmen in Brazil 
successfully overthrew "socialist" Joao Goulart in 1964 "after much prayer and 
intercession" - of course, what she fails to add is that this same group of 
businessmen (all associated with the Institute for Economic and Social Research) 
later became identified - together with Moon's Unification Church (through WACL) 
- with some of the most notorious Death Squad activity in all of Latin 
Indeed, the truth is, the pastoral system that now predominates in the 
evangelical world is as despotic as is the one that is found in today's business 
world, and so much so that those who stand at the head of most of today's 
evangelical churches are as tyrannical and autocratic as their corporate 
counterparts - maybe even more so; i.e., evangelical leaders like Charles 
Stanley, D. James Kennedy, Tim LaHaye, the late John Wimber, Juan Carlos Ortiz, 
C. Peter Wagner, Beverley LaHaye, Ern Baxter, Kenneth Copeland, Kenneth Hagin, 
Oral Roberts, Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, Chuck Colson, Jack 
Hayford, David Yonggi Cho, Robert Stearns, Mike Bickle, Reuven Doron, Che Ahn, 
Frank Hammond, Cindy Jacobs, Bill Hamon, John Eckhardt, Bobbie Byerly, Dutch 
Sheets, Jim Goll, John Paul Jackson, James Ryle, Frank Damazio, Ed Silvoso, 
Carlos Annacondia, Claudio Freidzon, Roger Mitchell, Ted Haggart, Paul Cain, 
Chuck Pierce, Rick Joyner, Kingsley Fletcher, Jim Laffoon, Barbara Wentroble, ad 

[cia-drugs] CIA history of the Bay of Pigs

2005-08-23 Thread norgesen

history of the Bay of Pigs has found its wayinto the public domain as one of 
the beneficent effects ofthe JFK Assassination Records Collection 
Act.Most internal CIA histories are routinely withheld 
fromdisclosure, regardless of their age. But apparently becausethe 
Bay of Pigs history touched on the question ofassassination policy, it was 
caught up in the broad sweep ofthe JFK Act and declassified.The 
document was located at the National Archives by Prof.David Barrett of 
Villanova University, who copied the 295page volume and posted it on his web 
site.See "The Official History of the Bay of Pigs Operation, 
volumeIII: Evolution of CIA's Anti-Castro Policies, 
1951-January1961": http://www14.homepage.villanova.edu/david.barrett/bop.html


During the 1970s, CIA historian Jack Pfeiffer wrote a Top Secret 
multi-volume history of 1961’s Bay of Pigs intervention in Cuba. Before his 
death, Pfeiffer sued unsuccessfully to de-classify some of the History. Though 
it is widely believed that all volumes are still classified, one is available at 
National Archives’ JFK Assassination Records Collection. Pfeiffer writes of 
incompetence at CIA, of an out-of-touch Allen Dulles, of too-close relations 
between CIA and anti-Castro U.S. corporate leaders, and about “The Question of 
Click below for PDF files with the Introduction and Chapters 1 through 8. 
(Endnotes and Appendices are not posted here, but are available with the History 
in Box 1 of the “CIA Miscellaneous” sub-collection.)
CIA boasts 
of ability to manipulate news in Bay of Pigs document

"Events are the ephemera of history." Fernand 
INVASION at Bay of 
Bay of Pigs Invasion Documents http://www.parascope.com/articles/1296/baydocs.htm

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[cia-drugs] Darwinism: Then and Now

2005-08-26 Thread norgesen

Darwinism: Then 
and Now 
- by Erik G. Magro ©, Aug. 16th, 
The Victorian Age in England was a time of dramatic changes, new 
inventions, the Industrial Revolution, and an introduction to new ideologies, 
all of which would transform the way significant portions of society lived and 
thought of life forever. The overwhelming external changes in daily life during 
this period would match in intensity the nature of changes happening in the 
internal lives of the public. Charles Darwin, as a naturalist, helped usher in 
this change after a long voyage to the South Seas where he observed several 
widely unknown species. In 1859, a year after his return, he presented his 
observations in a book, The 
Origin of Species by means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured 
Races in the Struggle for Life. In it he deduced from their widely diverse 
natures a common thread that linked all species to a single ancestor; the Theory 
of Evolution as he called the phenomenon soon became a household word and 
stirred up massive controversy and debate, still resounding today. The 
implications of Darwin's theory created a deep divide in culture, a conflict of 
natural versus supernatural order. Not only did it offer an alternate account of 
the genesis of life from the Old Testament, but it also gave a sense of moral 
freedom from the divine Creator and His judgment; it became a cause unto itself 
in society among leaders in political and industrial circles, effecting science 
and academia. Darwinism, as the collection of theories was called, changed the 
course of man's history forever. 
In the immediate aftermath of unleashing the evolution theory to the public, 
the common man was faced with a choice of how to look at life and live it. Among 
those exposed to these choices were some of the most important men in the 
business community, men who could, with their influence of wealth and power, 
determine the lifestyles of the middle class population by means of their 
product prices, work policies, and wages in the factories they owned. A staunch 
supporter of evolution, Herbert Spencer, developed the social application of 
Darwinism, which was highly influential on the practices of such powerful 
moguls. The ideology was known as Social Darwinism and made use of the models 
Darwin used to describe evolution in nature, namely, survival of the fittest and 
natural selection. These orders of development were the philosophical basis that 
publicly justified the methods factory owners were already applying in their 
businesses to stay competitive. As leaders of industry, they believed they had 
the right to impose whatever treatment they saw fit for those below them on the 
social ladder. 
Social Darwinism reduced society to the rule of the jungle in a sense. Man 
became a commodity, a worker bee to be exploited by a stronger species - as 
opposed to a sacred being made in the image of God. Soon larger segments of 
society in Europe and America suffered brutal working conditions throughout most 
of the Industrial Revolution. Extremely long hours, puny wages, underage 
workers, little or no benefits, and broken spirits were the rule of the day. The 
strong words of activist Annie 
Besant give testimony of the desperate frustration during this time: "Oh if 
we had but a people's Dante, to make a special circle in the Inferno for those 
who live on the misery, and suck wealth out of the starvation of helpless girls" 
Once the tremendous hardships were no longer bearable, public attention 
eventually organized successfully to agitate reform in labor laws and would soon 
influence other industrialized countries around the world like America, Germany, 
and France, opening the door for further progress in the workplace effecting 
workers even today. Whether or not they were conscious of it, by the masses 
taking such actions they were in essence rejecting the precepts of Darwinism: a 
great instance of irony, as they were popular during this time. 
Even as the materialism and dialectic principles were known and influential 
among the ruling and elite classes long before the Victorian Age, thinkers like 
Darwin, Malthus, and Spencer repackaged and updated them with new observations 
and analysis of the natural world and society, helping to popularize them among 
intellectual spheres and civilians. Once these widely shared worldviews were 
politicized, new forms of government emerged employing many of the perceived 
scientific principles described by evolutionists. Two very important shapers of 
political thought during this time were Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. They 
believed Social Darwinism provided a way to perfect mankind behaviorally and 
socially. Marx even offered to dedicate his first volume of Das 
Kapital to Darwin. Darwin's book had given God's presence "the death-blow," 
he exulted to fellow socialist, Lassalle (Marx). By enhancing Socialism with 
Darwinism, Communism emerged as a 

[cia-drugs] Illuminati Conspiracy Part One: A Precise Exegesis on the Available Evidence

2005-08-26 Thread norgesen

Terry, who maintains Conspiracy Archive, 
has published one of the mostcomplete histories of the Illuminati. He has 
truly tied together manyof the dots and developed a comprehensive overview 
of conspiratorialhistory. I cannot recommend this enough! Please, check this 
out!Phillip D. Collins 
..Part one of an intensive 
investigation into the real history of theIlluminati: timeline; extensive 
membership list (80+), aliases,profiles and influence; Illuminati cyphers, 
occult connections, theBrethren of Minerva and more. New discoveries never 
before seen inprint or on the Web.
Illuminati Conspiracy Part One: A Precise Exegesis on the 
AvailableEvidence * Illuminati 
Conspiracy Part One: A Precise Exegesis on theAvailable 
Evidence o A 
Metaprogrammer at the Door of Chapel 
Perilous o New 
Possibilities o The 
Bavarian Illuminati: The "Insinuating Brothers" of 
+ A Chronological 
# 1787  o Illuminati 
Membership List: Alias, Occupation, Residenceand 
Associates o An 
Intimate Look inside the 
+ Insinuators and 
+ The "Brethren of Minerva" http://www.conspiracyarchive.com/NWO/Illuminati.htm

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[cia-drugs] BRITAIN'S POLICE STATE: The cry now is treason or th e Star Chamber revisited

2005-08-26 Thread norgesen


  POLICE STATE: The cry now is “treason” or the Star Chamber 
  by William 

  August 13, 



  Secret, judge-only courts 
  where the accused has no access to the ‘evidence’? Changes to the law will 
  include making it illegal to advocate violence to further a person’s 
  belief, justifying or validating such violence, or fostering 
  Under the Lords Chancellor 
  Cardinal Wolsey and Archbishop Cranmer (1515-1529), the Court of Star 
  Chamber became a political weapon for bringing actions against opponents 
  to the policies of Henry VIII, his Ministers and his Parliament. Then, 
  under James the 1st and Charles the 1st, the Star Chamber Court sessions 
  were held in secret, with no indictments, no right of appeal, no juries, 
  and no witnesses. Evidence was presented in writing. On October 17, 1632, 
  the Court of Star Chamber banned all “news books”.[1] Sound 
This is a moment to seize. 
The Kaleidoscope has been shaken. The pieces are in flux. Soon they will 
settle again. Before they do, let us re-order this world around 
us."Tony Blair @ the Labour 
Party Conference, October 1st 2001 
  Tony Blair tells us that “Let 
  no one be in any doubt. The rules of the game are changing”, but whose 
  changing them and whose ‘game’ is it? [2]
  The cry of ‘Treason’, is after 
  all, the logical conclusion to a policy based upon demonisation of the 
  ‘other’ and the latest sign of a ruling class in desperate need to justify 
  not only its onslaught on the people of Iraq but the attacks on our rights 
  and liberties. Not surprisingly, the bombings of July 7 and the ‘topping 
  up’ of July 21 came in very handy in the run-up to the cry of 
  The terrible irony of our 
  current situation is that although the state is undergoing an 
  unprecedented crisis of credibility because of its policy of allying 
  itself with the US imperium, there is no real domestic opposition. So what 
  is it that the state is allegedly so afraid of?
  What should not be let out of 
  our sight is the fact that unless the domestic population is presented 
  with a ‘clear and present danger’, the state faces the real possibility of 
  a genuine opposition developing to its policies. This is the real danger. 
  For the reality is that it is precisely the policies of Blair’s government 
  along with that of the US that is the cause of the current 
  Hence the need to continually 
  up the ante, and thus, the danger is now ‘amongst us’ and who better to 
  use as a target than not only the ‘alien’, the Asian, but also an ‘alien’ 
  religion, one that still has its more traditional adherents who insist on 
  treating women as property – hence the hijab becomes overnight, a symbol 
  of all that is alien to our alleged British values. Modernity versus 
  tradition become ideological weapons of the state even as it turns the 
  clock back to an earlier age of naked imperialism! These guys know no 
  The key to understanding the 
  tactics of the Blair government are the phrases, “The British way of life” 
  and “British values”, catch-all phrases that are, by themselves completely 
  hypocritical, especially in the context of the concerted propaganda 
  campaign of the past three decades that centred on the creation of an 
  allegedly multi-cultural Britain.
  Thus whilst the ‘experts’ 
  thrash around looking for a clear-cut definition of 
“To be British seems to us to 
mean that we respect the laws, the democratic political structures, and 
give our allegiance to the state in return for its protection,” the 
group declared.
“To be British is to respect 
those overarching specific institutions, values and beliefs that bind us 
all, the different nations and cultures together in peace and in legal 
“To be British does not mean 
assimilation into a common culture so that original identities are 
  Declares the government-backed 
  study, the Life in the UK Advisory Group, the obvious fact of a country 
  where racism is institutionalized – admitted by the government’s own 
  investigations into the Lawrence murder – at every level – from education 
  to the police, apparently escapes the notice of these ‘experts’. 
  Moreover, that the self-same 
  government that has waged wars of terror and mayhem against the 
  populations of Yugoslavia, Afghanistan and Iraq over the past decade and a 
  half, now 

[cia-drugs] Unanswered questions about Sri Lankan foreign minister's a ssassination

2005-08-26 Thread norgesen

Unanswered questions about Sri Lankan foreign 
minister’s assassination
By W.A. Sunil and K. Ratnayake26 August 2005
It is now two weeks since Sri Lankan foreign minister Lakshman Kadirgamar was 
shot dead by a sniper at his private residence in Colombo late in the evening of 
August 12.
As far as the Sri Lankan media and political parties are concerned, there is 
no doubt that the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) carried out the 
murder. Within hours of the killing, senior police officials and military 
spokesmen announced that the LTTE was responsible.
Sinhala chauvinist parties, including the Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna (JVP) and 
Jathika Hela Urumaya (JHU), seized on the assassination, denounced the current 
ceasefire with the LTTE and began agitating for demands that are tantamount to a 
return to war. As part of their campaign, they have denounced anyone who has 
failed to name the LTTE as the killers.
The Colombo press has been full of “analysis” and stories, many of them 
simply cooked up, about Kadirgamar’s murder and the police investigation. All of 
them begin by assuming that the LTTE, which has publicly denied any 
responsibility, was to blame. No alternatives have even been canvassed.
It is possible that the LTTE did order the assassination. It has gained very 
little from the ceasefire. Peace talks have been stalled since 2003 and efforts 
to establish a joint tsunami aid mechanism with Colombo have been delayed 
repeatedly. In the Eastern Province, its officials, offices and fighters are 
being attacked regularly by a breakaway faction that receives covert support 
from the Sri Lankan military.
However, the chief beneficiaries of Kadirgamar’s assassination have been the 
JVP, the JHU and sections of the security forces that have adamantly opposed the 
aid agreement, the ceasefire and the entire “peace process”. It is certainly 
possible that elements from these reactionary layers could have hatched a 
conspiracy to murder Kadirgamar and pin it on the LTTE so as to poison any 
renewal of peace talks.
Virtually no one in Colombo has even raised the possibility. Before falling 
into line with the clamour against the LTTE, President Chandrika Kumaratunga 
blamed the killing on “political foes opposed to the peaceful transformation of 
conflict”. The comment is particularly significant as the president is well 
aware of the entrenched opposition inside the military as well as the hostility 
of the JVP, which quit the ruling coalition in June over her decision to sign an 
aid agreement with the LTTE.
Just as significant are the reasons for Kumaratunga’s about-face. In last 
weekend’s Sunday Times, the newspaper’s political editor, who has many 
high-level political connections, revealed that Kumaratunga had come under sharp 
behind-the-scenes criticism from the JVP for failing to blame the LTTE. “[H]ow 
can I blame the LTTE? I am the president and I must have some evidence before I 
say such a thing,” an exasperated Kumaratunga told a ministerial colleague. Yet 
that evening [August 14] she appeared on national television and declared that 
the LTTE was responsible—without offering a shred of evidence.
Immediately after the killing, the police announced that they had detained 
two Tamils—“LTTE suspects”—engaged in surveillance with a video camera near 
Kadirgamar’s house a fortnight earlier. Since then, the police investigation has 
produced no proof that the LTTE carried out the murder. The limited “evidence” 
is circumstantial and inconclusive, and raises more questions than answers. The 
killer or killers have not been caught. Moreover, the police appear to have few 
The WSWS spoke to Senior Police Superintendent Sarath Lugoda, director of the 
Colombo Crime Division and a member of the investigative team. Asked about 
progress in the case, he said: “There is no clue still as to the persons who did 
the crime.” While he believed that the LTTE was responsible, Lugoda added: “[I]t 
is not possible to say whether it [the killing] was done by the LTTE or any 
other group until the investigations are over.” He said that about 100 people 
had been questioned but no one had been detained.
The WSWS also spoke to the chief military spokesman, Brigadier Daya 
Ratnayake, who insisted that there was no doubt that the LTTE killed Kadirgamar. 
When asked about evidence, he admitted that “it [the LTTE’s responsibility] has 
not been established. The investigations are being carried out in an open 
In fact, the investigation is being carried out with anything but “an open 
mind”. No effort is being made to investigate the possible involvement of the 
military, the police or various Sinhala communal organisations. Virtually all of 
those who are being rounded up for interrogation are Tamils in an effort to find 
a connection to the LTTE. Yet, despite two weeks of inquiries, the police still 
have “no clue” as to the killers.

Lack of evidence

Based on what has been made public, there 

[cia-drugs] Plum Island: One Step Forward - Two Steps Back

2005-08-27 Thread norgesen

Hello All: On 
Labor Day, Sept. 5, 2005 Jeff Rense will be offering a special Plum Island 
Update Program. As it is Labor Day we will be presenting a former Plum Island 
employee who was hired during the long strike.He has a horror story to 
tell of treatment of the workers by Plum Island management. In short, as the 
workers were from long distances, many from Fort Carson, Colo. they had to sleep 
and eat on the island with the exception of one day when they could go on the 
ferry to town for a few hours. John Doe, as we will call him, told me the meals 
consisted of a half granola bar for breakfast, one granola bar and bottle of 
water for lunch and scant goulash for dinner. This went on for a month. Each 
worker was given One cot, One pillow and ONE sheet. They slept in the boiler 
building and another group in a warehouse building. Needles to say the temps on 
some days were into the 100s and the men only received ONE bottle of 
water.I have seen some reports that Plum Island is a BSL4 and I am 
wondering if they sneaked in the upgrade. If anyone can find information on a 
BSL 4 upgrade at the Plum, please post here.The following shows that 
Plum Island is still business as usual. There were two separate FMD cross 
contaminations and Plum Island could not figure out how they occurred. I am sure 
that many here, from the UK, Pat and others KNOW how it happened. FMD virus is 
extremely easy to spread. Those like Pat who lived through the horror of the 
2000/2001` FMD outbreak in the UK know that it spread so easily that even 
veterinarians carried the virus on their shoes. The answer at Plum? Someone got 
careless.I have found other documents that indicate:There have been 
allegations that several foreign scientists had been found in biolabs without 
escorts and personnel other than bench scientists could also go into the labs 
without escort. More recently, nonscientific workers are escorted into the 
biocontainment labs by escorts but are left alone to do their work. I, 
frankly, do not think that the Plum will change. Management has a long way to 
go.Patricia Doyle---
Plum Island 
Island: One Step Forward - Two Steps Backby Robert S. DeLuca 

The Group for the South Fork would like to 
  congratulate the members of the Coalition of Neighborhoods for the 
  Protection of Sag Harbor (CONPOSH) for taking the initiative to sponsor a 
  community forum on the safety and bio-security issues facing the Plum 
  Island Animal Disease Research Facility. The CONPOSH event clearly 
  demonstrated the broad base of grass roots public interest in the safety, 
  bio-security, and accountability problems at Plum Island. 
  We were extremely pleased that -- after some 
  internal debate and hesitation -- Plum Island's new director Dr. Beth 
  Lautner agreed to join me and Congressman Tim Bishop at the Sag Harbor 
  meeting held in late June. The forum provided each participant with an 
  opportunity to present his or her assessment of the facility, its progress 
  on safety and security issues and the concerns that remain to be 
  addressed. Those attending also had the opportunity to directly question 
  those on the panel. 
  The presence of Dr. Lautner at this meeting was a 
  major step forward for the facility, which had of late been resistant to 
  numerous recommendations for increased public availability and oversight. 
  We believe the event also demonstrated to Dr. Lautner that those seeking 
  such meetings are not simply trying to subject the facility to 
  irresponsible public attacks. Questions posed by those in the audience 
  were thoughtful, probing and exceptionally even-handed. 
  We remain hopeful that this meeting had a positive 
  impact on our continuing campaign to have top Plum Island officials 
  schedule periodic open meetings on both the North and South Forks. We are 
  strongly advocating that these meetings provide the public with access to 
  the facility's technical experts and leadership to assure that such 
  meetings do not degenerate into a simple public relations campaign for the 
  lab. We are joined in this goal by our colleagues on the North Fork, as 
  well as by those representatives from Congressman Tim Bishop and Senator 
  Hillary Clinton's offices who are also active members of the lab's 
  "Community Forum" . 
  Within a month of Dr. Lautner's presentation at 
  the CONPOSH forum in Sag Harbor, Plum Island officials confirmed two 
  separate cross-contamination events that resulted in the "inadvertent 
  infections" of several lab animals with foot and mouth disease. Although 
  the infections were reportedly contained within the facility's secure 
  laboratory areas, Plum Island officials could not offer an explanation as 
  to how either of the infections 

[cia-drugs] Re: Fw: Press Release - Bolton Under Media Attack for Resisting U.N. Push for Global Taxes - August 29, 2005

2005-08-30 Thread norgesen

I wouldn't put much credence in anything that "Accuracy in 
Media" puts out. 
Each press release that they 
regurgitate convinces me of their duplicitous agenda that much 
The Bolton Deceptionby William 
Norman GriggApril 13, 2005Described by 
allies and critics alike as the bane enemy of the UN, John Bolton, the Bush 
administration's nominee to serve as U.S. ambassador to the UN, has pledged to 
strengthen the world body, rather than work for its abolition. 

Prior to Senate hearings into his nomination to be U.S. ambassador to the 
UN, John Bolton was portrayed by both his allies and critics as the bane enemy of the world 
body. Some critics of the Bush administration have suggested that Bolton’s 
nomination is part of a plot to destroy the UN. Yet 
during the opening day of Senate hearings Bolton made it clear that the Bush 
administration, its "unilateralist" posturing notwithstanding, is not only 
willing to work with the UN, but actually eager to strengthen the 
"Walking away from the United Nations is not an option," insisted Bolton 
in opening remarks before a hearing of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. 
"The United States is committed to the success of the United Nations, and we 
view the UN as an important component of our diplomacy…. If confirmed, I look 
forward … [to forging] a closer relationship between the United States and the 
United Nations, which depends critically on American leadership."
Bolton predicted that the UN would play a central role in the Bush 
administration’s "global democratic revolution." "Now more than ever the UN must 
play a critical role, as it strives to fulfill the aspirations of its original 
promise," he declared. While conceding that he had often spoken critically of 
the UN in recent years, Bolton asserted that the "consistent theme" of his 
public criticism "is that for the UN to be effective requires American 
leadership. I say it over and over again. I deeply believe it. My criticisms 
during the 1990s were in large measure because of what I thought was the lack of 
effective American leadership." It is the Bush administration’s intention, he 
continued, to "strengthen" the UN by making it "a more efficient and uncorrupt 
This performance was enough to overcome the resistance of Senator Lincoln 
Chafee (R-R.I.), a Republican UN supporter who had expressed misgivings about 
Bolton. "You said all the right things in your opening statement," Chafee 
informed Bolton. Among those "right things" was Bolton’s claim that he had earned the warm endorsement of UN 
Secretary-General Kofi Annan.
The Bush administration’s most vocal constituency is found among 
conservative Americans who understandably despise the UN and all its works and 
pomps. Yet most of them have rallied behind the Bolton nomination out of simple 
partisan reflex: They have taken Bolton (a member of the globalist Council on 
Foreign Relations, the body that essentially created the UN) to their bosom 
simply because he has drawn rhetorical fire from Democratic politicians and 
their activist allies.
Among those herding conservative Americans behind the Bolton nomination 
is "Move America Forward," a Republican Party front organization created by a 
GOP-aligned consulting group in California. Through advertisements on television 
and the Internet, Move America Forward has promoted a petition drive devoted to 
the theme, "Get the UN Out of the U.S." It has also served as an uncritical 
booster of Bolton, insisting that as UN ambassador he would help make the UN 
work on behalf of U.S. interests.
The April 11 Wall Street Journal described Move America Forward as "a 
conservative group that wants the U.S. to withdraw entirely from the UN…." In 
fact, while the group has called for the eviction of the UN from the U.S., it 
has never called for the U.S. to reclaim its independence by leaving the body. 
Move America Forward’s advertising campaign at once artlessly mimics, and subtly 
inverts, the long-established John Birch Society catchphrase "Get US Out of the 
UN." In substantive terms, Move America Forward is saying: "Keep US In the UN – 
as long as its headquarters are located abroad."
As long as the U.S. remains in the UN, it makes no material difference 
where the UN’s headquarters is located. After all, the World Trade Organization, 
which is already issuing rulings that have a direct impact on our economy, is 
headquartered in Geneva, not New York. Granted, removal of UN Headquarters to 
Geneva (or, more appropriately, to Moscow or Beijing) would do much to improve 
the civic hygiene of New York City. But with the Bush administration committed 
to strengthening the UN, nothing would be gained by merely changing its address. 
And this reality is probably not lost on the PR flacks who created Move America 
Forward, who have distinguished themselves only by the slavishness with which 
they’ve shilled for the Bush administration.
The Journal also took 

[cia-drugs] Perpetual War for Perpetual Evolution Part Two

2005-08-30 Thread norgesen

War for Perpetual Evolution Part Two- by Phillip D. Collins 
©, July 29th, 2005Members of the Black Hand and Their 

In the previous installment in this series, 
we established the centrality of war to the elite's occult doctrine of 
This occult doctrine has presented itself under numerous 
appellations, but its core theme has remained the same: humanity is gradually 
evolving towards apotheosis. 
The most recent incarnation of this doctrine is 
Darwinism, which depicts life as an enormous struggle to survive. 

On the microcosmic level, this struggle is bodied forth 
by the competition between species. 
On a macrocosmic level, this struggle manifests itself as 
war between nations. 
In hopes of facilitating the purported evolutionary 
ascent of man, the power elite has instigated war after war. 

In this installment, we shall examine how the ruling 
class manufactured World War I. 
Read the entire article at:http://www.conspiracyarchive.com/Commentary/Perpetual_War_Evolution_2.htm

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[cia-drugs] Privatizing the Truth; Bush's war on information

2005-08-30 Thread norgesen


  Privatizing the Truth; 
  Bush's war on information
  Bush's lying is not a 
  matter of human frailty or corruption, but a statement of administration 
  by Mike 

  August 25, 



  ''We're an empire now, and when we act, we 
  create our own reality". Bush aide; Ron Suskind, New York Times 
  Magazine 10-17-04
  A great deal of print has been wasted on President 
  Bush's inability to tell the truth. In fact, it really makes little 
  difference whether Bush is a pathological liar or not. What is meaningful 
  however is that deception is the primary tool for the maintenance of the 
  state. Transparency and candor are now seen as direct threats to the 
  preservation of the status quo. This suggests that Bush's lying is not 
  simply a matter of human frailty or corruption, but a clear statement of 
  administration policy. This may seem like a minor point, but in fact the 
  conduct of the Bush administration cannot be seriously evaluated without 
  understanding that deceit is the cornerstone of their class-based world 
  Evidence of this is everywhere, right down to the 
  language that is painstakingly minted in right-wing think tanks to conceal 
  the real meaning of administration policy. "The war on terror", 
  preemption", and "enemy combatant" are just three expressions that are 
  intentionally designed to mislead the public. The real purpose of this 
  language is to elicit support for unpopular policies that serve the 
  exclusive interests of elites.
  Administration policy is normally reduced to snappy 
  sound-bytes that charm the public and keep the main players "on message". 
  They are released as "talking points" to their political and media 
  surrogates and disseminated from every newsroom and radio-station across 
  the country. This is the true meaning of propaganda; "to propagate" one's 
  ideas from many vantage points. No one has succeeded at this better than 
  the Bush administration.
  As many commentators have already noted, the lead up to 
  the war in Iraq was perhaps the "high-water mark" for state propaganda. 
  Dissenting, anti-war voices were excluded from all the major media and the 
  false, uncorroborated charges against Saddam were highlighted in a way to 
  make war inevitable. Reflecting on the imagery and theatrics that went 
  into marketing unprovoked aggression, the media-coup was carried out with 
  astonishing precision. Since then, however, media credibility has steadily 
  declined; leaving the public increasingly disenchanted with the ongoing 
  occupation and distrustful of the coverage.
  The "privately" owned media is only capable of producing 
  a narrative that is compatible with the goals of ownership. Curtailing 
  civil liberties (Patriot Act, National ID etc) and waging war are never in 
  the public interest; they only serve the narrow objectives of the few who 
  stand to gain from them directly. It is critical that the 
  propaganda-system be progressively exposed so the public can see its 
  destructiveness and work to create a different model.
  At present, the American system of governance is so 
  inherently corrupted that there is very little worth salvaging. The 
  electoral system has been clumsily rigged with voting technology that 
  maintains the appearance of democracy, but eliminates the real possibility 
  of majority rule. Similarly, the US Military, now deeply imbedded into 
  domestic affairs is directly involved in "Strategic Intelligence" 
  operations that are almost exclusively designed to deceive the American 
  people to sustain support for foreign interventions. Pat Tillman and 
  Jessica Lynch are classic examples of intentionally misleading Military 
  information, but there are countless others related to the use of banned 
  weapons, bombed wedding parties and fabricated civilian casualty-rates. 
  Similar to the Bush administration, Pentagon deception is a matter of 
  policy not simply a "cover-up". Nothing they say should be taken at face 
  In Iraq, we have seen the military insert friendly 
  journalists into their operational structure; ensuring that the message 
  they produce corresponds with their overall strategic goals. The 
  "embedded" journalist-phenomenon establishes news organizations as a 
  front-line part of the military apparatus. The media is now a fully 
  integrated part of the armed services. The American people have seemingly 
  accepted this transparent absurdity without question. On the other hand, 
  we've seen journalists, who prefer to stay beyond the reach of the 
  military's control, 

[cia-drugs] Trinational Elites Map North American Future in NAFTA Plus

2005-08-30 Thread norgesen

Elites Map North American Future in "NAFTA Plus"
By Miguel Pickard | August 
24, 2005

“I would like you [of the press] to understand the 
magnitude of what this means. It is transcendent, it’s something that goes well 
beyond the relationship we have had up to now.” —President Vicente Fox, 
regarding NAFTA Plus, onboard the presidential plane returning to Mexico from 
George W. Bush’s Crawford ranch, March 2005.

NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) has 
been in effect almost 12 years and a new stage, NAFTA Plus, is in the works, 
referred to as “deep integration,” particularly in Canada. The elites of the 
three NAFTA countries (Canada, the United States, and Mexico) have been 
aggressively moving forward to build a new political and economic entity. A 
“trinational merger” is underway that leaps beyond the single market that NAFTA 
envisioned and, in many ways, would constitute a single state, called simply, 
“North America.”


URL: http://www.americaspolicy.org/pdf/articles/0508pickard.pdf

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[cia-drugs] The right to be left alone

2005-08-30 Thread norgesen

The right to be left alone- Thursday, August 25, 2005 

SHOULD THE STATE have the ability to track your movements with tiny radio 
This is the essence of the debate behind Senate Bill 682, which reaches a 
critical juncture today in the Assembly Appropriations Committee. 
The bill, authored by Sen. Joe Simitian, D-Palo Alto, would wisely put some 
restrictions and safeguards on government's use of radio frequency 
identification (RFID) technology. 
Simitian's bill was inspired by the controversy that erupted when middle- 
school students in Sutter County were required to wear badges that allowed the 
school to track their movements around campus. The school board last year 
scrapped the experimental program in the face of parental objections, but the 
implications of expanded government use of this technology are truly chilling. 
One of Simitian's concerns is that personal information contained on a 
government-issued RFID card could be picked up by criminals -- such as ID thiefs 
-- carrying one of the readily obtainable portable reading devices. The 
potential for abuse is staggering. Imagine if government authorities, political 
activists or private detectives wanted to identify individuals going to anti-war 
rallies, gun shows, abortion clinics or religious events? 
Simitian's SB682 takes the prudent approach of limiting the use of this 
technology until stronger safeguards can be developed. His bill would: 
-- Impose a three-year moratorium on the use of RFID technology on "mass 
distribution" documents such as driver's licenses, library cards, K-12 student 
IDs and Medi-Cal cards. 
-- Prohibit the "intentional remote reading" of personal information without 
the target's knowledge -- with penalties of up to a year in jail and a $5,000 
-- Establish strong encryption standards to reduce the chances of 
unauthorized reading of RFID data. 
The measure preserves the commonly accepted current uses of RFID, such as the 
FasTrack system on Bay Area bridges. Unfortunately, the bill has run into 
resistance from influential factions of the high-tech industry, which argue that 
the measure is founded on false fears about a secure and reliable technology. 
Their lobbyists are warning that additional safeguards would drive up the cost 
of RFID. 
By now, Americans should be wary of mere verbal assurances -- whether from 
government or industry -- about the level of privacy protection in this digital 
age. The recent wave of security breaches of personal information held by 
financial institutions is Exhibit A of the need for meaningful regulation. SB682 
represents a restrained, reasoned approach to regulating a technology with 
potential for abuse. 
The Assembly Appropriations Committee must approve SB682 to keep it advancing 
toward the desk of Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger. Let legislators know you are 
tracking this important bill. 
You can find the names and contact numbers for your Senate and Assembly 
representatives by typing in your ZIP code at www.leginfo.ca.gov/yourleg.html. 

PageB - 8 URL: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2005/08/25/EDGFREC5O71.DTL

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[cia-drugs] Domesticating the Anthropomorphic Apes

2005-08-31 Thread norgesen

Domesticating the 
Anthropomorphic Apes- by Phillip D. Collins ©, Aug. 31st, 
2005With the opening of the London Zoo's "human" exhibit, the masses 
havebeen further psychologically conditioned to accept the view of man 
asan animal. As this view becomes more entrenched in the public mind, 
sodoes the feasibility of a stratified society governed by atechnocratic 
elite.Read the entire article at:http://www.conspiracyarchive.com/Commentary/Anthropomorphic_Apes.htm

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[cia-drugs] Project Day Lily, book index by Nicolson PhD bio-weapons

2005-09-01 Thread norgesen

PROJECT day lily
An American 
Biological Warfare Tragedy
© 2004 by Garth 
L. Nicolson, Ph.D. and Nancy L. Nicolson, Ph.D.

see Proverbs 23:23 and did the Anthrax Vaccine cause the mailings ? 
- The Toxic Reverend

The authors have written this book in order to shed light on a crisis 
facing our country and the world. They have chosen to use a fictional 
format to maximize dramatic impact. The events described are true, but 
fictitious names, places and composite characters have been used to develop the 
story. Dialogue between the characters was constructed from the 
recollections of various sources. The scientific principals and results 
discussed in this book are true and have been documented in the authors’ 
publications, reports and sworn testimony to Presidential Commissions and 
committees of the United States Congress

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[cia-drugs] Legal Land Theft and the Supreme Court

2005-09-02 Thread norgesen

"It is obvious that behind Robert's clean-cut 
conservative mask hides a proponent of oligarchy."
Legal Land Theft and the Supreme 
Court- by Paul David Collins ©, Sept. 2nd, 2005If property can be 
taken away from the people for private economicdevelopment, then that means 
the government is giving preferentialtreatment to private forces. Those 
private forces would be correctlylabeled an aristocracy. The Supreme Court 
has been prostituted out tothe Power Elite for the purpose of transforming 
the Republic into anoligarchy.Read the entire article 
Legal Land Theft and the Supreme Court 
- by Paul David Collins ©, Sept. 2nd, 2005 
When a student is introduced to the subject of American 
political science, the three branches of the national government is one of the 
first topics explored. The student is taught that the judicial branch's primary 
task is to interpret the law. It was for this purpose that the Supreme Court was 
created. In June of 2005, a Supreme Court ruling in Kelo versus New 
London, a case concerning the issue of eminent domain, drastically 
redefined the Court's role in national politics. CNN's Parija Bhatnagar reported 
the following concerning the Supreme Courts ruling: 

  The Supreme Court may have just delivered an early Christmas gift to the 
  nation's biggest retailers by its ruling Thursday allowing governments to take 
  private land for business development. 
  Retailers such as Target, Home Depot and Bed, Bath  Beyond have thus 
  far managed to keep the "eminent domain" issue under the radar -- and sidestep 
  a prickly public relations problem -- even as these companies continue to 
  expand their footprint into more urban residential areas where prime retail 
  space isn't always easily found. 
  Eminent domain is a legal principle that allows the government to take 
  private property for a "public use," such as a school or roads and bridges, in 
  exchange for just compensation. 
  Local governments have increasingly expanded the scope of public use to 
  include commercial entities such as shopping malls or independent retail 
  stores. Critics of the process maintain that local governments are too quick 
  to invoke eminent domain on behalf of big retailers because of the potential 
  for tax revenue generation and job creation. 
  The Supreme Court's decision Thursday clarified that local governments may 
  seize people's homes and businesses -- even against their will -- for private 
  and public economic development. (No pagination) 
The Court's actions in this particular case make it painfully obvious that 
the justices have become little more than politicians in robes. Do not be 
deceived. Supreme Court nominees are no longer chosen based on their judicial 
philosophy. It is naive to believe that a potential nominee is called into the 
Oval Office by the President and asked whether he or she is a proponent of 
judicial activism or judicial restraint. A simple question is posed to the 
nominee: "Are you willing to dance?" Eager to ascend up the political ladder, 
the nominee will invariably answer in the affirmative. So the Supreme Court is 
now made up of justices dancing to a political tune. This leads to the next 
question: "Who is calling the tune?" 
The answer to the above question is disturbing. If property can be taken away 
from the people for private economic development, then that means the government 
is giving preferential treatment to private forces. Those private forces would 
be correctly labeled an aristocracy. The Supreme Court has been prostituted out 
to the Power Elite for the purpose of transforming the Republic into an 
The Kelo versus New London ruling will help preserve the blueblood 
tradition of stealing the commoners' lands in the name of profit. This is a 
tradition that goes back thousands of years. In fifteenth century England, major 
landowners began fencing in common land. Originally, those lower down the 
economic food chain used these lands as tilling and grazing grounds. All of that 
had changed by 1600. Major landowners had enclosed one-eighth of England's 
arable land (Chambers et al. 474). 
In the eighteenth century, notions and concepts of democratic institutions 
and representative, constitutional republicanism began to be popularized. With 
this rise in popularity, the masses began to breathe easy, believing Olympian 
delirium had finally been expunged. Perhaps now the common person would enjoy 
the property rights as well. After all, two of the inalienable rights recognized 
by America's Founding Fathers were the right to liberty and property. This meant 
that man had an inalienable right not only to produce, but also to keep that 
which he produced. One's incentive to be productive comes from these two rights. 

However, the plight of the Native Americans painfully illustrates the fact 
that the bluebloods' tradition of land theft was far 

[cia-drugs] The Leipzig Connection - The Sabotage of American Education by German Experimental Psychology

2005-09-02 Thread norgesen


  Leipzig Connection:Sabotage of the US 
  Educational Systemby 
  Paolo Lionni
Chapter 1. A New Domain
"Wilhelm Maximilian Wundt was born in 1832 in Neckarau, in a small town in 
southern Germany. Wundt entered the university at Tubingen when he was 19, 
transferred to Heidelberg after half a year, and graduated as a medical doctor 
from the university in 1856. He stayed on at Heidelberg for the next seventeen 
years, working first as a professor's assistant, and later as a professor 
himself, in the field of psychology. Psychology, at that time, meant simply the 
study (ology) of the soul (psyche), or mind."
"In 1874, Wundt left Heidelberg to take a position as professor of philosophy 
at Zurich. He stayed there for only a year, and then accepted a chair in 
philosophy at the University of Leipzig, in Germany. He was to remain at Leipzig 
for the rest of his academic career, eventually being appointed rector of the 
university. Wundt died in 1920."
"Those are some of the vital statistics. What they omit is that Wundt was the 
founder of experimental psychology and the force behind its dissemination 
throughout the western world."
"To Wundt a thing made sense and was worth pursuing if it could be measured, 
quantified, and scientifically demonstrated. Seeing no way to do this with the 
human soul, he proposed that psychology concerns itself solely with 
"Wundt asserted that man is devoid of spirit and self-determinism. He set out 
to prove that man is the summation of his experiences, of the stimuli which 
intrude upon his consciousness and unconsciousness.


Before Wundt, the subject of psychology was largely 
  philosophical in nature and dealt with the spirit, soul and mind. Wundt 's 
  activity "redefined psychology as a physiological rather than a 
  philosophical subject." Basically, everything previously considered to be 
  a fundamental part of Man, the spirit, mind, soul, feelings, will, 
  intention, hopes, and ideas, came to be ignored and explained solely as a 
  response to external stimuli and physiology. Per Lionni, "What was will? 
  For Wundt, will was the direct result of the combination of perceived 
  stimuli, not an independent, individual intention as psychology and 
  philosophy had, with some notable exceptions, held up to that time". 
  There is nothing inherently wrong or incorrect about investigating the 
  "mind" scientifically, using standard methods of theorizing, testing, and 
  observing results until a workable understanding is arrived at. I am not 
  "anti-science" or against careful analysis. The problem with "modern" 
  psychology and psychiatry is that the "mind" has been ignored, NEVER 
  investigated as a thing in itself, and instead, genetics, physiology and 
  the environment have been "examined" ad nauseam and incorrectly 
  explained to be the source of all Man's problems. The theories and 
  beliefs, which existed before the advent of Wundt, while largely 
  philosophical, and often vague, opinionated and confusing, did 
  often suffer from a lack of "scientific basis", but they at least 
  recognized the "mind" as an entity with its own functions and workings (as 
  distinct from physiology and the environment).
  The "mind" has been studied extensively throughout the centuries in 
  what are today called religions such as Hinduism, Sufiism and Buddhism. 
  The material is often confusing, and has become interminably entwined with 
  religious beliefs and ideas making it difficult to separate the basic 
  psychological data from opinion and pure fantasy. An honest objective 
  involvement with any of these traditional subjects, or more modern 
  subjects, such as Rosicrucianism, Creative Visualization or Scientology, 
  to mention only a few, can usually make it quite obvious to any serious 
  student that the mind 1) exists and, 2) has its own nature, functions and 
  capabilities quite separate and distinct from the body or physiology. 
  Western Man's failure to understand the truths in these subjects has been 
  a severe loss for us all.
  It is important to understand the magnitude in the change of viewpoint 
  that occurred with the advent of Wundt's ideas.
  The spreading of Wundt's ideas had the effect of minimizing and erasing 
  the notion of man as being or having an inner "personality", soul, or 
  spirit. You are not viewed as a person with thoughts, feelings, ideas, 
  will, hopes, and dreams. You are never appealed to on that level. 
  Your "mind" is ignored. YOU are ignored. Those in control of education, 
  psychology, and psychiatry largely view man as an animal to be controlled 
  and manipulated. They view YOU as an animal. You are thought of as a piece 
  of meat to be placed in suitable 

[cia-drugs] This is working very well for them.

2005-09-07 Thread norgesen


Link: Editor  Publisher
In case you were concerned that tone-deaf statements weren't a family 
tradition for the Bush's of Kennebunkport. Let them eat cake, indeed.

  Accompanying her husband, former President 
  George H.W.Bush, on a tour of hurricane 
  relief centers in Houston, Barbara Bush said 
  today, referring to the poor who had lost 
  everything back home and evacuated, "This is working very well for 
  And so many of the people in the arena here, 
  you know, were underprivileged anyway, so 
  this--this (she chuckles slightly) is working 
  very well for them."
  Link: Terrorism, 
  Security  America's Purpose
  An all-star conference on terrorism to be held tomorrow 
  and Wednesday (September 6 and 7) will be broadcast live on the web. Among the 
  heavy hitters: Madeleine Albright, Jim Fallows, Lee Hamilton, Chuck Hagel, 
  Warren Rudman and retired General Wesley Clark.
  Link: Transcript for September 4 - Meet the 
  Scroll past all the bullshit condolences for Chief Justice 
  Rehnquist and the speculation about nominee John Roberts and the defensive 
  babble of Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff and you'll find an 
  impassioned call from the President of Jefferson Parish, Louisiana, which was 
  completely flooded last week, for some heads to roll now:
MR. BROUSSARD: Sir, they were told like me, 
every single day, "The cavalry's coming," on a federal level, "The cavalry's 
coming, the cavalry's coming, the cavalry's coming." I have just begun 
to hear the hoofs of the cavalry. The cavalry's still not here yet, 
but I've begun to hear the hoofs, and we're almost a week out. 
Let me give you just three quick 
examples. We had Wal-Mart deliver three trucks of water, trailer 
trucks of water. FEMA turned them back. They said we didn't need 
them. This was a week ago. FEMA--we had 1,000 gallons of diesel 
fuel on a Coast Guard vessel docked in my parish. The Coast Guard 
said, "Come get the fuel right away." When we got there with our 
trucks, they got a word. "FEMA says don't give you the fuel." 
Yesterday--yesterday--FEMA comes in and cuts all of our emergency 
communication lines. They cut them without notice. Our sheriff, 
Harry Lee, goes back in, he reconnects the line. He posts armed guards on 
our line and says, "No one is getting near these lines." Sheriff Harry 
Lee said that if America--American government would have responded like 
Wal-Mart has responded, we wouldn't be in this crisis. 
But I want to thank Governor Blanco for all she's 
done and all her leadership. She sent in the National Guard. I just 
repaired a breach on my side of the 17th Street canal that the secretary 
didn't foresee, a 300-foot breach. I just completed it yesterday with 
convoys of National Guard and local parish workers and levee board 
people. It took us two and a half days working 24/7. I just closed it. 

MR. RUSSERT: All right. 
MR. BROUSSARD: I'm telling you most 
importantly I want to thank my public employees... 
MR. RUSSERT: All right. 
MR. BROUSSARD: ...that have worked 
24/7. They're burned out, the doctors, the nurses. And I want to 
give you one last story and I'll shut up and let you tell me whatever you 
want to tell me. The guy who runs this building I'm in, emergency 
management, he's responsible for everything. His mother was trapped in 
St. Bernard nursing home and every day she called him and said, "Are you 
coming, son? Is somebody coming?" And he said, "Yeah, Mama, 
somebody's coming to get you. Somebody's coming to get you on Tuesday. 
Somebody's coming to get you on Wednesday. Somebody's coming to get 
you on Thursday. Somebody's coming to get you on Friday." And 
she drowned Friday night. She drowned Friday night. 
MR. RUSSERT: Mr. President... 
MR. BROUSSARD: Nobody's coming to 
get us. Nobody's coming to get us. The secretary has 
promised. Everybody's promised. They've had press conferences. 
I'm sick of the press conferences. For God sakes, shut up and send us 


Link: The Washington Post
I saw Post reporter Terry M. Neal several times this 
weekend on TV, and he continues to ask the questions that few people have 
been willing to answer this past week. While the urgent crisis in New 
Orleans is beginning to subside, the reality is that the recovery efforts 
along the entire Gulf Coast will take years; the hard work has barely even 
begun. Here are a few of Neal's questions:

  Why did Department of Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff 
  and FEMA head Michael Brown appear on television 

[cia-drugs] Re: FEMA Chief Sent Help Only After Storm Hit

2005-09-07 Thread norgesen

The spin is this isn't the time to point fingers, even as 
the regime apologists say there is much blame to go around, all the way from the 
mayor of New Orleans to the Governor of Louisiana. The limited hang-out is 
FEMA's "incompetence," which may, eventually, cost Michael Brown his job. And 
they will make it so hard to wrest it from him that it will seem like a 
tremendous accomplishment when he's promoted sideways. But it's not incompetence 
that bars relief, declines to drop supplies, turns back evacuees and cuts lines 
of communication."Culling," a document of The Order of Nine Angles, 
states that "The time is 
now right - both strategically and tactically - to reveal the Satanic truth, the 
whole Satanic truth and nothing but the Satanic truth in clear, precise terms 
which are not open to mis-interpretation."There are no masks anymore. 
The whole Satanic truth is on display, from the disdain of mercy to the piling 
of horror upon horror. But the more grotesque the vision, the greater the need 
of those yet in denial to avert their eyes. This is the challenge before 
Americans at which the world holds its breath: Can they see, this time? Have 
they had enough, yet?



--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, "Jim 
Rarey" [EMAIL PROTECTED]... wrote: 

  September 7, 2005 FEMA Chief 
Sent Help Only After Storm Hit By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Filed at 
11:58 a.m. ET  WASHINGTON (AP) -- The top U.S. disaster official 
waited hours after Hurricane Katrina struck the Gulf Coast before he proposed to 
his boss sending at least 1,000 Homeland Security workers into the region to 
support rescuers, internal documents show. 

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[cia-drugs] The Google of the Defense Industry

2005-09-09 Thread norgesen

The Google of the Defense 
[Jonathan Caverley, Tuesday September 6, 2005 at 1:40pm EST]

I Have not posted very much due to my own work schedule but also the sheer 
awe in the face of the Katrina disaster. However, I thought this 
article deserved highlighting for anyone interested in private military 
contractors, the Quadrennial Defense Review, and the state of the 
military-industrial complex:
Science Applications International Corp., the largest privately 
  held defense contractor, announced yesterday that it would go public early 
  next year, aiming to raise $1.7 billion for insiders cashing in on the 
  post-Sept. 11 government spending boom that fueled the firm's 
  growth.The public offering would rival Google Inc.'s $1.8 billion deal 
  in 2004 in size and be the largest IPO of a government contractor in many 
  yearsIn a Securities and Exchange Commission filing, the San 
  Diego-based company outlined its government work, which accounted for 87 
  percent of its $7.2 billion in revenue last year. Many of the company's 10,000 
  contracts are with the Defense Department, where it is known not for weapons, 
  but for managing large projects to integrate information technology systems, 
  including several in the intelligence field.SAIC cited its role in the 
  Army's $100 billion modernization project, known as the Future Combat System, 
  as one of its largest contracts. The filing did not hint at what type of 
  classified work it does, but noted that about 20,000 of the firm's 42,500 
  employees have security clearances.It listed among its largest 
  contracts one called "Trailblazer Technical Development Program," which has a 
  "confidential" customer. Press reports have identified it as a modernization 
  project at the National Security Agency, the agency that intercepts foreign 
  communications.Analysis: SAIC is a legendary 
company shrouded in mystery, partially a function of its privately-owned 
status. This status probably allows the company to take on projects for which 
the Defense Department needs assistance while still avoiding the spotlight. 
SAIC's uniqueness has interesting implications for investors and for national 
security.The above article brings up an interesting dilemma: how can 
shareholders make an informed investment decision if much of SAIC's income is 
from classified sources (rather than well-known weapons systems with classified 
aspects)? Or will shareholders require SAIC to reveal more about its operations 
than its chief client, the Department of Defense, would like?For 
example, how would an investor analyze the risks to SAIC if the Future Combat 
System, perhaps the most ambitious conventional weapons acquisition program in 
history, is significantly 
altered? Before investing in SAIC, I would read the QDR as closely as I 
would read the company prospectus.


Top Private Defense 
Contractor Plans an IPO to Rival Google's
By Renae MerleWashington Post Staff WriterFriday, 
September 2, 2005; D01

Science Applications International Corp., the largest privately held defense 
contractor, announced yesterday that it would go public early next year,aiming 
to raise $1.7 billion for insiders cashing in on the post-Sept. 11 government 
spending boom that fueled the firm's growth.
The public offering would rival Google Inc.'s $1.8 billion deal in 2004 in 
size and be the largest IPO of a government contractor in many years. The chief 
beneficiaries will be SAIC's more than 35,000 shareholders, which include many 
current and former employees, some of whom stand to make millions of dollars. 
The company has 16,000 employees in the Washington region.
In a Securities and Exchange Commission filing, the San Diego-based company 
outlined its government work, which accounted for 87 percent of its $7.2 billion 
in revenue last year. Many of the company's 10,000 contracts are with the 
Defense Department, where it is known not for weapons, but for managing large 
projects to integrate information technology systems, including several in the 
intelligence field.
SAIC cited its role in the Army's $100 billion modernization project, known 
as the Future Combat System, as one of its largest contracts. The filing did not 
hint at what type of classified work it does, but noted that about 20,000 of the 
firm's 42,500 employees have security clearances.
It listed among its largest contracts one called "Trailblazer Technical 
Development Program," which has a "confidential" customer. Press reports have 
identified it as a modernization project at the National Security Agency, the 
agency that intercepts foreign communications.
It also noted that SAIC is developing a wireless sensor, known as "smart 
dust," that can "self-configure into a network and gather and fuse information 
into actionable intelligence information."
The increased government spending after the Sept. 11, 

[cia-drugs] Edwards Tests Production Global Hawk For Possible Deployment

2005-09-09 Thread norgesen

Edwards Tests 
Production Global Hawk For Possible Deployment


by Tech. Sgt. Eric M. Grill95th Air 
Base Wing Public AffairsEdwards AFB CA (SPX) Sep 07, 2005
Hawk flight test efforts were completed 
Aug. 28, bringing the latest version of the aircraft one step closer to 
warfighter employment. 
The tests on the unmanned aerial vehicle, conducted here by the Air Force Operational Test 
and Evaluation Center's Detachment 5, the 31st Test and Evaluation Squadron and 
the 452nd Flight Test Squadron, were designed to support an upcoming Air Combat 
Command decision on whether the production Block 10 Global Hawk aircraft and 
sensor suite are ready for deployment. 
Global Hawks provide the Air Force and joint battlefield commanders near 
real-time, high-resolution intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance 
The plan, said Lt. Col. Andy Thurling, 452nd FLTS operations officer, is to 
replace the advanced concept technology demonstration Global Hawks that are 
currently deployed in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. 
"Each ACTD aircraft is a one-of-a-kind aircraft," he said. "Production Global 
Hawks are standardized and have technical orders to allow Air Combat Command to 
operate the aircraft with their blue-suit maintainers." 
Currently, the maintainers deployed are mostly contractors. 
"Because of the individuality of each ACTD aircraft, they require heavy 
contractor involvement, but the production aircraft can be deployed with mostly 
[Airmen maintaining it, rather than] the heavy contractor footprint," said David 
Morrow, deputy project manager for the Global Hawk program. 
The production Global Hawk encompasses some aspects of the advanced concept 
"The Air Force desired to deploy a mixture of fielded ACTD components with 
the latest production aircraft and sensor suite because of the supportability 
issues with the currently fielded ACTD system," said Lt. Col. Kenneth Bock, Det. 
5 deputy commander here. "Our role is to assess that configuration and provide 
information to Air Combat Command leadership to support a decision whether to 
deploy those specific parts of the production Global Hawk system." 
The aircraft are maintained here, but the operators for the three AFOTEC-led 
tests held Aug. 22, Aug. 24 and ending Aug. 28, were located at Beale Air Force 
Base, Calif. 
"Mission control was handed off to controllers at Beale ... which facilitated 
the image exploitation by image analysts," Mr. Morrow said. "This is the same 
way it is done when the Global Hawk is deployed. The weapon system doesn't end 
with the aircraft; it ends with the dissemination of the imagery taken to the 
The tests fulfill the requirements for a series of combined developmental 
test and operational test integrated systems evaluation flights to demonstrate 
Global Hawk system performance, Mr. Morrow said. The capabilities evaluated were 
flying operations, electro-optical, infrared and synthetic aperture radar sensor 
functionality, and quality, timeliness and usefulness of sensor images. 
"Operationally representative sorties were flown to emulate, as closely as 
possible, the types of sorties to be flown in a combat environment," Colonel 
Thurling said. "Two of the three sorties lasted more than 28 hours, while the 
final sortie on (Aug. 28) lasted more than 13 and a half hours." 
Besides the local Edwards airspace, ranges at the Nellis Test and Training 
Range, Nev.; Utah Test and Training Range, Utah; Yuma, Ariz.; and Point Mugu, 
Calif.; were also used. 
"I am confident that all test objectives were met," Colonel Bock said. "That 
is to say we were able to test all the parts of the system we planned to test, 
not to pass judgment on the results yet. 
"It will be a number of weeks before our report is briefed out," he said. 
"The decision whether to deploy will come shortly after that." 
Related LinksSpaceWar 
US Robot Plane Kills 11 Iraqi 
Insurgents Baghdad (AFP) Sep 05, 2005A 
unmanned US spy plane Monday thwarted an Iraqi rebel mortar attack on a 
sprawling US base, firing two missiles which killed 11 insurgents and wounded 
four more, the military said.


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[cia-drugs] CIA Publishes Its Own ''Assassin's Manual''

2005-09-10 Thread norgesen

CIA Publishes Its Own 
''Assassin's Manual''
The CIA 'Killer's Manual' was kept out 
of the public eye for years, but now we know it teaches the 'fine art' of 
assassination as if it was a mandatory college course.September 8, 2005 
By Greg Szymanski
If there are any lingering doubts about whether the U.S. government acts like 
a bunch of mafia hit men, the following documents, classified for years, should 
clear things up. 
And as the “CIA’s Killer’s Instruction Manual” points out remember that 
possibly the only thing separating the mafia from the U.S. government is that 
the thugs in the underworld are much, much smarter. 
Never in a month of Sundays would mafia thugs ever think of leaving behind a 
paper trail, like the following CIA documents indicate, on how exactly to pull 
off the perfect assassination attempt.
But that’s exactly what the U.S. government did when the CIA distributed a 
training manual for would-be killers called “A Study of Assassination,” 
distributed to agents and operatives taking part in the agency’s 1953 covert 
coup in Guatemala, which ousted the country’s democratically elected President. 

The killer’s training manual. hidden and classified until 1997, until the 
National Security Archive, a Washington D.C. public-interest group, obtained a 
copy among roughly 1,400 pages found by the group concerning the Guatemala coup, 
in light of CIA statements that it has destroyed all other secret files about 
the coup. 
Since the release of the documents, however, their contents have remained 
virtually hidden from the public eye, the messy details of how to pull off the 
perfect assassination never making it into the mainstream press and only viewed 
by a select few elsewhere.
Presented by the CIA almost like a college course for future killers, the 
Department of Defense and CIA spokesmen this week denied knowing anything about 
the manual, adding they were not aware of any such teaching tool being 
distributed to agents or operatives.
As the manual verifies purely by its publication, the U.S. government is 
involved up to its neck in the killing business, the involvement going back to 
the early 1950’s and most likely much farther back. 
And it’s safe to say nothing has changed today, since reports by John Perkins 
in his latest book, “The Economic Hit Man” and other reports surfacing, seem to 
indicate the killing business is booming for the government.
Take, for example, the recent story told by former Army wife Kay Griggs of 
Virginia, who recounts how her husband for more than 10 years told her about his 
involvement with training and participating in government hit squads, knowledge 
of which leads to the doorstep of some of the most powerful leaders in our 
country, including the Oval Office.
Also, consider the recent stories coming out of Venezuela where 
democratically elected President Hugo Chavez is running for his life from the 
CIA after he publicly on numerous occasions has announced to the world that the 
Bush administration wants him dead for not cooperating with policies that would 
leave his country bankrupt and his people starving.
And in a sick, twisted manner, working on a theory that the end justifies the 
means, the CIA published it s killer’s manual, breaking down the art of 
committing the perfect assassination into eight major categories, including 
definition, employment, justification, classification, the assassin, planning, 
techniques and examples.
Here are the portions of the manual, the words taken directly from the CIA 
writers illustrating just how sick, twisted and distorted they really are:
According to the CIA, assassination is a term thought to be derived from 
"Hashish", a drug similar to marijuana, said to have been used by Hassan 
al-Sabbah to induce motivation in his followers, who were assigned to carry out 
political and other murders, usually at the cost of their lives.
It is here used to describe the planned killing of a person who is not under 
the legal jurisdiction of the killer, who is not physically in the hands of the 
killer, who has been selected by a resistance organization for death, and whose 
death provides positive advantages to that organization.
Assassination is an extreme measure not normally used in clandestine 
operations. It should be assumed that it will never be ordered or authorized by 
any U.S. Headquarters, though the latter may in rare instances agree to its 
execution by members of an associated foreign service. 
This reticence is partly due to the necessity for committing communications 
to paper. No assassination instructions should ever be written or recorded. 
Consequently, the decision to employ this technique must nearly always be 
reached in the field, at the area where the act will take place. Decision and 
instructions should be confined to an absolute minimum of persons. Ideally, only 
one person will be involved. No report may be made, but usually the act will be 

[cia-drugs] CIA Assassination Manual

2005-09-10 Thread norgesen

contrived accident is the most effective technique” 

“Care is required to 
insure that no wound or condition not attributable to the fall is discernible 
after death.”
New York 
article reporting declassification of CIA assassination 
May 28, 1997 

C.I.A. Plotted Killing of 58 in 

ASHINGTON, May 27 -- The Central Intelligence Agency, plotting to 
overthrow the Guatemalan Government in the early 1950's, drew up a ''disposal 
list'' of at least 58 key leaders, and it trained assassins to kill them, newly 
declassified documents show. 
The coup, code-named Operation Success, toppled the freely elected President 
of Guatemala, Jacobo Arbenz Guzman, and installed the first of a series of 
right-wing leaders friendly to the United States. 
The assassination plans were never carried out, according to an official 
C.I.A. history of the coup. ''Until the day that Arbenz resigned in June 1954 
the option of assassination was still being considered,'' the history concludes. 

The 1,400 pages of newly declassified documents represent fewer than 1 
percent of the C.I.A.'s files on the coup. A former C.I.A. official, Clair E. 
George, testified in 1983 that the agency's records on the coup ran to about 
180,000 pages. 
The C.I.A. also deleted the names of the Americans who carried out the coup. 
Those whose titles show up, but whose names were stricken from the records, 
include agency officials whose identities have long been public, like Frank 
Wisner, then the agency's chief of covert operations, and his field commander 
for the coup, Col. Albert Haney. This censorship drew a statement of regret on 
Sunday from Guatemala's Minister of Foreign Affairs, Eduardo Stein. 
The documents add at least three sets of important new information to the 
historical record: the existence of the assassination plans of the agency, 
aspects of its propaganda campaign against Mr. Arbenz, and details of the 
agency's early efforts to recruit members of the Guatemalan military. 
The planning began in 1952, after the President of Nicaragua, Anastasio 
Somoza Debayle, proposed to President Harry S. Truman that they work together to 
overthrow Mr. Arbenz, who had been elected in 1950. Mr. Arbenz's left-wing 
politics angered the United States. 
Mr. Truman told the C.I.A. to go forward. The agency launched a short-lived 
operation, shipping guns and money to Guatemalan exiles. The operation's cover 
was blown within five weeks and it was abandoned in October 1952. But the plan 
lived on. 
In 1953, under President Eisenhower, the C.I.A. drew up plans for 
assassinations, sabotage and propaganda to overthrow Mr. Arbenz. The 
assassination list contained the names of at least 58 Guatemalan supporters of 
Mr. Guzman who the C.I.A. suspected were Communists. Late that year, the 
National Security Council gave Operation Success the go-ahead. The State 
Department, by then led by John Foster Dulles, the brother of the Director of 
Central Intelligence, Allen W. Dulles, worked closely with the C.I.A. 
The coup went quickly, from June 16 through June 27, 1954, with radio 
propaganda and political subversion proving to be the most effective weapons. 
Mr. Arbenz resigned, denounced the United States and took refuge in Mexico. 
C.I.A. plans for Operation Success called for the assassinations, and the 
plans were discussed in great detail at very high levels of the agency and the 
State Department, the records show. 
No record of the formal approval or disapproval of the plans by President 
Eisenhower or the Dulles brothers has been made public. None likely exists. The 
newly released files include a 22-page how-to manual on murder that says, ''No 
assassination instructions should ever be written or recorded.'' 
The C.I.A. records show that it conducted what it called a ''nerve war'' 
against some of these targets -- government officials, ''unfriendly army 
officers'' and the like -- in 1953 and 1954. Its plans included sending them 
death threats; telephoning them, ''preferably between 2 and 5 A.M.,'' with 
blood-curdling warnings, and denouncing them to their superiors with accusations 
ranging ''from treason to tax evasion.'' 
And they show that the agency considered the Guatemalan military ''the only 
organized element in Guatemala'' through which political change could take 
place. That change, says a 1953 C.I.A. document, had to begin with the 
''subversion and defection of army leaders.'' The agency has had Guatemalan 
military men on its payroll ever since. 
The 1954 coup was the first chapter in the C.I.A.'s long and continuing 
liaison with the Guatemalan military. Those ties deepened over the decades 
during a scorched-earth campaign against a small Communist insurgency. The civil 
war in Guatemala, touched off in part by the coup, ended only five months ago. 
More than 100,000 

[cia-drugs] conditioning

2005-09-10 Thread norgesen

As a number of people have pointed out for years, 
when you "solve" a tragedy by giving the government more power and money to do 
better the next time, you are usually whistling in the dark. The entire 
collaboration between government and big medicine speaks of such madness. Every 
human behavior and "symptom" is chopped up into a new disease name, and toxic 
drugs inevitably follow. Whereas, on a level playing field, without government 
welfare for NIH and other major med institutions, America would be in far better 
health. Mike Ruppert (From the Wildnerness) has an article about the 
dangers of feeding more $$ and power into the FEMA machine to handle "the next 
Katrina." That way lies: further corruption, less freedom, and no solution. 
If FEMA is geared to do anything that verges on sanity, it's about 
forming contingency plans to deal with disasters. We can see how well that's 
been working in New Orleans. I have a number of eye-witness reports that 
state looting and crime exist at a far lower level than has been suggested in 
the press. If so, then of course these press articles serve to explain/justify 
why rescue efforts have been too little and too late. "We couldn't get in there. 
People would shoot at us." I just got back from a trip. I observed that 
most people are in a semi-dazed shock at the destruction of a major American 
city. They can't really believe that something like this could happen in this 
day and age. We're supposed to be, with all our vaunted 
technology/communication/organization, beyond it. People of every 
political stripe assume "the government will take care of us." But the 
government isn't saving New Orleans. In fact, as everyone now knows, 
federal funds for the improvement of those now-famous levees were cut. 
For the last several decades, it's been an open secret that a number of 
factors have been conspiring to set New Orleans up for exactly what has just 
happened: the destruction of all-important tree cover to protect the city 
against a direct hurricane hit; the mangling and shredding of the surrounding 
wetlands by thousands of miles of dug channels laid in by oil companies; New 
Orleans' position below sea level; the inability of the levees to deal with 
massive rains and wind; the strategic bottling up of the Mississippi River. 
A Katrina has been predicted by scores of people. It appears 
that there is at least one decent model for averting this horrendous tragedy: 
Holland. In the 1950s, that nation was flooded in many sectors. Its position 
vis-a-vis the level of the surrounding seas was a key. So Holland successfully 
instituted a plan to keep a disaster from reoccurring. The bland and 
impotent and leaderless position of the White House has driven home the fact 
that this administration lives its sealed-off life at a different level from 
what the rest of us would call human. Statements from federal officials 
have taken a vile tone: "We knew there could be some flooding, but the failure 
of the levees was a total shock." Serenely delivered bullshit. I often 
make pharmaceutical analogies, and here is yet another occasion for doing it. 
When you stop and add up the overall toxic effects of thousands of medical 
drugs, you are faced with a choice. You can say the millions of deaths and 
maimings caused by these drugs is the result of serial blundering by 
well-intentioned people, or you can go to another place and view, at the very 
least, a crime of depraved indifference---negligent homicide. You can go beyond 
that, because who benefits when a population is rendered unable to think or 
function or react in a normal fashion, as more and more people are poisoned? 
New Orleans, in all respects, has been sitting there without protection, 
a perfect target for a storm like Katrina. It's too easy to call this serial 
blundering. And images of armed troops now moving through the city add 
up to the idea that help is really all about restoring order, not saving lives. 
Conditioning the American population to martial law is a goal of the 
government and those men who, in the shadows, stand behind the known government. 
All the lunatic hoopla, for example, about the coming "pandemic flu" has the 
same purpose. Ditto for the so-called war on terrorism. To save 
democracy, we must destroy it. What better way to drive this point home 
than to allow a whole city to disappear? George Bush is the perfect 
puppet for this current "quickening." In all respects, he is a man who has been 
foreshortened in perspective by a desperate effort to assert his position as a 
legitimate member of a royal American family. The approaching end-times, the 
mission of saving the world from evil forces ranged against the messiah, the 
sword-wielding crusader against the heathens, the closed-out consciousness that 
builds walls against admitting mistakes, the sloganeering posing as 
intelligence...it all feeds into the maw of reducing the kind of freedom in 
which he, Bush, would 

[cia-drugs] Why the use of a nuclear weapon on US city is probable (Michael Donovan)

2005-09-11 Thread norgesen

I heard about Kay Griggs from Mike Donovanyears 
before her story became (relatively) widely known on the 

Why The Use Of A Nuclear Weapon,Most 
Probably On A U.S. City,Is Becoming Likely

home page:




Kay Pollard 

Part 1 
16 mb 

Conclusion 19 mb

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[cia-drugs] The Biotech Brigade

2005-09-12 Thread norgesen

"We are confronted 
with the most powerful technology the world has ever known, and it is being 
rapidly deployed with almost no thought whatsoever to its 

Biotech Brigade is a 
global directory on the massive and deceptive PR push behind 
genetically modified (GM) food. 

The directory's profiles provide

  an A-Z of key 
  players- corporate-friendly scientists, PR companies, front groups, 
  lobbyistsand political networks 
The directory also provides information on 

  how the public is being misled and themedia 
  the corporate influence and funding that enmeshes 
  'independent' science and scientists, and the resulting conflicts of interest. 
The directory 
isintendedto be useful tojournalists, 
researchers, campaignersand students,as well asto the general 
reader interested inexploring the real agendas of thoseusing the 
media topromoteGM.
A directory of 
The profiles contain many startling examples of the war of 
disinformation being waged. These include:

  covert PR 
  campaigns aimed at portraying the industry's critics as extremists or 
  even terrorists seeCenter For Food and Agricultural 
  Research,Sense About 
  Science and the article Corporate Ghosts 

  support for GM via fake public protest, fake citizens, and even fake 
  organisationssee L Val Giddings, Bivingsand the article The Fake 

  pro-GMlobby groups 
  colonised by extreme political networkssee Sense About Science, Living 
  Marxism and the article Invasion of 
  the Entryists

  tomanipulatethe views of childrensee Scottish Enterprise,Clare 
  Robinson, the article Sweet As You Areandthe report Biospinology 
  in our science communication?

  bogus accounts of scientific 
  researchsee Prof David Baulcombe, Dennis Avery, Prof Mike 
  Wilsonand the articleFalse Reports and the Smears of Men
The introduction of GM foods 
and crops has triggered world-wide concern, uniting consumers, small farmers, 
especiallyin the developing world, and the environmental movement. 
Questions have been raised about potential health effects, environmental safety, 
agronomic and economicimpacts,and about the power of corporations to 
control what we grow and what we eat. 
There is also concern about 
the extent to which commercial interests are drivingthe science and the 
regulatory system. A key question remains why such an enormously powerful 
technology, about which there are stilldeep uncertainties, has been 
introducedso rapidlywithout meaningful public 
hidden soapbox
The corporations 
promoting GM, and the politicians, bureaucrats and scientists that support them, 
initially watched in dismay as opposition mushroomed and spread about the globe. 
The PR firm Burson Marsteller had previously warned the biotech industry lobby 
group EuropaBio, 'All the research 
evidence confirms that the perception of the profit motive fatally undermines 
industry’s credibility on these questions'. (Communications Programmes for 
EuropaBio, January 
1997) According to a former advisor to Tony Blair, 'What inflicted the greatest 
damage', as concerns over GM foods spread,'was that the case for the 
defence was fronted by the biotech groups', such asMonsanto. 

As a result of this 
experience, industry has increasingly been replaced in the front lineby 
a host of third parties : 

  scientists see CS Prakash, Peter 
  Society, Derek 
  Burke, Chris 
  Leaver, Mike 

  public relations expertssee Bivings Group, Rick Berman, Jay 
  Byrne, Mike Craven, Graydon Forrer, Lexington Communications, Martin Livermore, Foresight Communications

  trade and 
  lobby groupssee 
  Sense About Science, 
  Scientific Alliance, CropGen, BIO, EuropaBio,ABC, AfricaBio,ISAAA, American Soybean Association 

  networks ideologically committed to supporting big business and new 
  technologies seeSustainable Development 
  Network, Congress 
  of Racial Equality,International Policy Network, 
  European Science and Environment Forum, Liberty Institute, 
  Competitive Enterprise Institute, 
  Living Marxism 
Cyber-wars and fake persuaders
The Internet is a medium 
where the line between the virtual and the real can easily beerased. 
Images projectedon the netof grassroots organisations, institutes, 
NGOs and even 'citizens'may be misleadingor even entirely 

  see CFFAR.org, Andura Smetacek, Mary Murphy, Bivings, Jay Byrne, Foodsecurity.net,and 
  the article Biotech's 
  Hall of Mirrors 
Faces from the South
The image of the poor and 
hungryin the developing world has repeatedly beenused to 
pushGMOs. More recently'real, live'GM advocatesfrom the 
developing worldhaveemerged on the public stage (see The Fake Parade 
When, for instance,the 
U.S. Trade Repesentative launched a WTOcase against the European 
Unionover its moratorium on GM product approvals, he 

[cia-drugs] Business Elite Ethnically Cleanse the Poor in New Orleans

2005-09-13 Thread norgesen

Saturday's Washington Post carried an article entitled "Some 
GOP Legislators Hit Jarring Notes in Addressing Katrina" which contained yet 
another installment in the "insensitive" series:

  "The latest elected official to step into the swamp was Rep. Richard H. 
  Baker, a 10-term Republican from Baton Rouge. The Wall Street Journal reported 
  yesterday that he was overheard telling lobbyists: "We finally cleaned up 
  public housing in New Orleans. We couldn't do it, but God did."

Business Elite Ethnically 
Cleanse the Poor in New Orleans
September 10th, 2005 
Christopher Cooper’s War Street Journal article (Old-line 
families plot the future) is worth excerpting at length because it so 
shamelessly reveals how the rich elite “business” sociopaths of New Orleans 
think and operate: 

  The mostly African-American neighborhoods of New Orleans are largely 
  underwater, and the people who lived there have scattered across the country. 
  But in many of the predominantly white and more affluent areas, streets are 
  dry and passable. Gracious homes are mostly intact and powered by generators. 
  Wednesday, officials reiterated that all residents must leave New Orleans, but 
  it’s still unclear how far they will go to enforce the order.
You can bet this guy didn’t show up in the “white and more affluent areas” 
because if he had he would now be zipped up in a body bag at the temporary 
morgue set up in nearby St. Gabriel. Naturally, the eviction of “recalcitrant 
citizens” does not include New Orleans’ rich elite, who have hired “security” 
firms such as Blackwater. As the New York Times reported earlier in the week, 
the eviction “order apparently does not apply to the hundreds of security guards 
whom businesses and some wealthy individuals have hired to protect their 
property. The guards, who are civilians working for private security firms like 
Blackwater, are openly carrying M-16s and other assault rifles.” Of course, if 
“civilians” were “carrying M-16s and other assault rifles” downtown, they would 
be shot on site by cops and National Guard soldiers. 

  The green expanse of Audubon Park, in the city’s Uptown area, has doubled 
  in recent days as a heliport for the city’s rich—and a terminus for the small 
  armies of private security guards who have been dispatched to keep the homes 
  there safe and habitable. Mr. [Ashton] O’Dwyer has cellphone service and ice 
  cubes to cool off his highballs in the evening. By Wednesday, the city water 
  service even sprang to life, making the daily trips to his neighbor’s pool 
  unnecessary. A pair of oil-company engineers, dispatched by his son-in-law, 
  delivered four cases of water, a box of delicacies including herring with 
  mustard sauce and 15 gallons of generator gasoline.
I wonder if Mr. O’Dwyer heard the screams of drowning babies as he lofted one 
of his highballs. I wonder if he thought about the desperate poor folk trapped 
in their attics in 120 heat as he munched on his herring with mustard sauce. 
Naw, he was too busy on his cellphone, ordering up “delicacies” as the “little 
people” died horrible deaths a few blocks away. He was too busy planning the 
future of the new New Orleans. 

  Despite the disaster that has overwhelmed New Orleans, the city’s monied, 
  mostly white elite is hanging on and maneuvering to play a role in the 
  recovery when the floodwaters of Katrina are gone. “New Orleans is ready to be 
  rebuilt. Let’s start right here,” says Mr. O’Dwyer, standing in his expansive 
  kitchen, next to a counter covered with a jumble of weaponry and electric 
In other words, O’Dwyer has a damn good reason to stick around—and there is a 
damn good reason the cops will not throw him out at gunpoint: he is “hanging on” 
so he can “play a role” in the “recovery” of New Orleans while the “underclass” 
has died (were deliberately killed through neglect) in large numbers and the 
remainder shipped out to FEMA “re-location” (i.e., concentration) camps. 
I’m not sure how Christopher Cooper wrote this article without vomiting—but 
then maybe he did… or more likely didn’t. I mean, after all, he works for the 
War Street Journal, the preeminent newspaper of the business class where the 
most disgusting warmongering appeared on the editorial pages in the lead-up to 
Bush’s invasion and occupation of Iraq. 
Of course, both war and forced re-location of undesirables—think Native 
Americans clutching blankets infected with small pox—are good for business, 
especially for the latest generation of robber barons and carpet-baggers who 
inevitably stream in to turn a fat profit on human .

  More than a few people in Uptown, the fashionable district surrounding St. 
  Charles Ave., have ancestors who arrived here in the 1700s. High society is 
  still dominated by these old-line families, represented today by prominent 
  figures such 

[cia-drugs] The Black Curtain around FEMA's Operations

2005-09-14 Thread norgesen

Attacks on democratic 
rights, breaching legal barriers: FEMA and Katrina: REX-84 
The "Black Curtain" around FEMA's 

by Kurt Nimmo
If you believe the corporate 
media, FEMA is simply a bungling and inept emergency management agency and its 
director, Michael Brown, according to the Washington Post, is simply an 
"accidental director" and "the failed head of an Arabian horse sporting group 
who was plucked from obscurity to become President Bush's point man for the 
worst natural disaster in U.S. history" and, as the Boston Globe notes, "got the job 
through an old college friend who at the time was heading up FEMA Brown -- 
formerly an estates and family lawyer -- this week has made several shocking 
public admissions, including interviews where he suggested FEMA was unaware of 
the misery and desperation of refugees stranded at the New Orleans convention 
center." In short, the corporate media would have us believe Brown is a clueless 
lawyer and former horse trader and FEMA an unresponsive federal bureaucratic 
leviathan wrapped up in red tape. But this does not explain the 
following:FEMA refused evacuation help from Amtrak; it turned away 
experienced fire fighters and first responders; it turned back Wal-Mart supply 
trucks; refused to allow the Red Cross to deliver food; blocked a 500-boat 
citizen flotilla from delivering aid; turned away generators and other equipment 
(see this page with links to news stories). In other words, 
FEMA went out of its way to deny aid and allow people to die from dehydration, 
starvation, and lack of medicine and medical help. In addition to denying aid, 
and thus killing an as of yet (and possibly forever) unknown number of people, 
FEMA is attempting to control media access to the worst natural disaster in 
American history (see Journalist Groups Protest FEMA Ban on Photos 
of Dead). Moreover, journalists and photographers have been assaulted 
by troops and had their notebooks and cameras confiscated (see The Eye of the Hurricane by 
Matthias Gebauer). Regardless of all the corporate media hype, FEMA was 
not created to respond to natural disasters and help American citizens (in fact, 
it is an unconstitutional construct, created by Executive Order, and draws its 
"lawful" facade not from the American people, but the fact Executive Order 12148 
was published in the Federal Registry). "FEMA has only spent about 6 percent of 
its budget on national emergencies, the bulk of their funding has been used for 
the construction of secret underground facilities to assure continuity of 
government in case of a major emergency, foreign or domestic," writes Harry V. Martin. "General Frank Salzedo, chief of 
FEMA's Civil Security Division stated in a 1983 conference that he saw FEMA's 
role as a 'new frontier in the protection of individual and governmental leaders 
from assassination, and of civil and military installations from sabotage and/or 
attack, as well as prevention of dissident groups from gaining access to U.S. 
opinion, or a global audience in times of crisis.'" In the wake of Hurricane 
Katrina, a lot of criticism is focused on FEMA, but this is not the first time 
the agency has taken heat for "dropping the ball" after natural disasters. 
Martin writes:FEMA's deceptive role really did not come to light with 
much of the public until Hurricane Andrew smashed into the U.S. mainland. As 
Russell R. Dynes, director of the Disaster Research Center of the University of 
Delaware, wrote in The World and I, "...The eye of the political storm hovered 
over the Federal Emergency Management Agency. FEMA became a convenient target 
for criticism." Because FEMA was accused of dropping the ball in Florida, the 
media and Congress commenced to study this agency. What came out of the critical 
look was that FEMA was spending 12 times more for "black operations" than for 
disaster relief. It spent $1.3 billion building secret bunkers throughout the 
United States in anticipation of government disruption by foreign or domestic 
upheaval. Yet fewer than 20 members of Congress, only members with top security 
clearance, know of the $1.3 billion expenditure by FEMA for non-natural disaster 
situations. These few Congressional leaders state that FEMA has a "black 
curtain" around its operations. FEMA has worked on National Security programs 
since 1979, and its predecessor, the Federal Emergency Preparedness Agency, has 
secretly spent millions of dollars before being merged into FEMA by President 
Carter in 1979.
One such black op was REX-84 (Alpha Explan, 
or Readiness Exercise 1984), exposed by the Miami Herald on July 5, 1987, and 
described as "a secret government within a government." Iran-Contra criminal 
Oliver North "worked closely with FEMA to redraw national contingency plans 
dealing with nearly everything from nuclear attack to civil insurrection," 
explains totse.com (FEMA: Blueprint For Tyranny). 
"FEMA's action plan included the 

[cia-drugs] Drowning by Numbers

2005-09-14 Thread norgesen

Drowning by Numbers 

"Forget the dead you've left, they will not follow 
you." - Bob Dylan
New Orleans is beginning to look like 
Funeralgate, supersized.FEMA has relieved volunteers of their emergency mortuary 
services in Louisiana only, and 
contracted out to Kenyon, a "wholly-owned subsidiary of Service Corporation 
International" of Houston, Texas.Are the alarms sounding yet? LightUpTheDarkness reminds us why they should 
be:You may remember Service Corporation 
International, SCI, as it was part of the case against confirming Alberto 
Gonzales due to his involvement in the Texas and Florida scandals known as 
Funeralgate. As we covered back in February, Service Corporation International was "recycling" 
graves, removing the bodies that were there originally and throwing them in the 
woods to use the space to house new customers at two Jewish cemeteries in 
Florida . Service Corporation International, the world’s largest funeral service 
company, is headed by Robert Waltrip, a longtime friend and generous financial 
patron of the Bush family. Eliza May was head of the Texas Funeral Services 
Commission when it began receiving complaints about unlicensed embalmers, and 
sued when she was fired. Gonzales kept Bush from testifying in this case and was 
also under scrutiny when a memo surfaced that was sent to his office when he was 
Bush’s gubernatorial counsel. The memo suggested possible improprieties by two 
funeral commissioners with ties to SCI and Joeseph Allbaugh, Bush’s former chief 
of staff in Austin, 2000 presidential campaign manager, who now serves as 
director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The case was 
suddenly settled in November 2001. The Menorah Gardens case in Florida, 
involving 72 families, was settled in Oct of 2004.So, coincident 
with the emergence of happy talk and silver linings - Sure, it's bad, but New Orleans rescuers find fewer dead than feared - the 
duties of processing Louisiana's fresh kill is consigned to Bush Texas mafia 
with a criminal record including desecration of human remains, "recycling" 
graves and dumping bodies.There is a deeply bizarre note to this, 
because to anyone who has paid attention to this slow-motion atrocity the bodies 
will be hidden in plain sight. (There is pointed irony, as well: in a bid at 
boosting government transparancy, China has just announced that it will no longer treat death tolls from 
natural disasters as state secrets.) The arrival of SCI in New Orleans is like a 
shredder truck pulling up outside the offices of a crooked firm expecting a 
forensic audit. The evidence - the bodies that are still tied to lamp posts - could be going up 
in the smoke of one of the city's uncontained fires, or weighted down and dumped 
in the bayou. It's not unimaginable - SCI has already done 
this.Can they hide all the dead? They're going to try to hide the 
living. The head of FEMA's housing effort, Brad Fair, says that 200,000 evacuees may need "temporary" shelter 
for five years.Now why, rather 
than offer aid which could lead, with speed, to a permanent solution in accord 
with the wishes of survivors, has the government determined to withhold the 
financial assistance necessary to support self-determination, and is spending 
more - five years of even basic food and 
shelter add up - to deny them autonomy?That's a scary question. The 
challenge to a long-disengaged populace: does it have the courage to ask, and 
maybe answer, scary questions?



Bush Cronyism Extends To 
The Dead
9 September 2005

Kenyon International, “under an agreement with the US Government and the 
Department of Homeland Security” has deployed a mobile morgue to Louisiana. “The mobile 
morgue includes equipment for search and recovery, victim identification, and 
pathology.” Kenyon International Emergency Services is a wholly-owned subsidiary 
of Houston-based Service Corporation International.
You may remember Service Corporation International, SCI, as it was part of 
the case against confirming Alberto Gonzales due to his involvement in the Texas 
and Florida scandals known as Funeralgate. As we covered back in February, Service Corporation International was "recycling" 
graves, removing the bodies that were there originally and throwing them in the 
woods to use the space to house new customers at two Jewish cemeteries in 
Florida . Service Corporation International, the world’s largest funeral service 
company, is headed by Robert Waltrip, a longtime friend and generous financial 
patron of the Bush family. Eliza May was head of the Texas Funeral Services 
Commission when it began receiving complaints about unlicensed embalmers, and 
sued when she was fired. Gonzales kept Bush from testifying in this case and was 
also under scrutiny when a memo surfaced that was sent to his office when he was 
Bush’s gubernatorial counsel. The memo suggested possible 

[cia-drugs] Re: F.A.A. Alerted on Qaeda in '98, 9/11 Panel Said

2005-09-15 Thread norgesen

AP - A judge on Thursday ordered 
Sandy Berger, President Clinton's national security adviser, to pay a $50,000 
fine for illegally taking classified documents from the National Archives. The 
punishment handed down by U.S. Magistrate Judge Deborah Robinson exceeded the 
$10,000 fine recommended by government lawyers. Under the deal, Berger avoids 
prison time but he must surrender access to classified government materials for 
three years. "The court finds the fine is inadequate because it doesn't reflect 
the seriousness of the offense," Robinson said, as a grim-faced Berger stood 
silently.Earlier in the hearing, Berger expressed remorse for his crime, 
which he described as a lapse of judgment that came while he was preparing to 
testify before the Sept. 11 commission. "I let considerations of personal 
convenience override clear rules of handling classified material," Berger said. 
"I believe this lapse, serious as it is, does not reflect the character of 
myself."[In fact, cutting up secret documents with a scissors is 
slightly more than a "lapse"]USA TODAY - The charging document states that 
between September 2 and October 2, 2003, Berger "knowingly removed classified 
documents from the National Archives and Records Administration and stored and 
retained such documents at places ... including his place of 
employment."An associate of Berger told CNN the former national security 
adviser admitted to the Justice Department he originally took five copies of an 
after-action report -- one during his September 2003 visit to the Archives and 
four during his October 2003 trip. When he returned to his office and compared 
the copies he had, he believed several were basically the same, the associate 
said. He admitted to officials that he then used scissors to cut up three copies 
that night while at his office, they said. At first he had said he had either 
misplaced or unintentionally thrown them away.When Archives officials 
contacted him after they realized documents were missing, he told them about the 
two copies he had and returned them, along with the handwritten notes he had 
taken, they said. He did not say anything about the three copies he had 
destroyed.Clinton had asked Berger to review thousands of pages of 
documents related to the millennium terror plot and its aftermath for submission 
to the September 11th commission. While reviewing those documents, his lawyer 
said, Berger inadvertently took some classified documents and intentionally took 
handwritten notes he put together while reviewing the documents.


Berger to 
pay $50,000 for taking classified material 

WASHINGTON (AP) — A judge on Thursday ordered 
Sandy Berger, President Clinton's national security adviser, to pay a $50,000 
fine for illegally taking classified documents from the National 
The punishment handed down by U.S. Magistrate 
Judge Deborah Robinson exceeded the $10,000 fine recommended by government 
lawyers. Under the deal, Berger avoids prison time but he must surrender access 
to classified government materials for three years.
"The court finds the fine is inadequate 
because it doesn't reflect the seriousness of the offense," Robinson said, as a 
grim-faced Berger stood silently.
Earlier in the hearing, Berger expressed 
remorse for his crime, which he described as a lapse of judgment that came while 
he was preparing to testify before the Sept. 11 commission.
"I let considerations of personal convenience 
override clear rules of handling classified material," Berger said. "I believe 
this lapse, serious as it is, does not reflect the character of 
"In this case, I failed. I will not again," he 
The sentencing capped a bizarre sequence of 
events in which Berger admitted to sneaking classified documents out of the 
Archives in his suit, later destroying some of them in his office and then lying 
about it.
After initially saying it was an "honest 
mistake," Berger pleaded guilty in April to a misdemeanor of unauthorized 
removal and retention of classified material, which contained information 
relating to terror threats in the United States during the 2000 millennium 

Copyright 2005 The Associated Press. All 
rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or 

--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, "Jim 
Rarey" [EMAIL PROTECTED]... wrote:

They still will not admit they knew the full 
Bojinka planincluding the intended targets. Sandy Berger risked going to 
prison to destroy the evidence that President Clinton, others and himself had 
knowledge of the plan well before 9/11. JR

September 14, 2005
F.A.A. Alerted on Qaeda in '98, 9/11 Panel 

WASHINGTON, Sept. 13 - American aviation officials were warned 
as early as 1998 that Al Qaeda could "seek 

[cia-drugs] Deja Vu all over again: Daddy Bush mishandled a huge hurricane 13 years before his son did

2005-09-15 Thread norgesen

Monday, September 12, 2005


- The nation's management of catastrophic disasters was intensely 
criticized after Hurricane Andrew leveled much of South Florida and Hurricane 
Iniki destroyed much of the Hawaiian island of Kauai in 1992. . . The response 
to Hurricane Andrew raised doubts about whether FEMA is capable of responding to 
catastrophic disasters . . .The federal strategy for responding to 
catastrophic disasters is deficient because it lacks provisions for the federal 
government to immediately(1) assess in a comprehensive manner the damage 
and the corresponding needs of disaster victims and(2) provide food, 
shelter, and other essential services when the needs of disaster victims 
outstrip the resources of the state, local, and private voluntary 
community.Moreover, the federal strategy - encompassing 26 different 
agencies - does not promote adequate preparedness when there is advance warning 
of a disaster because preparatory activities are not explicitly authorized until 
the President has issued a disaster declaration. . . To improve the 
federal response, the nation needs presidential involvement and leadership both 
before and after a catastrophic disaster strikes. To underscore the commitment 
of the President, responsibility for catastrophic disaster preparedness and 
response should be placed with a key official in the White House. This would 
institutionalize the direct presidential involvement that occurred on an ad hoc 
basis in Hurricane Andrew and other recent major disasters. . Within 
FEMA, a disaster unit is needed to provide the White House and the Director of 
FEMA with information, analysis, and technical support to improve federal 
decision-making on helping state and local governments before, during, and after 
catastrophic disasters. . .Current federal law governing disaster 
response does not explicitly authorize federal agencies to undertake preparatory 
activities before a disaster declaration by the President, nor does it authorize 
FEMA to reimburse agencies for such preparation, even when disasters like 
hurricanes provide some warning that such activities will be needed. Federal 
agencies may fail to undertake advance preparations because of uncertainty over 
whether costs incurred before a disaster declaration will ultimately be 
reimbursed by FEMA. . .FEMA needs to use its existing resources to 
better prepare state and local governments for catastrophic disaster response so 
that they are as effective as possible. . .Our review of Hurricanes 
Andrew and Iniki uncovered several problems with the response efforts, virtually 
all of which were revealed in South Florida because of the magnitude of the 
disaster there: an economic loss of about $30 billion, the largest loss from a 
natural disaster in U.S. history; the destruction of or serious damage to at 
least 75,000 homes and 8,000 businesses; and the newly created homelessness of 
more than 160,000 people. In Florida alone, federal assistance is expected to 
exceed $1.8 billion, making Andrew by far one of the most costly disasters to 
which FEMA has ever responded. . .While we clearly see a major role for 
DOD in providing mass care, we do not advocate turning over the entire disaster 
response, relief, and recovery operation to the military. DOD'S role in disaster 
response needs to remain under the direction of a civilian authority outside of 
the Department for two important reasons. First, DOD'S foremost responsibility 
is to deal with those military matters affecting national security; a full-time 
DOD mission of managing disaster preparedness and relief could detract from the 
Department's primary responsibility. Second, DOD officials strongly believe, and 
we agree, that assuming overall management responsibility could create the 
impression that the military is attempting to make or direct domestic policy, 
which runs contrary to principles that have guided the military's role in the 
United States. . .Federal response time could be reduced by encouraging 
agencies to do as much advance preparation as possible prior to a disaster 
declaration. When there is early warning, as there is for hurricanes, DOD and 
other federal agencies need to mobilize resources and deploy personnel before 
the catastrophe strikes. However, current law does not explicitly authorize such 
activities.. . . DOD officials told us that they take some actions to prepare 
for a disaster when there is warning-such as identifying quantities, locations, 
and transportation requirements for mass care supplies-but they take no 
additional measures because the Department might have to pay for the expenses if 
FEMA ultimately does not request its assistance. . .We may well face 
disasters or emergencies that could affect even more people than Hurricane 
Andrew did. As devastating as this 

[cia-drugs] Re: Mice infected with deadly plague are missing in N.J.

2005-09-15 Thread norgesen

And mice and rats and cats cancarry these 
plagueinfected fleas.

The bacterium that causes bubonic plague, Yersinia pestis, lives inside 
the gut of its main carrier, the flea. The plague likely spread to Europe on the 
backs of shipboard black rats that carried plague-infested fleas. 
"It's the plague's unholy trinity," said Michael Antolin, a biologist at 
Colorado State University in Fort Collins, who studies bubonic plague in 
black-tailed prairie dogs. 
Inside the flea, bacteria multiply and block off the flea's throat-like 
area. The flea gets increasingly hungry. When it bites—whether rat or human—it 
spits some bacteria out into the bite wound. 
Pharaohs' Plague 
Panagiotakopulu came upon clues to the plague's presence in ancient Egypt 
by accident. She had been looking at fossil insect remains to learn about daily 
life more than 3,000 years ago. 
"People lived close to their domestic animals and to the pests that 
infected their household," Panagiotakopulu said. "I just started looking at what 
diseases people might have, what diseases their pigs might have, and what 
diseases might have been passed from other animals to humans." 
The researcher used a fine sieve to strain out remains of insects and 
small mammals from several sites. Panagiotakopulu, who is conducting similar 
work on Viking ruins in Greenland, said that looking at insects is a key way to 
reconstruct the past. "I can learn about how people lived by looking in their 
homes and at what was living with and on them," she said. 
In Egypt Panagiotakopulu combed the workers'-village site in Amarna, 
where the builders of the tombs of Egyptian kings Tutankhamun and Akhenaton 
lived. There, the researcher unearthed cat and human fleas—known to be plague 
carriers in some cases—in and around the workers' homes. That find spurred 
Panagiotakopulu to believe that the bubonic plague's fleaborne bacteria could 
also have been lurking in the area, so she went in search of other clues. 
Previous excavations along the Nile Delta had turned up Nile rats, an 
endemic species, dating to the 16th and 17th century B.C. The plague's main 
carrier flea is thought to be native to the Nile Valley and is known to be a 
Nile rat parasite. 
According to Panagiotakopulu, the Nile provided an ideal spot for rats to 
carry the plague into urban communities. Around 3500 B.C., people began to build 
cities next to the Nile. During floods, the habitat of the Nile rat was 
disturbed, sending the rodent—and its flea and bacterial hitchhikers—into the 
human domain. 
Egyptian writings from a similar time period point to an epidemic disease 
with symptoms similar to the plague. A 1500 B.C. medical text known as the Ebers 
Papyrus identifies a disease that "has produced a bubo, and the pus has 
petrified, the disease has hit." 
It's possible that trade spread the disease to black rats, which then 
carried the bacteria to other sites of plague epidemics. Panagiotakopulu 
suspects that black rats, endemic to India, arrived in Egypt with sea trade. In 
Egypt the rats picked up plague-carrying fleas and were later born on ships that 
sailed across the Mediterranean to southern Europe. 
Present-day Plague 
"Most people think of the plague as a historical disease," said 
Hinnebusch, who conducts plague research for the U.S. National Institute of 
Allergy and Infectious Diseases. "But it's still out there, and it's still an 
international public health issue." 
During the last ten years bubonic plague reappeared in Madagascar, which 
now has between 500 and 2,000 new cases each year. 
According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the 
World Health Organization tallies as many as 3,000 plague cases each year around 
the world. Research interest in bubonic plague has been growing as, like 
anthrax, it could be used as a deadly bioterrorism agent (especially in 
pneumonic form). 
While antibodies can be extremely effective against early stages of the 
plague, scientists are trying to learn more about how it works to be able to 
predict outbreaks and counteract the bacterium's scrambling of the immune 
"There are so many unanswered questions about the plague," Hinnebusch 

--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, "mark 
urban" [EMAIL PROTECTED]... wrote:

If you read any history at 
all you would know that bubonic plague isspread by 
fleas.--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, "Jim Rarey" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 OOPS. If the mice were caught by their traditional enemy, do 
wenow have some infected cats? JR
 http://www.nydailynews.com/front/breaking_news/v-pfriendly/story/346674p-295865c.html New York 
Daily News - Mice infected with deadly plague are missing in 
N.J. ASSOCIATED PRESS Thursday, September 15th, 
2005 NEWARK, N.J. - Authorities are searching for three 
miceinfected with bubonic plague that disappeared from a 
researchlaboratory about two weeks 

[cia-drugs] Information supplied by Yahoo helped journalist Shi Tao get 10 years in prison

2005-09-16 Thread norgesen

Information supplied by Yahoo! 
helped journalist Shi Tao get 10 years in 
The text of the verdict in the case of journalist 
Shi Tao - sentenced in April to 10 years in prison for “divulging state secrets 
abroad” - shows that Yahoo! Holdings (Hong Kong) Ltd. provided China’s 
state security authorities with details that helped to identify and convict him, 
Reporters Without Borders said today.
“We already knew that Yahoo! collaborates 
enthusiastically with the Chinese regime in questions of censorship, and now we 
know it is a Chinese police informant as well,” the press freedom organisation 
“Yahoo! obviously complied with requests from 
the Chinese authorities to furnish information regarding an IP address that 
linked Shi Tao to materials posted online, and the company will yet again simply 
state that they just conform to the laws of the countries in which they 
operate,” the organisation said. “But does the fact that this corporation 
operates under Chinese law free it from all ethical considerations? How 
far will it go to please Beijing?”
Reporters Without Borders added: “Information 
supplied by Yahoo! led to the conviction of a good journalist who has paid 
dearly for trying to get the news out. It is one thing to turn a blind eye to 
the Chinese government’s abuses and it is quite another thing to 
Translated into English by the Dui Hua Foundation 
(which works to document the cases of Chinese political prisoners), the verdict 
reveals that Yahoo! Holdings (Hong Kong) Ltd. provided the Chinese 
investigating organs with detailed information that apparently enabled them to 
link Shi’s personal e-mail account ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) and the specific 
message containing information treated as a “state secret” to the IP address of 
his computer.
Yahoo! Holdings (Hong Kong) is subject to Hong 
Kong legislation, which does not spell out the responsibilities in this kind of 
situation of companies that provide e-mail services. Nonetheless, it is 
reportedly customary for e-mail service and Internet access providers to 
transmit information to the police about their clients when shown a court 
Tests carried out by Reporters Without Borders seem 
to indicate that the servers used for the Yahoo.com.cn e-mail service, from 
which the information about Shi was extracted, are located on the Chinese 
Shi Tao Aged 37, Shi worked for the daily 
Dangdai Shang Bao (Contemporary Business News). He was convicted on 30 April of 
sending foreign-based websites the text of an internal message which the 
authorities had sent to his newspaper warning journalists of the dangers of 
social destabilisation and risks resulting from the return of certain dissidents 
on the 15th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre.
Chinese state security insisted during the trial 
that the message was "Jue Mi" (top secret). Shi admitted sending it out by 
e-mail but disputed that it was a secret document. He is still being held in a 
prison in Changsha to which he was sent after his arrest in the northeastern 
city of Taiyuan on 24 November 2004.
Yahoo! and Chinese censorship For years 
Yahoo! has allowed the Chinese version of its search engine to be 
censored. In 2002, Yahoo! voluntarily signed the "Public Pledge on 
Self-Discipline for the China Internet Industry", agreeing to abide by PRC 
censorship regulations. Searches deemed sensitive by the Chinese authorities 
such as “Taiwan independence” in Chinese into the Yahoo! China search 
engine, retrieve only a limited and approved set of results.
A US-based multinational, Yahoo! Appears to be 
willing to go to any lengths to gain shares of the Chinese market and it is 
investing heavily in local companies. In 2003, it spent 120 million dollars to 
buy the search engine 3721.com. More recently Yahoo! acquired a large 
stake in the Internet giant Alibaba in an operation that reportedly cost nearly 
a billion dollars. Reporters Without Borders has written several times to 
Yahoo! executives in an attempt to alert it to the ethical issues raised 
by its Chinese investments. These letters have so far received no answer.
Shi Tao’s verdict:


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[cia-drugs] Christians in Name Only

2005-09-16 Thread norgesen

Those who manipulate religion for political 
purposes are no different than the spammers who keep trying to sell me on a 
“Christian health plan.” The only difference is that spammers aren’t out for 
blood. The brutish neo-Christians who are on a mission to “purify” the human 
race are. 


Rudy Takala September 10, 2005 

Since New 
Orleans was demolished by Hurricane Katrina, there has been no end to the number 
of factors people have cited as responsible for the resulting damage. Among 
those reasons have been homosexuality and the “Girls Gone Wild” video 
production. If someone would just get rid of the gays and the pornographers, 
apparently, Americans would achieve immortality and disaster would cease to 
plague our nation. A quick search on any Internet search engine will quickly 
find those who have faulted “liberal” sin for the advent of Katrina. 
In light of 
these accusations, I found a recent poll by the Pew Research Center to be 
interesting. According to the study, the "religion gap" between Republicans and 
Democrats is widening. Twenty-nine percent of the public sees the Democratic 
Party as "generally friendly" toward religion, down from 40 percent a year ago 
and 42 percent in 2003. A 55 percent majority continues to see the GOP as 
friendly toward religion. 
How exactly 
are we to define “friendly”? Is that term simply a description of those who are 
most willing to give free money (also known as “tax dollars”) and institutional 
perks to their favorite religious establishments? I’d like to know, because no 
one is in the mood these days to be particularly tolerant of anyone else. 
Neither party harbors members who are very friendly toward anyone else’s 
religions or beliefs. 
witnessing the rise of a sort of “neo-Christianity,” defined by so-called 
Christians who are out to cleanse the earth of its iniquity. They’re convinced 
that credit for all the world’s evils rests exclusively with non-Christians and 
liberals, and they’ll find evidence of it everywhere. One religious group wrote, 
"The image of the hurricane ... with its eye already ashore… [looked] like an 
unborn human baby facing to the left (west) in the womb, in the early weeks of 
gestation (approx. 6 weeks)." 
progressives, meanwhile, have been heard halfheartedly mumbling that Katrina was 
God’s vengeance against the United States on behalf of Saddam Hussein. Everyone 
is eager to claim that God supports their political cause; when people die, they 
believe God is killing them for not voting the right way. The arrogance inherent 
to believing that the world’s ills exist because God is killing people for not 
adhering to given political beliefs is astounding. 
In 1906, Italy 
was witnessing the rise of democracy. At the time, the Catholic Church was 
unsettled at the thought of losing its sway. In that year, the Italian A. 
Fogazzaro wrote, “Social action… is certainly good as a work of justice and 
brotherhood, but, like the Socialists, certain [Christians] mark it with the 
stamp of their religious and political opinions, [and] refuse to share it with 
men of good will unless they accept that stamp…. They preach the just 
distribution of wealth, and that is good, but too often they forget to preach at 
the same time the poverty of the heart; and if they deliberately leave it out… 
this is abominable in God’s eyes. Cleanse your action of these abominations.” 

Fogazzaro was 
correct – those who use religion as a means to political ends are nothing more 
than abominations. Contrary to their own beliefs, they are not the second coming 
of Christ. They’re closer to false prophets. 
In God’s eyes, 
all sin is abhorrent. Homosexuals aren’t any more despicable than Rush 
Limbaugh’s stellar divorce rate. Newt Gingrich - affairs and all - is no more 
righteous than the producers of Girls Gone Wild. Death exists because of 
everyone’s sin – not just the sins of specific political factions. 

In his book 
The Illuminating Icon, the Orthodox Russian Anthony Ugolnik noted of 
Christians during the Cold War, “The proof that Christians have not suddenly 
arrayed themselves in robes of charity lies in their willingness to rip at each 
other’s garments when it comes to civil issues…. The politics that divide us 
take precedence over the gospel that binds us as one.” 
Ugolnik’s words were true when he wrote them, and they’re true today. 
Those who manipulate religion for political purposes are no different than the 
spammers who keep trying to sell me on a “Christian health plan.” The only 
difference is that spammers aren’t out for blood. The brutish neo-Christians who 
are on a mission to “purify” the human race are. 
© 2005 Rudy Takala - All Rights 
Rudy Takala is 16 
years old and lives in Minnesota. He was homeschooled for nine years, and is 
currently attending a local community college. 
His columns appear 
regularly on NewsWithViews.com, MensNewsDaily.com, 

[cia-drugs] Politically motivated disease causation - the biggest epidemic of all

2005-09-17 Thread norgesen

Epidemics: Chemical Causes Or Virus 
The question of disease causation is a big issue. On 
its answer depend fortunes and - unfortunately - millions of lives. 
"What if we had strong evidence that, in fact, Aids is a 
  multifactorial syndrome caused by drugs, malnutrition, toxic Aids medicine and 
  the psychological devastation induced by the Hiv+ diagnosis, and that those 
  who don’t get sick aren’t protected by a genetic factor, but by the common 
  factor of refusing to take toxic Aids drugs? What if polio is actually caused 
  by pesticides, vaccinations and tonsillectomies; diabetes by antibiotics, 
  other medicines and organocholorine chemicals in the environment; leukemia and 
  most cancers by a wide variety of toxic chemicals that governments permit in 
  food; hepatitis by medicine and chemicals in the environment..." 
asks Marcel Girodian, a writer on Aids and other health issues, in a thought 
provoking essay that examines the question of whether the answers we are given 
about disease causation might really have a political motivation, rather than 
being determined by altruistic concerns for our health. His conclusions leave 
little room for doubt:
"Microbial and genetic disease causations predominate in science not 
because they are the real causes of disease, but because of a variety of 
economic and political factors. The primary factors are: 
1) the enormous power wielded by the pharmaceutical and chemical 
  2) the willingness of government, the medical and scientific 
  establishments, the media and the NGO sector to prostitute themselves to these 
  3) the need to keep the population frightened and bewildered in order to 
  strengthen the government-corporate alliance’s power, deny people true 
  freedom, justify interference in people’s private lives and provide a 
  rationale for transferring the public’s financial assets to corporations; 
  4) The fact that professionals involved in all these endeavors have 
  attained wealth, power and status; and 
  5) the fact that they don’t want to lose their wealth, power and 

Hard to swallow you say? Well, read the essay and draw your own conclusions 
or better yet, if what Girodian says does not tally with your own experience and 
knowledge, do your own research on the areas he points to. 
Certainly there is motive - on the part of the petrochemical and pharma 
complex of industries - to hide chemical causes and point to the ubiquitous 
threat of "viral agents". Such a slant on disease causation would protect 
chemical and nuclear pollution from blame and require ever new and expensive 
"anti-viral" treatments. Good business practice if nothing else. 
Here is the article...
- - - 
BIGGEST EPIDEMIC OF ALLby Marcel GirodianMay 5, 
“Why do current AIDS researchers not investigate, and not even consider 
the role of chemicals in AIDS or study other non-HIV AIDS theories to solve the 
AIDS dilemma?”— Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, Director, Institute of Science in 
Society, London
Aids is caused by a virus, Hiv. Those who “catch” Hiv and don’t get sick have 
a genetic factor that protects them. Monkeys get sick because they catch the 
Simian Immunodeficiency Virus (Siv), cats get sick from the Feline 
Immunodeficiency Virus (Fiv), and cows get sick when they catch the Bovine 
Immunodeficiency Virus (Biv). Polio is caused by a virus. Cancer is caused by 
viruses and genetic predisposition. “We are closing in on the genetic causes of 
cancer,” said Bill Clinton in 1998...
read on here- http://www.thenhf.com/articles_117.htm

See also:
Harmless Virus Kills Some 
Related Articles
Hepatitis C epidemic - where is the 
virus?On Friday, 13 June 2003, The Age 
in Australia reported that according to a secret Health Department report, 
hepatitis C has become "an epidemic". The report has been kept under wraps by 
Health Minister Kay Patterson since she received it in November last year. The 
epidemic However does not seem to be confined to Australia only. According to an 
article in The Toronto Star the Canadian Liver Foundation estimates that... 
[read more]July 05, 2003 - Sepp Hasslberger
'Bird Flu', SARS - Biowarfare or a Pandemic of 
Propaganda?Are we being stampeded into 
a pandemic? The announcement was made by Dr Nancy Cox of the US Centers for 
Disease Control. According to an article in The Scotsman, Cox says that a global 
epidemic of bird flu could dwarf history’s worst infection disaster, which 
killed between 20 and 40 million people. The reference of course is to the 
"Spanish Flu" at the end of World War I which, according... [read more]March 02, 2005 - Sepp Hasslberger
The Avian Flu and Drugless DoctorsBBC carried an article on 5 February titled "1918 killer 
flu secrets revealed" which tells us that the scientists claim to now have 
figured out that 50 million people were killed by a virus that "jumped from 
birds to humans". Obviously 

[cia-drugs] FOIA Records Link U.S. Officials to Mass Murder in Mexico

2005-09-18 Thread norgesen

FOIA Records Link U.S. Officials to Mass Murder in 
Newly Released 
Documents Trace “House of Death” Cover-Up to Upper Levels of the Justice 
The House of Death in Ciudad Júarez, MexicoPhoto: D.R. 2005 
Klaas Wollstein
FOIA records reveal Justice Department cover-up in mass-murder 
case in Mexico
By Bill Conroy
September 15, 2005—A dozen people were tortured and 
murdered between August 2003 and mid-January 2004 in a house in Ciudad Juárez, 
Mexico, just across the border from El Paso, Texas.
The murders were carried out as part of a criminal enterprise overseen 
by Heriberto Santillan-Tabares, who U.S. prosecutors claim was a top lieutenant 
in Vicente Carrillo Fuentes' Juárez drug organization.
The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) field office in El 
Paso had a paid informant inside of Santillan's criminal syndicate. ICE, along 
with a U.S. prosecutor in El Paso, were using their informant to snare 
However, a high-ranking DEA agent, Sandalio Gonzalez, claims something 
went terribly wrong with the Santillan investigation. 
Gonzalez, who served as the head of the DEA's field office in El Paso 
when the murders took place, contends ICE agents and a U.S. prosecutor knew 
their informant was participating in the homicides. He alleges that U.S. law 
enforcers allowed the murder spree to continue to assure their informant was not 
exposed—so they could continue to use him to make their drug case against 
Gonzalez first discovered the corruption in the Santillan "House of 
Death" investigation in early 2004, after a DEA agent and his family were 
confronted by Santillan's death squad, who had mistaken the agent for a 
competing smuggler. The agent and his family escaped unharmed, but had fate been 
against them that day, they might well have been in store for a trip to the 
House of Death, Gonzalez stresses.
the wake of that confrontation, and after discovering that the ICE informant was 
a participant in the House of Death murders, Gonzalez sent an internal letter on 
Feb. 24, 2004, to the top ICE official in El Paso and to Johnny Sutton, the U.S. 
Attorney in San Antonio, Texas. In that letter, Gonzalez dropped the dime on the 
whole sordid tale.
But rather than investigate the charges, officials within the Department 
of Justice (DOJ) went after Gonzalez, seeing to it that he was reprimanded and 
his career tarnished with a negative job-performance review. Gonzalez also was 
ordered to remain silent on the whole matter.
According to Gonzalez, the retaliation he experienced after writing the 
whistleblower letter was initiated at the behest of Sutton, who wanted to bury 
the letter to avoid compromising a career-boosting case against a major 
narco-trafficker. That means, according to Gonzalez, that a U.S. attorney is now 
implicated in the cover-up of a U.S. government informant's participation in 
mass murder.
Santillan was eventually lured across the border and arrested. However, 
as part of an apparent attempt to keep a lid on the scandal, the U.S. Attorney's 
Office in San Antonio avoided a public trial by cutting a plea deal with 
Santillan—which involved dropping the murder charges against him.
Sutton's office has declined to comment on the cover-up allegations or 
the House of Death case.
However, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) documents unearthed recently 
by the online investigative newspaper Narco 
pull back the dark shroud over the House of Death.
Included in the FOIA records are internal Department of Justice e-mails 
concerning the House of Death case. In general, the FOIA documents, including 
the e-mails, are heavily redacted, based in part on alleged privacy-protection 
it turns out, among the items redacted in the e-mails are the names of the 
high-ranking DOJ officials who drafted or received the e-mails as part of 
performing their public duties—on the taxpayers' dime.
However, despite the attempt to conceal those names through the FOIA 
process, an unredacted version of one of the DOJ e-mails—authored by DEA 
Administrator Karen Tandy—recently surfaced in a federal court case.
Tandy sent the e-mail, dated March 5, 2004, to the following DOJ 

  M. O'Neil, Associate Deputy Attorney General; 
  Taylor, Counsel to the Attorney General for Criminal and National Security 
  Ayers, Chief of Staff to the Attorney General; 
  James B. 
  Comey, Deputy Attorney General—who earlier this summer took a job as general 
  counsel for defense contractor Lockheed Martin Corp. 
Others within DOJ who received a copy of Tandy's e-mail 

  Leonhart, Deputy Administrator of DEA; 
  Levey, former Principal Associate Deputy Attorney General who is now Under 
  Secretary of the Treasury for Terrorism and Financial and 
  Rosenberg, former Chief of Staff for 

[cia-drugs] Clinton One-World Government Conference to Address Thre at of Religion

2005-09-18 Thread norgesen

Clinton One-World Government Conference to Address “Threat” of 

NEW YORK, September 16, 2005 - Former US President Bill Clinton has 
long dreamed of power in international affairs. He has long been rumoured to be 
the next to be tapped for UN Secretary General, and is a key player in the 
international movement that seeks to “unite” the world’s nations under a single, 
all-encompassing state governed by the UN’s favoured class of leftist 
elites. Clinton’s latest project, the Clinton Global 
Initiative, (CGI), has attracted 1000 of the world’s most prominent 
internationalist movers and shakers this week. The three-day conference, which 
kicked off last night in New York, includes representatives of many of the 
world’s heads of state, is touted as a means “to forge a new level of global 
cooperation.” The stated goals of the meeting include finding solutions to 
“global poverty, religious conflict, government corruption and global 
warming.”CGI’s goal is an “integrated global community of shared 
benefits, responsibilities, and values.”The list of goals, however 
innocuous and noble they may sound on the surface, will be recognized by 
pro-life UN-watchers as the usual roster of projects used by the UN’s population 
and eugenics activists as a smokescreen. They are the standard tools for the 
universal imposition of abortion, sterilization, the destruction of the family 
and religious freedom and the erosion of the sovereign rights of independent 
nations. The CGI proposes to address “Religion Conflict and 
Resolution.” According to CGI, “For many hundreds of millions, the most 
important community ties are born of faith – not nation; the most authoritative 
pronouncements are those of religious leaders – not statesmen … .” For many in 
the international movement towards a single world government, religion, 
particularly “traditional” Christianity and Judaism represent not a unifying and 
stabilizing force for good, but a major obstacle to their goals of a universal 
secular state. Religion, says CGI, represents “a chief engine of deadly 
conflict.”The online news service World Net Daily, asks 
under which set of "values" the CGI proposes the world ought to unite in the 
opinion of the CGI delegates. The advisory board for the Religion Forum, says 
WND reporter, Mary Jo Anderson, is "packed with those who are noted for their 
liberal views toward religion – those for whom dogma is 'problematical,'" 
including the Catholic Archbishop of Washington, Cardinal McCarrick. 
Included in the list of delegates is British Prime Minister Tony 
Blair, US Secretary of State, Condoleeza Rice, Jordan’s King Abdullah, Ukraine 
President Victor Yushchenko and Dominique de Villepin, the French Prime 
Minister.The contingent from Canada includes Conservative Party 
turn-coat, Belinda Stronach, who has long had a “personal friendship” with 
Clinton. Along with Stronach, the Canadian contingent includes Prime Minister 
Paul Martin and his predecessor, Jean Chretien and International Development and 
Aid Minister, Aileen Carroll. Sponsors of the Clinton Global 
Initiative include internationalist groups interested in the UN agenda: 
Microsoft, Starbucks, Hewlett Packard, Google, Yahoo, Goldman Sachs, and the 
venerable eugenics/population control supporter, the Rockefeller Foundation, 
each of whom have donated at least US $250,000Pro-family groups 
are not the only ones skeptical of the goals and usefulness of the Clinton 
extravaganza. The headline in today’s South China Morning Post reads, “His plans 
are grand, but can he save the world?” 

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[cia-drugs] Fwd: The Unconventional Warrior ARCHIVES

2005-09-18 Thread norgesen

I'm interested in the frivolous SFA lawsuit 
against marvin, millegan etal.

i knew some of the people mentioned by Marvin and I 
was an accidentalwitness to the murder of nicoletti. it was not a mob 
hit. i think SFAis a helpless pawn in this. i think they know 
it. so...what is anunchallengable pentagon cabal seeking to 
cover up? that might be aprevious misuse of SF or CIA to 
settle old scores and maintain statusquo.

it wasnt a mob hit.


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[cia-drugs] Simon Wiesenthal, Dead at 96

2005-09-20 Thread norgesen

Wiesenthal, Dead at 96
by Peter 

It is a common 
question: why go after all those Nazis from World War 
II? They must be a hundred years old by now, if they are 
still alive. Who benefits?
I’ve been asked 
that question, and I know that others who have written about the Nazis and who 
hunt Nazis are frequently asked the same. 

Perhaps the life of Simon 
Wiesenthal can give us some answers.
At the age of 
96, the man who single-handedly created the popular image of the 
indefatigable Nazi hunter has died in Vienna. There 
are a few people around the world who are, today, breathing a sigh of 
relief; others who are celebrating the death of their 
nemesis, the man who has kept them on their toes and on the run for 
decades. But for most of us, today is a day to remember not 
only the Holocaust but the sixty-year career of a man who survived the death 
camps only to turn around and go after the perpetrators. 

If Simon Wiesenthal could 
keep up that struggle until the age of 96, you can be sure that Nazi war 
criminals who escaped justice in 1945 continued to struggle to evade his net for 
the same length of time, until they themselves died of old age or were brought 
to justice.
Wiesenthal’s greatest 
contribution, however, may very well be his success at keeping the story of the 
Holocaust alive. He did so in a way that many of us can 
appreciate: with intelligence, careful study and evaluation, and 
discretion. Wiesenthal was a kind of conspiracy theorist, 
looking for hidden enemies in government, business, and culture around the 
world; these enemies existed, of course, and were not the 
product of speculation or imagination, and he performed this function in a 
manner we should emulate. He did not tar everyone with the 
same brush. Even when confronted by the Nazi past of Kurt 
Waldheim, he stopped short of declaring the Austrian Prime Minister a war 
criminal (although he did call for his resignation), because the evidence just 
wasn’t there. Wiesenthal was only interested in apprehending 
the real perpetrators of the Holocaust: the sadistic butchers 
and fiends who populate the nightmares of the survivors. The 
Eichmanns, the Barbies, the Mengeles.
It was the fictional story 
of Josef Mengele – Ira Levin’s The Boys From Brazil – that brought 
Wiesenthal tremendous fame around the world. He was portrayed 
by Laurence Olivier, not a bad choice. Wiesenthal’s character 
also made an appearance in the film version of The Odessa File, a 
well-done and thoughtful interpretation of the Frederick Forsythe novel that 
starred a youthful Jon Voigt (for those of you too young to remember, Voigt is 
the father of Angelina Jolie). Wiesenthal, in short, 
became iconic in the popular culture and he used that popularity to further his 
The Simon 
Wiesenthal Center was the first place I called after my return from Chile and 
its notorious Colonia Dignidad. I received courteous 
responses from them, but they were as cautious as their namesake and founder 
when it came to the presence of actual Nazi war criminals at the 
Colony. They were aware of Colonia Dignidad, of course, and I 
had the impression that they were monitoring the situation in some manner, but 
their brief was more to the purpose of keeping the memory of the Holocaust alive 
at a time when it’s very existence was being questioned by the revisionists, a 
more important goal to be sure than hunting down a renegade war criminal lost in 
the mountains of Chile. There was a moment when I felt a 
little like the young man in the opening sequences of The Boys From 
Brazil, who is taking photographs of Mengele in Paraguay and phoning 
Wiesenthal to tell him what he has found. The Weisenthal 
character was necessarily skeptical and told the young man to forget about it 
and go home. 
Skepticism in the service 
of research and investigation is a tremendous tool. It saves 
one endless time going after wild geese, meaningless data, dead 
ends. For those of us involved in the darker areas of 
historical research – sometimes confused with speculative history or even with 
conspiracy theorism – skepticism is a necessity. It keeps us 
sane. And may even keep us alive.
But imagination 
is skepticism’s left hand. Without it, we wouldn’t even be 
involved in looking behind the curtain, in revealing the deeper politics behind 
world events. Imagination gives us the ability to conceive of 
other patterns, other connections between events, and renders us invulnerable to 
the cover story, the accepted version of events, the spin. 

Simon Wiesenthal did not need an active imagination. He had 
experienced the sinister forces of history first-hand, in the death camps that 
took over eighty of his own relatives’ lives and nearly took his 
own. It is my sincere hope that today Simon Wiesenthal – who 
stirred the imaginations of so many others, including my own – is now reunited 
with his wife (who died in 2003), with the family he 

[cia-drugs] Re: British special forces caught pretending to be Iraqi 'insurgents'

2005-09-20 Thread norgesen

--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, "David 
 The important point that is being ignored here is that the Iraqi 
police turned over the two soldiers (prior to the rescue attempt at the prison) 
to the Shia militia. In other words, the thrust of this article is 
altogether barking up the wrong tree.

I don't think so. Who are the sources pointing to the 
"turnover to the Shia militia"  what might be their motives in pointing in 
that direction?
This is a case where the special forces guys got caught doing 
the dirty deeds, and now the usual suspects are frantically spinning to turn our 
eyes away from the obvious.


So what we have here is a clear instance of a foreign 
power attempting to fabricate a terrorist attack. Why else would the soldiers be 
dressed as Arabs if not to frame them? Why have a car laden with explosives if 
you don't plan to use them for destructive purposes? Iraq is headed towards 
civil war, and this operation was meant to accelerate the process by killing 
people and blaming others. Nothing more, nothing less. That the British army 
staged an over-the-top escape whenit could rely on normal diplomatic 
channels to recoverits people proves that.
Such extreme methods highlight the need to keep 
There have been a number of insurgent bombings in Iraq 
recently. Who really is responsible for the bloodshed and destruction? The only 
tangible benefit of the bombings is justification for Coalition forces 
maintaining the peace in Iraq. Who benefits from that? Certainly not the Iraqis 
– they already believe most suicide bombings are 
done by the United States to prompt religious war. After reading about this 
incident, I'm not inclined to disagree.
Even though this false-flag operation was blown wide open, 
I'm afraid it might still be used in the mainstream media to incite further 
violence in the Middle East. Judging by the coverage that has emerged after the 
incident, my fears seem warranted.
Several articles have already turned the story against the 
angry Iraqis who fought the British tanks as they demolished the jail wall, 
painting them as aggressive Shia militia attacking 
the doe-eyed, innocent troops responding to the concern that their comrades were 
held by religious fanatics. A photograph of a troop on fire comes complete with 
commentary that the vehicles were under attack during a "bid to recover arrested 
servicemen" that were possibly undercover. All criminal elements of 
British treacheryare downplayed, the car's explosive cache is never 
mentioned and the soldiers who instigated the affair are made victims of an 
unstable country they are defending.
Hilariously, all of this spin has already landed Iran 
at the top of the blame game. Because when the war combine botches its own clandestine 
terrorist acts, what better way to recover than by painting the soulless, 
freedom-hating country you'd love to invade next as the culprit? In a way, I 
almost admire the nerve of officials who are able to infer that Basra's riots 
have nothing to do with fake insurgent bombing raids and everything to do with 
religious ties to a foreign country. It's a sheer unmitigated gall that flies in 
the face of logic and reason.
"The Iranians are careful not to be caught," a British 
official said as the UK threatened to refer Iran to the UN Security Council for 
sanctions. Too bad the British aren't! Maybe then they'd be able to complete 
their black-ops mission without looking like complete fools in the 
Make no mistake – any and all violence to erupt from Basra 
over this incident lands squarely on the shoulders of the British army and its 
special forces. Instead of stoking the flames of propaganda against a 
nationit hasno hope of ever conquering, maybeBritain should 
quit trying to intimidate the Iraqis with fear and torture and start focusing on 
fixing its mistakes and getting out of the Middle East.

--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, "David 
 The important point that is being ignored here is that the Iraqi 
police turned over the two soldiers (prior to the rescue attempt at the prison) 
to the Shia militia. In other words, the thrust of this article is 
altogether barking up the wrong tree.

 - Original Message - 
 From: E Bryant Holman  To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com ; El Paso 
Greens ; 1zapatista  Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2005 3:32 
PM Subject: [cia-drugs] British special forces caught 
pretending to be Iraqi 'insurgents'   
British special forces caught pretending to be Iraqi 'insurgents' 
 the gig is up

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[cia-drugs] British Undercover Soldiers Caught driving Booby Trapped Car

2005-09-21 Thread norgesen

British "Undercover 
Soldiers" Caught driving Booby Trapped Car
"They refused to say what their mission 

Chossudovsky | September 21 2005



The following Reuters report raises some disturbing 
Why were undercover British "soldiers" wearing traditional Arab 
headscarves firing at Iraqi police? The incident took place just 
prior to a major religious event in Basra. 
The report suggests that the police thought the British 
soldiers looked "suspicious". What was the nature of their mission? 
Occupation forces are supposesd to be collaborating with Iraqi 
authorities. Why did Britsh Forces haveto storm the prison using tanks and 
armoured vehicles to liberate the British undercover agents? 

  "British forces used up to 10 tanks " supported by 
  helicopters " to smash through the walls of the jail and free the two British 
Was there concern that the British "soldiers" who were 
being held by the Iraqi National Guard would be obligedto reveal the 
nature and objective of their undercover mission? A report of Al 
Jazeera TV, which preceeded the raid on the prison, suggests that the British 
undercover soldiers were driving a booby trapped car loaded with ammunition. The 
Al Jazeera report (see below) also suggests that the riots directed 
againstBritish military presence were motivated because the British 
undercover soldiers were planning to explode the booby trapped car in the centre 
of Basra:

  [Anchorman Al-Habib al-Ghuraybi] We have with us on the 
  telephone from Baghdad Fattah al-Shaykh, member of the Iraqi National 
  Assembly. What are the details of and the facts surrounding this 
  incident?[Al-Shaykh] In the name of God, the merciful, the 
  compassionate. There have been continuous provocative acts since the day 
  before yesterday by the British forces against the peaceful sons of Basra. 
  There have been indiscriminate arrests, the most recent of which was the 
  arrest of Shaykh Ahmad al-Farqusi and two Basra citizens on the pretext that 
  they had carried out terrorist operations to kill US soldiers. This is a 
  baseless claim. This was confirmed to us by [name indistinct] the second 
  secretary at the British Embassy in Baghdad, when we met with him a short 
  while ago. He said that there is evidence on this. We say: You should come up 
  with this evidence or forget about this issue. If you really want to look for 
  truth, then we should resort to the Iraqi justice away from the British 
  provocations against the sons of Basra, particularly what happened today 
  when the sons of Basra caught two non-Iraqis, who seem to be Britons and were 
  in a car of the Cressida type. It was a booby-trapped car laden with 
  ammunition and was meant to explode in the centre of the city of Basra in the 
  popular market. However, the sons of the city of Basra arrested them. 
  They [the two non-Iraqis] then fired at the people there and killed some of 
  them. The two arrested persons are now at the Intelligence Department in 
  Basra, and they were held by the National Guard force, but the British 
  occupation forces are still surrounding this department in an attempt to 
  absolve them of the crime.
  [Al-Ghuraybi] Thank you Fattah al-Shaykh, member of the 
  National Assembly and deputy for Basra.Text of report by Qatari 
  Al-Jazeera satellite TV on 19 September (emphasis added)
Is this an isolated incident or is part of a 
More significantly, have theoccupation forces been 
involved in similar undercover missions? Syrian TV (Sept 19, 2005) reports 
the following:

  Ten Iraqis - seven police commandos, two civilians and a 
  child - were killed and more than 10 others wounded in the explosion of two 
  car bombs near two checkpoints in Al-Mahmudiyah and Al-Latifiyah south of 
  Baghdad while hundreds of thousands of Iraqis were heading towards the city of 
  Karbala to mark the anniversary of a religious event.
  And in a significant incident in the city of Basra, which is 
  also marking the same religious event, Iraqi demonstrators set fire to two 
  British tanks near a police station after Iraqi police had arrested two 
  British soldiers disguised in civilian clothes for opening fire on police. 
  Eight armoured British vehicles surrounded the police station before the 
  eruption of the confrontations. A policeman at the scene said the two detained 
  Britons were wearing traditional Iraqi jallabahs [loose cloaks] and 
[Italics added]An indepth independent inquiry should be 
ordered by Britain's House of Commons into the circumstances of this 
ChossudovskyGlobal Research Editor, 20 Sept 2005
UK denies storming Iraqi jail to free 
soldiersReuter, 20 September 2005
British forces have freed two undercover 
soldiers from jail in Basra after a day of rioting in the Iraqi city that was 
sparked when the soldiers fired on a police patrol. 
An Iraqi 

[cia-drugs] Al Qaeda and the Iraqi Resistance Movement

2005-09-21 Thread norgesen

Al Qaeda and the Iraqi 
Resistance Movement

by Michel Chossudovsky

September 18, 

You know, I hate to predict violence, but I just understand the 
nature of the killers. This guy, Zarqawi, an al Qaeda associate -- who was in 
Baghdad, by the way, prior to the removal of Saddam Hussein -- is still at large 
in Iraq. And as you might remember, part of his operational plan was to sow 
violence and discord amongst the various groups in Iraq by cold- blooded 
killing. And we need to help find Zarqawi so that the people of Iraq can have a 
more bright -- bright future. (George W. Bush, Press Conference, 1 June 

US forces are waging a major attack on the Northern city of Tal Afar 
directed against the Iraqi resistance. 
The US siege on the city, 
which includes aerial bombardments has resulted in countless civilians deaths. 
The bombing raids have led toa humanitarian crisis marked by the mass 
exodus, at gun point, of a large part of Tal Afar's population of some 300,000 
Both within the city as well as in 
the refugee camps, US forces and their Iraqi counterparts have been involved in 
a "storming and searching operation", which has terrorized the civilian 
Similar in nature to the 2004 siege 
of Fallujah, the attack on Tal Afar is casually identified as a US-Iraqi 
initiative to weed out terrorists. It involves some 6000 heavily armed US forces 
and some 4000 Iraqi troops (Kurdish Peshmerga and Shia Badr Army).
Tal Afar is portrayed by the media as 
an "Al Qaeda stronghold" under the leadership of terror mastermind Abu Musab Al 
Zarqawi. The city is close to the Syrian border and Syria is identified as 
facilitating the movement of "terrorists" into Iraq. 
Iraqi and US troops are said to 
be "going after" so-called "foreign fighters", who are "mostly religious 
zealots and Sunni fanatics".
While the media reports focus on the presence of "foreign fighters", most 
of the resistance fighters in Tal Afar are Iraqis. There have been no reliable 
reports of mass arrests of foreign fighters. (See Statement of Colonel Robert 
Brown, US State Department, States News Services, 14 September 2005). 
There are an estimated 400 to 500 
Iraqi fighters. Reports suggest that most of the resistance fighters have 
abandoned the city: 

  It is estimated that 90% of the 
  residents have left their homes because of the violence and destruction of the 
  siege, as well as to avoid home raids and snipers.The Fallujah 
  model is being applied yet again, albeit on a smaller scale... 
  While the US military claims 
  to have killed roughly 200 "terrorists" in the operation, reports from the 
  ground state that most of the fighters inside the city had long since left to 
  avoid direct confrontation with the overwhelming military force (a basic tenet 
  of guerrilla warfare). (See Dahr Jamail, http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=viewArticlecode=20050916articleId=959 )
The US military has identified the 
Euphrates region as a "Zarqawi stronghold" and plans, according to The New York 
Times, to wage similar operations in other cities in the following 

  [S]enior officials at the Pentagon 
  and in Iraq say they believe that Mr. Zarqawi and the insurgency's ''center of 
  gravity'' is now in the bends and towns of the Euphrates River valley near the 
  Syrian border.
  Commanders say they plan to squeeze 
  the Zarqawi leadership and Iraqi insurgents in those areas. Throughout the 
  spring and summer marines and Army forces staged raids into those same towns, 
  confiscating weapons and killing scores of insurgents. But many fighters 
  melted into the countryside, and there were not enough coalition troops to 
  keep a sufficient presence in the villages.
  Commanders say new offensives in 
  Anbar Province in coming weeks will be modeled on the siege of Tal Afar, which 
  used 8,500 American and Iraqi troops. (New York Times, 17 September 
According to UPI, hundreds of 
families from Samara situated on the bank of the river Tigris, were fleeing the 
city (18 September) following an announcement by Iraqi Defense Minister Saadoun 
al-Duleimi of a planned military attack against the city to "cleanse it from the 
Media Blackout
There has been a virtual blackout on 
what is actually happening in Tal Afar. The humanitarian crisis and the plight 
of civilians is not an object of media attention or debate.Moreover, there 
are no details on the precise nature of the military operation from the embedded 
newsman in the war theater. In fact, it would appear that the embedded 
mediahas also been excluded. 
Most of the reports out of Iraq are 
focusing on the suicide bombings in Shia populated areas, which have led to some 
than 200 civilian deaths. 
Without evidence, these suicide 
attacks are described as part of Musab Al Zarqawi's "counter-offensive", as 
"acts of revenge" for the attacks on Tal Afar. 
In a text published on a mysterious 
website, Al Zarqawi 

[cia-drugs] British prison break and blown covert operation, exposes war on terrorism lie

2005-09-21 Thread norgesen

British prison break and 
blown covert operation, exposes "war on terrorism" lie

by Larry Chin
September 20, 2005


On Monday, September 19, 2005, six British armored vehicles 
smashed into an Iraqi jail in Basra to free two undercover SAS elite special 
forces commandos who were engaged in a bungled espionage operation involving the 
planting of explosives. Michel Chossudovsky breaks the story down here and puts 
it in to context: British 
"Undercover Soldiers" Caught driving Booby Trapped Car.
See also the mainstream coverage from BBC, 
Post, The 
Independent and the Christian Science 
This incident is as obvious and embarrassing as the 1986 
downing of Oliver North’s Southern Air Transport/CIA supply plane over Nicaragua 
(piloted by Eugene Hasenfus), which started what is known as the Iran-Contra 
scandal. In the wake of official denials and tap-dancing from the British, a new 
cover-up is 
already underway,
What this scandal confirms, in spectacular fashion, is that the 
"war on terrorism" is a lie. It has been a lie, from the manufactured 9/11 to 
the present; one huge covert operation spearheaded by the US and the British 
governments, built upon endless faked intelligence and Downing Paper lies. It 
further confirms that the lie itself is becoming increasingly difficult to 
Here we have British agents caught planting explosives, setting 
up a bombing and the murder of civilians, and fighting between the British and 
the Iraqi police ("allies"). Why?
In the timely and thorough analysis Al-Qaeda 
and the Iraqi Resistance Movement, Chossudovsky asks: "Has the US [and 
Britain] created as part of a covert intelligence operation, a bogus ‘resistance 
movement’ made up of its own Al Qaeda sponsored ‘terrorists’? Their suicide 
attacks target Iraqi civilians rather than the US military. The suicide bombings 
tend to encourage sectarian divisions not only within Iraq, but throughout the 
entire Middle East. They serve Washington's interests. They contribute to 
undermining the development of a broader resistance movement uniting Shia, 
Sunni, Kurds and Christians against the illegal occupation of the Iraqi 
homeland. They also tend to create, at the international level, divisions within 
the antiwar and peace movements."
The answer to the question, emphatically underscored by the 
British prison break, is yes. 
A manufactured and guided "terrorism", including suicide 
bombings set up by Western forces, and blamed on "terrorists" (Zarqawi, 
etc.), and "real" blowback violence (anti-occupation resistance)---fomented by 
the West, for geostrategic purposes.
The real terror threat originates from Washington, and its 
brethren in London and Tel Aviv.


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[cia-drugs] Who's Blowing up Iraq? - New evidence that bombs are being planted by British Commandos

2005-09-21 Thread norgesen

Who's Blowing up 
New evidence that 
bombs are being planted by British Commandos

by Mike 

September 20, 
Who’s Blowing Up 
Iraq? New evidence that bombs are being planted by British Commandos by Mike 
Whitney“The Iraqi security officials on Monday variously accused two 
Britons they detained of shooting at Iraqi forces or TRYING TO PLANT 
EXPLOSIVES.” Washington Post, Ellen Knickmeyer, 9-20-05; “British Smash into 
Jail to Free Two Detained Soldiers”In more than two years since the 
United States initiated hostilities against Iraq, there has never been a 
positive identification of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.Never. That 
doesn’t mean that he doesn’t exist; it simply suggests that prudent people will 
challenge the official version until his whereabouts and significance in the 
conflict can be verified. At present, much of the rationale for 
maintaining the occupation depends on this elusive and, perhaps, illusory 
figure. It’s odd how Al-Zarqawi appears at the precise coordinates of America’s 
bombing-raids, and then, miraculously vanishes unscathed from the scene of the 
wreckage. This would be a remarkable feat for anyone, but especially for someone 
who only has one leg. Al-Zarqawi may simply be a fantasy dreamed up by 
Pentagon planners to put a threatening face on the Iraqi resistance. The Defense 
Dept has been aggressive in its effort to shape information in a way that serves 
the overall objectives of the occupation. The primary aim of the Pentagon’s 
“Strategic Information” program is to distort the truth in a way that controls 
the storyline created by the media. Al-Zarqawi fits perfectly within this 
paradigm of intentional deception. The manipulation of information 
factors heavily in the steady increase of Iraqi casualties, too. Although the 
military refuses “to do body counts”; many people take considerable interest in 
the daily death toll. Last week, over 200 civilians were killed in 
seemingly random acts of violence purportedly caused by al-Zarqawi. But, were 
they?Were these massive attacks the work of al-Zarqawi as the western 
media reports or some other “more shadowy” force? One member of the 
Iraqi National Assembly. Fatah al-Sheikh, stated, “It seems that the American 
forces are trying to escalate the situation in order to make the Iraqi people 
suffer…. There is a huge campaign for the agents of the foreign occupation to 
enter and plant hatred between the sons of the Iraqi people, and spread rumors 
in order to scare the one from the other. The occupiers are trying to start 
religious incitement and if it does not happen, then they will try to start an 
internal Shiite incitement.”Al-Sheikh’s feelings are shared by a great 
many Iraqis. They can see that everything the US has done, from the forming a 
government made up predominantly of Shi’ites and Kurds, to creating a 
constitution that allows the breaking up to the country (federalism), to using 
the Peshmerga and Badr militia in their attacks on Sunni cities, to building an 
Interior Ministry entirely comprised of Shi’ites, suggests that the Pentagon’s 
strategy is to fuel the sectarian divisions that will lead to civil war. 
Al-Zarqawi is an integral facet of this broader plan. Rumsfeld has cast the 
Jordanian as the agent-provocateur; the driving force behind religious partition 
and antagonism. But, al-Zarqawi has nothing to gain by killing innocent 
civilians, and everything to lose. If he does actually operate in Iraq, he needs 
logistical supporting all his movements; including help with safe-houses, 
assistants, and the assurance of invisibility in the community. (“The ocean in 
which he swims”) These would disappear instantly if he recklessly killed and 
maimed innocent women and children. Last week the Imam of Baghdad’s 
al-Kazimeya mosque, Jawad al-Kalesi said, that “al-Zarqawi is dead but 
Washington continues to use him as a bogeyman to justify a prolonged military 
occupation….He’s simply an invention by the occupiers to divide the people.” 
Al-Kalesi added that al-Zarqawi was killed in the beginning of the war in the 
Kurdish north and that “His family in Jordan even held a ceremony after his 
death.” (AFP)Most Iraqis probably agree with al-Kalesi, but that hasn’t 
deterred the Pentagon from continuing with the charade. This is understandable 
given that al-Zarqawi is the last tattered justification for the initial 
invasion. It’s doubtful that the Pentagon will ditch their final threadbare 
apology for the war. But the reality is vastly different from the spin coming 
from the military. In fact, foreign fighters play a very small role in Iraq with 
or without al-Zarqawi. As the Center for Strategic and International Studies 
(CSIS) revealed this week in their report, “Analysts and government officials in 
the US and Iraq overstated the size of the foreign element in the Iraqi 
insurgency…… Iraqi fighters made up less than 10% of the armed groups’ ranks, 
perhaps, even 

[cia-drugs] ID cards: a story I thought I'd never write.

2005-09-22 Thread norgesen

ID cards: a story I thought I'd never write.Por 
Henk Ruyssenaars - Tuesday, Sep. 20, 2005 at 12:51 
Freedom is buried in 'Apartheid' state The 
  Netherlands: from the 1st of Jan. 2006 all 16 million people in the country 
  will get a new 'Citizen's Service Number', turning the country into one big 
  jail. The first Apartheid process against 250 people - out of ten thousands 
  who could not show an ID Card - starts next week.

by Henk Ruyssenaars Amsterdam - Sept. 20th 2005 - 
This is a story I thought I would never have to write. But, the neocons* 
managing The Netherlands, like in the US a so called 'Christian government', 
gave its approval last Friday Sept. 16, 2005, for the introduction of a 
biometric type of ID from October next year, a credit card style 'driving 
license'. It's the last nail in the Dutch coffin for freedom: after the yoke of 
compulsory ID cards now the Dutch get an electronic bit in their mouth, 
completing the electronic steering. Freedom in Holland officially died 
Jan. 1st 2005 when a new law came into effect, making it compulsory in the 
Netherlands for everybody above the age of 14 to - at all times and outside of 
one's home - carry an official ID. Leaving home without it means at least a 
fifty Euro fine, eventually a court case. The first trial - in which a batch of 
two-hundred-and-fifty people is taken to court for not carrying an ID card - 
starts next week Sept. 28th in the central dutch city of Utrecht. Demonstrations 
against this Dutch, and also global shame, have been announced. At the 
end of last August close to fourty-seven-thousand people had been fined, of 
which four thousand were children aged 14 and 15. Last January around 100 people 
a day were stopped, checked by the police and fined when they were not able to 
immediately produce a valid ID card. NOW, 8 MONTHS LATER THIS ABUSE HAS 
MORE THAN DOUBLED. And I've never thought I'd ever have to cover the 
same trials in my native Holland. Compassionate, understanding people and groups 
always were fighting Apartheid and the compulsory passes for the blacks in South 
Africa. Thirty years ago I saw in Johannesburg what will happen in Holland next 
week: the inhumane spectacle of hundreds of people who have been dragged into 
court because they - in their own country - could not immediately show an ID 
card and are punished. And remember: we were promised a European Union without 
borders, where we all would be able to travel freely, not even needing a 
passport. None of it was true: it was all a pack of lies. According to 
the dutch industry's disinformation bureau ANP, the new ID card c.q. driving 
license "includes an anti forgery kinegram - a sort of hologram formed by fine 
lines of different thickness and shape. As the angle of the light changes, the 
image of kinegram also changes, producing the effect of a moving picture." It is 
of course not mentioned that the new 'driving license' also includes with data 
information loaded chips (RFID's) which will make it possible to control anybody 
anywhere. RFID-chips which can be de-activated by the people in power. 
They have given themselves the tools to limit at will the freedom of movement of 
anybody, anytime and anywhere. SOCIALLY AND ECONOMICALLY 'DEAD' 
The Netherlands is paving the repressive way for the European Union 
countries: if the neocon management of a country does not like your ideas or you 
are not 'profitable', you will be socially and economically 'dead', and your 
movements will be curbed. It means for instance that the overhead display on a 
highway can warn you that you are not allowed to drive any further: all traffic 
lights will show 'red' if you do. You probably can't drive your own car 
anyhow, because if you are critical of their system you will not be allowed to 
own one. Those having a car will - depending on their behavior - have fuel 
rationed or not. It's up to 'them' if you're allowed to tank and how much, or 
leave a city, suburb, province, state or country. With their new ID 
card/driving license - which you pay a hefty price for, to them - you are 
electronically fettered, and will or will not be able to buy air line, train, 
boat or bus tickets. Your bank account can be blocked at any moment, like the 
other bank's credit cards which you must use. And anywhere - in any building, 
office, shop, subway or your place of work - entrance can be electronically 
denied. Your new ID card will confine you to the area and possibilities 
and/or limitations they choose. Not you! Like receiving medical care or not: 
it's not only indicating your blood group, your card. The same ID card will be 
your key - or not - to an Internet which they control. It is electronical 
slavery optima forma, controlling and restricting your life. Without an ID you 
don't exist anymore: you are a non-person. A pariah in the New World Order, 
without a fully valid ID, the new status symbol of the slaves. The 

[cia-drugs] Al-Qaeda: A CIA protégé

2005-09-22 Thread norgesen

Al-Qaeda: A CIA protégé

Edited 18 September 2005 

Franklin Freemancopyright © the author 
2003-5You may download the 
article for your own use,and reproduce it, as a whole or in part (but 
include thefull copyright notice), on non-commercial websites 

Breeding-Ground and Birth of al-Qaeda(Chossudovsky's 
article on US-Qaeda relations in the 1990s [particularly for 
For Terror" (from Labévière's book on CIA-Qaeda relations in the 
Mohammed: A Key Link?The 
CIA's "Bin Laden Issue Station", founded Jan. 1996Able 
Danger "identifies Atta's cell in Brooklyn", 1999/2000 

The Breeding-Ground and Birth of al-QaedaThe 
USA, via the CIA, originally backed the Islamic guerrilla resistance against the 
Marxist regime and Soviet occupation of Afghanistan in the late 1970s and 1980s. 
They focused their efforts on a hardline faction which was to spawn al-Qaeda in 
1987-88. ... 

"Between 1978 and 1992, the US government poured in at least US $6 billion 
(some estimates range as high as $20 billion) worth of arms, training and funds 
to prop up the mujaheddin [in Afghanistan]. Other western governments, as 
well as oil-rich Saudi Arabia, kicked in as much again. Wealthy Arab fanatics, 
like Osama bin Laden, provided millions more. ... 
"Washington's favoured mujaheddin faction was one of the most extreme, 
led by Gulbuddin Hekmatyar. ... Osama bin Laden was a close associate of 
Hekmatyar and his faction." 
(Norm Dixon, "How the CIA created Osama bin Laden" [autumn 2001]) 

"As his unclassified CIA biography states, bin Laden left Saudi Arabia to 
fight the Soviet army in Afghanistan after Moscow's invasion in 1979. By 1984, 
he was running a front organization known as Maktab al-Khidamar — the MAK — 
which funneled money, arms and fighters from the outside world into the Afghan 
"What the CIA bio[graphy] conveniently fails to specify (in its unclassified 
form at least) is that the MAK was nurtured by Pakistan's state security 
services, the Inter-Services Intelligence agency, or ISI, the CIA's primary 
conduit for conducting the covert war against Moscow's occupation." ... 
(Michael Moran, "Bin Laden comes home to roost", MSNBC, 24 Aug. 1998) 

"In 1986, bin Laden brought heavy construction equipment from Saudi Arabia to 
Afghanistan. Using his extensive knowledge of construction techniques, (he has a 
degree in civil engineering), he built "training camps", some dug deep into the 
sides of mountains, and built roads to reach them. 
"These camps, now dubbed "terrorist universities" by Washington, were built 
in collaboration with the ISI and the CIA. The Afghan contra fighters, including 
tens of thousands of mercenaries recruited and paid for by bin Laden, were armed 
by the CIA. Pakistan, the US and Britain provided military trainers. ... 
"Al Qaeda (the Base), bin Laden's organisation, was established in 1987-88 to 
run the camps and other business enterprises. It is a tightly-run capitalist 
holding company — albeit one that integrates the operations of a military force 
and related logistical services with `legitimate' business operations." 
(Norm Dixon, "How the CIA created Osama bin Laden") 

"... bin Laden split from the relatively conventional MAK in 1988 and 
established a new group, al-Qaida, that included many of the more extreme MAK 
members he had met in Afghanistan. ... Afghan vet[eran]s, or Afghanis 
(Michael Moran, "Bin Laden comes home to roost", MSNBC, 24 Aug. 1998) 

Michel Chossudovsky's article "Osamagate" describes the US administrations' post-Cold-War 
connections with al-Qaeda, concentrating on militant-Muslim involvement in the 
former Yugoslavia. 

The CIA apparently considered that bin Laden's "Arab Afghans" were too 
useful an asset to sever connections with, even after the Soviet withdrawal from 
Afghanistan and the collapse of the puppet regime ... 

"Dollars for Terror"Richard Labévière (Algora, 
2000; translation of Les Dolleurs de la Terreur, Grasset, 1999) 
Amongst other things, this book charts the connections between the CIA and 
al-Qaeda during the latter's history from its beginnings during the Soviet 
occupation of Afghanistan to the US embassy bombings in 1998. The motives as 
portrayed by Labévière seem a little fuzzy to me (but they've become abundantly 
clear since 9/11). The CIA decided that bin Laden's "Arab Afghans" were much too 
useful an ally to abandon after the Soviets left Afghanistan, and in a meeting 
at Green's Hotel, Peshawar, Pakistan, in late 1991, between their local 
representatives, Prince Turki bin Faisal (Fayçal) (head of the Saudi 
intelligence service) and the "Arab Afghans", they decided to continue links. 
The "strategic" position of Afghanistan vis-a-vis Central Asian oil was a factor 
in this decision. (Dollars for Terror, pp.104-5) 
You get the impression that Labeviere is either waffling through his hat, or 
else grasping at something embryonic, only half-formed. The 

[cia-drugs] Were British Special Forces Soldiers Planting Bombs in Basra?

2005-09-26 Thread norgesen

Spokesmen for the American and British occupation of 
Iraq, together with the media, have rejected with indignation any 
suggestion that their forces could have been involved in false-flag terrorist 
operations in Iraq. 

Were British Special 
Forces Soldiers Planting Bombs in Basra?
Suspicions Strengthened by 
Earlier Reports

by Michael Keefer

September 25, 2005


Does anyone remember the shock with which the British public 
greeted the revelation four years ago that one of the members of the Real IRA 
unit whose bombing attack in Omagh on August 15, 1998 killed twenty-nine 
civilians had been a double agent, a British army soldier? 
That soldier was not Britain’s only terrorist double agent. A 
second British soldier planted within the IRA claimed he had given forty-eight 
hours advance notice of the Omagh car-bomb attack to his handlers within the 
Royal Ulster Constabulary, including "details of one of the bombing team and the 
man’s car registration." Although the agent had made an audio tape of his 
tip-off call, Sir Ronnie Flanagan, chief constable of the RUC, declared that "no 
such information was received" (http://www.sundayherald.com/17827). 

This second double agent went public in June 2002 with the claim 
that from 1981 to 1994, while on full British army pay, he had worked for "the 
Force Research Unit, an ultra-secret wing of British military intelligence," as 
an IRA mole. With the full knowledge and consent of his FRU and MI5 handlers, he 
became a bombing specialist who "mixed explosive and … helped to develop new 
types of bombs," including "light-sensitive bombs, activated by photographic 
flashes, to overcome the problem of IRA remote-control devices having their 
signal jammed by army radio units." He went on to become "a member of the 
Provisional IRA’s ‘internal security squad’—also known as the ‘torture 
unit’—which interrogated and executed suspected informers" (http://www.sundayherald.com/print25646). 

The much-feared commander of that same "torture unit" was likewise 
a mole, who had previously served in the Royal Marines’ Special Boat Squadron 
(an elite special forces unit, the Marines’ equivalent to the better-known SAS). 
A fourth mole, a soldier code-named "Stakeknife" whose military handlers 
"allowed him to carry out large numbers of terrorist murders in order to protect 
his cover within the IRA," was still active in December 2002 as "one of 
Belfast’s leading Provisionals" (http://www.sundayherald.com/29997). 

Reliable evidence also emerged in late 2002 that the British army 
had been using its double agents in terrorist organizations "to carry out proxy 
assassinations for the British state"—most notoriously in the case of Belfast 
solicitor and human rights activist Pat Finucane, who was murdered in 1989 by 
the Protestant Ulster Defence Association. It appears that the FRU passed on 
details about Finucane to a British soldier who had infiltrated the UDA; he in 
turn "supplied UDA murder teams with the information" (http://www.sundayherald.com/29997). 

Recent events in Basra have raised suspicions that the British 
army may have reactivated these same tactics in Iraq. 
Articles published by Michel Chossudovsky, Larry Chin and Mike 
Whitney at the Centre for Research on Globalization’s website on 
September 20, 2005 have offered preliminary assessments of the claims of Iraqi 
authorities that two British soldiers in civilian clothes who were arrested by 
Iraqi police in Basra on September 19—and in short order released by a British 
tank and helicopter assault on the prison where they were being held—had been 
engaged in planting bombs in the city See: http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=viewArticlecode=20050920articleId=972http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=viewArticlecode=CHI20050920articleId=982http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=viewArticlecode=WHI20050920articleId=981A further article by Kurt Nimmo points to false-flag 
operations carried out by British special forces troops in Northern Ireland and 
elsewhere, and to Donald Rumsfeld’s formation of the P2OG, or Proactive 
Preemptive Operations Group, as directly relevant to Iraqi charges of possible 
false-flag terror operations by the occupying powers in Iraq (http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=viewArticlecode=20050924articleid=992). 
These accusations by Iraqi officials echo insistent but 
unsubstantiated claims, going back at least to the spring of 2004, to the effect 
that many of the terror bombings carried out against civilian targets in Iraq 
have actually been perpetrated by U.S. and British forces rather than by Iraqi 
Some such claims can be briskly dismissed. In mid-May 2005, for 
example, a group calling itself "Al Qaeda in Iraq" accused U.S. troops "of 
detonating car bombs and falsely accusing militants" (http://siteinstitute.org/bin/articles.cgi?ID=publications45605Category=publicationsSubcategory=0). For 

[cia-drugs] Re: Able Danger and total awareness

2005-09-27 Thread norgesen

The agenda is pretty muchclearly laid out in 
the article below:

Despite last year's legislative and regulatory reforms, we 
cannot seem to break down the barriers to sharing intelligence, law enforcement 
and the other categories of information relevant to terrorism threats. Even more 
fundamental, the roles and missions of various departments and agencies have not 
yet changed to reflect the new threat of domestic terrorism. 
For example, and as ironic as it might now be, DARPA 
could be exactly the right place for continued government research on advanced, 
terrorism-related information technologies, including those needed to protect 
the personal privacy of the innocent while allowing access to data for 
legitimate security reasons. This is precisely because DARPA is a pure research 
and development agency and has no law enforcement, intelligence, regulatory or 
policy responsibilities -- nor should it have. Mr. 
Specter's interest in reviewing Able Danger is very timely. It should cause a 
thoughtful re-examination of defining, collecting and responsibly using the 
right and best information no matter its category to protect us from another 
terrorist attack. 


Rather than 'bogging down' the committee arguing about Posse Comitatus, 
it is instead the destruction of Posse Comitatus and the 'seamless' integration 
of data gathering and intelligence,
and the 'breaking down of barriers' to the complete surveillance of 
citizens and doing away of obstacles to this agenda that is the desired goal, 
and has been since9-11 and before.

The end result of looking into Able Danger will be to underline the 
'necessity' of integrating intel agencies, so that there is a defacto Total 
Information Awareness data and intelligence gathering means written into law 
without that pesky "uninformed" publicity impacting negatively on this 
operationand those pesky "uninformed" people who oppose this goal of the 
elites. This was the same goal of the 9-11 commission, and the same goal of past 
and future 'terrorist' activities on home turf.



--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, "Jim 
Rarey" [EMAIL PROTECTED]... wrote:


Specter will bog the committee down arguing about 
Posse Comitatus rather than finding out who knew what and when.The thing the 
elite fear the most is that concentrating on Atta will lead back to Ramzi 
Youssef and Project Bojinka. So far rhey have been successful in keeping any 
mention of Bojinkaout of any investigations or reports. - 

The Washington Times
Able Danger and total awarenessBy Daniel 
GallingtonPublished September 26, 2005

What will Arlen Specter, Pennsylvania Republican and chairman of the Senate 
Judiciary Committee, discover as he looks into covert military intelligence 
program Able Danger, said to have discovered Mohamed Atta, by name, and his al 
Qaeda cell working in the U.S. before the attacks of September 11, 2001? 
Here are some of the senator's likely findings, 
including the "who knew what... and when" part: 
•Able Danger was a military intelligence activity 
apparently looking at open-source, and other, yet unspecified, information, 
including some that was "domestic" rather than foreign. 
•Able Danger was very similar to -- if not the same 
as -- the "Total Information Awareness" or "TIA" program, the ill-fated Defense 
Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) study killed off by Congress because 
of an avalanche of adverse publicity, much of it uninformed. 
•The September 11 Commission either knew, or should 
have known -- or didn't and could not have known -- about Able Danger's specific 
activities. From public accounts so far, this seems to hinge on the response and 
objectivity of the commission senior staff, who were briefed on Able Danger. 
Mr. Specter is also a past chairman of the Senate 
Intelligence Committee, and as such is uniquely qualified to take his inquiry as 
far as needed to address these and other key issues. How might he proceed? 
He would want to know, in detail, about the 
"reporting of crimes" procedures in effect between the Defense Department and 
the FBI -- and if both followed them, in letter and spirit. These longstanding 
procedures would have been the vehicle for reporting -- to the FBI -- any 
criminal activity allegedly discovered by Able Danger. As a collateral matter, 
the procedures themselves should be reviewed for currency. 
He would want to know if the FBI otherwise knew 
about Able Danger, as they perhaps should have -- if other Defense and FBI 
agreements on intelligence operations and activities were followed and if these 
agreements remain adequate. He would want to know if 
Able Danger complied with internal Defense Department regulations, insofar as it 
used "domestic information." Important in this determination would be whether 

[cia-drugs] Hillary's Brave New World of Internet Censorship

2005-09-28 Thread norgesen

Hillary’s Brave New World of Internet 
Kurt Nimmo
September 26th, 2005
China has stepped up its war 
against the internet and the dissemination of uncensored information—or as the 
totalitarian “free trade” government of the world’s most populous nation (or 
most populated slavery gulag) describes it, internet news sites must “be 
directed toward serving the people and socialism and insist on correct guidance 
of public opinion for maintaining national and public interests,” in other words 
serving the interests of a tyrannical clique of former communists (now 
practicing a mix of bastardized Marxism and global-corporatist capitalism) and 
severely punishing those who would criticize the monolithic Chinese state, a 
nightmarish behemoth that would inspire George Orwell, if he was alive, to 
rewrite considerable chunks of his seminal novel, 1984. “China has a dedicated 
band of cyber police who patrol the Internet with the aim of regulating content. 
Postings that criticize the government or address sensitive topics are quickly 
removed,” and no doubt Chinese posters of such criticism are hauled off to 
torture dungeons and ultimately reduced to cosmetics for 
narcissistic western women desperately in search of collagen. 
Meanwhile, Matt Drudge, purveyor of a sort of National Enquirer website for 
“conservatives,” has dragged out an old Hillary Clinton quote: “We are all going to have to 
rethink how we deal with [an uncensored internet], because there are all these 
competing values … Without any kind of editing function or gatekeeping function, 
what does it mean to have the right to defend your reputation?” Clinton said in 
1998, in response to offscourings in the wake of the so-called “White House sex 
scandal” (actually, a well-orchestrated attempt by sulking Republicans to evict 
a Democrat from office—not that there is a dime’s worth of difference between 
the two camps). Of course, it makes sense for Drudge to refloat this bit of 
almost ancient political history, since he was the source of the Monica 
Lewdinsky, er Lewinsky revelations. Now he wants to sink Hillary once and for 
all—or at least tarnish her carefully groomed image—as the Grand Dame of Statism 
plans to run for the presidency. 
“I don’t have any clue about what we’re going to do legally, regulatorily, 
technologically—I don’t have a clue. But I do think we always have to keep 
competing interests in balance. I’m a big pro-balance person. That’s why I love 
the founders—checks and balances; accountable power. Anytime an individual or an 
institution or an invention leaps so far out ahead of that balance and throws a 
system, whatever it might be—political, economic, technological—out of balance, 
you’ve got a problem, because then it can lead to the oppression people’s 
rights, it can lead to the manipulation of information, it can lead to all kinds 
of bad outcomes which we have seen historically. So we’re going to have to deal 
with that,” Clinton declared. 
Of course, this is a complete load of hogwash, a cynical twisting of history 
and facts. First and foremost, the checks and balances Clinton mentions here are 
intended to prevent what we now have—an emerging dictatorship usurping all 
branches of government—and the original checks and balances were not devised to 
check the “competing interests” of citizens, especially citizens who criticize 
the president or Congress (apparently, Clinton believes the government needs to 
“check” the “balance” of free speech, especially when free speech she disagrees 
with is directed at her husband). Clinton believes free speech needs to be held 
“accountable” to “power” (the power of the government and its corporatist 
owners) and only government can decide when speech “leaps so far out ahead” of 
statist power (reference the actions of China, noted above) and is deemed “out 
of balance,” or insulting or dangerous to rulers. Unfettered and unmolested 
speech “can lead to all kinds of bad outcomes,” for instance overturning the 
regnancy of our pedigreed rulers, so “we’re going to have to deal with that.” It 
should be remembered Clinton was singling out websites—most notably Drudge’s 
rumor-mongering website—for posting stories about the prurient activity of her 
husband, not the government, although she once claimed there was a “right-wing 
conspiracy” afoot in Congress to impeach her oral sex obsessed and philandering 
husband. It should be remembered as well that Bill Clinton faced impeachment not 
for engaging in sex but for lying about it while under oath. 
Hillary Clinton is not alone in her desire to censor and impose regulations 
on the internet. The Communications Decency Act (CDA) was passed by Congress to 
control “obscenity” on the internet (once upon a time, protecting children from 
obscenity was the duty of parents, not government). In 1997, the Supreme Court 
ruled the CDA to be unconstitutional. Justice John Paul Stevens held that “the 
CDA places an 

[cia-drugs] Beslan Mothers Seek Probe Into Russian Cult Leader Offering to Resurrect Victims

2005-09-29 Thread norgesen

Beslan Mothers Seek Probe Into 
Russian Cult Leader Offering to Resurrect Victims
Created: 28.09.2005 10:23 MSK (GMT +3), 
Updated: 10:34 MSK



Mothers of children who perished in Russia’s Beslan school tragedy last 
year have demanded a probe into a cult leader who has offered to resurrect the 
victims, saying he is trying to discredit their campaign for justice, Reuters 
news agency reports. Grigory Grabovoi, who says he can heal, save people 
and cure AIDS with his mind, convinced several Beslan mothers at a seance in 
Moscow last weekend that their children would return— prompting the press 
to characterize them as deranged by grief.“This cultist’s cynical 
promise to resurrect those killed in the terrorist act is blasphemous to all 
those who suffered in this dreadful tragedy,” said an appeal to General 
Prosecutor Vladimir Ustinov faxed to Reuters on Tuesday. “We ... ask you to 
investigate the legality of Grigory Grabovoi’s actions and to bring him to 
justice under Russian law,” said the appeal, signed by a group of 
mothers.Earlier the Beslan Mothers group had been celebrated for their 
efforts to bring to justice officials they say were inept or too corrupt to stop 
the tragedy from unfurling in September 2004, leading to the deaths of 331 
people— most of them children. At the meeting with President Vladimir 
Putin, they blamed him for the tragedy, which they said was caused above all by 
the incompetent and corrupt behavior of his police and officials.Some 
mothers said unnamed officials were now using Grabovoi to discredit their 
demands that top officials be brought to account by making it appear the mothers 
were deranged, thereby insinuating that their demands were not valid. “The 
designers of this attack are presenting us to all Russia as psychologically 
ill,” said a statement.“Who paid $10,000 for these women to go and see 
Grabovoi? ... Obviously those who did not like the women’s visit to Putin and 
the demands that he admit his guilt, which would mean the guilt of the secret 
services and the whole state.”Russian newspapers compared Grabovoi to 
Grigory Rasputin— the “mad monk” who gained influence over Russia’s royal 
family during and before World War One. The mothers who met Grabovoi, including 
group head Susanna Dudiyeva, were not available for comment.“I believe 
in this miracle and know that it will happen. My maternal heart and my maternal 
faith tells me this,” Dudiyeva was quoted by the Izvestia daily saying. 
Dudiyeva’s mobile phone was turned off on Tuesday and Grabovoi did not return 
repeated calls to his office.


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