
This June, Citizendium members can vote for candidates to fill two seats on the governing Council and the post of Managing Editor. This election also allows referendum proposals on how the project is run. The Election Committee, which is responsible for running the ballot, comprises John Stephenson and Russell D. Jones.

This year, we are using Ballotbin.com to run an anonymous election. To ensure that only project members can participate, they will be required to register to vote via the main wiki before or during the election period.

The period for **voter registration is now open** and runs until midnight UTC on Friday, June 10th 2016 (one day before the election ends).

The period for nominating candidates and proposing referenda is also now open and runs until midnight UTC on Saturday, May 28th 2016. Three supporters are required for each referendum proposal.

**For more information and to register to vote**, visit:


To view and nominate candidates:


To view, create or support referendum proposals:


The election itself begins on June 5th.

If you have any questions or comments, raise them on the Election Talk page or e-mail a Committee member via the wiki.


John Stephenson



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