On 23.11.23 15:06, Postmaster via clamav-users wrote:
Running ClamAV 1.0.1/27101 on AlmaLinux release 8.8 with sendmail 8.15.2-34.el8
I have extra milters: opendkim, mimedefang

I see this in my maillog:

Nov 23 14:55:16 korolev sendmail[870567]: 3AN3tFIF870567: Milter add: header: 
X-Scanned-By: MIMEDefang 3.4.1 on
Nov 23 14:55:16 korolev sendmail[870567]: 3AN3tFIF870567: milter=clamav, 
action=header, tempfail
Nov 23 14:55:16 korolev sendmail[870567]: 3AN3tFIF870567: Milter (opendkim): 
abort filter
Nov 23 14:55:16 korolev sendmail[870567]: 3AN3tFIF870567: Milter: data, 
reject=451 4.3.2 Please try again later

which seems to indicate clamav is doing a tempfail.

Is this correct?

no, it's the clamav-milter instructing sendmail to defer the e-mail.
this feature has been in clamav-milter for years, perhaps since it exists.
Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uh...@fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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