(sorry if this has come up and I missed it)

Apparently, the later/latest versions of Power Point actually write
out zip files that are merely named .ppt (or something like that).
Internally, it's apparently representing the slides and images as
sub-files within the zip archive.  This means that large Power Point
presentations might have HUGE numbers of files in them, that might
exceed the ClamAV archive file format.  In fact, we've had some
reports that look just like that.

a) are other people seeing this problem? (was it fixed in a clamav
version during the last 12-18 months?)

b) has anyone solved it by just increasing the archive file limit?  If
so, what reasonable number have you come up with?

Other thoughts of conclusions about all of this? (other than "don't
use MS Office" -- that's outside the scope of my powers)

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