Michael Emmel writes:
 > > > I am looking for a Linux tool to generate Java source
 > > > from C. I am aware of C2J/C2J++.
 > > It's not possible.
 > > Don't even think port C program to java
 > > without complete redesign of basic programs
 > > structures and data.
 > > simple translating of even middle-colmplex
 > > program without redesign will lead to
 > > _very_ slow and inefficient java program.
Performance or elegance is not an issue. This is
supposed to be a quick patch, used once for a
very limited purpose.

 > See if there a C-> Some languge -> bytcode converter.

Well, I would love to use a C-to-JVM bytecode compiler.
Problem 1: haven't seen such a thing
Problem 2: mapping to bytecode has the same problems

A few years ago I took a Fortran77 code turned C (plplot).
We needed several views instantiated by the same 
application. It took only a few hours to turn all global
variables fields, all functions methods, creating a
C++ port. It was ugly as hell, purely mechanical work,
and met the objective.

Come to think of it, I might look for a C-to-C++ 
converter as a starting point. If nobody ever
wrote semi-auto conversion of C to C++ structs,
I might as well abandon the search.

Please write to me privately if you wish to continue
this discussion - I was hoping somebody here might have 
a reference to yet another Java-related GNU resource.


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