Calgary Linux Users' Group
Monthly Meeting -- June 7, 2017

What is in it for you?

    Learn more about membership benefits
    More control over how you use your computer

    Trust, Privacy and ease of use are being brought up or help
requested. It use to be somewhat manual to set up but I have only
started to look into this for more polished and modern applications.
    Anyone still interested in help with installation or planning
lets talk. The main kind of install, would require the least risk is
a one blank hard drive install. (backups done or not needed) We can
not call it anything like an install fest yet.
    Some possibilities: Linux Mint (3 flavors), Linux flavored
Solydxk rolling Debian LTS based on Stable, Debian Stretch for those up
to it. My virtualbox got to kernel v 4.9.0 with aptitude safe-upgrade
without seeming to break.
    And three versions of Solus Linux including Gnome, others?

How easy has the Linux workstation/laptop become for personal and
networking use?

Last month, if you remeber, I showed something NOT to do for those
that noticed the kernel panic from booting an incompatible Multi-boot

Until you try it out in real life I do not see how to answer this. So
I plan to bring along a small example of my improved experience to
the meeting to show. Your mileage may very.

On top of this I will try out an advanced game demo that used to be
overly complicated to set up.

    With so many hardware installs to play with I found ways to break
and fix booting up. Legacy mbr boots and GPT uEFI
    To get there (OS and setup) I found I had to chose my path very
carefully to save on time.

My demonstration is using lesser hardware in the way of an older
laptop with only 4GB RAM but it is lighter to carry and does the job
ok ish :)

    Flightgear has been around for quit a while and is becoming more
capable and polished. But in the past it was a bear to setup at all.
A demonstration will have to be a small subset of the possibilities
in the interest of time. But even difficult tasks are far easier to
accomplish now. My demo is based on one of the two modern
distributions that seem capable
    The point is to show how much it has improved along with Linux
but I will not say ir is any easier to learn how to fly. For that you
will want to get qualified instruction unless all you are concerned
with is where do I reset the simulator?.

Public are welcome!

Time: 17:00 – 19:30

The Library closes at 20:00 (8:00 PM)
Place: Central Library

    Meeting Place: Central Library, Basement Rm 2
    Street address: 616 Macleod Trail S.E.
    Calgary AB T2G 2M2 (refer to map below) ON THE WEB SITE:


    26 max at tables, more single chairs can be set up if required

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