The following issue has been SUBMITTED. 
Reported By:                strcasecmp
Assigned To:                
Project:                    CMake
Issue ID:                   11938
Category:                   CMake
Reproducibility:            always
Severity:                   minor
Priority:                   normal
Status:                     new
Date Submitted:             2011-03-08 01:30 EST
Last Modified:              2011-03-08 01:30 EST
Summary:                    CMake ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND with working directory
problem in Visual Studio 2010
Apparently (based on my searches) in Visual Studio 2010, all custom build
targets for a given project get executed within the same batch file generated by
VS.  As a result, if a cmake custom command has a working directory set, the
resultant "cd" in the build rule can interfere with subsequent custom build

This becomes a problem that can't be easily worked-around when building Qt
projects (the Qt macros create their own custom commands).

In the Qt example, I was able to confirm that the "cd" was the cause by adding a
cd back to the ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} at the start of the failing custom
command, or by modifying the QT4_CREATE_MOC_COMMAND macro to avoid using the

Steps to Reproduce: 
For simplest reproduction (though, not the only way), the attached sample may be
used.  To cause this sample to trigger the problem, cmake must be run from a
location within this project directory.  This causes a relative path to be used
for the cmake command used in the CMakeLists.txt custom build tool.  

The layout is as follows:


Extract/copy cmake into the simple/ directory and run from the build

..\cmakedir\bin\cmake-gui.exe ..

Generate a VS2010 project/solution.

Then attempt to build the resultant solution.

Additional Information: 
This could probably be easily (and probably correctly) solved by having the
VS2010 generator do a cd back to the current binary directory at the end of each
custom command (or a pushd/popd pair).

Issue History 
Date Modified    Username       Field                    Change               
2011-03-08 01:30 strcasecmp     New Issue                                    
2011-03-08 01:30 strcasecmp     File Added:                       

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