At 09:53 AM 8/20/2006, Jamie Jones wrote:
>G'day List,
>I've been happily cmakifing my opensource project and after a good
>success on *NIX (Yay! no more autotools) have run into a snag.
>We use a plugin system where our main binary loads a plugin eg an opengl
>renderer. On *NIX this is fine because you can have undefined symbols
>when you link, and on OSX I can pass some flags to gcc to achieve the
>same effect. Windows on the other hand has a whinge and refuses to link.
>As a result, I've been unable to switch from a hand crafted .bat file to
>useing cmake on Win32. (OSX has problems of it's own, but I'll save that
>for another mail)
>The "magic" build script for Win32 contain this fragment of the build
>line for MSVC
>/DEF:"./../../engine/api/doomsday.def" /IMPLIB:"./%BIN_DIR
>(Full script is here ->
> )
>Somehow it produces a .lib file from the main executable that makes the
>Windows linker happy.
>I tried to emulate this in cmake with this:
>## Work around for Win32 wanting something for the plugins to link to
>IF (WIN32)
>ADD_LIBRARY (deng STATIC ${DENG_SOURCES} engine/api/doomsday.def)
>${CURSES_LIBRARIES} ${PNG_LIBRARIES} wsock32 winmm gdi32 ole32 user32
>${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/external/lzss/win32/lzss )

If you want a shared library, why use STATIC.  Remove the STATIC
and it should work.  CMake will do the right thing with the .def file
as the source.


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