Hey Newbies and Group:
First I want to say that my heart goes out to Noah's family. . . I lost 2 infants during my first marriage. . . but God blessed me and now I have 2 adult children.
My quote:  I AIN'T FINISHED YET ! ! !
Newbies:  WELCOME to the group that no one wants to be a member of. . . but you are in the right place at the right time. . . I didn't find the Group until after I became 'negative'.
As 'cheerleader' for the Group, I have 15 fatal/terminal/chronic diseases. . . all of which I call CHRONIC ILLNESSES. I was diagnosed with our bug in 11/03 and given 2-5 months to live by the cancer center in my area. "Man points. . . GOD Appoints"! ! !  I had 800,000+ per 1,000,000. I truly know that 'everyday is a Gift from GOD"!  I have maintained "NEGATIVE" since 1/05. As "Queen of the Side Effects" I say 'this too shall pass'. 
I have a PCP, Oncologist, and 5 Specialists, but you must. . . "arm yourself with information to fight the battle of your life, for your life". Above all else, if something doesn't seem right, it isn't and run don't walk to your PCP, Oncologist or ER. I have CAD and 2 stents because I ignored chest pains as one of my many 'side effects'.
Again, my brother & sister survivors are here for you. Don't hesitate to post any and all questions or concerns; nothing is too trivial, irrelevant or silly. We have all been there/done that. You may also email me at my personal address. . . we are all here for you.
Take care, I have added you to my prayers.


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