What I am looking to do is set the background color of the selected row in an 
NSTableView when a I button is clicked.
I've seen other cases where people have used 
tableView:willDisplayCell:forTableColumn:row: and setBackgroundColor: but I 
don't think that will work in my situation where I want it to happen when a 
button is clicked.

I know that I can find the selected row with NSTableView's selectedRow method 
and set the Background color for a cell with setBackgroundColor:, but what I 
don't know how to do is get from a NSInteger for the selected row to an NSCell 
to set the background color of.
Here's what I have so far:
- (void)tableView:(NSTableView *)aTableView 
   forTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)aTableColumn 
              row:(NSInteger)rowIndex {
    NSLog(@"Coloring Method Begun");
    int selectedRow = [outlineView selectedRow];
    if (selectedRow == nil) {
    }else {
        if (clicked == YES) {
            [aCell setBackgroundColor:[NSColor lightGrayColor]];
            clicked = NO;
            NSLog(@"Coloring Method Ended");
        }else {
- (IBAction)colorize:(id)sender{
    NSLog(@"Click Method Begun");
    clicked = YES;
    NSIndexSet *selectedRowSet = [outlineView selectedRowIndexes];
    NSIndexSet *selectedColumnSet = [outlineView selectedColumnIndexes];
    [outlineView reloadDataForRowIndexes:selectedRowSet 
    NSLog(@"Click Method Ended");

But it seems that the delegate method is never triggered. 


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