Hi, I have a view I am trying to capture using the following code:

    NSBitmapImageRep *rep = [view bitmapImageRepForCachingDisplayInRect:[view 
    [view cacheDisplayInRect:[view bounds] toBitmapImageRep:rep];

My view coordinates in a typical test case are as follows:

    "01_frame" = "{{0, 0}, {350, 190}}";
    "02_bounds" = "{{-98, -95}, {350, 190}}";

The image rep created is the right size, but the contents are drawn up and to 
the right in the image rep (by 98,95 pixels).

If I instead use the frame, the contents are in the right place in the image 
rep, but it only includes the portions of the image with positive x and y 
values (bottom right seeing as it's a flipped view).

If I create an image that is bigger by the amount of the negative origins of 
the bounds, the entire thing is drawn, but then I would need to crop the image 
afterwards, which would be very messy and memory hungry since my views can get 
pretty big.

I tried applying an affine transform before grabbing it, but that made no 

So is it possible to capture views where the bounds go into the negatives, and 
if so, how?



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