On Mar 9, 2008, at 12:09, Peter Hoerster wrote:

I have a background application which displays a floating utility window on request via hotkey. If the user clicks any item in my window, the window of the formerly front application gets deactivated. This is unfortunate because the utility window should do something in the other programs window. If however the command-key is pressed, then the window below stays in active state, exactly the way I need it. Under Carbon the behavior of utility windows is different. You can click it and the other programs window never gets activated without the need to hold the command-key. If I set [self setIgnoresMouseEvents:YES]; in the init method of my window, then I can avoid deactivation, but unfortunately I do not receive the mouseDown events any longer. Is there a clean way in Cocoa to make a globally floating utility window behaving the same way as a Carbon utility window behaves?

I think there's 2 parts to this. The other app's window may get "deactivated" because the app is deactivated, or because you panel is becoming the key window.

If you want activation of your panel to *not* bring your application in front of the currently active app, you need to make your panel a "non-activating panel". There's a checkbox for this in IB.

If you want want your panel to *not* become the key window when clicked, then send it becomesKeyOnlyIfNeeded:YES. You do that at some convenient time, like in the window controller's windowDidLoad.

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