This is great feedback, Lori.  Based on this and other feedback that I've 
gotten, I'm going to remove this functionality from the specifications.  The 
gist of what I heard was that the added complexity was not worth the benefit -- 
particularly for large systems like ILSs and when it is difficult to precisely 
nail down the definition of a feature/characteristic.  (Yeah, they were the 
same thing; I couldn't think of the word "feature" as I was building the 

A suggestion I heard instead was to create a "Feature" URL that each package 
can populate on its page 
( for example) that 
points to the community's list of features.  This is actually more in keeping 
with the underlying philosophy of the registry -- pointers to an open source 
community's resources rather than trying to form and sustain a community at the 
registry itself.

As envisioned, maintainers of a package would keep information up-to-date.  
Technically, changes to any data in the registry would be open to anyone who 
registers for an account (with appropriate controls for spam).  

Thanks for the discussion, and please keep the comments coming…


On Aug 1, 2011, at 6:59 PM, Lori Bowen Ayre wrote:
> Hi Peter,
> The characteristics could get quite unwieldly, couldn't they?  For example, 
> I've got a draft list of Evergreen features that contains hundreds of 
> features.  I've grouped the features into functional categories.   I'm 
> working on  the same thing for Koha.  The draft list of Evergreen features is 
> currently a Google doc if you'd like to see it:
> Are you thinking of characteristics as something different from "features"?  
> And if so, how would they be different and who decides for each type of 
> content?  
> Also, how do you envision keeping this registry up-to-date?
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> Lori Bowen Ayre // 
> Library Technology Consultant / The Galecia Group
> Oversight Board & Communications Committee / Evergreen
> (707) 763-6869 //
> Specializing in open source ILS solutions, RFID, filtering, 
> workflow optimization, and materials handling 
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> On Mon, Aug 1, 2011 at 1:22 PM, Peter Murray <> wrote:
> Colleagues -- please excuse the cross-posting; I've found the circle of 
> people potentially interested in this was wider than I thought.
> As part of the Mellon Foundation grant funding the start-up of LYRASIS 
> Technology Services, LTS is to produce a series of tools that enable 
> libraries to decide whether open source is right for their environments.  
> I’ve put a page up on the Code4Lib wiki 
> ( describing the 
> kinds of tools that will initially fall into this area.  After review by the 
> LTS Advisory Panel and comments from the community, statements of work will 
> be drafted for consultants to create these tools and the work will be let out 
> for contract. The completed tools will be turned into web documents in the 
> form of whitepapers, checklists, spreadsheets, etc., and published along with 
> the open source software registry now under development. To encourage 
> consultants to share their knowledge, we are considering allowing consultants 
> to identify themselves in the text of the document (e.g. “Prepared for 
> LYRASIS with funding from the 2011-2012 Mellon Foundati!
 on Open Source Support Grant by name of consultant.”)
> With this background in mind, answers to these questions would be helpful:
>        • Based on your experience and/or knowledge of open source software 
> adoption, are there other tools or techniques that would be useful to 
> document and make available?
>        • Do you have suggestions for consultants to approach to complete the 
> work of creating these tools?
> Also, earlier post with the entity-relationship diagram generated a lot of 
> good comments. Thanks to everyone for responding with observations about the 
> design itself or with general questions about what we’re up to. Keep ‘em 
> coming!
> Based on that feedback, I’ve updated the diagram 
> ( to include entities 
> for a Characteristic and a Characteristic_Value. The idea is that a 
> Characteristic is like a label for a row in a comparison table, and that a 
> Characteristic is associated with a particular Package Type. A 
> Characteristic_Value is the answer to how a Package does or does not 
> implement that Characteristic.
> This might be easier to explain in a diagram. In a mockup of the package 
> comparison page (, 
> there is a list of Characteristics in the left-most column of the table 
> followed across the page by Characteristic_Values for DSpace and Fedora. (The 
> characteristics and values, as well as much of everything else in the 
> mockups, are made-up data.) In this way we can have arbitrary Characteristics 
> for each package type and allow them to be compared in a table like this. The 
> values are strings, so no scoring or comparison is done; that is left as an 
> exercise to the user depending on their own individual needs.
> Speaking of mockups, that page and eight others can be found at 
> . Hopefully you can start to see 
> the correlation between the E-R diagram and how the system will work.
> Comments and questions, both specific and general, are most welcome.
> Peter

Peter Murray        tel:+1-678-235-2955        
Ass't Director, Technology Services Development
LYRASIS   --    Great Libraries. Strong Communities. Innovative Answers.
The Disruptive Library Technology Jester       

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