
2001-10-26 Por tema A G.B.
Cantina virtual de los COLombianos en el EXTerior

Reenviando. A algunos este mensaje les llego cortado. 
[EMAIL PROTECTED], Embajadora de EU
[EMAIL PROTECTED], Secretraio de Estado
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Corte Internacional del Crimen

Dear Sirs,
As you probably know, violence, crime, drug trafficking, guerrilla's war, corruption, and lack of leadership have long affected the people of Colombia since the country's inception more than 180 years ago. Unfortunately, due to a serious lack of justice and leadership, the situation has worsened in the last 10 years. Said situation has driven many Colombians out of their country, has moved many hard-working people out of their farms, and most horrifyingly, has stolen the civil rights and sense of security from the Colombian people.
While barbaric crimes are taking place in Colombia, the Colombian government has allowed criminal forces in this country to freely operate in the name of a peace process that, with no doubt, has further deteriorated the conditions under which Colombians live. This has to be stopped. But it will not as long as these forces are fueled by the almost unlimited funds generated by the drug-trafficking operations they have engaged in, are allowed to spread terror by killing innocent civilians, and are permitted to kidnap Colombians to raise funds. In the other hand, due to the absence of government, paramilitary forces have tried to fill in for the government. However, the methods employed by these forces are similar to those of the guerrillas, thus increasing the death toll, the terror, and the violence that this war has generated. One would expect the government to do its best to protect the country's citizens and in bring an end to this shed
Many of us have reached the limit. We cannot withstand this situation any longer. We cannot see our country disintegrating any more. That's why we applaud the U.S government initiative of cracking down on any terrorist organization in the world. We all believe that criminal organizations in Colombia, as it has been proven lately, are potential threats to international stability as they have the means (unlimited funds, controlled territories, international contacts, arms, etc) to harbor international terrorists. 
We would also like to see the international court of justice play an historic role in ending impunity in Colombia where criminals never have to face justice. We would like for the International Court of Justice to prosecute criminals like, the heads of FARC (i.e. Manuel Marulanda Velvez (a.k.a "Tirofijo"), a.k.a "Mono Jojoy"), EPL, Autodefensas de Colombia, and government officials for crimes against humanity. We cannot bring these cases before the court as just states, the UN Security Council and prosecutors can do so, but we are confident that any of the International Court of Justice prosecutors would be more than willing to take on this historical opportunity. Please help us to build a new Colombia. Help us build a place where we can live, help us set the foundation necessary to have a new beginning.
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Colext: =?x-unknown?q?Test_para_saber_si_usted_es_=F1ero=28a=29?=

2001-10-26 Por tema Pijume Diwesi

Cantina virtual de los COLombianos en el EXTerior

A ver como les va mijiticas (vayan sumando toiticas las que cada uno hace
y no hagan trampa ni sean mentirosos pues! ;)

Nestor Raul

Test para saber si Usted es ñero(a)


- Le agrega eses a todas las palabras: dijistes, prestastes, vinistes
- Dice compat dis (Cd´s) en lugar de compact disc.
- Les dice joc dots a los Hot Dogs, sangüices a los sándwiches
- A las películas de terror les dice despantos
- Los nombres de sus amigos son: La Wendy, El Jonathan, El Irvin, El Edwin, 
  El Kevin, La Sandra Jennifer y el Maicol Estiven, La Elsy, La Sandra, El 
  Harvey, El Pacho, El Mauro, La Mafe, la Nelfy,.etc...
- En lugar de dormir en cuartos, duerme en piezas
- Insiste en decir la palabra Colocar en vez de Poner pues según Ud. las que 
  ponen son las gallinas.

2.En las Fiestas

- Grita guepa, guepa, guepa cuando alguien pasa al centro a bailar
- Prende los cigarros con las velas de los centros de mesa
- Se roba los centros de mesa
- Cuando pasa la cámara le dice adiós
- Se para en el micrófono a decir unas palabras a los novios
- Bailó tiempo de vals de Chayanne en sus Quinciaños
- Siempre aplaude después de que toman la foto
- Se come todo lo que le sirven en las fiestas y le pide a su novia la papa 
- Lleva un peine a la vista en el bolsillo trasero del pantalón
- sirve gaseosa a sus amigos en los vasos de Martin Fierro, o cualquier 

3.En la Mesa

- Pide Coca lai para la dieta
- Le dice confleis a cualquier tipo de cereal
- Come con cuchara
- Suele chasquear (Profilaxis Neumática)

4. Su Habitat

- Tiene fotos en la sala, de él y su perro
- Pega en su cuarto los pósters de TV novelas
- Pega los jabones cuando se van a acabar
- Se roba toallas, jabones, ceniceros y directorios de los hoteles
- Tiene una vitrina con recuerditos de bodas, bautizos...
- Escupe en la calle
- Tiene usted el corte de PEDRO EL ESCAMOSO
- Se saca los mocos en elcarro cuando esta el semaforo en rojo.
- Tiene la foto de cuando era niño con la cadena de oro afuera.
- Se sienta los domingos en la plazoleta central del centro comercial (Plaza 
  de las Americas) con su novia a chupar helado.
- Se pone ombliguera para mostrar todos los gordos

5.Con el medio del espectáculo

- Conoce la vida de los artistas y se refiere a ellos con 
  Paulina, la Vero, el Ricki, la Jennifer
- Tiene grabada en video la boda de Lady D y el príncipe Carlos
- Ve las luchas y tiene una foto con espectrito y octagón
- Es el primero que chifla cuando la película se quema en el cine
- Aplaude en el cine cuando ganan los buenos
- Se agarra junto con sus amigos de las manos cuando entra al cine (para no 
- Se sabe los nombres de todos los temerario
- Estuvo enamorada del Puma (si es mujer, desde luego)
- Tiene el disco de un movimiento sexy y sabe cómo bailarlo
- Le gustan los Bastris bois
- Lloró cuando se separaron los Magneto

6. En los Medios de Transporte

- Le pone camisetas a los asientos del no tiene plásticos
- Le deja los plásticos a los asientos de los carros nuevos
- Come naranjas o maní cuando viaja en bus
- Se roba las almohadas del avión
- Conoce o negocia carga con Javier Diaz

7.La Moda

- Si es mujer, usa camisetas que dicen: sexygirl, sexy o baby
- Se cuelga el celular a la vista y cuando le suena el tono es El Padrino 
  o la cucaracha
- Sube al perro a la azotea... y le pone camiseta
- Se va a la playa en shorts con zapato negro sin calcetines ...y si es el,  
  carga la hielera
- Cuando va a la playa le gusta que lo entierren en la arena
- Se tapa la nariz cuando se lanza a la piscina ...y se mete con shorts y 
- Se mete a nadar en trusa cuando va al río
- Compró la camiseta del Hard Rock Café de San Andrés (...y en San Andrés ni 
  hay HRC)
- Se sale a charlar al frente de su casa sin camisa
- Para ir a la playa se pone el short del equipo de fútbol de la cuadra
- Si es mujer usa tenis blancos con jeans
- Usa trusas Playboy
- Le gusta la ropade Versash





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with UNSUBSCRIBE COLEXT as the BODY of the message.

Un archivo de colext puede encontrarse en:
cortesia de Anibal Monsalve Salazar

Colext: Antracronica#3

2001-10-26 Por tema PANG2001

Cantina virtual de los COLombianos en el EXTerior

Anthrax Likely Came from U.S. Military Strain

October 25, 2001 8:00 CDT

The bacteria in the recent anthrax attacks throughout America are either a
strain created by the U.S. to make anthrax weapons in the 1960s, or very
close to it. It is not a strain created by Iraq or the former Soviet Union,
mass-produced for weapons. This news comes in response to charges over this
past week that the sophistication of the anthrax suggests it was created
with the backing of some government, such as Iraq. But bioweapons
specialists say that neither the strain nor the physical form of the anthrax
is particularly sophisticated.

Tom Ridge, President Bush's Homeland Security advisor, stated last week that
the anthrax sent to Florida, NBC, and Senator Tom Daschle were all the same
strain. An FBI spokesman in Florida also confirmed that this was the Ames
strain. However, some confusion has mounted over what exactly 'Ames' means.
The scientists studying the anthrax are comparing its DNA with a library of
strains collected from all over the world. The standard Ames strain is the
one used by the U.S. when it produced anthrax weapons, which ended in 1969.
To be identified as Ames in the studies going on now, the anthrax must
either be the American military strain or one that's very similar.

Ames is a good choice for terrorists, as it is likelier than other anthrax
strains to cause disease in animals immunized with the standard U.S. anthrax
vaccine. The vaccine is now being given to U.S. troops. The Ames strain has
proven virulence and is not traceable to one particular country, says Ken
Alibek, former deputy head of the Soviet bioweapons program.

Alibek says the Soviets did not mass-produce Ames. Iraq used the Vollum
strain, which has been identified in samples from its Al Hakam bacterial
fermentation plant. The anthrax that was mass-produced for weapons in the US
was destroyed after 1969, but samples remained in the U.S. and elsewhere.
The South African collection had hundreds of different strains, said
Alibek. Wouter Basson, former head of the South African bioweapons program,
reportedly visited Libya after the fall of the apartheid government in 1994.

The size of the anthrax particles used in the attacks was reportedly milled
down to a few micrometers, making it optimal for inhalation. This has been
cited as evidence of state involvement. But you can use readily available
equipment to do this, says Alibek. It isn't rocket science. The anthrax
attacks have resulted in relatively few inhalation cases so far, which
indicates that the spores were not blended with anti-caking chemicals to
promote airborne spread, which Alibek says is the real secret of making
anthrax a weapon. He suspects that the attackers don't have much material to
work with.

Paul Keim's team at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff has led the way
on the genetic analysis of anthrax bacilli. Team member Kimothy Smith says
they have found that some DNA regions mutate frequently, as often as once in
every 1000 cell divisions. By comparing the amount of mutation, says Smith,
you can say with a high degree of confidence how many bacterial generations
separate an unknown strain from closely related reference strains. This
helps pinpoint the exact strain the unknown anthrax came from.

It also works for counting the number of cell divisions the bacilli have
been through since they parted ways with the most closely related strain. A
small batch of anthrax will have gone through many fewer cell divisions than
a big batch. Therefore, the analysis could show whether the anthrax came
from a 50-liter fermenter or the huge vats of a state-sponsored bioweapons

Source: New Scientist

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Un archivo de colext puede encontrarse en:
cortesia de Anibal Monsalve Salazar

Colext: Antracronica#4

2001-10-26 Por tema PANG2001

Cantina virtual de los COLombianos en el EXTerior

Lethal Formula in Anthrax Mail Points to Labs of 3 Countries

Rick Weiss and Dan Eggen
Washington Post Service
Friday, October 26, 2001

WASHINGTON The anthrax spores that contaminated the air in the office of the
Senate majority leader, Thomas Daschle, had been treated with a chemical
additive so sophisticated that only three countries are thought to have been
capable of making it, sources said. The United States, the former Soviet
Union and Iraq are the only three countries known to have developed the kind
of additives that enable anthrax spores to remain suspended in the air,
making them more easily inhaled and therefore more deadly, experts said
Wednesday. Each of the countries used a different technique, suggesting that
microscopic and chemical analyses may reveal more about the spores'
provenance than did their genetic analysis, which is largely complete but
reportedly has done little to narrow the field.
A government official with direct knowledge of the investigation said that
the sum of the evidence in hand - involving not just the coatings, but also
genetic analysis of the bacteria and other intelligence - suggested it was
unlikely that the spores were originally produced in the former Soviet Union
or Iraq. The source, who spoke on condition of anonymity, declined to
discuss the implications of that conclusion.
Even identifying the kind of coating may not solve the crucial question of
who is perpetrating the terror, because little is known about how secure the
stores of the three countries' stocks have been.
Nonetheless, the conclusion that the spores were produced with military
quality differs considerably from public comments made recently by officials
close to the investigation, who have said that the spores were not
weaponized and were garden variety. Those descriptions may be
technically true, several experts said. But they obscure the basic and more
important truth that the spores had been treated with a sophisticated
process, meaning that the original source was almost certainly a
state-sponsored laboratory.
The finding strongly suggests that the anthrax spores in the U.S. mail
attacks were not produced in a university or makeshift laboratory or simply
gathered from natural sources. But it does not answer the question of
whether a state-sponsored laboratory supplied the anthrax to terrorists or
lost control of stocks.
The presence of the additive was confirmed for the first time by a
government source familiar with the studies, which are being conducted by
scientists at the Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases in
Frederick, Maryland. Four other experts in anthrax weapons said they had no
doubt that such an additive was present, based on the high dispersal rate
from the letter to Mr. Daschle, a South Dakota Democrat.
The evidence is patent on its face, said Alan Zelicoff, a scientist at
Sandia National Laboratories' Center for National Security and Arms Control.
The amount of energy needed to disperse the spores by merely opening an
envelope, was trivial, which is virtually diagnostic of achieving the
appropriate coating.
Genetic testing of the spores found in Mr. Daschle's office, at NBC offices
in New York and in Florida found that the three samples were
The army studies on the spores used in the U.S. attacks involve examinations
using conventional microscopes and scanning electron microscopes, along with
complex chemical analyses.
Results of those tests have not been made public beyond a simple description
of how small the spore particles were in the Daschle letter. That particle
size is extremely small - a first requirement for making weapons grade
anthrax spores for warfare or terrorism. But more than that is needed to get
anthrax spores to drift easily in the air and spread widely without settling
quickly to the ground. That is because tiny particles tend to have
electrostatic charges. Those static electricity charges make the tiniest
particles clump together into heavier ones, which then settle to the ground.
One of the primary goals of bioweapons engineers since the 1960s had been to
figure out how to treat those tiny particles in ways that would neutralize
the charges. Properly processed, the tiny particles will remain separated
from one another and fly up and outward with virtually no effort.
In the United States, that problem was solved by Bill Patrick, who developed
the process at Fort Detrick as part of the U.S. biological weapons program
that ended in 1969. The process involved freeze-drying and chemical
processing and was achieved without having to grow vast quantities of spores
or mill them to terribly small dimensions, the experts said.
Spores were mass-produced at a Pine Bluff, Arkansas, facility, Mr. Patrick
said. Production stocks were destroyed, but he