Author: mseidel
Date: Sun Mar  5 22:34:05 2017
New Revision: 1785575

Minor changes for https


Modified: openoffice/ooo-site/trunk/content/nl/download/msg_prop_l10n_nl.js
--- openoffice/ooo-site/trunk/content/nl/download/msg_prop_l10n_nl.js (original)
+++ openoffice/ooo-site/trunk/content/nl/download/msg_prop_l10n_nl.js Sun Mar  
5 22:34:05 2017
@@ -38,8 +38,8 @@ l10n.dl_green_box_select_box_os_values
                                                    "Linux 64-bit (x86-64) 
                                                    "Linux 32-bit (x86) (DEB)",
                                                    "Linux 32-bit (x86) (RPM)",
-                                                   "OS X 64-bit (x86-64) 
-                                                   "OS X 32-bit (x86) (DMG)",
+                                               "OS X (version >= 10.7) (DMG)",
+                                               "OS X (version <= 10.6) (DMG)",
                                                    "Meer platformen / 
besturingssystemen" ];
 /* l10n.dl_green_box_select_box_os_values      = [ "" ]; */
@@ -113,19 +113,19 @@ l10n.dl_share_light_blue_box_text_text
 l10n.dl_share_light_blue_box_text_title                = "Help het nieuws te 
verspreiden en vertel uw vrienden over Apache OpenOffice";
 l10n.dl_share_light_blue_box_blog_text         = "Officiële Blog";
 l10n.dl_share_light_blue_box_blog_title                = "Weblog van 
-l10n.dl_share_light_blue_box_blog_src          = 
+l10n.dl_share_light_blue_box_blog_src          = "/images/logo-rss-32.png";
 l10n.dl_share_light_blue_box_blog_alt          = "Weblog van OpenOffice";
 l10n.dl_share_light_blue_box_facebook_text     = "Facebook";
 l10n.dl_share_light_blue_box_facebook_title    = "Vertel uw vrienden over 
Apache OpenOffice via Facebook";
-l10n.dl_share_light_blue_box_facebook_src      = 
+l10n.dl_share_light_blue_box_facebook_src      = 
 l10n.dl_share_light_blue_box_facebook_alt      = "Delen op Facebook";
 l10n.dl_share_light_blue_box_twitter_text      = "Twitter";
 l10n.dl_share_light_blue_box_twitter_title     = "Vertel uw vrienden over 
Apache OpenOffice via Twitter";
-l10n.dl_share_light_blue_box_twitter_src       = 
+l10n.dl_share_light_blue_box_twitter_src       = "/images/logo-twitter-32.png";
 l10n.dl_share_light_blue_box_twitter_alt       = "Delen op Twitter";
 l10n.dl_share_light_blue_box_googleplus_text   = "Google+";
 l10n.dl_share_light_blue_box_googleplus_title  = "Vertel uw vrienden over 
Apache OpenOffice via Google+";
-l10n.dl_share_light_blue_box_googleplus_src    = 
+l10n.dl_share_light_blue_box_googleplus_src    = 
 l10n.dl_share_light_blue_box_googleplus_alt    = "Delen op Google+";
 // Extensions: Strings in the blue box (top) (used in "index.html").
@@ -147,84 +147,84 @@ l10n.dl_tlp_blue_box_text_href                    = "http
 l10n.dl_nav_headline_1_text                    = "Informatie over uitgave";
 l10n.dl_nav_sysreq_text                                = "Systeemvereisten";
 l10n.dl_nav_sysreq_title                       = "HDD: ~300MB vrije ruimte - 
Geheugen: &gt;128MB - Processor: &gt;500MHz - OS: Win, Linux, Mac OS, Solaris, 
-l10n.dl_nav_sysreq_href                                = 
+l10n.dl_nav_sysreq_href                                = 
 l10n.dl_nav_license_text                       = "Licentie";
 l10n.dl_nav_license_title                      = "Apache OpenOffice licentie";
-l10n.dl_nav_license_href                       = 
+l10n.dl_nav_license_href                       = 
 l10n.dl_nav_source_text                                = "Bron";
 l10n.dl_nav_source_title                       = "Voor ontwikkelaars en 
gevorderde gebruikers: haal de bron op om Apache OpenOffice vanaf niets te 
-l10n.dl_nav_source_href                                = 
+l10n.dl_nav_source_href                                = 
 l10n.dl_nav_build_text                         = "Bouwgids";
 l10n.dl_nav_build_title                                = "Voor ontwikkelaars 
en gevorderde gebruikers: HowTo-gids om Apache OpenOffice vanaf niets te 
-l10n.dl_nav_build_href                         = 
+l10n.dl_nav_build_href                         = 
 l10n.dl_nav_sdk_text                           = "Software Development Kit 
 l10n.dl_nav_sdk_title                          = "Voor ontwikkelaars: Software 
Development Kit.";
-l10n.dl_nav_sdk_href                           = 
+l10n.dl_nav_sdk_href                           = 
 l10n.dl_nav_devbuilds_text                     = "Ontwikkelingspakketten";
 l10n.dl_nav_devbuilds_title                    = "Voor QA-vrijwilligers: 
-l10n.dl_nav_devbuilds_href                     = 
+l10n.dl_nav_devbuilds_href                     = 
 // Documentation
 l10n.dl_nav_headline_2_text                    = "Documentatie";
 l10n.dl_nav_schedule_text                      = "Uitgaveschema's";
 l10n.dl_nav_schedule_title                     = "Wanneer zijn nieuwe uitgaven 
-l10n.dl_nav_schedule_href                      = 
+l10n.dl_nav_schedule_href                      = 
 l10n.dl_nav_hist_schedule_text                 = "Historisch uitgaveschema";
 l10n.dl_nav_hist_schedule_title                        = "Wanneer werden oude 
uitgaven gepland?";
-l10n.dl_nav_hist_schedule_href                 = 
+l10n.dl_nav_hist_schedule_href                 = 
 l10n.dl_nav_inst_guide_text                    = "Installatie-gidsen";
 l10n.dl_nav_inst_guide_title                   = "Instructies voor het 
installeren van Apache OpenOffice op machines voor Windows, Linux en Mac OS";
-l10n.dl_nav_inst_guide_href                    = 
+l10n.dl_nav_inst_guide_href                    = 
 l10n.dl_nav_user_guide_text                    = "Gebruikersgidsen";
 l10n.dl_nav_user_guide_title                   = "uitgebreide 
gebruikershandleidingen voor elke dag";
-l10n.dl_nav_user_guide_href                    = 
+l10n.dl_nav_user_guide_href                    = 
 l10n.dl_nav_why_java_text                      = "Java en Apache OpenOffice";
 l10n.dl_nav_why_java_title                     = "legt uit waarom Java te 
gebruiken en wat het is";
-l10n.dl_nav_why_java_href                      = 
+l10n.dl_nav_why_java_href                      = 
 l10n.dl_nav_eol_text                           = "Informatie over Einde-leven";
 l10n.dl_nav_eol_title                          = "Informatie over uitgaven die 
de status Einde-leven hebben bereikt";
-l10n.dl_nav_eol_href                           = 
+l10n.dl_nav_eol_href                           = 
 // Additional Resources
 l10n.dl_nav_headline_3_text                    = "Aanvullende bronnen";
 l10n.dl_nav_support_text                       = "Ondersteuning";
 l10n.dl_nav_support_title                      = "Als de informatie hierboven 
uw vraag niet beantwoordde: gratis en betaalde ondersteuning!";
-l10n.dl_nav_support_href                       = 
+l10n.dl_nav_support_href                       = 
 l10n.dl_nav_local_text                         = "Vertalingen";
 l10n.dl_nav_local_title                                = "Informatie en 
ondersteuning in uw favoriete taal";
-l10n.dl_nav_local_href                         = 
+l10n.dl_nav_local_href                         = 
 l10n.dl_nav_stat_text                          = "Downloadstatistieken";
 l10n.dl_nav_stat_title                         = "Download en andere 
-l10n.dl_nav_stat_href                          = 
+l10n.dl_nav_stat_href                          = 
 l10n.dl_nav_mirrors1_text                      = "Alternatieve download 
mirrors #1";
 l10n.dl_nav_mirrors1_title                     = "Gebruik Sourceforge-mirrors 
om Apache OpenOffice te downloaden";
-l10n.dl_nav_mirrors1_href                      = 
+l10n.dl_nav_mirrors1_href                      = 
 l10n.dl_nav_mirrors2_text                      = "Alternatieve download 
mirrors #2";
 l10n.dl_nav_mirrors2_title                     = "Gebruik Apache-mirrors om 
Apache OpenOffice te downloaden";
-l10n.dl_nav_mirrors2_href                      = 
+l10n.dl_nav_mirrors2_href                      = 
 l10n.dl_nav_porting_text                       = "3e-partij ports en 
 l10n.dl_nav_porting_title                      = "Ports en distributies van 3e 
-l10n.dl_nav_porting_href                       = 
+l10n.dl_nav_porting_href                       = 
 l10n.dl_nav_archive_text                       = "Gearchiveerde en oudere 
 l10n.dl_nav_archive_title                      = "Download oudere en 
gearchiveerde uitgaven";
-l10n.dl_nav_archive_href                       = 
+l10n.dl_nav_archive_href                       = 
 // List items in the navigation bar that are not used for now.
 l10n.dl_nav_release_notes_text                 = "Opmerkingen over uitgave";
 l10n.dl_nav_release_notes_title                        = "Wat is er nieuw, wat 
is er verbeterd in Apache OpenOffice?";
-l10n.dl_nav_release_notes_href                 = 
+l10n.dl_nav_release_notes_href                 = 
 l10n.dl_nav_checksum_text                      = "Verifieer het gedownloade 
 l10n.dl_nav_checksum_title                     = "Hoe het gedownloade bestand 
te verifieren met handtekeningen en hashes?";
-l10n.dl_nav_checksum_href                      = 
+l10n.dl_nav_checksum_href                      = 
 // Strings for the logo graphics.
 l10n.dl_img_sourceforge_title                  = "Sourceforge - Downloaden, 
ontwikkelen en publiceren van gratis Open bron-software";
-l10n.dl_img_sourceforge_href                   = "";;
-l10n.dl_img_sourceforge_src                    = 
+l10n.dl_img_sourceforge_href                   = 
+l10n.dl_img_sourceforge_src                    = 
 l10n.dl_img_sourceforge_alt                    = "Sourceforge";
 l10n.dl_img_w3c_title                          = "W3C Markup Validation 
Service - Controleer de opmaak (HTML, XHTML, ...) van webdocumenten";
-l10n.dl_img_w3c_href                           = 
-l10n.dl_img_w3c_src                            = 
+l10n.dl_img_w3c_href                           = 
+l10n.dl_img_w3c_src                            = 
 l10n.dl_img_w3c_alt                            = "W3C Validator";
@@ -266,17 +266,17 @@ l10n.dl_checksum_sha256_text                      = 
 l10n.dl_checksum_sha256_title                  = "SHA256 hash voor: ";
 l10n.dl_help_img_title                         = "Wat is het verschil tussen 
een volledige installatie en een taalpakket?";
-l10n.dl_help_img_src                           = 
+l10n.dl_help_img_src                           = 
 l10n.dl_help_img_alt                           = "Informatie voor installeren";
 l10n.dl_help_text                                 = "Wat is een taalpakket?";
 l10n.dl_help_title                           = "Wat is het verschil tussen een 
volledige installatie en een taalpakket?";
 l10n.dl_checksum_img_title                     = "Hoe het gedownloade bestand 
te verifieren met controlegetallen?";
-l10n.dl_checksum_img_src                       = 
+l10n.dl_checksum_img_src                       = 
 l10n.dl_checksum_img_alt                       = "Verifieren met 
 l10n.dl_checksum_text                          = "Hoe de download te 
 l10n.dl_checksum_title                         = "Hoe het gedownloade bestand 
te verifieren met controlegetallen?";
 l10n.dl_report_img_title                       = "Verbroken downloadkoppeling? 
Klik hier om die te rapporteren.";
-l10n.dl_report_img_src                         = 
+l10n.dl_report_img_src                         = 
 l10n.dl_report_img_alt                         = "Verbroken koppeling";
 l10n.dl_report_text                            = "Verbroken koppeling 
 l10n.dl_report_title                           = "Verbroken downloadkoppeling? 
Klik hier om die te rapporteren.";
@@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ l10n.dl_langpack_link_error_text            = "Gee
 l10n.dl_langpack_link_error_title              = "Selecteer een andere taal, 
platform of versie.";
 l10n.dl_error_problem_img_title                        = "Het geselecteerde 
downloadbestand is niet beschikbaar";
-l10n.dl_error_problem_img_src                  = 
+l10n.dl_error_problem_img_src                  = 
 l10n.dl_error_problem_img_alt                  = "Tekst fout";
 l10n.dl_error_problem_text                     = "Probleem: ";
 l10n.dl_error_solution_text                    = "Oplossing: ";
@@ -351,16 +351,15 @@ l10n.dl_analyze_table_javascript_text             =
 // General: Links to webpage files that could be localized.
-l10n.dl_rel_notes_aoo412_link                  = 
-l10n.dl_rel_notes_aoo412_link                  = 
-l10n.dl_rel_notes_aoo411_link                  = 
-l10n.dl_rel_notes_aoo410_link                  = 
-l10n.dl_rel_notes_aoo401_link                  = 
-l10n.dl_rel_notes_aoo400_link                  = 
-l10n.dl_help_link                              = 
-l10n.dl_checksum_link                          = 
-l10n.dl_report_link                            = 
-l10n.dl_porting_link                           = 
-l10n.dl_archive_link                           = 
-l10n.dl_aoo341_link                            = 
+l10n.dl_rel_notes_aoo413_link                  = 
+l10n.dl_rel_notes_aoo412_link                  = 
+l10n.dl_rel_notes_aoo411_link                  = 
+l10n.dl_rel_notes_aoo410_link                  = 
+l10n.dl_rel_notes_aoo401_link                  = 
+l10n.dl_rel_notes_aoo400_link                  = 
+l10n.dl_help_link                              = 
+l10n.dl_checksum_link                          = 
+l10n.dl_report_link                            = 
+l10n.dl_porting_link                           = 
+l10n.dl_archive_link                           = 
+l10n.dl_aoo341_link                            = 
\ No newline at end of file

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