Repository: spark
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/branch-1.1 2bcabcd6a -> f8bcb12c1

[SPARK-3140] Clarify confusing PySpark exception message

We read the py4j port from the stdout of the `bin/spark-submit` subprocess. If 
there is interference in stdout (e.g. a random echo in `spark-submit`), we 
throw an exception with a warning message. We do not, however, distinguish 
between this case from the case where no stdout is produced at all.

I wasted a non-trivial amount of time being baffled by this exception in search 
of places where I print random whitespace (in vain, of course). A clearer 
exception message that distinguishes between these cases will prevent similar 
headaches that I have gone through.

Author: Andrew Or <>

Closes #2067 from andrewor14/python-exception and squashes the following 

742f823 [Andrew Or] Further clarify warning messages
e96a7a0 [Andrew Or] Distinguish between unexpected output and no output at all

(cherry picked from commit ba3c730e35bcdb662396955c3cc6f7de628034c8)
Signed-off-by: Andrew Or <>


Branch: refs/heads/branch-1.1
Commit: f8bcb12c1820402824a8d65dcbb60189e08679c6
Parents: 2bcabcd
Author: Andrew Or <>
Authored: Wed Aug 20 17:07:39 2014 -0700
Committer: Andrew Or <>
Committed: Wed Aug 20 17:07:56 2014 -0700

 python/pyspark/ | 13 ++++++++++---
 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
diff --git a/python/pyspark/ b/python/pyspark/
index c7f7c1f..6f4f62f 100644
--- a/python/pyspark/
+++ b/python/pyspark/
@@ -54,12 +54,19 @@ def launch_gateway():
             gateway_port = proc.stdout.readline()
             gateway_port = int(gateway_port)
         except ValueError:
+            # Grab the remaining lines of stdout
             (stdout, _) = proc.communicate()
             exit_code = proc.poll()
             error_msg = "Launching GatewayServer failed"
-            error_msg += " with exit code %d! " % exit_code if exit_code else 
"! "
-            error_msg += "(Warning: unexpected output detected.)\n\n"
-            error_msg += gateway_port + stdout
+            error_msg += " with exit code %d!\n" % exit_code if exit_code else 
+            error_msg += "Warning: Expected GatewayServer to output a port, 
but found "
+            if gateway_port == "" and stdout == "":
+                error_msg += "no output.\n"
+            else:
+                error_msg += "the following:\n\n"
+                error_msg += 
+                error_msg += gateway_port + stdout
+                error_msg += 
             raise Exception(error_msg)
         # Create a thread to echo output from the GatewayServer, which is 

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