dirkv       2003/09/28 10:02:43

  Added:       pool     release_notes.txt RELEASE_PLAN_2_0.txt
  prepare for release
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.1                  jakarta-commons/pool/release_notes.txt
  Index: release_notes.txt
  Release notes for Commons-Pool 2.0
  There were a lot changes since the 1.0.1 release on 12 Aug 2002.
  * A lot of corner cases were fixed
  * Performance improvement by optimizing pool synchronization,
    the critical code paths were optimized by reducing pool synchronization
    but we also added more synchronization where needed 
  * New minIdle feature: the minimum number of objects allowed in the pool
    before the evictor thread (if active) spawns new objects.
    (Note no objects are created when: numActive + numIdle >= maxActive)
  * New maxTotal feature: a cap on the total number of instances controlled by a pool.
    Only for GenericKeyedObjectPool where maxActive is a cap on the number of active 
    instances from the pool (per key).
  * UML Class & sequence diagrams
  * The following issues were resolved: (see Bugzilla for complete description)
  12840    2002-10-31    Enh    FIXE    Factor out syncronized block Evictor code to 
  12841    2002-10-30    Nor    FIXE    GenericObjectPool unused variable and unused 
synchronized block
  13128    2002-10-30    Maj    DUPL    GenericKeyedObjectPool: _activeMap.get(key) 
increment is not balanced with decrements
  13649    2002-10-29    Nor    FIXE    GenericObjectPool: Negative _maxActive doesn't 
allow growth
  13705    2002-10-30    Nor    FIXE    Add invalidateObject() method to ObjectPool
  14970    2002-11-30    Nor    FIXE    Passing null for Stack[Keyed]ObjectPool 
factory causes NullPointerException
  14981    2003-04-24    Nor    FIXE    getNumActive() count is wrong when 
returnObject()  is used to pre-populate StackObjectPool
  14982    2003-03-05    Enh    FIXE    GenericObjectPool does not work with null 
  14983    2003-03-14    Enh    FIXE    GenericObjectPool should allow for manual 
population of the pool
  17931    2003-03-13    Min    FIXE    Patch to update the javadocs for 
  17962    2003-03-13    Nor    FIXE    Misc javadoc updates and clean up for 
  17963    2003-03-13    Enh    FIXE    General cleanup in GenericObjectPool
  17968    2003-03-13    Enh    FIXE    Allow zero idle objects in GenericObjectPool
  17969    2003-03-13    Nor    FIXE    Additional javadocs for StackKeyedObjectPool
  17990    2003-04-18    Maj    FIXE    Leaking DB connections - synch problem in 
  18062    2003-04-18    Cri    FIXE    borrowObject/validation infinite loop and 
deadlock issue in
  18617    2003-04-07    Min    FIXE    DelegatingPreparedStatement throws misleading 
  19192    2003-04-22    Enh    FIXE    over agressive synchronize causing performance 
  21838    2003-08-11    Enh    FIXE    Weird HTML makes the pool example doc hard to 
  22597    2003-08-21    Enh    FIXE    minIdle Functionality
  23060    2003-09-20    Cri    FIXE    Pool not available for download
  1.1                  jakarta-commons/pool/RELEASE_PLAN_2_0.txt
  Index: RELEASE_PLAN_2_0.txt
  Release Plan for Pool 2.0
  This document describes a plan for a 2.0 release of the
  Jakarta-Commons Pool component (for the remainder
  of this document, simply "Pool").  Per the
  Jakarta/ASF guidelines
  (http://jakarta.apache.org/site/decisions.html), this
  document doesn't mean anything until accepted by the
  relevant committer community via a lazy majority vote
  (hereafter, simply "lazy majority").  Once accepted, it may
  be replaced by an alternative plan, again subject to lazy
  majority approval.
  Non-binding votes (votes cast by those outside the relevant
  committer community) are welcome, but only binding votes
  are significant for decision making purposes.
  The objective of the 2.0 release of Pool is to
  provide a stable and robust release with the intention of 
  providing a stable foundation for the further evolution of 
  the Pool component. 
  Release Manager:
    Dirk Verbeeck
    (assuming no one else is really itching to do it)
  Release Process:
  The Jakarta Commons release process will be followed.
  (All days ending at 23:59:59 GMT in case of dispute.)
  * Preparation Period
    28 September 2003 - 30 September 2003
    During this period, all issues preventing building a
    release candidate should be a addressed. All other 
    updates (documentation and website) are not blocking.
  * Review Period
    1 October 2003 - 24 October 2003
    During the Review Period specific design, functional and
    contract changes to Pool will be considered on the
    Jakarta-Commons mailing list, using the following
     1) Any developer or committer that would like to see
        a specific change (or group of changes) enacted or
        rolled back will suggest it on the Jakarta-Commons
        mailing list ([EMAIL PROTECTED]).
     2) Any interested committer that opposes a given change
        (or group of changes) is obligated to indicate this
        disapproval on the list during the Review Period.
     3) We will seek, but not strictly require consensus on
        each decision point.  If consensus cannot be reached,
        any committer may call for a vote to resolve the
        issue via a lazy majority vote.
    The Review Period may be extended by one week (at a time)
    given lazy majority approval, in case issues still need
    to be resolved.
  * Implementation Period
    25 October 2003 - 31 October 2003
    (assuming the Review Period is not extended)
    During this period, any remaining implementation, testing
    and documentation will be completed.  No new features
    or "public" interface changes will be considered
    in-scope at this time (short of a lazy-majority
    approved revised release plan or any "showstopper"
    At the end of the Implementation Period, a formal
    release vote will be called, subject to lazy
    A formal release vote may be called before 31 October 2003,
    but after the end of the Review Period, if appropriate.
    (When all remaining issues are resolved)
  * Release Pool 2.0

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