
I know that for some on these lists, the mention of the name "Starbucks" 
creates the same degree of animosity as let's say Bhopal & Union Carbide,  
"Neutron Jack" Welch and General Electric and others about whom the last good 
Republican President,  Theodore "Big Stick"  Roosevelt called, " malefactors of 
wealth, "....but get over it, puh-leeze? 

It's only free coffee grounds for the compost!  

Mind you, as much as I liked a 25/50 cent cup of coffee, most times, if ya did
n't get a fresh pot, it was often gawd awful.  And Mom & Pop was not always 
nice to the dishwashing help,  and oh those greasy spoons!

This free coffee mulch is a good thing - and so is this news piece is from 
the Northern Illinois Journal/Standard -  and Happy Arbor Day too. 

Adam Honigman
 Clinton Community Garden 

Around The Table: Gardening with Starbucks, Arbor Day thoughtsThe earth is 
awakening!Hostas are poking out in the various borders of the garden, and the 
spikes of lilies of the valley are reaching to the sun in the front of our 
house.Indeed, it is gardening time in our part of the world - though it is 
still a 
bit early to plant many of our tender flowers.As we were listening to 
gardening news, there's a new trend a foot. Flower beds now smell like coffee.I 
say it is brand new because my mother and Mom Carlile, both, carried their 
coffee cups their gardens, where they talked to the plants. Both of them also 
used the coffee grounds around the plants for mulch.The new coffee ground 
under way is being fueled by Starbucks.The coffee shops are handing out spent 
grounds to gardeners as a nitrogen-rich mulch or compost, reports 
Reuters."Under the plan - dubbed 'Grounds for Your Garden' - the world's 
largest coffee 
shop chain cuts its trash bill by enlisting customers to haul off a chunk of 
garbage and earns praise from environmentalists for creating chemical free 
fertilizer."Starbucks have in the past handed out coffee grounds to customers 
who asked for them. Now they have mounted a major push. They're setting out 
five-pound bags of grounds in bins at about 4,000 North American company-owned 
cafes.This project says Starbucks keeps about 25 percent of its grounds out of 
landfills.The grounds for composting has become very popular in Seattle, where 
there are Starbucks stores every few blocks. Embracing the program heavily are 
gardeners in Portland, Ore., San Francisco, Massachusetts and parts of 
Florida.Here are some tips that are being offered for gardening with grounds, 
suggested by Jay Smith of PriceMcNabb, a communications firm.1. Grounds make a 
addition to home gardening compost.2. Mix the grounds with soil around 
acid-loving plants.3. Add brown leaves and grass clippings to mulch to help 
the pH of the soil.4. Mix grounds into compost to accelerate the composting 
process.5. Grounds should be no more than 25 percent of any one compost pile's 
content.6. To counter acidity of coffee grounds, add 1 teaspoon lime or wood 
each 5 pounds of coffee grounds in your compost pile.7. Help a worm bin 
flourish by feeding worms with coffee grounds combined with brown materials. 
worms are good. They turn organic material into compost.The whole project is a 
win-win one for environmentalists and Starbucks, the leading retailer, roaster 
and brand of specialty coffee in the world.Today is Arbor Day, the tree 
planters' holiday.It was founded in 1872.The National Arbor Day Foundation is 
world's largest tree-planting environmental organization.A nonprofit group with 
nearly 1 million members, the foundation provides more than 8 million trees 
for planting throughout America each year.And today is the day that many trees 
are being planted on this very holiday in Illinois.It has been 132 years since 
J. Sterling Morton, a journalist and later a newspaper publisher, started this 
special holiday that "looks to the future."His simple idea of setting aside a 
special day for tree planting has made a great difference in this country. It 
has people excited to learn things about trees they've never heard. Got 
people into action to planting trees.Did you know that Joy Morton, founder of 
Morton Salt Co. and other enterprises, was the oldest of four sons of J. 
Sterling Morton.The Morton Arboretum in Illinois is on the old estate of Joy 
(of Morton Salt fame). It's been described as a magnificent botanical garden 
of trees.At the Morton Arboretum, they specialize in the display and study of 
trees, shrubs and vines. Beautiful gardens and landscapes are found throughout 
the arboretum's 1,700 acres.More than 41,000 plants representing 3,300 
different types of plants from around the world, provide research scientists, 
horticulturists, arborists, teachers, students and homeowners with a wealth of 
information.A world-renowned research program develops new trees, studies how 
survive in urban environments and saves endangered plants.Many from Freeport 
and the area have been at the arboretum. It is located 25 miles west of Chicago 
at 4100 Illinois 53 in Lisle.Spring is a spectacular time to visit. At this 
time, the arboretum's landscapes and native woods are alive with colors and 
textures.Members of the Highland Area Garden Club are getting ready for their 
53rd annual plant sale May 8, at the YMCA. Many will be dividing clumps of 
for planting.The Highland gardeners will be offering perennials, annuals, 
ground cover, and vegetables for sale. Tips and advice will be offered for 
"All plant contributions are greatly appreciated," said Dollie Elliott, 
president of the club. Those who are donating are asked to call 235-1061 before 
8.Sale hours will be from 8:30 3 p.m. at the YMCA , 2998 W. Pearl City 
Road, on the Highland Community College campus.And so once again, we've 
gathered "Around the Table" to meet a collection of characters, chiefs and 
consorts.As at our table, if you have any ideas or happenings to pass on, or 
incidents - past or present - please feel free to join in.We'll pull up a chair 
for you "Around the Table."Olga Gize Carlile is a columnist for The 
Journal-Standard. She can be reached at 232-0128 or by e-mail at 

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