
What you need to do is visit gardens to get a sense of what your taste is. 
More than anything else, it is important to develop a visceral sense of what 
like, and learn the whys later - because life is too short. 

 I'm a community gardener, but love to go to the major botanical gardens near 
me, and near you, the world class, New York Botanical Garden in the Bronx ( 
http://www.nybg.org/ ) , Wave Hill in Riverdale, NY ( http://www.wavehill.org/ 
), the Brooklyn Botanical Garden (http://www.bbg.org/). There is much to be 
learned on how to arrange gardens with people in  the work done under the aegis 
of Tessa Huxley at the Battery Park City Parks Conservancy ( 
http://www.bpcparks.org/bpcp/home/index.php ) and to walk into large manmade 
oases like the 
Olmstead and Vaux designed Central Park, Prospect Park, Clove Lake Park, Van 
Cortland Park, and their work throughout the United States and Canada - I'm in 
love with Olmstead's wonderful park on Mount Royal in Montreal.

But any garden, no matter how humble has much to teach you, if it is created 
with care and  love. Your newspaper's horticultural pages, the local garden 
club, the ladies tours of garden clubs are essential to your education, as well 
as seeing the power of a community garden in the midst of a teeming slum, or 
in the center of a block covered with rubble.  

And never ignore the gardener - the woman or man digging is always your 
friend, and a source of much real knowledge. And it is a good thing for you to 
volunteer with your local Parks Dept or help with a bag of dirt for a senior 
gardeners because while you're schlepping, you can glean pearls if you have the 
sense to listen and to ask a few, well chosen questions. 

There are many books on gardening, and design, but first the manual, 
visceral, and learning to see, and developing taste - how the land flows, where 
place that 1.99 rose bush from the discount store, and the thousand mistakes 
will have to make have to be made. And  looking at your work with a sore back, 
a can of beer, and knowing that while it ain't perfect, it sure is better 
than what was before.  And then learning to appreciate what an amazing gardener 
God is. 

Eventually you'll come down to West 58th Street to the Horticultural Society 
of the City of New York ( http://www.hsny.org/ ), learn who Gertude Jekyll was 
(http://www.gertrudejekyllgarden.co.uk/ ) , the significance of the Gardens 
at Versailles ( 
http://www.smithsonianmag.si.edu/journeys/01/jul01/feature_full_page_1.html ), 
make the acquaintance of E.B. White's wife, the infinitely 
more talented Katharine S. White of "Onward and Upward in the Garden" and other 
marvelous garden writers, and the stunning beauty of the traditional Japanese 
garden,  (http://www.japan-guide.com/e/e2099.html ) and have your heart beat 
quickly in the deep of winter as you open up garden catalogues. 

But first, friend - LOOK, then get your hands dirty, and realize that despite 
all of your unique gifts, it has all been done before, and well.  Gardening, 
on your knees, is both a glorious and humble avocation - plan to get dirty and 
get your nose close to the dirt and worms - you'll see so much more. 

Adam Honigman
 Clinton Community Garden 

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