Hello all, 

I think I favour Eric's ideas- what is it that people really want? I also think 
that the information should be compressed and perhaps we should think of the 
audience. You could get rid of some information in favour of what students are 
looking for- if you have time (I know you are busy) you could quickly send out 
an email to those who have personally requested the printed version and see 
what they say- that might be a guidance for you. Better still you could run 
like a poll online so that when someone visits the page- you can ask if they 
would want a hard copy of the tagged Ajzaa' or surahs- and then have a tick box 
of the things they want to see included. The advantage to this is that you make 
the list according to what you know you can give and you also can make it 
time-limited so say you run it for one month and then collect the results. If 
we make people pay the expectations and demands will be different, I don't know 
how Kais you feel about this?
 They would probably expect a fininshed product without a single mistake in it 
(people are picky when it comes to money)- you could also ask if they would pay 
for it or not on the poll? I am sure others have better ideas. 



From: Eric Atwell <csc...@leeds.ac.uk>
To: Kais Dukes <dukes.k...@googlemail.com>
Cc: Quranic Arabic Corpus discussion <comp-quran@comp.leeds.ac.uk>
Sent: Sat, February 6, 2010 2:18:05 PM
Subject: Re: Advice Required - Printed Version of the Quranic Arabic Corpus for 


I think this needs some careful thought ot present most of the info in
much smaller space. The question then becomes: what is the info people
really want, and what can be eliminated?  part of the "information" 
in the online version is layout to make it readily accessible to casual
users; arguably users of the printed form are not casual (or else they
would not get the full printed version ) and can work with aa compressed
representation  - and may even prefer it if it means they can view
longer texts on one page.  For example, the full explanation of
grammatical features takes up space but the same information is encoded
in more compact tags; casual visitors won't understand the tags, but a
repeat user might get used to this compact representation.

This is generic, next step is to think about how exactly this applies to
tagged quran... I'll have a think about this, but you will probably get
good suggestions from others before me!


On Sat, 6 Feb 2010, Kais Dukes wrote:

> Hello comp-quran members,
> I am writing to you all, to get some advice on a printed version of
> the Quranic Arabic Corpus. We have been receiving a lot of requests
> lately for something that users can download for offline use. Because
> I beleive that the accuracy of the grammar is getting quite
> reasonable, I am now considering this. In any case, we can always
> update what we produce as the grammar improves.
> What I had in mind, was a set of PDF files that could be downloaded.
> For example, perhaps 30 PDFs (1 per juz of the Quran, see:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juz'). My question is - I would be keen
> to find out from members of the mailing list if they think that this
> is a good idea? And if so, what would the best format be? I was
> thinking of starting with the word-by-word grammar (not the syntactic
> treebank). Perhaps starting with the information here:
> http://corpus.quran.com/wordbyword.jsp
> The problem is that if we displayed those images at the same
> resolution, with the same information, that comes out to about 7
> Quranic words per printed A4 page. Given that there are 77,430 Arabic
> words in the Quran (according to our counting of whitespace) that
> would give 11,061 pages in total - or 368 pages per juz (i.e. 368
> pages for each of the 30 PDF files). That doesn't sound very
> reasonable to me. If we shrink the images and text by 50% that would
> give about 5,530 pages in total. Do you think that perhaps we should
> just display part-of-speech tags to save space? Or perhaps Quranic
> researchers and students perfer the whole grammar written out in
> textual form?
> I'm open to any suggestions on how to best display this information in
> printed form for a set of PDFs. Any suggestions are more than welcome.
> Feel free to reply directly to the mailing list, just hit "reply all":
> comp-quran@comp.leeds.ac.uk
> Looking forward to hearing from you.
> Kind Regards,
> -- Kais Dukes
> Language Research Group
> School of Computing
> University of Leeds
> http://corpus.quran.com - The Quranic Arabic Corpus
> comp-quran@comp.leeds.ac.uk - Computional Quranic Arabic discussion list

Eric Atwell,
  Senior Lecturer, Language research group, School of Computing,
  Faculty of Engineering, UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS, Leeds LS2 9JT, England
  TEL: 0113-3435430  FAX: 0113-3435468  WWW/email: google Eric Atwell


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