
> ... I have just been told by a colleague that Edouard Rodrigues 
> solved hex mathematically. I was very surprised because I had 
> never heard about it.
> The web site with the proof and optimal strategy is there:
> http://jeudhex.com/?page_id=17

as I wrote before the claim by Edouard Rodrigues is poorly
substatianted. However when I read his site, I stumnled about
the second last paragraph, which reads:

> Finally it will be noticed that the great number of analyses, carried out 
> without the help of a computer, of chess game positions, opposing a bishop 
> and a knight to a knight, has enabled us to finalize the method of analyse 
> used in this study.

If he really has found something, Rodrigues should be able to give maximum
number of moves until check mate for KBN-KN on boards of size m x n (the
traditional size is 8x8). Such data would be interesting for Eiko Bleicher
and me, because we had done brute-force backward analysis for the endgame
KQ-KR on boards of size m x n. One of our findings are the maximum numbers
of moves for n x n -boards:

17 on 5x5
23 on 6x6
29 on 7x7
35 on 8x8
44 on 9x9
54 on 10x10
69 on 11x11
85 on 12x12
108 on 13x13
132 on 14x14
205 on 15x15;

Some more explanation can be found in our preliminary report (back
from 2012) at

Title: Maximum Lengths to Mate in the Chess Endgame
King+Queen vs King+Rook on Boards of Size m x n

Our main open question: are these max numbers for n x n boards growing 
about quadratically in n?  Or even faster?

For the simpler endgames KQ-K and KR-K it is easy to see that the
max-to-mate numbers grow linearly in n. (cage technique)

How are the numbers growing for KBN-KN on n x n boards?
Perhaps even much faster than n^2?

It would be nice when the findings by Rodrigues would give
a clue (or a complete answer) here. However, I have severe doubts.

Cheers, Ingo.

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