Re: [CGUYS] Recs 4 hw support for netbook

2010-07-12 Thread Chris Dunford
I 'm travelling and using a samsung netbook. I like the navy lid. I sit on the couch at my bro's, cross my legs and balance the netbook on a pillow. This can't be good as it blocks the fan vents. Any recs for something to purchase to rest the netbook on ? With thanks in advance ... I'm

Re: [CGUYS] Windoze open open in new tab open in new window

2010-07-09 Thread Chris Dunford
Why does windoze have these categories?  I understand tab and window but why does it have just open? open where?  on the planet uranus? why have a third meaningless option.  Let the rant begin. Open uses the default window as specified by the link, which could be in either the current

Re: [CGUYS] Junk mail in Outlook 2007 Outlook Express

2010-07-06 Thread Chris Dunford
My Dad who uses Outlook 2007 is having trouble getting another relative's email messages. They always go to his junk mail folder. Could be any number of reasons, but there is a simple fix. Right-click one of the junked emails, then click Junk E-mail and Add sender to safe senders list. That

Re: [CGUYS] Yesterday Amazon Buys Woot.Com: Today a $149 Kindle

2010-07-01 Thread Chris Dunford
Read the letter from the president of woot about the sale it is an unusual corporate letter. Unusual is a pale, pale description of that letter. *** ** THIS LIST HAS MOVED TO YAHOO** ** PLEASE JOIN

Re: [CGUYS] Yesterday Amazon Buys Woot.Com: Today a $149 Kindle

2010-07-01 Thread Chris Dunford
I guess you guys aren't typically reading woot's descriptions in their product sales? I have, but this is a different scenario. These We've been acquired letters have been many, and there's a form that you have to follow. These guys didn't. *** ** THIS

Re: [CGUYS] Apple's iPad: Death knell for traditional Ma cintos h computers?

2010-06-30 Thread Chris Dunford
15 inch laptop for writing code? Torture. It's not just torture, it's inefficient, expensive torture. Developers are *constantly* referring to documentation, code samples, bits of other projects, and a million other things. Having to flip back forth while coding is distracting terribly

Re: [CGUYS] Apple's iPad: Death knell for traditional Ma cintos h computers?

2010-06-29 Thread Chris Dunford
How do I know this? Experience. The trend is unmistakable. Computer usage by the masses is going mobile. The Mac as we know it-a full featured personal computer-is slowly going away, to be replaced by ever more mobile and increasingly capable devices. This might very well happen for a lot

Re: [CGUYS] Apple Anti-trust App

2010-05-04 Thread Chris Dunford
There is a big difference between that and the stuff M$ used to do. OK, what's the big difference between If you want to do X you have to use our software and what MS used to do? * ** List info, subscription management,

Re: [CGUYS] M$ Decline Continues

2010-05-04 Thread Chris Dunford
For the first time since ... Whatever. I'd just like to point out that the continued use of the now decades-old M$ has become so trite, so lame, so boring, so unimaginative, so repetitive. So silly. So utterly Oh, give it a rest. So over. I'm just saying.

Re: [CGUYS] illegal search warrant?

2010-05-02 Thread Chris Dunford
BHO was all for drilling until the shit hit the fan. No, he was never all for drilling. He gave this to the Republicans in another one of his misguided attempts to be bipartisan or to get them to vote for something he wanted. When will he learn?

Re: [CGUYS] Cuccinelli (was: illegal search warrant?)

2010-05-01 Thread Chris Dunford
On May 1, 2010, at 1:19 PM, tjpa wrote: Back in the 18th century it was possible to be proud to be a Virginian. These days all we can be thankful for is that we are not Arizona. Though some of us aspire to that too Another example... And

Re: [CGUYS] M$ vs. iPad, M$ Bows Out

2010-04-30 Thread Chris Dunford
I can hear the head of development for courier at MS...'Apple released what? The iwhat?...dammit!...scrap everything!' Really. It's too bad, though. According to a couple of articles I've seen, Courier was one of the few tablet-size boxes that was designed from scratch to be its own

Re: [CGUYS] illegal search warrant?

2010-04-30 Thread Chris Dunford
I'm a stanch liberal, but also a strong advocate of toting guns. For those who think guns kill people and not people kill people, by that logic we should ban cars. We should also ban all smoking, all alcohol and anything proven to be a carcinogen. This is not going to go anywhere, but just for

Re: [CGUYS] Should I buy for my wife?

2010-04-16 Thread Chris Dunford
Acer - AspireRevo Nettop with Intel® Atom™ Processor Model: AR1600-U910H | SKU: 9535434 She is not a computer person. Only uses it for limited e-mail and for microsoft word. Is not interested in using for more than this. Would this Acer do the job? Certainly, it's more than adequate

Re: [CGUYS] NEF plugin for Irfanview

2010-04-13 Thread Chris Dunford
The second problem is that Windows XP does not have a link to open Irfanview when a NEF file is double-clicked in a Windows file list. Clicking on a NEF file transfers to a browser pointed at Microsoft which says that the file type is unknown. I haven't worked yet to see if I can associate

Re: [CGUYS] vga port to port

2010-04-12 Thread Chris Dunford
It should be fine. The TV will amplify it. -Original Message- From: rleesimon [] Sent: Monday, April 12, 2010 2:05 PM To: 'Chris Dunford'; 'Stewart Marshall' Cc: 'Computer Guys Discussion List' Subject: RE: vga port to port One more basic question about

Re: [CGUYS] Why I won't buy an Ipad...

2010-04-08 Thread Chris Dunford
But...but...but...haven't you repeatedly referred to the iPhone as a computer (with which, by the way, I would not disagree)? The iPhone is a combination computer and radio as are all the so-called smart phones. Yes, I know that. My point was that TP says (paraphrased), He repeats the

Re: [CGUYS] vga port to port

2010-04-07 Thread Chris Dunford
If I have a vga out port on my laptop can't I just get a simple vga monitor cable ( or even one that has an integrated sound cable on it ( and show whatever from the computer on my TV since it has a VGA port without buying some folderol

Re: [CGUYS] Why I won't buy an Ipad...

2010-04-07 Thread Chris Dunford
He is making a common mistake. He thinks the iPad is a computer when it really is a very powerful phone. But...but...but...haven't you repeatedly referred to the iPhone as a computer (with which, by the way, I would not disagree)?

Re: [CGUYS] ipad/iphone/ipod touch and the lack of multitasking explained

2010-04-06 Thread Chris Dunford
... Apple's argument that third party multitasking is a hamper to stability ... Well, multitasking third-party apps certainly shouldn't be a hamper to the stability of a well-designed multitasking OS. (Now, before certain people get all bent out of shape because I'm saying that the iPad OS

Re: [CGUYS] Broadband Speeds Map

2010-04-03 Thread Chris Dunford
For those who say that USA has rotten broadband speeds because we have such low population density, why is Canada ahead of US? Interesting factoid: Unless I missed someone, South Korea is the fastest in the world

[CGUYS] Wozniak solves two iPhone problems

2010-03-31 Thread Chris Dunford
Woz has found a single solution to iPhone's lack of multitasking AND its short battery life: Yeah. I just have two iPhones, so if the battery runs down on the first one, I can use the other. And if I'm talking on one, I can use the other one to look something up. You would not believe how much

Re: [CGUYS] Apple Runs Out of iPads

2010-03-29 Thread Chris Dunford
As you read here... nobody will want one. Can you find a post that actually says this? I remember a good deal of yawning, but I don't remember any posts saying that nobody will want one. It's shiny. It's made by Apple. Everybody will want one. (But it's always interesting to note how

Re: [CGUYS] Windows Phone 7: Too Much Like the iPhone?

2010-03-17 Thread Chris Dunford
Funny you never posted this when Palm did it...or Android...or Blackberry that copied push notification before Apple did it. That was way cool when Blackberry copied Apple before Apple even did it. This guy thinks that push notification is the least of it. What differentiates Windows Phone 7

Re: [CGUYS] Wing Nuts Oppose Better Broadband

2010-03-15 Thread Chris Dunford
The US disdain for government provided services has a cost in the real world. This implies there is no cost of government provided services in the real world. No, it doesn't. It states that there's a cost, typically unacknowledged, of NOT having the services. There's no implication that

Re: [CGUYS] Wing Nuts Oppose Better Broadband

2010-03-15 Thread Chris Dunford
I didn't mean cost as in some monthly bill, i meant in the larger scheme. I didn't mean that either, and it still didn't imply what you said... * ** List info, subscription management, list rules, archives, privacy ** **

Re: [CGUYS] Wing Nuts Oppose Better Broadband

2010-03-15 Thread Chris Dunford
The problem is sometimes it is true. Careful, now Mike is going to say that this implies that it's never not true. * ** List info, subscription management, list rules, archives, privacy ** ** policy, calmness, a member

Re: [CGUYS] zip codes

2010-03-14 Thread Chris Dunford
googl zip codes don't exist My curiosity got the best of me, so I did google as mr xhavoc suggested. Here the site that looked like it had some details codes-much-ado-about-nothing/ A quick scan

Re: [CGUYS] M$'s HD Mess

2010-03-12 Thread Chris Dunford
This kind of deceit is a problem if software tries to write less than 4096 bytes at a time. Yes, but NTFS uses 4K clusters. To the best of my knowledge, it never writes 512-byte sectors. (And even if it did, the vast majority of writes in typical use would tend to be large--only the last,

Re: [CGUYS] M$'s HD Mess

2010-03-12 Thread Chris Dunford
Chris, you misunderstand RMW. Your jumper setting does not get around it. Bliss-based ignorance. I understand RMW perfectly well, thank you. You are not paying attention, apparently. There are two issues. 1. There is a performance penalty for writes of 4K due to RMW. But, as the very

Re: [CGUYS] M$'s HD Mess

2010-03-12 Thread Chris Dunford
And you can't see that this is an awful kluge? Hardware vendors should not have to go Rube Goldberg to work around a mess created my the operating system vendor. Did I see something moving out of the corner of my eye? Ah, yes, it's the goalposts again. Your post was about what a horrible fix

Re: [CGUYS] FCC wants to measure

2010-03-12 Thread Chris Dunford
Except much of that money shows up in zip codes or counties that don't exist. No, not all of it...but a lot. Mike, can you quantify this? How much is much? You're sorta making it sound like most of the money shown on the site is bogus. I'm not clear on your thinking here--are you saying that

Re: [CGUYS] M$'s HD Mess

2010-03-11 Thread Chris Dunford
Long article at Ars about how M$ failed to engineer a smooth transition for its customers to new hard drive technologies. Changes are necessary to take us to higher hard drive capacities. Apple took care of this many years ago so changes will be no big deal. Your sad little summary fails,

Re: [CGUYS] M$'s HD Mess

2010-03-11 Thread Chris Dunford
A bit smug, Chris. You're missing my point. Tom, who has long since lost all credibility in commenting on MS, clearly implied that only Apple has addressed this. That is patently not the case. I did, however, make one mistake. On re-reading Tom's post, I see that he did, in fact, mention

Re: [CGUYS] M$'s HD Mess

2010-03-11 Thread Chris Dunford
False. And downright rude. Right. That was rude. But consistently referring to everyone who doesn't share your obsessive hatred of MS as sheeple, lapdogs, or M$ minions, nothing rude about any of that, right? As to false, I already corrected the misstatement. Nice of you to acknowledge that.

Re: [CGUYS] M$'s HD Mess

2010-03-11 Thread Chris Dunford
Just to be clear, Apple supported EFI since 2006...XP came out in 2001...the next major update to XP which was Vista supports EFI and the larger disks. All those still using older macs are out in the cold too...not that I think it will affect anyone either way. Just to be clear

Re: [CGUYS] M$'s HD Mess

2010-03-11 Thread Chris Dunford
Ah. Well, WD sees it differently: Or you and they are feeding us BS. Simple math on the drive specs shows these drives still have only 512B sectors. Formatted Capacity: 1,000,204 MB User Sectors Per Drive:

Re: [CGUYS] A Multigenerational Look at the iPad

2010-03-10 Thread Chris Dunford
To be fair there are a few surface' platforms out there but not many.  Has anyone ever seen one in use? Yeah, on TV shows and in movies, thanks to CGI and animation. Steve Well, it's not quite THAT bad. They do exist, and they are in use. I know that some hotels use them (Sheraton

Re: [CGUYS] Twist in school spying scandal

2010-03-09 Thread Chris Dunford
Various students who have been interviewed said that they all feel so much pressure from both parents as well as school officials to excel to extreme degrees that it is not surprising that some students would resort to such behavior. Perhaps, but it doesn't explain why they allegedly lowered

Re: [CGUYS] A Multigenerational Look at the iPad

2010-03-09 Thread Chris Dunford
Yes the local DMV uses touch screens for their Drivers tests, and one of the Big Orthopedic clinics uses windows touch screen laptops for their staff, medical records. Stewart Rev, I think the question was about surface platforms, which are different from simple touchscreens. They're

Re: [CGUYS] Twist in school spying scandal

2010-03-06 Thread Chris Dunford
Hardly. You're blowing this all out of proportion. A better comparison would be that we're all aware we can be filmed while on that bridge. You have no reasonable expectation of privacy on the bridge. You do in your bedroom. If the school system was going to violate that reasonable

Re: [CGUYS] Twist in school spying scandal

2010-03-04 Thread Chris Dunford
If anything, they should sue the students who weren't bright enough not to tape over the cameras before doing stupid stuff in front of them. Stupid stuff? The student was eating Mike Ike candy. * ** List info,

Re: [CGUYS] FCC head calls for broadband availability

2010-03-01 Thread Chris Dunford
For those who aren't familiar with the rest of the commandments, there were actually over 600. We're lucky that K.I.S.S. weeded out most of the noxious ones, mostly from Leviticus. Or Moses got tired of chiseling into stone when he got to ten. Actually, there were fifteen--three tablets of

Re: [CGUYS] Apple App Store Gets Really Silly

2010-02-23 Thread Chris Dunford
I know with your ideological bent you'll never admit a dem can do anything less than pure but for anyone else.. Google Tipper Gore and video game violence. Well, I didn't remember anything about Tipper Gore and video game violence, so I did that and came up empty. What did Tipper ever ask

Re: [CGUYS] Apple App Store Gets Really Silly

2010-02-23 Thread Chris Dunford
Google Tipper Gore and video game violence. Not surprising. She's one of The Mothers of Prevention that wanted to do away with bad words in music, or some such. Definitely a killjoy. Some such? Again, unless there's something else I can't find, some such amounted to labeling, not

Re: [CGUYS] FCC head calls for broadband availability

2010-02-20 Thread Chris Dunford
Yeah, but when they come to sell me FIOS, they will at the same time sell me VOIP, which dies four hours after the power grid goes down [frequently]. They will *try* to sell you fiber optic phone service. You don't have to take it. I have FiOS broadband (which I love) and copper phone

Re: [CGUYS] FCC head calls for broadband availability

2010-02-19 Thread Chris Dunford
If all these things are unconstitutional then someone would have litigated it a long time ago and the Supreme Court would have declared so. So I do not buy it at all. Right. Every time I hear, Show me where in the Constitution is says we can have X, I think, I'll do that as soon as you show

Re: [CGUYS] Creepy or what?

2010-02-19 Thread Chris Dunford
I don't pay a whole lot of attention, but I don't think I've ever seen a laptop/notebook with a **built-in** webcam. I think I'd be very suspicious of a school system that issued computers with them. No, lots and lots of laptops and netbooks have built-in webcams. There's nothing at all

Re: [CGUYS] Cell phone radiated power

2010-02-19 Thread Chris Dunford
It is funny how so many folks who have dismissed, out of hand, any suggestion that the radiation from a cell phone has any effect upon the brain or other bodily tissues have fully embraced this finding. As Bob Park likes to say, Albert Einstein won the Nobel Prize in 1905 for showing that

Re: [CGUYS] b_s-wilk []

2010-02-18 Thread Chris Dunford
Arggh. Mixed up the Subj/To lines. Sorry. -Original Message- From: Chris Dunford [] Sent: Thursday, February 18, 2010 11:00 AM To: 'Computer Guys Discussion List' Subject: b_s-wilk [] Why don't you leave the country and emigrate to one

Re: [CGUYS] LABS GALLERY: 25 Decade-Shaping Technologies - IT Management from eWeek

2010-02-18 Thread Chris Dunford
I'll even give a nod to Windows XP, even though I got a message to confirm with M$ for the first time last week on a system I've been using for 5 years--it's superior to both previous and subsequent systems, so far. Have you used Windows 7? What is it about XP that you find superior?

[CGUYS] b_s-wilk []

2010-02-18 Thread Chris Dunford
Why don't you leave the country and emigrate to one of the socialist countries where life is so much better? I'm doing just fine here. I never told you to emigrate (Privately) Betty, this You hate the US? Leave! stuff is the canned response to the slightest hint that the US might

Re: [CGUYS] FCC head calls for broadband availability

2010-02-17 Thread Chris Dunford
The American fantasy promoted by corporations is that taxes are bad, and taxes are so much higher in European countries with cradle to grave popular social programs. Actually Americans pay much more in money and time for basic necessities that others elsewhere have decided that all their

Re: [CGUYS] Science Friday: Facial Recognition

2010-02-16 Thread Chris Dunford
Picasa is very good, but I still get plenty of false hits--maybe 1 or 2%. That doesn't sound like much, but if a cop cam identifies one or two out of every 100 people on the street as criminal, the watchers are going to be very, very busy, and the population is going to be very, very annoyed...

Re: [CGUYS] Yeah, but can you do *this* on an iPad?

2010-02-15 Thread Chris Dunford
Read, from PC Magazine: When PCMag's editor-in-chief Lance Ulanoff put together a list of dream features for the forthcoming Apple iPad tablet earlier in the week, a stylus ranked pretty high. But Lance's dream was just that--Steve Jobs, after all, has long been anti-stylus, as

Re: [CGUYS] Yeah, but can you do *this* on an iPad?

2010-02-15 Thread Chris Dunford
On Feb 15, 2010, at 9:12 AM, Chris Dunford wrote: Case made. What a bizarre thing to say. I don't like styli, so you can't have one. What a bizarre thing to say: I don't like innovation, so all progress must stop. And it's progress because Jobs says so, I guess. I'd love to see someone

Re: [CGUYS] Yeah, but can you do *this* on an iPad?

2010-02-15 Thread Chris Dunford
Shall we compare Steve Jobs's track record to yours? How many private jets do you own? Should we not, then, also compare Bill Gate's track record to Jobs's? I wouldn't be surprised if Gates just gave away more money than Jobs is worth. Therefore you must concede that Gates is by far the

Re: [CGUYS] Yeah, but can you do *this* on an iPad?

2010-02-14 Thread Chris Dunford
This is where styli become almost necessary tools be they easily lost or not. This business of One of the reasons why we don't support a stylus is that it can be lost is so ridiculous that I have to wonder if he even really said it, or if that's what he really meant. Maybe it was just an

Re: [CGUYS] Bill Gates saves the world...well some of it

2010-02-08 Thread Chris Dunford
As I said, I'm aware of the quote (and it wasn't Gates who said it, it was an Apple VP). My point was that you try to equate selling software with war profiteering such. I obviously didn't pick the best part of your message to quote. Chris, Knife the baby. Was a direct quote from Bill Gates,

Re: [CGUYS] Bill Gates saves the world...well some of it

2010-02-08 Thread Chris Dunford
Chris, Knife the baby. Was a direct quote from Bill Gates, who said it when a startup told him they would not agree to a purchase offer from M$. Why are you so surprised? Even Robert Mugabe, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Kim Il-sung, and Omar al-Bashir have devoted fans. So, the simple fact

Re: [CGUYS] Bill Gates saves the world...well some of it

2010-02-06 Thread Chris Dunford
Doesn't justify how they got that money. And Gates goes from Knife the baby to savior... Knife the baby??! Good Lord, he must be doing something I haven't heard about. He's a war profiteer, maybe? He's been selling munitions to terrorists? Peddling tainted infant formula to Third World

Re: [CGUYS] Bill Gates saves the world...well some of it

2010-02-06 Thread Chris Dunford
Knife the baby??! Good Lord, he must be doing something I haven't heard about. He's a war profiteer, maybe? He's been selling munitions to terrorists? snip This is a reference from the antitrust trial. See for ... the

Re: [CGUYS] You Saw the Demo? Are you impressed?

2010-01-31 Thread Chris Dunford
I know freedom scares liberals like you, things like self reliance are frightening. Sorry, Mike, but this is unnecessary, incorrect, and insulting. You know I'm liberal. Do you seriously believe that I am frightened by self-reliance even though I've been self-employed for nearly thirty years?

Re: [CGUYS] You Saw the Demo? Are you impressed?

2010-01-31 Thread Chris Dunford
Apologies, I let myself get away from myself. I usually hit Tom's crazy talk with hyperbole of my own. I suppose the difference is, I know it's hyperbole. So to present company, no insult intended. Apology happily accepted.


2010-01-31 Thread Chris Dunford
SNL's take on iPad, from Weekend Update (this is from memory, doesn't seem to be online): And in technology news, Apple this week released new stuff that does the same stuff as their old stuff. In other news. ... * **

Re: [CGUYS] You Saw the Demo? Are you impressed?

2010-01-30 Thread Chris Dunford
In other words, Apple's constant success and innovation inspires deep hatred merely because Apple is so successful. You're projecting again. You hate MS, therefore we must hate Apple. Wrong. I have no hatred of Apple. I don't even dislike Apple. I think Mac, iPhone, and iPod are all

Re: [CGUYS] You Saw the Demo? Are you impressed?

2010-01-30 Thread Chris Dunford
Chris, you're wrong or misleading on many of your criticisms of the iPad. First, it's not a midsize touchscreen, it's a large size multitouch screen, one of the largest to be readily available. You have to have some experience with multitouch devices, particularly Apple's, to really have

Re: [CGUYS] You Saw the Demo? Are you impressed?

2010-01-29 Thread Chris Dunford
Anyone who is not intrigued by the iPad is just showing a lack of imagination. OK, why don't you tell us what's so intriguing about a midsize touchscreen that has no HD, no widescreen, no camera, no USB, no memory card slots, and no GPS, that can only get music and video from iTunes, that can

Re: [CGUYS] You Saw the Demo? Are you impressed?

2010-01-29 Thread Chris Dunford
I will quote Andy Ihnatko of the Chicago Sun Times... Is it better to have a device that is loaded with bullet-pointable features? Being able to get your music from wherever you want is just a bullet point? Being able to run programs from whoever you want is just a bullet point?

Re: [CGUYS] You Saw the Demo? Are you impressed?

2010-01-28 Thread Chris Dunford
Too bad so far it is only a really big iPod Touch which is OK but it ain't a game changer. The bookreader is a color Kindle with higher prices And without digital ink. * ** List info, subscription management, list

Re: [CGUYS] You Saw the Demo? Are you impressed?

2010-01-28 Thread Chris Dunford
Small screen?? A 1024 x 768 pixels, 9.7 diagonal screen that you typically are going to view much nearer to your face than you would a laptop or netbook is small? You missed the point. Jobs criticized netbooks for their small screens, then released a box with a screen that's as small as most

Re: [CGUYS] Ban mobile computing

2010-01-27 Thread Chris Dunford
I get after my wife all the time for calling me while she knows I am on the road. (MY blue tooth does not work.) We've solved that one. Anyone in the family can call anyone else when we know they're driving, but the driver won't answer (we don't even look at the phone). Instead, the driver

Re: [CGUYS] You Saw the Demo? Are you impressed?

2010-01-27 Thread Chris Dunford
$499 for an iPad. Hooha! That is what my original iPod cost. I'm confused. Didn't Jobs say that netbooks are stupid because what you get is a slow processor, a small screen, and a small keyboard? So he releases a box with a slow processor, a small screen, and no keyboard? I dunno, I'm having

Re: [CGUYS] A Is for Amazon, B Is for Best Buy.

2010-01-26 Thread Chris Dunford
My initials tjp trigger tjpa and I'm #2 on the page. Regrettably, my initials are the same as Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease, the human equivalent of mad cow disease. * ** List info, subscription management, list rules,

Re: [CGUYS] A Is for Amazon, B Is for Best Buy.

2010-01-25 Thread Chris Dunford
Here's another game. How few characters are needed to get yourself on the list. For me it is 3. 3 for me too (in my case, it's the name of a freeware program I wrote in the 80s). * ** List info, subscription management,

Re: [CGUYS] Cell phone numbers to be made public?

2010-01-21 Thread Chris Dunford
I've received a few emails stating that starting next month cell phone companies will be given access to personal cell phone numbers and that one must call a special number to request that your number not be given out. Can anyone verify whether this is correct or just another rumor? If the

Re: [CGUYS] Obsolete consumer products...

2010-01-18 Thread Chris Dunford
-Compact digital cams..just because DSLR is getting cheaper doesn't mean these little point and shoots are going anywhere. Yeah. DSLRs don't fit very well in a tiny purse, plus they're overkill for most people, who only want to take snapshots. Even DSLR owners mostly have point-and-shoots for

Re: [CGUYS] Obsolete consumer products...

2010-01-18 Thread Chris Dunford
Pretty much true. Ashton Kutcher selling Nikons tells me that Nikon has lowered their sights to target the lowest common denominators amongst us. Ditto for Maria Sharapova and Canon. Nothing like getting the word from sex symbols. Who knew they were also camera experts? That's true,

Re: [CGUYS] Obsolete consumer products...

2010-01-18 Thread Chris Dunford
I totally agree--it's the photographer, not the fancy equipment, that makes the picture. Witness, for example, the cult of the Holga, a toy camera from China that comes in a wide variety of colors and retails for around $30. The Holga has quite a following among professional photographers,

Re: [CGUYS] Obsolete consumer products...

2010-01-18 Thread Chris Dunford
at 9:22 AM, Chris Dunford wrote: That's true, but Canon has ALSO been running a lot of ads for their new DSLR (the one that can shoot HD video). That dude, with lens, will set you back $3,500. Yeah, but how many megapixels does it have? That's all I want to know

Re: [CGUYS] Obsolete consumer products...

2010-01-18 Thread Chris Dunford
Fred you will get no argument from me on those issues. But it still is the point how many Point and Click photographers even know or care about those items? I think a lot of point--shoot picture takers are very much aware of shutter delay. They may not understand it, or really know what

Re: [CGUYS] new bank and a mint

2010-01-06 Thread Chris Dunford
You eat out? Give your credit card or visa debit to the waitress making 2+tips an hour? Drive through at jack or mcds and give the card to the kid making 8 bucks an hour? Not to mention all the people who get their CC numbers etc stolen by hackers at the bank level. I'm not sure I'd say

Re: [CGUYS] new bank and a mint

2010-01-06 Thread Chris Dunford
Yes and no. Yes, the waiter can do bad things with your credit card. Yet if you have ever left your credit card behind you will discover that they usually go to great lengths to protect your card and get it back to you promptly. If these were dishonest people they would be in a different line

Re: [CGUYS] new bank and a mint

2010-01-06 Thread Chris Dunford
At BofA, I have their visa card and they offer ShopSafeR is their free service for Online Banking customers that allows you to create a unique, temporary account number for online purchases. You specify the max amount and the expiration date for the shopsafe card and you print out a

Re: [CGUYS] new bank and a mint

2010-01-06 Thread Chris Dunford
There was a significant problem not long ago, especially in major cities, with wait staff who had handheld card readers. They'd quietly swipe cards and sell the information. I don't know if this is Is this not an urban legend? Nope.

Re: [CGUYS] new bank and a mint

2010-01-06 Thread Chris Dunford
I would figure if you are at a place you know and trust not as much of a problem than if you are somewhere you are totally unfamiliar with. Apparently not. If you read the article I linked to in the reply to Tom, you'll see that some of the restaurants in question were very well-known DC

Re: [CGUYS] a new word?

2010-01-05 Thread Chris Dunford
It's this kind of sloppy writing that makes the rest of us have to learn useless new words. Tech folks need more words that non-tech folks because they need to make precise distinctions. E.g. Eskimos have dozens of words for what we just call snow. You're right in general, but Eskimos

Re: [CGUYS] Windows God Mode

2010-01-04 Thread Chris Dunford
You know the name of the applet to change the cursor blink rate offhand? Wow. :) -Original Message- From: Computer Guys Discussion List [] On Behalf Of mike Seems easier to just start typing what you want from the start menu. On Mon, Jan 4,

Re: [CGUYS] Kill it!!!

2010-01-01 Thread Chris Dunford
Verizon is helping out on their end. In Baltimore, MD, 3 people I've talked to last week have found their landlines have been cut by Verizon over the last couple of months even though they were still being used. When Verizon finally owned up to the fact, it still took two weeks for the

Re: [CGUYS] AAAHH, the old days

2009-12-23 Thread Chris Dunford
one of the first IBM PCs. I don't know how much that cost, but it had *two* cases. A *huge* cable connected the two, and there was an additional hard disk in the second one. That was an expansion box. It had additional slots and a second HD. Not part of the PC, purchased separately. The

Re: [CGUYS] AAAHH, the old days

2009-12-22 Thread Chris Dunford
Geeze. You kids today. My first HD was a Davong 5MB that cost several thousand dollars (fortunately, a client paid for it). But that's not the amusing part. No, the amusing part is that I partitioned it into two 2.5MB partitions so I could run both PC-DOS and the UCSD p-System (and the

Re: [CGUYS] Google exec dismisses concept of privacy

2009-12-11 Thread Chris Dunford
The other day, on CNN, Google CEO Eric Schmidt said this about the expectation of privacy for users of Google: If you have something that you don't want anyone to know, maybe you shouldn't be doing it in the first place. I guess that clears things up! Steve As the result of which,

[CGUYS] WiFi SD cards

2009-12-05 Thread Chris Dunford
Well, this is something I hadn't seen before: Basically, it's a WiFi-enabled SD memory card. You stick it in your camera or whatever and it provides network connectivity. In essence, the camera gets

Re: [CGUYS] IE8/9 Fail Acid Test Badly

2009-12-03 Thread Chris Dunford
-Original Message- From: Computer Guys Discussion List [] On Behalf Of Snyder, Mark - IdM (IS) Sent: Thursday, December 03, 2009 12:14 PM To: COMPUTERGUYS-L@LISTSERV.AOL.COM Subject: Re: [CGUYS] IE8/9 Fail Acid Test Badly I was mistaken when

Re: [CGUYS] Wikipedia

2009-11-25 Thread Chris Dunford
The recent news of the changing of climate data to fit what researches want instead of fact is in some ways similar That is what Fox and the rest of the denier community wants you to think, but it is not at all what the emails said. Unfortunately, this isn't the right place to discuss it.

Re: [CGUYS] ATT keeps whining, Apple attacks

2009-11-23 Thread Chris Dunford
While ATT keeps whining about verizon spreading the *gasp* truth, Apple has decided to take shots at Verizon themselves. Apple has to be irritated about having sissy partners. What is almost funny is that Apple is promoting the one space the iPhone can multitask...making calls and getting

Re: [CGUYS] ATT keeps whining, Apple attacks

2009-11-23 Thread Chris Dunford
On Nov 23, 2009, at 2:28 PM, Chris Dunford wrote: And here's another funny one. Two Apple stores allegedly refused to fix broken Macs because their owners smoke, thus making the Macs biohazards: Not so much biohazards as having the circuit boards gooped up with a conductive layer of tar

Re: [CGUYS] Crunchgear Starts Pissing Contest Over Silly M$ Store Antics

2009-11-22 Thread Chris Dunford
This Microsoft store is trying too hard Two words for CrunchGear: Lighten up. I've seen worse than this on Southwest flights more than once.

Re: [CGUYS] Digital camera connected to USB port

2009-11-21 Thread Chris Dunford
Not so with any of three digital cameras purchased this year. Drivers that work under Win2K aren't even available. Many newer cameras have two connection modes. One of them makes the camera look to the PC like a disk and one makes it look like, well, a camera. So, check your cameras and see

Re: [CGUYS] Who Writes These Headlines?

2009-11-14 Thread Chris Dunford
This argument leads me to think about the complaints I've heard the most about when it comes to bad writing. Which I'm sure I'm guilty. But tech. manuals and other such types are and continue to be the worst.. I used to edit tech manuals. Talk about bad writing. Some of the errors I found

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