>You sure about that John?  eWeek seems to agree with me.  Now, I won't argue
>that running as a least privilege user will absolutely eliminate security

You misapply the eWeek story. EWeek is comparing different settings of 
the same insecure OS. No one here is proposing that some settings are 
less dangerous than others. You don't make a good case for your position 
by trying to change the topic.

The ease with which you can change these settings in Windows is prima 
facie proof of insecurity. The reason you have to jump through hoops to 
do this on a Mac is exactly because of the built-in security.

Also note that that Apple procedure is not actually changing the name on 
an account. It is migrating the contents of an account to a new account 
and then changing security settings of the files that were moved.

This does not really get you what you want. The 501 account has special 
privileges when running as administrator. This new account will not have 

Since you can log in using the long name I don't know why you insist on 
changing the short name. Why not just make all the long names the same 
and be happy? This is an artificial crisis.

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