Andreas Schulz wrote:
> OK, here we go..

Sorry this too me so long to get to.

> This is against the CVS as of today (26.04.2009).
> In contrast to my first approach, there is now a module
> prontocodes that is statically linked to concordance and
> provides just the basic stuff to convert pronto hex codes.

I'm not super fond of this approach. Is there a reason not to have it be a
library? You prevent congruity from having this functionality.

I think it might be nice to be able to have a file of pronto hex codes (my
limited understanding is that this is common), so we may want to have a "-L
pronto.txt -P" type invocation that will read from a file and learn all codes.

Given such a use-case I can see congruity wanting to support this. And I
don't know if there's a generic pronto open source library out there, but it
might be nice to provide one.

> It will only accept raw modulated hex format, i.e. Pronto
> codes starting with 0000 ....
> The complete hex code must be input as a single line of 
> hexadecimal words, separated by blanks (which seems to be 
> the usual format of these codes), without any number base 
> markers (like 0x.... or h....), just like:
> 0000 1234 5678 9ABC DEF0 ....

It would be nice to allow 0x versions.

> See attachments for the patch to concordance (concordance-pronto.patch)
> and the additional static library prontocodes.h/.c.

I've included my code review below. Nothing too major, but tons of style
things, and a few cleanups, and one or two things I didn't follow. A few
more general things though:

- Please add documentation. You don't include anything in the README or in
the man page
- Is this tested on both windows and linux?
- In future version, please make a patch that includes the new files ("diff
-Nru" will include new files)


> #ifndef uint32_t
> #define uint32_t unsigned int
> #endif

Why is this necessary?

> /*
>  * return codes:
>  */
> #define PCO_RETURN_OK         0
> #define PCO_ERROR_BAD_CODE    1  /* could not find all required values */
> #define PCO_ERROR_OUTOFMEM    2  /* failed to malloc returned arrays */
> #define PCO_ERROR_NOT_IMPL   11  /* not yet implemented */

Why the skip?

> /*
>  * Translate a return value into an actual error message. Pass
>  * in the int you received, get back a string.
>  */
> const char *pco_strerror(int err);

Can your prefix be pcodes_ ?

Or, if you make a shared library, lpc_

> /*
>  * Native Pronto code data structure. For raw format, once/repeat_signal
>  * contain word pairs for mark/space durations (in carrier clock cycles).
>  *
>  * Note: the internal Pronto format header counts mark/space pairs; for
>  *       convenience, we count total marks + spaces instead , i.e. twice
>  *       the Pronto counts.
>  *
>  * For decoded formats, format_id determines the encoding and once/
>  * repeat_signal contain the corresponding address/command codes
>  * (or whatever data is needed for the specific encoding):
>  * For reference, the original names from Evgueni's document have
>  * been added in brackets <>:
>  *
>  * format_id             <wFmtId>:
>  *                       determines format (raw or several decoded)
>  * carrier_clock_divider <wFrqDiv>:
>  *                       IR carrier clock in internal units
>  * once_signal_length    <nOnceSeq>:
>  *                       length of once_signal (total of marks+spaces ->
> even number)
>  * repeat_signal_length  <nRepeatSeq>:
>  *                       length of repeat_signal (total of marks+spaces ->
> even number)
>  * *once_signal          *<OncePulses>:
>  *                       sequence to send once for command execution
>  * *repeat_signal        *<RepeatPulses>:
>  *                       sequence to send repeatedly for command repetition
>  */

Please ensure your lines are <=80 chars.

> /*
>  * Read from string:
>  * Allocates memory for once/repeat_signal in result, caller is responsible
>  * for deallocation.
>  */



> #define PRONTO_FMTID_RAW_MOD    0x0000 /* – raw oscillated code (with
> carrier) */
> #define PRONTO_FMTID_RAW_UNMOD  0x0100 /* – raw unmodulated code (no
carrier) */


> /*
>  * - predefined formats:
>  */
> #define PRONTO_FMTID_UDB_INDEX  0x8000 /* – index to UDB */
>       /* - variable length: */

beginning of line, please.

> #define PRONTO_FMTID_VAR_PREDEF 0x7000 /* – predefined code of variable
> length */
>       /* - fixed length: */


I would remove the "- " from the first "predefined formats" line, so that
these to will stick out to the right with the "- ", since that seems to be
your goal. But please don't indent the comments.

> /*
>  * Translate a return value into an actual error message. Pass in the int
>  * you received, get back a string.
>  */
> const char *pco_strerror(int err)

Remove blank line, please.

> {
>       switch (err) {
>               case PCO_RETURN_OK:
>               return "Success";

Extra indent, please.

>               break;
>               case PCO_ERROR_BAD_CODE:
>               return "Bad Pronto Hex format";


>               break;
>               case PCO_ERROR_OUTOFMEM:
>               return "Memory allocation failed";


>               break;
>               case PCO_ERROR_NOT_IMPL:
>               return "Function not yet implemented";


> /*
>  * read a hex word from source string:
>  */
> int _get_hex_word(char **a_string, char *string_end, uint32_t *result)

No blank line, please.

> {
>       int chars_read;
>       int err = 0;
>       if (*a_string <= string_end) {
>               err = sscanf(*a_string, "%4x%n", result, &chars_read);
>               if (err == 1) {

You probably want if err != -1. My understanding of %n is that you cannot
rely on it to not increment the "number of matched items." So really you
want to make sure you didn't err.

> /*
>  * read from string:
>  */
> int pco_sscanf_pronto_code(char *hex_string,
>              struct pco_pronto_code *pronto_code)
> {
>       char *hs_cursor = hex_string;
>       char *hs_end    = hex_string + strlen(hex_string) - 1;
>       uint32_t next_word;
>       uint32_t index = 0;

This is only used as a loop counter, please define it in those loops.

>       /* hex_string contains blank-separated 4-digit hex numbers */
>       if (_get_hex_word(&hs_cursor, hs_end, &next_word) != 1 ) {

No trailing space please. I'll just point this out here and let you fix all
of them.

>       /*
>        * following are lengths of once_signal and repeat_signal, counting
>        * mark/space duration pairs. We multiply them by 2 to store the total
>        * number of durations (marks + spaces) for each code:
>        */


>       /* allocate memory for sequences: */
>       if (pronto_code->once_signal_length > 0) {
>               pronto_code->once_signal   =
>                      calloc(pronto_code->once_signal_length, 
> sizeof(uint32_t));


>       }
>       if (pronto_code->repeat_signal_length > 0) {
>               pronto_code->repeat_signal =
>                      calloc(pronto_code->repeat_signal_length, 
> sizeof(uint32_t));

Line length.

>       }
>       for (index = 0; index < pronto_code->once_signal_length; index ++) {


Does "index ++" even compile?

>               if (_get_hex_word(&hs_cursor, hs_end, &next_word) != 1 ) {
>               return PCO_ERROR_BAD_CODE;

Extra indent.

>               }
>               pronto_code->once_signal[index] = next_word;
>       }
>       for (index = 0; index < pronto_code->repeat_signal_length; index ++) {
>               if (_get_hex_word(&hs_cursor, hs_end, &next_word) != 1 ) {
>               return PCO_ERROR_BAD_CODE;

Extra indent.

>               }
>               pronto_code->repeat_signal[index] = next_word;
>       }
>       return PCO_RETURN_OK;
> }
> /*
>  * Conversion between different kinds of Pronto codes and IR signal streams:
>  */


> int _convert_raw_mod(struct pco_pronto_code source, uint32_t carrier_cycle,
>       uint32_t repetitions, uint32_t **ir_signal, uint32_t *ir_signal_length)
> {
>       uint32_t source_index = 0;

This is only used in the for loop below, so please define it there.

>       uint32_t ir_signal_index = 0;
>       uint32_t repeat_count = 0;

Please define repeat_count in the loop it's used in.

Please define ir_signal_index just before the first loop it's in. Normally I
wouldn't care so much about that one, but it'll make it more obvious there
are two counters in that loop which is otherwise a bit confusing.

>       /* basic validity check : */
>       if (((source.once_signal_length > 0) && (source.once_signal == NULL)) ||
>               ((source.repeat_signal_length > 0) && (source.repeat_signal == 
> NULL)) ||


>       /*
>        * alternating pairs of uint32_t wLEDflash, uint32_t wLEDoff in units
>        * of carrier cycles: just convert to microseconds and copy to 
> ir_signal:
>        */


>       /*
>        * add OnceSeq:
>        */
>       for ( source_index = 0; source_index < source.once_signal_length;
> source_index++ ) {

No head/tail space. Line-length.

>       /*
>        * add RepeatSeq as many times as requested:
>        */
>       for ( repeat_count = repetitions; repeat_count > 0; repeat_count-- ) {
>               for ( source_index = 0; source_index < 
> source.repeat_signal_length;
> source_index++ ) {

No head/tail space. Line-length.

>                       (*ir_signal)[ir_signal_index++] =
>                               carrier_cycle * 
> source.repeat_signal[source_index];
>               }
>       }
>       return PCO_RETURN_OK;


> int _convert_nec_0(struct pco_pronto_code source, uint32_t carrier_cycle,
>       uint32_t repetitions, uint32_t **ir_signal, uint32_t *ir_signal_length)
> {
> /*    uint32_t mark_cycles    = 0;
>       uint32_t space_cycles    = 0;
> */
>       return PCO_ERROR_BAD_CODE;
> } /* convert_nec_0 */

Please use a more verbose name, or at least add a good comment. What's nec?

Also, this function does nothing... why?

> /*
>  * decode Pronto format to ir signal stream and carrier clock.
>  * repetitions determines the repetitions of repeat_signal
>  * part of the pronto code - 0 means that repeat_signal is
>  * not included at all.
>  */
> int pco_pronto_to_ir_signal(
>       struct pco_pronto_code source, uint32_t repetitions,

the first parameter can fit on the first line.

>       /*
>        * convert carrier freq from Pronto cycles to Hz and µs:
>        */
>       if (source.carrier_clock_divider != 0 ) {
>               *carrier_freq = PRONTO_CLOCK/source.carrier_clock_divider;
>               carrier_cycle = 1000000/(*carrier_freq);    /* in

Please use spaces before/after the math operators.

Please put the comment on the line above, but itself. That's (a) the
preferred style in concordance and (b) will keep it from line wrapping.

> microseconds */
>       }
>       switch (source.format_id) {
>       case PRONTO_FMTID_RAW_MOD: /* learned (raw) cmds */
>               err = _convert_raw_mod(source, carrier_cycle, repetitions, 
> ir_signal,
> ir_signal_length);
>               break;

In general, I prefer this indentation-style of switch-statements, but it's
not what our codebase uses, so please conform.

Also, you have significant line-length issues.

>               /*
>                * basically the same as raw_mod, just no modulation with 
> carrier.
>                * Replacing dummy carrier from Pronto format ; on/off times are
>                * still multiples of (dummy) carrier cycles in pronto code:
>                */
>               *carrier_freq = 0;
>               err = _convert_raw_mod(source, carrier_cycle, repetitions, 
> ir_signal,
> ir_signal_length);

I don't quite follow. If the carrier_freq is dummy in this case, then
doesn't carrier_cycle not make any sense the way you calculated it above?

Also, line-length.

>               break;
>       /*
>        * Predefined formats have different structure, but for the reason of
>        * compatibility with format 0000, fields wFrqDiv, nOnceSeq, nRepeatSeq
>        * leave as dummy, so that code “looks” the same.
>        * aOnceSeq and aRepeatSeq are replaced with sCode, that consist real
>        * code info. Also, nOnceSeq and nRepeatSeq must meet the condition
>        * (nOnceSeq + nRepeatSeq) * 2 = sizeOf(sCode):
>        * Carrier clock is usually determined by the encoding, so it has to
>        * be returned by the encoding functions.
>        */


> ---       14 Apr 2008 01:55:46 -0000      1.7
> +++       26 Apr 2009 22:14:23 -0000
> @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
>  bin_PROGRAMS = concordance
> -concordance_SOURCES = concordance.c
> +concordance_SOURCES = concordance.c prontocodes.h prontocodes.c

No, just the C file which will include the header file.

> --- concordance.c     6 Apr 2009 20:34:48 -0000       1.38
> +++ concordance.c     26 Apr 2009 22:14:23 -0000
>  char get_cmd(char *prompt, char *allowed, char def) {
>       char result = 0;
>       char got_key;
> @@ -274,7 +302,7 @@ int learn_ir_commands(uint8_t *data, uin
>               }
>               printf("\nKey name : <%s> : \n", key_names[index]);
>               user_cmd = get_cmd(
> -                     "[L]earn, [N]ext, [P]revious, [Q]uit",
> +                     "[L]earn, Pronto [H]ex code, [N]ext, [P]revious, 
> [Q]uit",

Line length

> +                     case 'H':
> +                     case 'h': /* requested to get Pronto (from stdin): */
> +                             err = get_pronto_code(&carrier_clock, 
> &ir_signal,
> +                                     &ir_signal_length);
> +                             if (err != 0) {
> +                                     printf("??? Failed: %s - try again!\n",
> +                                             pco_strerror(err));

How about a nicer error message. Like:

   Decoding Pronto Hex code failed: %s


Phil Dibowitz                   
Open Source software and tech docs        Insanity Palace of Metallica         

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter
 and those who matter don't mind."
 - Dr. Seuss

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