Christian Edward Gruber wrote:
Trygve Laugstøl wrote:

1.0 to a 1.1 is not the time when you break an API. You can add stuff with minor released, but not break things. This is the versioning conventions used for all Maven-related projects. Perhaps trunk should be 2.0, but as long as it's 1.1 it can't break the API.

Well, in the Java world, this convention (While good) is not very well followed. I agree, however, that 1.1. should be backwards compatible in a good versioning system, so I support your notion that trunk should be 2.0. I think there is enough change that is substantial enough in operation and features that 2.x is probably a more useful description. This isn't a small increment in functionality.

It is the standard we've been following for years.

IMO there isn't a whole lot of features, just a bunch of (very useful) enhancements. To me there is no reason to break the existing API as from what I can tell there haven't been any fundamental changes in the APIs and concepts on how Continuum works.

This is in no way meant as a critique to all the hard work all the guys has been putting in Continuum. I've heard nothing but good stuff from all the people I have gotten to try out Continuum trunk, many who are still running it in production. I thank all of you for your hard work!


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