I've updated the white site with brett's suggestions and a few of my suggested modifications... please don't hesitate to comment.


Brett Porter wrote:
I was looking at the white site, and had some additional feedback:


Here, It isn't appropriate to list multiple builds, as only one build was performed. However, there are actually a series of steps as part of this release - so maybe its better to list them out? Especially if one fails and terminates the process.

(/) check for modifications
(/) modify poms
(x) perform test build
 - show failure & output.

For the first one, you might see it fails and show the files that have modifications, etc. (this is unlikely on continuum, so is of less importance).


We need to sort out how perform works. Having to enter everything is a bit tedious if you've just done a prepare.

To save DB trickery, how about this: we keep a list of prepared releases in memory and remove them when they are performed.

That way this page could have a radio for "Perform release prepared this session" with a dropdown of those releases, and one for "Perform release from previous SCM tag". Both go to the same screen, but the first prepopulates everything.

Same feedback for release finish (here we probably just want the build output).

Also think about having that "build in progress" page in the middle using webwork's action in a background. Worth adding that screen in the white site, and just have a link on there that says "I'm impatient, check again now" :)

Overall, looking nice!

- Brett

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