I'm ok too, but I don't have the time to work on it.


Olivier Lamy a écrit :
Agree to start processing this.

If I can help I will.


2007/12/20, Brett Porter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
So, what's next?

This seems generally in favour - now might be a good time to get
started on it?

 From past experience the steps would be:
- poll the current maven committers to see who is interested in
participating in the TLP
- draft a resolution with those committers as the initial PMC
- vote on sending the resolution to the board

The board next meets in mid-January.

Any thoughts on moving forward with this?

- Brett

On 24/09/2007, at 6:59 AM, Wendy Smoak wrote:

On 9/21/07, Emmanuel Venisse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

So I think it would be good for Continuum to become a Top Level
Project at ASF and the continuum community will have more chance to

My concern for the moment is we don't have enough committer from
different companies, To be stable, at least 3 committers from
different companies would be good.
It definitely feels like it's time for this to happen, or at least to
start the process.  Assuming there is general agreement here, let's
talk about it on [EMAIL PROTECTED] and see who else might be interested in
joining us in a TLP.

IMO, anyone who has access to the code now as part of Maven is welcome
to come along when it moves out, or at any point in the future.
That's how we handled the Tiles move (from Struts) and it worked well.


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