
Actually, we don't accept parameters in pom, so you need to replace ${user.name} with a real user name.

You can see the effective cvs command line run by continuum in logs.


Rafael Silva a écrit :

    I'm using Continuum with Maven in my project (opensource project), and I'm using a "extssh" connection to 
the CVS. I put my project.xml file on "Maven 1.x Project". I can see my project at the "Show 
Projects". When I click to build, it left just 1 second and stop. No logs were created. I think that what happens 
with it is the type of my connection ("extssh" - scm:cvs:ext:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/persapiens/cvs:base). 
May someone help me about this?! I'd like to know if I can use extssh connection, or I need to change my type of 

Thanks in advance,

Rafael Silva
Bolsista PIBIC

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