Li Fri, 23 Aug 2002 23:42:42 +0200 (CEST),
 Reinout van Schouwen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> scrijheut:

 RvS> I'm trying to add the Lucida TTF fonts from the J2SDK to Mandrake 9b3,
 RvS> but for some reason I don't succeed. I'm not sure if this is a bug or if
 RvS> I'm forgetting something:

 RvS> I copied the fonts directory to /usr/share/fonts/ttf/ . It already
 RvS> contains a fonts.dir. I added the new directory to /etc/X11/fs/config like
 RvS> desribed on http://www.mandrakeuser.org/docs/xwin/xfont.html.

 RvS> OpenOffice.org now can use these fonts, but GNOME2 somehow doesn't see
 RvS> them.

Gnome2 doesn't uses X11 fonts if GDK_USE_XFT is enabled; instead it uses
fotns trough Xft.

For that you need:

1. to ensure that the path were your scalable fonts are is listed in
   a "dir" keyword in /etc/X11/XftConfig (the directory 
   "/usr/share/fonts/ttf/" isn't listed by default; I suggest you use
  instead for your manually added fonts "/opt/ttfonts" or you can
  also create a user specific $HOME/.xftconfig file with a line
         dir "/path/to/where/your/fonts/are/"
  in it.
2. to ensure that there is an XftCache file in that directory; go to
   it and run " xftcache . "

That's it, now your new fonts are accessible by Xft-aware programs;
 RvS> It does show other fonts listed in drakfont.

Fonts added trough drakfont are visible because the directory where drakfont
puts them is listed in the default XftConfig file.

 RvS> ...Lucida TTF fonts from the J2SDK...

Where are the J2SDK files installed ?
The XftConfig file has the two following lines:

# Sun JDK fonts
dir "/usr/java/jdk1.3/jre/lib/fonts"
dir "/usr/java/j2re1.4.0/lib/fonts"

should other paths be added too ?

Ki ça vos våye bén,
Pablo Saratxaga

On n'est point l'ami d'une femme quand on peut être son amant.

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