On Mon, Aug 12, 2002 at 11:10:52AM +0200, Frédéric Crozat wrote:
> Yes, I'm sure of that.. Evolution is one of the best Email client
> available on Linux and I want to have a fully working evolution when
> people install Evolution package..

I have had no end of trouble with evolution.  I leave myself logged in 
all the time and my wife pops open a terminal and "su"s as herself then
runs evolution to read her e-mail.

All the time she either has to "oaf-slay" or "rm -rf
/tmp/orbit-<userid>" in order to get the blasted thing to work.  I have
the latest versions of all relevent libraries.  This problem has been
going on for some time (search the archives of this list).

Also, evolution does not seem to clean itself  up very well.
It seems to always fork new oaf processes and various other things,
until one day I had no more open file descriptors left on my system,
and had to kill -9 a zillion oafd and wombat processes.

So, from my vantage point anyways, evolution is a ways away from
becoming "fully working".  Maybe someday I'll teaach my wife how to use
mutt :)

Ryan T. Sammartino
I am a deeply superficial person.
                -- Andy Warhol

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