RE: java.lang.String#contentEquals(CharSequence) suboptimal?

2010-01-04 Thread Jesús Viñuales
Hi Alex, String.equals already performs that instanceof comparison, and is one of the first to be inlined by the hotspot. What I would do is to turn it... this.equals(cs) instead of cs.equals(this). Which would only improve performance if you have classes implementing CharSequence other than

RE: java.lang.String#contentEquals(CharSequence) suboptimal?

2010-01-04 Thread Jesús Viñuales
That's true, but given cs is a String with length equal to this, cs.equals(this) nevertheless may return false, and if (cs.equals(this)) return true; will not return. The remaining code performs the comparison a second time in this case. Oh, now I see it - you are absolutely right

RE: Gap Buffer based AbstractStringBuilder implementation

2009-11-22 Thread Jesús Viñuales
Osvaldo Doederlein wrote: Em 22/11/2009 05:55, Thomas Hawtin escreveu: There is a security issue there. When multiple threads are involved, it is possible (though not necessily easy) to create a mutable String if the backing char[] is shared. Tom Hawtin That's true. But there's

RE: nonNull and similar methods [was Re: First round of java.util.Objects for code review (bug 6797535)]

2009-10-14 Thread Jesús Viñuales
I agree with Stephen. There are a slew of validation methods that would be beneficial, and if you really want to drive the JDK towards standard validation, refactor them out into a Validation class. Look at what Spring has written for themselves:

RE: Adding a fixate method to StringBuilder and StringBuffer.

2009-04-16 Thread Jesús Viñuales
Paolo, Look at this bug evaluation to get further information about what Tom told you yesterday. I'm afraid that there is nothing to do here... because an optimization based on buffer-sharing + copy-on-write has several problems

RE: API change proposal: String concatenation boost

2008-09-30 Thread Jesús Viñuales
Hi all. I have measured the number of AbstractStringBuilder method invocations when executing NetBeans 6 (and making some work for 5 minutes) and when executing for a while a Glassfish V2 with a typical web application (Struts+Spring+Hibernate). These are the interesting and empirical results: