The Fox News reports were yanked by Fox without explanation.
We've collected them from private archives and reposted:

When the series first appeared it seemed to be another case
of Israel bashing, in particular the parts that rehashed years-old
allegations (we've linked to a 1996 GAO report cited by Fox,
and other alleged participants' Web sites). And the series may 
well be calculated disinformation, if not by Fox then by its sources. 

However, Fox's unexplained yanking the series is worth noting.
Except for a few comments on the Net, I do not know of mainline
media follow-up on the reason for the yank. 

If Fox found that the reports are in error, that is the sort of
thing that usually brings heat from competitors.

If the yank was due to government intervention that would
indeed be news, but hardly unprecedented these days.

If the yank was due to private intervention that too would be
worth learning about -- who, when, why.

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