[cs-lisp] re:4: defun kullanmayi denemistim zaten..

2007-11-06 Başlik ffffe7afffff0layan
(defun akor-salla (let* ((t (random 116)) (m (+ t (random 3) 2)) (d (+ t (random 3) 5))) (list t m d))) AKOR-SALLA CG-USER(3): (akor-salla) Error: AKOR-SALLA got 0 args, wanted 3 args. ||defun kullan cevabinin

[cs-lisp] sual 4; degiskensiz fonksiyon tanimlama?

2007-11-05 Başlik ffffe7afffff0layan
(define (akor-salla) (let* ((t (random 116)) (m (+ t (random 3) 2)) (d (+ t (random 3) 5))) (list t m d))) Bunu PLT Scheme ..module de calistirabiliyorum. Peki define yerine CL'de hangi macro'yu kullanabirim. __ Do

[cs-lisp] sual 3

2007-11-04 Başlik ffffe7afffff0layan
Listemi islemden gecirip her bir elemaninin basina sira no'sunu nasil ekleyebilirim. __ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com ___ cs-lisp

[cs-lisp] recursive function

2007-11-01 Başlik ffffe7afffff0layan
I try to replace some elements of a list through using recursive function; but i cannot. Can you advise me? Function: replace a with e, and b with d. (defun replace (lst) (cond ((null lst) 1) ((eq lst 'a) 'e) ((eq lst 'b) 'd)

[cs-lisp] recursive and 'prog'

2007-11-01 Başlik ffffe7afffff0layan
I want to write a function using recursive function, which prints the first let's say 15 cubes (1, 8, 27, 64..). H o w ? How could it be with non-recursive function? __ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection