>>>>> "BM" == Bulent Murtezaoglu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    BM> Bu arada yani gelenler icin anket yapacak miyiz?  Ne soralim?

    BM> Arthur Lemmens'in ve Kenny Tilton'un sorularini da koyayim
    BM> buraya, bunlardan birseyler cikar belki:

    BM> Road to Lisp sorulari:

    BM> When did you first try Lisp (meaning here and throughout the
    BM> survey "any member of the Lisp family") seriously, and which
    BM> Lisp family member was it?

    BM> What led you to try Lisp?

    BM> If you were trying Lisp out of unhappiness with another
    BM> language, what was that other language and what did you not
    BM> like about it, or what were you hoping to find different in
    BM> Lisp?

Profil cikarma ve ugrasan insanlarin teknik gecmisi sudur, tarzlari,
sektörleri, vs. budur demek acisindan bence bu sorular uygun. 

Daha önceki muhabbetlerde bu tür listelerin "akilli bir Lispciye
projeyi emanet ettik, güzel de yapiyor ama ya adama otobüs carpar
da ölürse o zaman hemen onun yerine birini bulabilir miyim ki
Lispten anlayan?" sorusuna olumlu yanit verme amacina hizmet
ettigi gündeme gelmisti. Türkiye icin de benzer amaca hizmet eder
mi ya da baska islere yarar mi?

    BM> How far have you gotten in your study of Lisp? (I know, that
    BM> is hard to measure)

    BM> What do you think of Lisp so far?

    BM> --------------- Lisp Users Questionnaire
    BM> -----------------------------

    BM> - First name:

    BM> - Last name:

    BM> - Email address:

Emre Sevinc

eMBA Software Developer         Actively engaged in:
http://emba.bilgi.edu.tr        http://ileriseviye.org
http://www.bilgi.edu.tr         http://fazlamesai.net
Cognitive Science Student       http://cazci.com

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