-Caveat Lector-  Oklahoma: MSM attacks 9/11 truth Congressional candidate
< http://www.total411.info/2006/08/oklahoma-msm-attacks-911-truth.html >
[ http://www.total911.info/2006/08/oklahoma-msm-attacks-911-truth.html ]

"The Worst Newspaper in America" is attacking an independent Congressional candidate who is calling for a real investigation for 9/11. >From Daily Oklahoman August 19, 2006:
"While Mary Fallin and Mick Cornett have tried to win Republican voters int eh 5th District Congressional race, an independent seeking office has gone about advancing 9/11 conspiracy theories. Matthew Woodson sent an e-mail this week that mentioned a "controlled demolition" of one of the buildings that collapsed near the Twin Towers. "Any objective observer realizes that domestic criminals must have been involved with the horrors of 9/11."

That kind of malarkey, similar to state House candidate Charles Key's fixation with the Oklahoma City bombing, costs a candidate all credibility.
This tip was courtesy Spelunking through the Chaos, which also points out this previous apoplectic outbreak of The Daily Oklahoman August 15:
"EVEN BEFORE the smoke cleared on the bombing of the Murrah Building, conspiracy theorists began speculating not only on who had done the deed but on how the explosives in a rental truck could not have done so much damage.

Given that the events of Sept. 11, 2001, were witnessed by so many, we didn't think conspiracy theorists could find much fodder in the destruction of the World Trade Center. We were wrong. People with apparently nothing better to do are claiming the Twin Towers, subject of a Oliver Stone movie that premiered last week, were brought down by explosives rather than by the jumbo jets that were flown into them.

This sick and twisted theory joins a long list of 9/11-related garbage spewing mostly from people who dislike — to put it mildly — President Bush. Indeed, the key difference between the Murrah bombing conspiracy theorists and the 9/11 version is that the former are generally from the rabid right and the latter are definitely in the loony left.

[blah blah blah]

  • Check out Woodson's campaign website.


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