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1 August 2001   Met considers introduction of stun gun

The UK Metropolitan Police service (Met) would like to see the introduction of one or 
more less-lethal weapons by the end of this year, the force has confirmed.

The Met said the weapons, which could include the Air Taser or other electrical 
devices, could be carried in the vehicles of patrolling firearms teams as a 
less-lethal complement to their existing weapons. It said the Tasers could also be 
used by officers in the Tactical Support Group.

Tasers are one of a number of weapons that could form a short list of less-lethal 
weapons, due to be drawn-up later this year, said the Home Office.

A Home Office spokeswoman said the research into non-lethal weapons was continuing. 
'We are drawing up a shortlist of the non-lethal weapons which will be ready later 
this year. The work is being carried out in conjunction with ACPO [the Association of 
Chief Police Officers] and the Northern Ireland Office. Northamptonshire Police and 
the Met are certainly interested in the initial results.'

According to the Home Office, Tasers have been used by hundreds of police departments 
in the United States since the 1970s. The Taser fires barbs into the body, down which 
electrical current is passed. Muscle control is lost and subjects usually fall to the 
ground or 'freeze' on the spot, said the Home Office.

Northamptonshire Police has been researching the use of Tasers and a series of 
accuracy tests were recently completed.

Insp Peter Boatman, who is conducting the research for the force in conjunction with 
the Home Office, said the testing of the US-made M26 Advanced Air Taser on static 
targets at five-, 10- and 20-foot ranges had achieved a 100 per cent hit rate.

According to a force spokeswoman, the battery-powered Taser is being considered by the 
force as a 'less-lethal' option which, if circumstances permitted, could be used in 
preference to a firearm.

The Taser resembles a handgun in size and shape and has a maximum range of 21 feet. It 
fires two darts connected to the weapon by cables that can transmit an electric charge 
through up to two inches of clothing. The darts and cable are contained in a 
reloadable cartridge. 'Not one of the probes missed the target,' Mr Boatman said. 
'That was on a still target in the open air with a crosswind.'

Mr Boatman said testing would now progress to moving targets, though he said no 
decision had been made on exactly how this would be carried out.

He said further research would also examine training issues and how the weapon would 
be deployed in an operational capacity alongside police firearms. He said basic 
training in use of the Taser takes around four hours, and he was confident that with 
sufficient practice an officer would be able to reload the weapon in under a second.

The force spokeswoman stressed the Taser was not being considered as a standard-issue 
weapon for frontline officers. Mr Boatman said that if it was ever adopted it would be 
issued to officers who had already received firearms training.

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