-Caveat Lector- "The Supreme Court ruled narrowly Monday that Congress gave President Bush the power to hold an American citizen without charges or trial, but said the detainee can challenge his treatment in court." 


The Political 'Fahrenheit' Sets Record at Box Office
Published: June 28, 2004
Michael Moore's "Fahrenheit 9/11," spurned by Disney, was released on 868 screens nationwide, including at Lincoln Plaza in Manhattan.
LOS ANGELES, June 27 â Michael Moore's anti-Bush "Fahrenheit 9/11" became the highest-grossing feature-length documentary of all time on its first weekend in release, taking in $21.8 million as it packed theaters across the country this weekend. The movie, mocking President Bush and criticizing his decision to go to war in Iraq, was No. 1 at the box office, beating out the popular comedies "White Chicks" and "DodgeBall," which were playing on almost triple the number of screens. Theater owners in large cities and smaller towns reported sellout crowds over the weekend, with numerous theaters declaring house records.  The phenomenal opening represented a decisive victory for Mr. Moore and for the Miramax movie executives Harvey and Bob Weinstein, who released the film independently after it was rejected by Miramax's corporate parent, the Walt Disney Company, as too political....."The biggest news to me this morning is this is a red-state movie," he said, referring to the state whose residents voted for George W. Bush in the 2000 election. "Republican states are embracing the movie, and it's sold out in Republican strongholds all over the country."....

Bush Can Hold U.S. Citizens Without Trial
Monday June 28, 2004  By ANNE GEARAN  Associated Press Writer
WASHINGTON (AP) - The Supreme Court ruled narrowly Monday that Congress gave President Bush the power to hold an American citizen without charges or trial, but said the detainee can challenge his treatment in court.  The 6-3 ruling sided with the administration on an important legal point raised in the war on terrorism. At the same time, it left unanswered other hard questions raised by the case of Yaser Esam Hamdi, who has been detained more than two years and who was only recently allowed to see a lawyer. The administration had fought any suggestion that Hamdi or another U.S.-born terrorism suspect could go to court, saying that such a legal fight posed a threat to the president's power to wage war as he sees fit.

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