-Caveat Lector-

The Wall Street lawyers explained to Eisenhower the prevailing new psychology
of affluence and convinced him that the new affluent majority would elect a
Republican. Thus they successfully persuaded him to be a Republican. With the
healthy economy the new wage-earner capitalists, with a vested interest in
maintaining the status quo, readily voted for Eisenhower on the Republican
ticket. Eisenhower's Wall Street lawyer-managers cxplained to him that he had
been able to win the war because of the vision, courage, and ingenuity and
the productive power of American free enterprise. They convinced Eisenhower
that "the U.S.A. is, in fact, free enterprise." They also convinced him that
the Democrats' New Deal was socialism and therefore the inherent enemy of
free enterprise.

As soon as the Wall Street lawyers had Eisenhower in office in 1952, they
instructed him to break loose all the economic controls of the New Deal. They
had him cut all price controls, all rent controls, all interest-rate
controls; they had him terminate anything that was stymieing the making of
big money by big business. For instance, they persuaded Eisenhower to allow
the insurance companies to invest their vast funds in common stocks. Before
Ike's liberation of the insurance companies they were allowed to put their
funds only in "Class A" bonds and similar investments. Cheered by the
capitalist-owned sector of the press, his Wall Street lawyer-advisors for a
long time had Ike feeling like a great liberator.

The Wall Street lawyers' grand strategists put the Wall Street lawyer John
Foster Dulles in as Ike's Secretary of State to dictate the American foreign
policy of "Soviet containment," and Foster Dulles's Wall Street lawyer
brother Allen Dulles was put in as head of a new brand of absolutely
invisible, U.S.A-financed, capitalistic welfare department, the CIA,
established ostensibly to cold-war-cope with the secret-agent operations of
our enemies. So secret was their operation that the people of the United
States and its Congressional lawmakers had no idea of the size of the
unlimited funds given to the CIA, nor for what those unknown funds were
expended. The CIA and Allen Dulles had a U.S.A-signed blank check for X
amount of money to do X tasks. I call the CIA, "Capitalism's Invisible Army."

The great U.S.A. corporations, having been saved in 1933 by being only
"unilaterally socialized," and having in the subsequent fifteen years become
powerfully healthy from enormous war orders, immediately after Eisenhower's
election started escalating prices. Their logic was that the first
corporation head to increase prices in a given field of production would be
the first to be able to distribute that"upping"~profits to his stockholders
thereby to gain for himself greater economic management status and personal

As a long-time student of foreign investment I saw a pattern developing.
Between 1938 and 1940 I was on the editorial staff of Fortune magazine as its
science and technology consultant, and my researchers harvested all the
statistics for Fortune's tenth-anniversary issue, "U.S.A. and the World." In
that issue I uncovered and was able to prove several new socioeconomic
facts-for the first time in the history of industrial economics: (I) the
economic health of the American-or any industrial-economy was no longer
disclosed (as in the past) by the total tonnage of its product output, but by
the amount of electrical energy generated by that activity; tonnage had
ceased to be the criterion because (2) we were doing so much more given work
with so much less pounds of materials, ergs of energy, and seconds of time
per given function as to occasion ever newer, lighter, and stronger metallic
alloys, chemicals, and electronics. Though at that   time universally used as
the number-one guide to the state of economic health of any world -nation,
tonnage no longer represented prosperity. The amount of energy being
electrically generated and consumed became the most sensitive telltale of
economic health. Furthermore, I was able in that issue to study carefully all
the foreign investments made in America all the way back to its colinization
in the early seventeenth century. The ramifications of my studies in foreign
investments in Amenca and elsewhere are wide. An example of my findings
included discovery of the swift, post-American Revolution investment in
U.S.A. ventures by the British (East India Company-advised) financial world
as already mentioned.

I found a similar situation to be existent in World War U. As head mechanical
engineer of the U.S.A. Board of Economic Warfare I had available to me copies
of any so-called intercepts I wanted. Those were transcrtptions of
censor-listened-to intercontinental telephone conversations, along with
letters and cables that were opened by the censor and often deciphered, and
so forth. As a student of patents I asked for and received all the intercept
information relating to strategic patents held by both our enemies and our
own big corporations, and I found the same money was often operative on both
sides in World War II. The East India Company, whose flag I have shown to be
the origin of ours, was a private enterprise chartered by the British. Quite
clearly the East India Company didn't lose the American Revolution. The
British government lost the Revolution, and the East India Company swiftly
moved large amounts of its capital into U.S. America.

With World War II over I began to watch very closely the foreign investments
patterning and the strategic metals movements, especially of copper,   -but
those of silver and gold as well. In 1942 America had all the monetary
bullion gold in the world in the Kentucky hills, During World War 11 what was
called "the China Bloc"-which was the Sung family and others backing Chiang
Kai-shek-were able to persuade the American Congress that China had always
been corrupt and was eternally corruptible; to completely avoid communism in
China Congress should let them have $100 million worth of gold bullion ($2
billion at January 1980 gold pricing) to be taken out of the Kentucky hills.
Personally I don't think that gold ever went anywhere near China. I think it
went right into the Swiss bank accounts of some clever thieves. But with that
much gold out of the Pandora's box of the U.S.A. Kentucky hills vaults, it
provided a "gold lever" with which to progressively pry loose more and more
gold to be reintroduced into the "lifeblood" of world economic accounting.

After World War II, with only the one exception of the $100 million worth of
monetary gold bullion of the China Bloc, all the rest of the world's
international monetary gold bullion was residing in the Kentucky hills,
U.S.A., vaults. All countries outside America had gone off the gold standard.
In the course of international monetary negotiating that accompanied the
U.S.A's post-World War I inadvertent ascendency into being the master
economic state, and the U.S.A.'s post-World War II attempts to rehabilitate
the leading economies around the world by rehabilitating the economies of its
vanquished nations and thereby increasing international trading, the U.S.A.
was persuaded to re-establish the gold standard for accounting the
international balances of trade. Gold is the super-helicopter of the open
world-market-trading stratagems of the makers-of-money-for-self by the
legalized manipulation of the money equity of others, all unbeknownst to the
initial wealth equity-owning others. In 1934 Roosevelt's New Deal prohibited
the further use of gold by U.S.A. citizens or U.S.A. businesses.

By 1953 it became apparent that the Wall Street lawyers were moving the major
American corporations out of America. Of the 100 largest corporations in
America four out of five of their annual investment dollars in new machinery
and buildings for 1953 went exclusively into their foreign operations. This
four-fifths rate persisted for a score of years.

The Wall Street lawyers told Mr. Eisenhower that they didn't like the
overaltruistic social viewpoint of the Marshall Plan for helping
underdeveloped countries, They liked foreign aid, but not exclusively for the
development of underdeveloped countries. The Wall Street lawyers approved of
the "foreign aid" wherefore the U.S.A. continued with annual foreign-aid
commitments by Congress. The average annual foreign-aid appropriation has
been $4 billion (1950 value) per year over the twenty-seven-year period from
1952 to 1979, which amounted to a $100 billion total. Each new year's
foreign-aid bill had a rider that said that if American companies were
present in the country being aided, the money had to be spent through those
American companies. In the foreign countries the corporations and individuals
could again deal in gold.

Foreign aid paid for all the new factories and machinery of all the American
corporations moving out of America. This became a fundamental pattern: first
the 100 largest corporations, then the 200 largest corporations followed,
then what Fortune calls the 500 largest corporations. Moving out of America
could be done readily because a corporation is only a legal entity-it is not
a human being. It had no physical body to pass through immigration or
emigration. You and I cannot move out of America because we are physical-we
need a passport. A corporation does not.

So the Wall Street lawyers simply moved their prime corporate operations
elsewhere. It was clearly evident that with only 7 percent of the world's
population in the U.S.A., and with two cars already in many U.S.A. garages,
by far the major portion of further exploitation of the world's peoples'
needs and desires would develop outside of the U.S. of America. But the main
ohjective of the Wall Street lawyers was for the corporations to get out from
under the tax control of the American government. In 1933 the American people
had saved the corporations by subsidizing them; then, twenty years Cater, the
Wall Street lawyers moved them out of America, getting the American people to
pay for the move. This allowed the corporations to acquire gold equities
while the U.S.A. citizens and small domestic businesses could not do so.

Soon after Eisenhower's 1952 election to the presidency, the lawyers reminded
him once more that America clearly had won the war only through his brilliant
generalship backed up by American free enterprise, and said, "We want you to
stop the welfare-state-inclined American government from competing with free
enterprise.  You must cut out all the navy yards and the arsenals. They
compete against the free-enterprise corporation% which are much more
efficiently. You must turn all such production over to private industry, cut
out the U.S.A. post office and turn that over to private enterprise, cut out
the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and turn that over to the insurance
industry." Although much of this transfer of production from government to
private enterprise control was never completed, Eisenhower goaded on by his
lawyers initiated the flow of taxpayer-financed, highly trained personnel and
especially their technical know-how to private enterprise. This irreversible
trend continues on to the present day, as can be shown by the history of the
whole of the atomic energy tick.

Those acquainted with the story of the atomic bomb development remember the
momentous occasion when theoretical fission was discovered in 1939 by Hahn
and Stresernann in Germany and secretly communicated by them to American
physicists, who checked out their calculations and found them correct and
then persuaded Einstein to go to Roosevelt to tell him that this was so and
that Hitler's scientists were hot on the trail.

Franklin Roosevelt, exercising war powers given him by Congress, in effect
instantly appropriated $80 billion for what became known later as the
Manhattan Project. Later, that initial $80 billion appropriation was
supplemented by an additional $75 billion for a total of $155 billion of the
American people's money that went into developing atomic energy. The Wall
Street lawyers' grand strategists sent a man named Lewis Strauss to
Washington to "join in the World War II effort." Strauss was a partner in the
Wall Street banking house of Kuhn, Loch. He was also a brilliant son-in-law
of Adolph Ochs, president of The New York Times. Strauss was made an admiral
in gratitude for his forsaking Wall Street to help America win the war. After
the war Admiral Strauss was appointed to the Atomic Energy Commission; in
1953 Eisenhower named him commission chairman. Strauss and the Wall Street
lawyers persuaded Eisenhower that the Atomic Energy Commission must not be in
competition with capitalism and must be turned over to private enterprise So
it was—$ 155 billion worth of it, all of which had been paid for by the
American public—but it consisted of work so secret that only the scientists
who were intimate with the work understood it.

 All that was necessary to correct the situation Was to give contracts to
private enterprise to carry on the atomic work and to let the government's
scientists go to work for the private-enterprise corporations.

At this point the Wall Street lawyers and Strauss persuaded Eisenhower that
the United States Bureau of Standards' scientists were in competition with
private enterprise and must be curbed. Strauss assured Eisenhower that the
corporations would take on all the bureau's discarded scientists. What the
Wall Street lawyers' grand strategists realized was something momentous-to
wit . . . that in the new 99.9-percent invisible reality of alloys,
chemistry, electronics, and atomics, scientific and technical know-how was
everything. Physical land and buildings were of no further interest to
capitalism. Metaphysical know-how was the magic wand of the second half of
the twentieth-century world power structures. Physical properties were
subject to deterioration, taxable, and cumbersome. Advised to do so by their
lawyers, capitalism and private enterprise set about after World War II to
monopolize all strategic technological know-how-i.e., all metaphysical
properties-and to dump all physical properties. They called for an economic
program by which people would be forced to buy the apartments and houses-to
get all physical properties off capitalism's hands.

The post-Eisenhower era becomes most suitably identified as that of lawyer
capitalism and of "no-risk," sure-thing, free enterprise. The whole of atomic
development was know-how. Scientists had the know-how, and anybody without
their technical information could not even speak their language. The Know-How
Club, monopolized by lawyer capitalism, was a very tight club. Furthermore,
the nonmember four billion plus human beings on planet Earth knew nothing
about the invisible micro-macro, non-seasonally-tune-in-able reality. Large
private enterprise had now hired all the know-how scientists and engineers.
They seemingly could keep the public out of their affairs forever. The world
power structure had the U.S. government completely emasculate the Bureau of
Standards. There was an earnest and concerned battle by a few responsible
scientists to keep the bureau intact, but they were overwhelmed. Henceforth
all science must be done by the private corporations themselves or under
their subsidized university-college and private laboratory work. To
appreciate the extent of this know-how monopoly of the big corporations, one
need only look over the wording of the scientist and engineering help-wanted
advertisements of the big corporations in the many pages of The New York
Times Sunday business section or of their counterpart publications in other
big cities. In the invisible, esoteric world of today's science there is no
way for the American government or public, without the U.S.A. Bureau of
Standards' scientists, to follow the closely held technical secrets of the
big, profit-oriented corporations. To a small extent such popular journals as
Scientific American help people follow details of this-and-that special case
science without learning of the significance of the information in respect to
comprehensive socioeconomic evolution. No economic accounting books list
metaphysical assets. Metaphysics is held to be insubstantial-meaning in Latin
"nothing on which to stand." Patents can be granted only for special
cases-i.e., limited physical-practice applications of abstract generalized
principles, which principles alone are inherently metaphysical and
unpatentable, being only "discovered" and not invented." But physical patents
are capital.

We have two fundamental realities in our Universe-the physical and the
metaphysical. Physicists identify all physical phenomena as the exclusive
manifest of energy: energy associative as matter or disassociative as
electromagnetic behavior, radiation. Both of these energy states are
reconvertible one into the other. Because there is no experimental evidence
of energy being either created or lost, world scientist-philosophers now
concede it to be in evidence that Universe is eternally regenerative. The
physicists have found that energy will always articulate levers
electromagnetically, gravitationally, chemically by reactive forces, by
vibratory waves, etc. Metaphysics consists only of weightless, dimensionless,
abstract thoughts and mathematical principles that cannot lever physical
needles in respect to instrument dials. Energy in either of its states, being
physical, can be entered into the capital account ledgers.

The large issue today is the technical know-how that governs the
trans-formations of energy between its two states. "Know-how" is metaphysics.
Metaphysics now rules. When the head of one of the U.S.A.'s largest banks was
asked what "commodities" were involved in that bank's import-export dealings
with the rest of the world on behalf of the Chinese government, he answered
that know-how was the prime commodity being acquired by the Chinese through
that bank. I have spent a great deal of time since World War II in Japan,
dealing with their industrialists, and have personally witnessed the Japanese
acquisition by contracts of a whole complex of exquisitely specific packages
of industrial know-how, together with the respective follow-through
educational services-all acquired from, and performed by, engineering and
business-administration teams of many of the leading American corporations.

The post-World War II Japanese had already perceived that they did not need
to own the physical mines of metallic ores because they had learned also how
to carry on exclusively with the melting down and recirculating of the
world's metals, particularly those poured into the Orient and Western Pacific
islands by the U.S.A. during World War II in the form of now-obsolete-ergo,
"scrapped"-armaments. The essence of Japan's recent decades' economic success
has been the acquisition and realization of the
industrial-technology-know-how wealth existent exclusively in metaphysical
know-how, in contradistinction to strictly physical land properties, tools,
and end products. With all their pre-World War II machinery smashed the
Japanese and Germans acquired new, vastly improved industrial equipment with
which to realize their know-how production, whereas the World-War-LI-winning
U.S.A. and European Allies using their old technology became more preoccupied
with making money than in producing superior products. Because of the
foregoing it was now possible to maintain that hidden know-how capability
within private corporate walls. Since 99 percent of humanity does not as yet
understand science's mathematical language, less than 1 percent of humanity
is scientifically literate-ergo, the lawyers' strategy of tight
monopolization of scientific know-how within the scientifically staffed
corporations was highly feasible.

In 1929, at the time of the Great Wall Street Crash, only about 1 percent of
the U.S.A.'s big corporations had research departments. Now, half a century
later, all the big corporations have all the powerful research departments,
other than those in which pure scientists are engaged in academic work under
some corporate or government subsidy. Through the national defense budget's
armaments development, all the once risky research and development costs of
enterprise are paid for by the public through taxation. The big oil companies
knew long ago that humanity would ultimately run out of an adequate supply of
petroleum and other fossil fuels, though coal may last a thousand years.
That's why, by the means we have reviewed, the oil companies acquired control
of the know-how on atomic energy as well as all the atomic plants and
equipment paid for originally by the U.S.A. government. The power structure's
only interest is in selling energy-and only energy that they can run through
a meter. They're not in the least interested in anyone getting
windpower-except themselves. Very rich men love having their sailing yachts
wind-driven to Europe or the South Seas, but this is not for the people.
People's power must be piped or wired to them only through meters. When in
1972 all the power-structure capital had converted its dollars into gold,
oil, or other highly concentrated and mobile equities, then-President Richard
Nixon severed the U.S.A. dollar from its government-guaranteed gold equity
value of $35 per ounce, the U.S.A. people's dollar buying power
plummeted-now, in 1980, being worth only 5 cents of the 1971 U.S.A. dollar.

By 1974 much of the world's buying power landed in the lap of the Arabs, who
also sat atop the chief petroleum source of the world. In effect they had
both the money with which to buy their petroleum and the largest reserves to
be bought. If someone wanted to buy their petroleum, often they couldn't do
so, because few in the world had the monetary resources remaining with which
to do so. The Arabs realized they would have to lend out their money to work,
but they had no experience in such investment matters. The Arabs had no
knowledge of the vast industrial production and distribution technical and
administrative requirements. Nor had they any experience in the exploitation
of the world-energy industry prior to their own lands' exploitation by others
before the onslaught of the petroleum company giants. The Arabs had not known
how to discover, drill for, refine, and distribute the petroleum upon which
they had been sitting unwittingly for thousands of years.

So content were the Arab monarchs with the gratification of their every
physical desire-artfully heaped upon them personally by the capitalist
world's foreign-oil-exploiting functionaries-that they would never have taken
over the direct mastery of their petroleum affairs had not the
psycho-guerilla warfare between the capitalist and communist powers
deliberately aroused the Arabian peoples themselves, bringing pressure upon
their leaders to take over the foreigners' operations. Since their subsequent
epochal cnnchment, the Arabs' political leaders as well as the monarchs and
sheiks have bought everything of which they could dream, as stimulated by the
affluent acquisitions patterns in other economies. After vast stock and bond
investments, real estate and new building ventures in foreign countries, they
found that they could expend only a fraction of their monetary wealth. The
Arabs have now reached the dilemma of how to turn their monetary gold fortune
to important and lasting advantage. In 1977 the king of Saudi Arabia said to
a leading American banker with large oil interests, "My banks don't know
anything about international banking and major industrial accommodation." The
American banker said, "Would you like me to run your banks?" The king said,
"Of course." So the American banker did, and in the process he taught them
international and transnational industrial-finance management. There's no
question that the few who have title to Arabian oil find it essential to
amalgamate their operations with the world's great oil companies, which own
the vast equipment of world-around distribution and interaccounting
capabilities as well as the vast majority of refineries and petro-chemical
industries. The great oil companies control it all. In general they and
noncommunist Arabia are one and the same. The Organization of Petroleum
Exporting Countries' (OPEC) officialdom, regardless of national political
differences, is very probably run entirely by the oil corporations' trillions
of dollars of persuasiveness.

It is relevant at this point to note that the Arabs' inadvertent isolation of
both the physical-wealth items-(l) the underlying monetary gold and (2) the
prime negotiable energy commodity, petroleum-and their concurrent discovery
of their utter lack of know-how, clearly differentiated out the relative
values of (A) the purely physical petroleum and gold, and (B) the exclusively
metaphysical know-how wealth. It turned out that B was most in demand as well
as scarcest. The physical wealth was thus proved to be of approximately zero
value, while the metaphysical know-how wealth proved to be the prime economic
"good-health" constituent of wealth.

Moreover, those who own oil also own the atomic energy and have long ago
assumed that, if humanity exhausts or abandons oil, it will automatically
switch over to atomic energy. Humanity has had nothing to say about all this
because the know-how was so obscure and the lawyers' stratagems so invisibly
large. The lawyers' omnilegal international stratagems were and as yet are so
obscure, in fact, that no government authorities-let alone the public-knew
that the world energy monopoly's scientists had not taken into account
earthquakes, for instance, in the construction of New England atomic energy
plants, nor had the public or government anticipated that the intuitive
wisdom of humanity would develop such an antipathy to atomic energy as
eventually to force lawyer capitalism to fall back on its "ownable" coal
mines and shale for conversion into pipable and meterable liquid fuels. It is
as yet inscrutable to the public, government, and lawyer capitalism just how
strong literate humanity's intuitive wisdom will be in preventing the
full-scale conversion of coal and shale into liquid energy fuel when it
learns, as it has now been learned in a scientifically undeniable way, that
this selfishly exploitable energy fuel strategy will inexorably destroy the
atmosphere's capability of supporting biological life on planet Earth. Like
all fossil fuels coal gives off carbon dioxide when burned, but coal gives
off 25 percent more of it per unit of energy than oil and 50 percent more
than natural gas. Although carbon dioxide comprises less than 1 percent of
the Earth's atmospheric gases, this concentration has risen 17 percent since
preindustrial times and is expected to rise an equivalent amount in the next
twenty years. The "greenhouse" effect from the Sun's heat and increasing
amounts of this otherwise harmless gas could send average global temperatures
soaring by as much as 6 degrees Fahrenheit within fifty years according to a
U.S. government study. This unprecedented global environmental catastrophe
would be virtually irreversible for centuries. No one knows whether the
cessation of the waste radiation of atomic energy exploitation or the
cessation of coal and shale conversion into fluid fuel will occur in time to
permit the physical continuance of humans on planet Earth. What we do know
however, as we have previously stated, is (I) that, with the unselfish use of
technology, it is now possible to take care of all humanity at a higher
standard of living than any have ever experienced and do so on a sustaining
basis by employing only our daily energy income from Sun and gravity and (2)
that we can do so in time to permit the healthy continuance of humans on
planet Earth.

Now things are beginning to go wrong with atomic-power generation everywhere.
To start off with, neither the scientists nor the atomic plant
private-enterprise owners have any safe solution for what to do with
radioactive atomic wastes. Humanity's intuitions are logically aroused, and
public antipathy to atomic energy is rapidly expanding-despite billions of
dollars being spent by the world energy cartel in propaganda campaigns to
make the vast majority of people "go for" atomic energy. The second great
gasoline-line "pinch" of June 1979 was put upon the public by the invisible
energy-know-how cartel to painfully divert the public concern generated by
the Three Mile Island radiation accident and threat of a reactor "meltdown."
Though the public had reacted strongly against atomic plants, the sudden
energy supply squeeze administered by the oil companies made the general
public so energy hungry again that it stopped, for the moment, listening to
those who were attempting to curtail atomic energy plants. The "gas crisis"
re-established "rational" public yielding to governmental support of atomic
energy as the "answer" to the energy crisis.

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