-Caveat Lector-

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Date sent:              Wed, 15 Dec 1999 18:25:54 +0100
To:                     "English edition" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
From:                   Le Monde diplomatique <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>(r)
Subject:                West's autistic view of Russia

    Le Monde diplomatique

    December 1999

                         AS THE CHECHEN WAR CONTINUES

                        West's autistic view of Russia

    Conspiracy or chaos? Either way, not much good has come of eight years
      of Western "aid" to Russia and uncritical support for the group of
               free-marketeers around President Boris Yeltsin.

                                        by JACQUES SAPIR *

    Many Russians believe that the West's attitude to their country since
    1991 has been geared, consciously or unconsciously, to undermining
    their country. This applies at the level of both national governments
    and international organisations. The conspiracy theorists find
    confirmation of their view in the policies that have been recommended
    to the Russian leadership by a succession of high-handed foreign
    official experts since the winter of 1991. Their view was even more
    thoroughly confirmed by the economic crash of August 1998,
    particularly with the pressure for "reforms" coming from Western
    governments just at the time when Russia's financial institutions were
    collapsing. The Nato intervention in Kosovo added still further to
    their sense of being victims of a conspiracy and this is now reflected
    in Russia's new "military doctrine", revealed to the world in October,
    which takes a decidedly anti-Western stance (1).

    This reading of the world is indicative of a country in which people
    have no control over their destinies. The greater the gap between the
    authorities and society, the more such theories flourish. However, in
    this context the conspiracy view fails to tell the whole story.

    The International Monetary Fund (IMF) was initially set up as a way of
    helping capitalist countries through temporary balance of payments
    crises. It then became a prime mover in promoting liberal economic
    policy worldwide, and in late 1991 was given a key role in the
    business of channelling aid to Russia. It had no expertise in dealing
    with so-called "transitional" societies, let alone in resolving their
    crises. In its view, it had a scientific approach that was both
    infallible and universally applicable. As a result, in its handling of
    the issue of aid for Russia, it simply used its habitual concepts and
    means of intervention.

    In Russia, as in its dealings with other countries, the IMF made a
    priority of reducing inflation and cutting budget deficits, whatever
    the consequences. This meant adopting monetary and fiscal policies
    that ignored the very particular social and monetary circumstances in
    which businesses were operating, in the carry-over from the Soviet
    period. The deflationary drive succeeded, but at the price of a
    demonetarisation of the economy, a collapse of the tax base, and a
    freeing-up of the economy which in turn resulted in capital flight,
    the criminalisation of part of the Russian economy and the development
    of a purely speculative finance market around Russia's treasury bonds
    (the GKO). This monetary policy also led to an overvaluation of the
    rouble - a four-fold rise between January 1993 and December 1996 -
    which had disastrous consequences for Russian industry.

    The Asian crisis of 1997 and Russian crisis a year later provided a
    rude awakening. The crisis is still not past, and anyone who followed
    the violent differences of opinion between IMF economists and the
    World Bank in September-October 1998 would be tempted to think that
    the former had been overcome by a kind of scientific autism. True, the
    IMF's managing director Michel Camdessus made the notable admission
    that his organisation had contributed to creating an "institutional
    desert in an ocean of lies" in Russia (2), before announcing his
    resignation on 9 November. However, while remorse and admissions of
    guilt may have value in the confessional, they have little value in
    the business of economic policy, any more than they have in politics.

    In many instances Washington has played a determining role in
    decisions made by the G7 and the IMF. Their strategy has been a
    mixture of objectives that have been fixed and initiatives that have
    been more or less uncoordinated, a result of the progressive
    fragmentation of the decision-making process within the United States
    itself. In the former category we have nuclear, chemical and
    biological non-proliferation, together with integration of the Soviet
    Union (subsequently Russia) into the world economy. It was in the name
    of non-proliferation that Washington supported Moscow from 1990 to
    1993 in its resistance to demands for sovereignty from the Soviet
    republics, particularly in the case of Ukraine. Another constant has
    been the concern to prevent a brain-drain of Russian expertise to
    countries such as Iran and Iraq. This has seen the US, together with
    the European Union, funding a number of Russian research institutes
    dealing in military applications.

    The shortsightedness of the US political establishment in regard to
    developments in Russia derives in large part from a cultural
    unwillingness to study and understand the material and institutional
    conditions that underpin state structures and market relations in the
    countries with which it has to deal.

    This blinkered view is further aggravated by fears of a resurgence of
    the USSR - largely unfounded but nonetheless deeprooted. In its
    concern to avoid any possibility of a "communist comeback", US
    diplomacy has supported the group of liberals around Yeltsin, and uses
    the extent of their influence as its sole yardstick for success or
    failure of the economic transition. Effectively Washington has been
    supporting leaderships rather than processes. It has also devoted much
    energy to weakening the influence of Russian politicians whom it
    considers a threat to its friends. This was the case with the
    campaigns against Arkady Volsky (3) in 1992 and 1993, and against
    Yevgeny Primakov, prime minister from September 1998 until this May.

    On several occasions this strategy has led to the White House
    intervening in Russian political life, both directly and indirectly.
    For instance, during his showdown with the Russian parliament in 1993
    Yeltsin received explicit financial and political support from the US.
    During the first Chechen war President Bill Clinton was moved to
    compare Yeltsin to Abraham Lincoln. American financial aid and advice
    were key factors in the run-up to the presidential election in 1996.
    And Washington's promotion of free-market liberalism left no space for
    criticism or backtracking in the processes of privatisation and
    deregulation in Russia.

    This set of choices cannot be understood without analysing the
    fragmentation of the decision-making process in Washington. Conflict
    between the Pentagon - looking for a more gradual transition - and the
    State Department played an important role in the early 1990s. The US
    military showed far more concern about Russia's social and economic
    stability than Strobe Talbott, the US deputy secretary of state
    handling relations with Russia. In the course of 1993 the State
    Department got the upper hand, and this, together with an alliance
    with the US Treasury, resulted in priority being given to shortsighted
    policies of privatisation and economic austerity. The information
    supplied by the US security services on the real state of Russian
    society, and on the corruption and criminalisation of America's
    "friends" in Russia, was either systematically rejected or ignored.
    The most spectacular instance of this was a report which the Central
    Intelligence Agency (CIA) sent to Vice President Al Gore, only to have
    it returned with critical comments attached.

    This fragmentation also finds expression in the US' inability to
    conceptualise the Russian situation in overall terms. For instance the
    presence of US oil interests in the area of the Caspian Sea means that
    Washington has pursued aggressive policies in the region which work to
    the detriment of their political friends in Moscow. The US presence in
    Azerbaijan has become increasingly marked, either directly or via
    Turkey as middleman. In Ukraine its concern is to prevent any hint of
    a rapprochement with Russia, for fear of reviving the spectre of the

    For a final example of this lack of coherence we need only look to the
    eastward expansion of Nato. The Pentagon has been reticent on this
    front, but the State Department has been pushing it, partly under
    pressure from East European lobbies in the US, and partly as a way of
    weakening the EU.

    The conclusion is inescapable that the US has had a series of policies
    - rather than one coherent policy - in relation to Russia. It is a
    mixture of shortsightedness and hostility. The economic crisis of 1998
    and the corruption scandals of this year brought this lack of
    coherence into the open. So that the question currently being asked in
    Washington is "Who lost Russia?"

    Europe's policies - or lack of policy - are another factor in the
    equation. In France and Britain particularly, policy towards Russia
    has been framed within "IMF-speak", so that rather than seeking
    comprehensive solutions to the problems of social, political and
    economic change, it is just offering a set of formulas.

    Experts with a vested interest

    The EU has proved incapable of arriving at a clear and creative view
    of security issues in its relations with Russia. We may well ask
    whether such a shared vision will ever be possible, given that both
    economic interests and political cultures in Europe are so widely
    divergent. The economic crisis of 1998 led to noticeably closer
    relations between France and Germany, which distanced themselves from
    the US and began arguing for greater degrees of state intervention.

    As a result, neither Paris nor Bonn were as suspicious of Primakov as
    Washington. Britain and the US, on the other hand, became increasingly
    of one opinion, and this has greatly reduced the chances of developing
    a coherent European policy towards Russia.

    This political impotence is matched by an impotence at the economic
    level. While it is true that Europe's budget made ample provision for
    wide-ranging aid programmes in Eastern Europe (for instance the Phare
    programme for the countries of Central Europe, and the Tacis programme
    for Russia), the organisation of these programmes fast became a public
    scandal. Money was being channelled to Western consultants rather than
    to the needs of Russia's people and their economy.

    Much of this can be blamed on the bureaucratic procedures of the
    European Commission. But Europe's leaders have also been guilty of
    pursuing short-term interests, such as the disposal of the EU's
    agricultural surpluses under the guise of food aid to Russia, which
    has rarely been necessary and which has always been disastrous in its
    effects on Russian agriculture.

    Finally, no analysis of Western policy towards Russia would be
    complete without an account of the role played by overlaps of
    personnel - a role which has been extremely negative and has
    encouraged situations of collusion which have in turn opened the way
    for corruption. For instance, Robert Rubin, US Treasury Secretary from
    1996 to early 1999, had previously been head of the Russian department
    at Goldman Sachs, the bank that played a major role in opening up
    Russia's finance markets. His deputy, Lawrence Summers, who took over
    this year, is a former student of a deputy managing director of the
    IMF, Stanley Fisher. In recent years society dinner parties in New
    York have seen a growing presence of the "nouveaux Russes" (a pun on
    nouveaux riches) involved in the Bank of New York money-laundering

    In addition, a number of the economists who have been advising the US
    government as Russian experts also happen to be friends with Russia's
    leading free marketeers - in particular friends Anatoly Chubais - and
    with consultants working for speculative investment funds on Wall
    Street. A former leading CIA official, Fritz Ermarth, also a member of
    the National Security Council, has gone public with a criticism of the
    extent to which US government policy is influenced by US finance
    interests, which have invested massively in Treasury bonds issued by
    the Russian government (4).

    Unfortunately such practices are not confined to the US. Just to take
    the case of France, there has been a notable degree of overlap between
    the upper reaches of the French Treasury and the IMF. There have also
    been attempts by various Russian oligarchs to buy into the world of
    the media.

    Such overlaps of personnel and the influential role of these oligarchs
    do much to explain the present inability to formulate a coherent and
    progressive view of the transition in Russia, thereby fostering the
    atmosphere of collusion and its corollary, corruption. Regardless of
    its rights and wrongs, free-market ideology has often been no more
    than a smokescreen for all too easily identifiable financial interests
    that have sought to profit from the chaos which that ideology
    contributed to creating in the first place.

    * Director of studies at the Ecole des hautes études en sciences
    sociales. Author of Le Krach Russe, La Découverte, Paris, 1998.

    (1) See Krasnaja Zvezda, Moscow, 9 October 1999.

    (2) Libération, 31 August 1999.

    (3) He was a former adviser to Mikhail Gorbachev and in 1992-93 was a
    key proponent of a gradual and pragmatic transition. He joined the
    opposition alliance this year, after the agreement reached between
    Primakov and Yuri Luzhkov.

    (4) See "Testimony of Fritz W. Ermarth on Russian organized crime and
    money laundering before the House Committee on Banking and Finance",
    US Congress, 21 September 1999, Washington DC.

                                        Translated by Ed Emery


               ALL RIGHTS RESERVED © 1999 Le Monde diplomatique


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