As I'm sure you've heard and read, Utah's DPS/BCI is conducting
a DAILY computer records cross check on all 35,000 plus Utah CCW
holders, to see if any disqualifying record, writ, warrant or
other status has been issued in the previous 24 hour period.
Should a computer 'hit' take place, the CCW holder has their
permit suspended or revoked in real time. It would seem from
press reports that most of these 'hits' are misdemeanor warrants
or other minor judicial writs.

While I don't advocate allowing a known, convicted violent
criminal, or someone demonstrated as a clear and present threat
to themselves or others to retain a CCW permit, I have the
following concerns:

1- What other clearly definable group(s) have their criminal
records status checked by a state or federal computer
EVERY 24 HOURS? Paroled felons? Convicted child molesters?
Elected officials? Cops, prosecutors and judges? Journalists?

2- Are the 'warrants and writs' of such a nature that they
constitute legitimate grounds for revocation of a CCW permit?
Is 'failure to appear for overdue parking tickets' or 'didn't
get a city building permit before taking delivery of the new
Tuff-Shed' treated the same as 'interstate flight to avoid
prosecution or confinement?'

3- If we are revoking CCW permits on a given set of circumstances,
shouldn't we also revoke all other state-issued licenses and
governmental authority for the same reasons? If we can't trust
a person to carry a concealed firearm, how can we rust them to
drive, operate a business, practice a profession, hold an
office of public trust, profit or authority, vote, serve
on a jury, or exercise any other rights and responsibilities of

I think we need to closely look into this BCI program.
My political instincts tell me  it's nothing more than a
deliberate and overt abuse of administrative authority and a
'hack job' on CCW holders, to discredit them as a group and
justify further restrictions on CCW holders as a whole.

Your thoughts and proposals?

Scott Engen


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